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{{LSL Header}}
#REDIRECT [[:Category:LSL_Library]]
==Script Library==
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There are many [[script|scripts]] that have become buried in the [http://forums.secondlife.com/forumdisplay.php?f=15 Scripting Library forum], were lost with the death of the scripting forums, or sit idle in [[inventory|inventories]] that could be useful and should be more accessible.
Other scripters may be in the same situation. This wiki is a well-suited medium for a script library. Feel free to add your scripts to the script library by creating new pages for them and linking to those pages here.
Note that there are many more scripts in the LSL Library here, but you can't get to them if you don't know they exist, because they are subpages now, instead of an automatically updated category.  Good luck searching.
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== Rules for posting: ==
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#Your script must be tested and working. If it's not, stick it in your user-space until it is. This is a list of working, usable scripts.
#Add a link to your script's page here. Link back to this page from your script's page.
#Do not add scripts that duplicate the same functionality as an existing script. If yours does, explain why.
#Do not post simple scripts to the library. Simple scripts should be posted to the Examples list.
{| {{Prettytable}}
|{{Hl2}}| '''Name'''
|{{Hl2}}| '''Creator'''
|{{Hl2}}| '''Description'''
|| [[LSL Library/Hello Avatar|Hello Avatar]]
|| Linden Lab
|| SL's [[default]] script
|| [[LSL Library/Chat Logger (GPL)|Chat Logger (GPL)]]
|| [[User:Nobody Fugazi|Nobody Fugazi]]
|| Chat logger which requests permission from participants before recording them.
||[[LSL Library/Day of the Week|Day of the Week]]
||[[User:DoteDote Edison|DoteDote Edison]]
||Function to get day of the week from [[llGetUnixTime]].
||[[LSL Library/Dialog NumberPad|Dialog Number Pad]]
||[[User:DoteDote Edison|DoteDote Edison]]
||Use a dialog to accept positive integer input from users.
||[[LSL Library/Float2Hex|Float2Hex]]
||[[User:Strife Onizuka|Strife Onizuka]]
||Very useful for transporting [[float|floats]].
||[[LSL Library/Timer Module|Timer Module]]
||[[User:Isabelle Aquitaine|Isabelle Aquitaine]]
||Manage multiple timers via linked messages.
||[http://forums.secondlife.com/showthread.php?t=12156 XyText]
||[[User:Xylor Baysklef|Xylor Baysklef]]
|| Display text (up to 6 characters) on a prim
||[[LSL Library/XyText 1.5|XyText 1.5]]
||[[User:Tdub Dowler|Tdub Dowler]]
|| Display text (up to 10 characters) on a prim. Use as many prims as desired.
||[[LSL Library/Date Library|Date Library]]
||[[User:Corto Maltese|Corto Maltese]]
|| Date library, based on number of day since march 3rd 1600, can be used to calculate weekday, date differences, and date offset, and date formating.
||[[LSL Library/Secure HTTP Post|Secure HTTP Post]]
||[[User:Corto Maltese|Corto Maltese]]
|| This small library allow you to send Secure requests to your website with a security mechanism aimed to stop hacking.
||[[LSL Library/Basic Encryption Modules|Basic Encryption Modules]]
||[[User:Beverly Larkin|Beverly Larkin]]
||Basic encryption scripts, allows you to encrypt a float, and shout it to another prim on a randomly chosen channel.
||[[LSL Library/Self Upgrading Script Enhanced|Self Upgrading Script Enhanced]]
||[[User:Cron Stardust|Cron Stardust]]
|| Keeps only latest version of the script on prim (Even with multiple adds of the same script!)
||[[LSL Library/Key Pad Door|Tdub's Keypad Door]]
||[[User:Tdub Dowler|Tdub Dowler]]
|| Door and keypad with changable code. Follow instructions carefully!
==Support Script Library==
These are scripts in other languages, intended to be run on other systems that support scripts written in LSL
{| {{Prettytable}}
|{{Hl2}}| '''Name'''
|{{Hl2}}| '''Creator'''
|{{Hl2}}| '''Description'''
|| Silo
|| [[User:Zero_Linden|Zero Linden]]
|| General purpose data store in PHP.  Use this to persist arbitrary data from LSL via [[llHTTPRequest]].  See:
* [http://www.notabene-sl.com/misc/silo-README.txt README] file
* [http://www.notabene-sl.com/misc/silo.tgz silo.tgz] tarball
* forum post [http://forums.secondlife.com/showthread.php?t=119570 Announcement].
|| [[User:SignpostMarv Martin/PHP/llXorBase64StringsCorrect|llXorBase64StringsCorrect]]
|| [[User:SignpostMarv Martin|SignpostMarv Martin]]
|| An implementation of [[llXorBase64StringsCorrect]] in PHP- should be useful if you're using llXorBase64StringsCorrect to do cryptography work in LSL2 and posting it out to the web via [[llHTTPRequest]].

Latest revision as of 02:45, 12 July 2008