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Revision as of 11:28, 25 April 2010

By: Ella Axel
Viewer Version:
Information: Ella Axel's Colored Skins
Source: Various
"Starlight" skin to improve Viewer 2.0 usability

Emblem-important.png Important!

Use caution when installing these skins, as modifications to your installed software files are not officially supported by Second Life support

These skins can be used with the Linden Lab official viewer, the Starlight skin, and also with Third Party Viewers (based on Viewer 2.0).

Blue http://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B55Qxxre8ydWNWM2OWYwODktODI5OC00NWEyLTk5MmMtZjY4MzgwN2I2MjJl&export=download

Purple http://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B55Qxxre8ydWOGQ3NWMzNDEtNjU4Yi00MTA4LTk5NGItZTg2MDI0ZTA5YzQw&export=download

Red http://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B55Qxxre8ydWYzZjZTY2MTAtYjMxNC00NDU0LTg5MmEtNWY0M2E2OTUxNzNh&export=download

Orange http://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B55Qxxre8ydWMjRlMDU1YjItZWE4MS00YzZjLWE4YTEtMDdiMjQxZGQyNTg4&export=download

Yellow http://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B55Qxxre8ydWZDkxMGU3YzMtNjQzNi00ZDk0LWI1OWYtMDM1OTMyOWI0MWUz&export=download

Green http://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B55Qxxre8ydWNDA4M2RkZTItZDBkNC00ZGYwLTg2NWItN2Q3YjdhM2Y4ZDMw&export=download

The instructions to install them are the following:


1. Close Second Life Viewer 2, if you have it open.
2. Go to the \skins directory of the directory you use for Viewer 2.0 - this is usually under \Program Files\SecondLifeViewer2.
3. Make a copy of the "default" folder and rename it "default_backup" to use it in case you want to uninstall this skin.
4. unzip the contents of this file into the "default" folder.
5. To uninstall this skin, delete the "default" folder and rename "default_backup" to "default".


1. Close Second Life Viewer 2, if you have it open.
2. Find the Second Life Viewer 2 application in your Applications folder.
3. Right click on the Second Life Viewer 2 application icon.
4. From the menu, choose "Show Package Contents".
5. Open the "Resources" folder and scroll down until you see the "skins" folder.
6. Make a Copy of the "default" folder and rename it to "default_backup".
7. unzip the contents of this file into the "default" folder.
8. To uninstall this skin, delete the "default" folder and rename "default_backup" to "default".