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#REDIRECT [[:Category:Linden Lab PR Update]]
At Linden Lab, we do our best to monitor all of the press that Second Life garners every day all over the world.  This wiki page will share with you the markets we are monitoring on a week-to-week basis.  This information does not represent all of the press coverage we receive. 
=Links to Linden Lab's International News Archives=
Here are links to the various Linden Lab websites where we catalog the press we receive.  (Not all of these are up-to-date, but we are constantly working on it.)<br>
[http://lindenlab.com/pressroom/news English] <br>
[http://de.secondlife.com/whatis/press-releases German]<br>
[http://kr.secondlife.com/whatis/news Korean]<br>
=Weekly Reports=
==Week Ending June 13, 2008==
In this section, you will find the media trends we are tracking in some of our key markets.
Key Coverage by Market
US Trends:  Many reports on business uses of Second Life
[http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/localnews/stories/DN-secondlife_08met.ART.State.Edition2.468256f.html The Dallas Morning News] presents an article on using Second Life for higher education
[http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/06/11/NSKF1142Q2.DTL The San Francisco Chronicle] presents a story about the San Jose Tech Museum using Second Life to gather exhibit ideas.
[http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Virtual-Space-Travel-Part-1-One-Small-Step-63312.html LinuxInsider] discusses the use of Second Life for virtual space exploration and experimentation.
[http://www.planadviser.com/selling/article.php/2346 Planadviser] discusses Second Life as a potential tool for the financial industry to reach out to a younger, more tech-savvy generation.
[http://www.examiner.com/x-365-Web-550-Examiner~y2008m6d5-Virtual-Thursdays-Chapter-One The Examiner] posts an article from Suzanna Stinnet, author of “”Little Shifts,” about her experience in Second Life.
[http://www.slashgear.com/intel-demo-mid-remote-server-second-life-gaming-1111997.php SlashGear] mentions a demo of Second Life for Intel’s new Mobile Internet Device platform.
[http://www.networkworld.com/newsletters/web/2008/060908web2.html Network World] discusses the launch of two new virtual worlds, positioning Second Life as the leader of this growing space.
[http://www.networkworld.com/newsletters/web/2008/060908web2.html  WebCPA] reports on several CPA firms that have set up shop in Second Life, including Maryland Society of CPA’s “CPA Island.”
[http://www.intomobile.com/2008/06/10/second-life-now-available-on-mobile-phones.html IntoMobile] reports on Vollee’s announcement to bring Second Life to mobile phones.
[http://www.reason.com/news/show/124939.html Reason Online] discusses the new age of reason, citing Second Life and virtual worlds as liberated spaces for identity experimentation.
[http://www.insurancetech.com/blog/archives/2008/06/the_changing_st.html Insurance and Technology] mentions the marketing strategies of a few insurers in Second Life.
[http://kotaku.com/5014255/paralyzed-man-walks-in-second-life Kotaku] posts on the paralyzed Japanese man who was able to walk in Second Life.
UK Trends:  Many stories of business use of Second Life
[http://www.businessfeet.com/internet-marketing-news/items/obama-beats-clinton-in-both-election-and-website-traffic-1213186.html Business Feet] describes the impact of Internet marketing on the American presidential candidacy. Hillary Clinton is described as being involved in the virtual world
[http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=61094&d=254&h=260&f=3 Marketing Week] reports on Random House which has launched a series of digital initiatives involving Second Life, which includes the creation of a digital warehouse which will store every book written by a Random House
[http://www.pocketgamer.biz/r/PG.Biz/news.asp?c=7205 Pocket Gamer.Biz] reports on popular online MMOs and virtual worlds, including Runescape, Habbo, Second Life and Club Penguin:
[http://www.onrec.com/newsstories/21966.asp Online Recruitment] describes the opportunity to do job-hunting via the mobile phone. Innovative employers are said to be recruiting through Second Life:
[http://www.hrzone.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=184678&d=1064&h=387&f=388&dateformat=%25o%20%25B%20%25Y HRZone] reports on using Web 2.0 online methods to attract or recruit employees, using technology such as Second Life
[http://www.familiesinbusiness.net/default.asp?title=ArcelorMittalwoosnextgenerationofshareholders&page=article.display&article.id=11604 Families in Business] reports on a shareholders meeting held by steel giant ArcelorMittal. While some will travel to sit in a large auditorium in Luxembourg, others will participate through Second Life:
[http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2008/jun/10/secondlife.disability The Guardian] describes the work of a charity, which has set up an office in the Second Life. ‘Contact a Family’ helps the parents of disabled children to communicate and to access services:
[http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/06/09/3d-mouse-tips The Inquirer] describes the coming up of a mouse specially adapted to 3D computer models, web sites and virtual worlds. Linden Labs recently upgraded Second Life to support the innovative mouse, which is priced at $60
[http://www.techradar.com/news/computing/pc/weird-tech-ray-gun-microwaves-demonstrators-385251 Techradar] describes virtual brothels, for example brothel owner in Second Life who might make around $50k per year in real money by selling virtual sex
[http://www.egovmonitor.com/node/19244 eGov] monitor reports on Union Island (www.slunionisland.org), the Second Life home for trade unionists:
[http://www.nccmembership.co.uk/pooled/articles/BF_WEBART/view.asp?Q=BF_WEBART_302590 Principia] reports on businesses that have launched virtual worlds. The adoption of virtual worlds for the enterprise began picking up steam this year, buoyed by the success of Second Life, a 3D environment in the consumer space where people interact with one another as avatars
[http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=145916 Eurogamer] describes a research by Strategy Analytics. The report suggests that 22 percent of all broadband users will register to a virtual world by 2018
[http://www.lxnews.co.uk/2008/06/liverpools-alive-with-the-sound-of-musicand-laughter/ LX News] reports on the Liverpool Sound City. It will be the first event to be simultaneously webcast on the hugely popular Second Life online platform
Germany Trends
-The Focus interview of Mark Kingdon caused some commotion in Germany, as the magazine published an online article with some quotes from Mark. Unfortunately these quotes were misinterpreted and put into a negative perspective<br>
-The Vollee release is still picked up by some publications<br>
-The IT publication Computerzeitung covered the findings of a research, which said that by 2017 every fifth broadband user will be in a virtual world<br>
On Monday Focus, one of the biggest German business magazines, published an interview with Mark. Unfortunately there is no online link available yet.  Other pick up in [http://satundkabel.magnus.de/buntes/artikel/second-life-chef-medialer-hype-hat-der-virtuellen-welt-geschadet.html Magnus.de], [http://www.portel.de/nc/nachricht/artikel/19224-second-life-chef-raet-firmen-zu-spaeterem-einstieg-in-virtuelle-welt/12/ Portel.de], [http://www.onlinekosten.de/news/artikel/30154/0/Second_Life_h%C3%A4lt_Firmen_vorerst_zur%C3%BCck Onlinekosten.de] and [http://www.die-topnews.de/firmen-sollen-second-life-noch-nicht-geschaeftlich-nutzen-310179 Die-Topnews.de]
The online portal [http://www.medienhandbuch.de/news/second-life-studie-70000-nutzer-im-archetyp-fuer-kommende-virtuelle-welten-13635.html medienhandbuch.de] has published an article about a research from “House of Research”. Their chief researcher Rolf Amann contacted OCTANE last year and asked for support. He conducted 500 interviews with German Residents. Unfortunately the article just talks about Second Life as the archetype of virtual worlds and not the findings. Despite of the hype cycle the numbers of active users have increased steadily:
The University of Bamberg is regularly hosting the “Hegelwochen”, named after the famous German philosopher. This year the event’s topic was “Second Life – Avatars – Cyberworlds. Is there a second life?”. The newspapers [http://www.fraenkischer-tag.de/cms/index.php?id=87&MappeCID=imbinl93_6~ii~i9siuwzcl&Hierarchie=vajs7~qwcl$fphig$9dy6c7&Seite=Regionales&SeiteSub=Feuilleton&Ank=artikel_1_6 Fränkischer Tag] and [http://www.coburgertageblatt.de/cms/index.php?id=803&MappeCID=2mepo7w1qkq*ag2e5jjopb_&Hierarchie=zbzy4fj~0$g0sa-lyeja7ec&Seite=Regionales&SeiteSub=Bayern&Ank=artikel_1_1 Coburger Tageblatt] published some articles about the event
[http://www.shortnews.de/start.cfm?id=712891 Shortnews.de], [http://www.infoweek.ch/news/nw_single.cfm?news_ID=18350&sid=0 Handy-mc.de] and [http://www.handy-mc.de/mobilfunk-news/artikel/2008/06/05/mit-dem-handy-in-die-welt-von-second-life-abtauchen.html Infoweek.ch] covered the Vollee release, that it is possible to have Second Life on your mobile phone
According to [http://www.ecin.de/news/2008/06/06/12002/ Ecin.de], Pixelpark regards Second Life as a serious game
[http://www.computerzeitung.de/articles/aktivitaet_in_virtuellen_welten_nimmt_zu:/2008024/31546484_ha_CZ.html?path=/articles/2008024/31546484_ha_CZ.html&art=/articles/2008024/31546484_ha_CZ.html&thes=&pid=ee54f3c7-0de1-40f5-bb23-2cfdf022aee5 Computerzeitung], one of the most important IT publications in Germany, quotes a study, which says that by 2017 every fifth user of a broadband access will use virtual worlds. Companies should consider this in their marketing strategies, according to “Strategy Analytics
France Trends<br>
-A lot of coverage to announce the meeting with ArcelorMittal in Second Life by the end of June<br>
-The great article published earlier last week in Challenges has a good echo in blogs and website<br>
A surprising announcement on the Virtual World Agencies French market Heaven Agency buys Extralab
[http://www.journaldunet.com/breve/28029/l-agence-heaven-rachete-extralab-specialiste-de-second-life.shtml Journaldunet.com]
[http://www.neteco.com/143592-marketing-heaven-prend-controle-extralab-effiliati.html neteco.com]
[http://www.mass-media.fr/guide/news_details.php?ref=080609180612RJEVR mass-media.fr]
Many publications relayed the ArcelorMital announcement.
ArcelorMittal is organising a meeting in SL with its CEO and stakeholders]
[http://www.boursica.com/?/depeches/lire1.php1/news/64344 boursica.com]
[http://www.fininfo.fr/fininfong/GetDerniereNews.event?lg=fr&urlAction=GetDerniereNews.event%3Flg%3Dfr&idnews=BNW080608_00005122&numligne=9&date=080609 fininfo.fr]
[http://www.euroinvestor.fr/news/shownewsstory.aspx?storyid=9864106 euroinvestor.fr]
[http://www.zonebourse.com/ARCELOR-MITTAL-A-13120/actualite/ARCELOR-MITTAL-A-ArcelorMittal-organise-sa-premiere-reunion-internationale-interactive-d-actionnaire-523375/ zonebourse.com]
[http://www.boursedirect.fr/news.php?id=419516&tn=2&tb=1&pl=6 boursedirect.fr]
[http://www.lesechos.fr/info/industrie/4737916.htm lesechos.fr]
Second Life is still a recruiting and training for companies
[http://www.autorecrute.com/actualite_automobile/actualite_automobile.php?ID=00079 Autorecrute.com] details how Michelin trains its team in Second Life
Michelin won Intraverse event first prize thanks to its traning tool in Second Life. 
[http://www.edubourse.com/finance/actualites.php?actu=41906 eduborse.com]
[http://www.journaldunet.com/solutions/breve/28071/remise-des-prix-intrablog-et-intraverse-2008-et-les-vainqueurs-sont.shtml journaldunet.com]

Latest revision as of 17:19, 27 September 2008