Difference between revisions of "Talk:PARCEL MEDIA COMMAND LOOP SET"

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(What ever is this?)
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Revision as of 06:14, 2 June 2010

What ever is this?

In this article, it is said it affects "the parcel's media loop duration." But as far as I've looked into the viewer source code, it seems to be doing nothing (I guess set/getMediaLoop in llparcel.h is for boolean value which is set by PARCEL MEDIA COMMAND LOOP). Quicktime will handle with media via viewer so it is difficult to think that only SL server deal with the flag. Anyone know what is actually done by PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_LOOP_SET? (Quicktime has interface that can handle duration, so I believe the viewer 'can' do it, but I can't find the accessing point in the viewer source code, and moreover, I have no land to which I can set the movie via script :( )