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Latest revision as of 14:53, 29 September 2008

note: this is a brief note for informational purposes. it's eventually going to be "cleaned up" and moved to a more appropriate place on this wiki.


What is This?

In the development of the Open Grid Protocol and the PyOGP project, it became obvious that there were no canonical lists of use cases and things to test. This page is the first effort to remediate this omission. While we don't go as far as providing use cases here, we do list common functionality and interoperability tests.

About the OGP Test Cases

The objective of the Open Grid Protocol is to specify syntax and semantics of SL Grid messages to the degree that interoperable viewers, agent domains, region domains and regions may be coded without resort to close examination of open source code from Linden Lab or peeking into the interaction between running clients and servers. The Second Life Grid has been developed sufficiently, the reasoning goes, that it should be possible to shine the bright light of inquiry on the process and document the living heck out of how the system works. Moving forward we should see advantages as software developers code to documented requirements and standards. The "OGP Test Cases" are a catalog of tests that demonstrate compatibility with the written spec.

Well... that's how it's supposed to be... In the real world, "running code" trumps written specifications, and probably will continue to do so. And that's one of the reasons we have the interop tests; properly written test cases succinctly communicate abstractions introduced in written specifications. So rather than viewing the SLGOGP spec and these tests as separate, think of them as being two sections of the same document.

Test Fixtures

Login Test Fixtures

0. login host fixtures
This is the "stock" login host for initial OGP beta roll-out. This is the host which receives authentication requests.
0. login.aditi.lindenlab.com
1. agent domain fixtures
This is the "stock" agent domain host for initial OGP beta roll-out. This machine hosts capabilities granted after successful authentication.
0. agent0.aditi.lindenlab.com
2. region fixtures
These are two "well defined regions" within Linden Lab's beta test grid. Note there are no "well defined regions" outside Linden Lab's administrative domain. Anyone want to add themselves to the list? OSGrid? Bueller?
0. sim1.vaak.lindenlab.com:13000
1. sim1.vaak.lindenlab.com:13001
3. agents
There are currently 32 "standard" agents for testing. The agents represent all combinations of the five factors: accepted TOS, read critical messages, high or low god level, suspended and disabled.
fixture first name last name accepted TOS read critical messages god level suspended disabled
0. Arthur Crimthande True True 150 True True
1. Bertha Crimthande False True 150 True True
2. Cristobal Crimthande True False 150 True True
3. Dolly Crimthande False False 150 True True
4. Edouard Crimthande True True 0 True True
5. Fay Crimthande False True 0 True True
6. Gustav Crimthande True False 0 True True
7. Hanna Crimthande False False 0 True True
8. Ana Crimthande True True 150 False True
9. Bill Crimthande False True 150 False True
10. Claudette Crimthande True False 150 False True
11. Danny Crimthande False False 150 False True
12. Erika Crimthande True True 0 False True
13. Fred Crimthande False True 0 False True
14. Grace Crimthande True False 0 False True
15. Henri Crimthande False False 0 False True
16. Alex Crimthande True True 150 True False
17. Bonnie Crimthande False True 150 True False
18. Colin Crimthande True False 150 True False
19. Danielle Crimthande False False 150 True False
20. Earl Crimthande True True 0 True False
21. Fiona Crimthande False True 0 True False
22. Gaston Crimthande True False 0 True False
23. Hermine Crimthande False False 0 True False
24. Arlene Crimthande True True 150 False False
25. Bret Crimthande False True 150 False False
26. Cindy Crimthande True False 150 False False
27. Don Crimthande False False 150 False False
28. Emily Crimthande True True 0 False False
29. Franklin Crimthande False True 0 False False
30. Gert Crimthande True False 0 False False
31. Harvey Crimthande False False 0 False False

4. accounts
The SLGOGP specification describes the concept of an "account" as distinct from an "agent". Accounts may have distinct names and login credentials. Additionally, users may use the account credentials to authenticate themselves to the agent domain in the login process. At the current time, this functionality is not deployed to the Aditi grid.
5. faux machines
These are used to test machines blacklisted by mac address or id0
0. machine whose mac address and id0 are not blacklisted
1. machine whose mac address is blacklisted and id0 is not blacklisted
2. machine whose mac address is not blacklisted and id0 is blacklisted
3. machine whose mac address and id0 are blacklisted

Transporting Fixtures

So it might not be the best idea to publish a standard list of usernames and passwords that are used for testing in live systems. We therefore expect the actual values for the test fixtures (or at least the passwords) to be confidential. To facilitate the exchange of known fixtures, we have the following XML DTD which defines the values of fixtures, so multiple parties can communicate test data easily.

note : the values of the test fixtures below are non-normative. Fixture data is loaded from an XML file and referenced in the tests by it's id attribute.

Fixture Transport DTD

<!DOCTYPE fixtures [

<!ELEMENT fixtures (agentdomains,regions,accounts,agents,urls,fauxmachines,id0blacklist,macblacklist)>
<!ELEMENT agentdomains (agent+)>
<!ELEMENT agent (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT regions (region+)>
<!ELEMENT region (host,port)>
<!ELEMENT host (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT port (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT accounts (account+)>
<!ELEMENT account (name,password,agentrefs+)>
<!ELEMENT name (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT password (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT agentrefs (agentref+)>
<!ELEMENT agentref (#EMPTY)>
<!ELEMENT agents (agent+)>
<!ELEMENT agent (firstname,lastname,password)>
<!ELEMENT firstname (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT lastname (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT password (#CDATA)>
<!ELEMENT urls (url+)>
<!ELEMENT fauxmachines (fauxmachine+)>
<!ELEMENT fauxmachine (mac,id0)>
<!ATTLIST fauxmachine id CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT id0blacklist (id0+)>
<!ELEMENT macblacklist (mac+)>


An Example of Fixture Data

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <agent id="0_0">agent0.aditi.lindenlab.com</agent>
    <agent id="0_1">agent1.aditi.lindenlab.com</agent>
    <region id="1_0">
    <account id="2_0">
        <agentref ref="3_16"/>
    <account id="3_0">
      <name>Ana Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_0"/>
    <account id="3_1">
      <name>Bill Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_1"/>
    <account id="3_2">
      <name>Claudette Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_2"/>
    <account id="3_3">
      <name>Danny Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_3"/>
    <account id="3_4">
      <name>Erika Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_4"/>
    <account id="3_5">
      <name>Fred Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_5"/>
    <account id="3_6">
      <name>Grace Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_6"/>
    <account id="3_7">
      <name>Henri Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_7"/>
    <account id="3_8">
      <name>Ida Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_8"/>
    <account id="3_9">
      <name>Joaquin Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_9"/>
    <account id="3_10">
      <name>Kate Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_10"/>
    <account id="3_11">
      <name>Larry Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_11"/>
    <account id="3_12">
      <name>Mindy Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_12"/>
    <account id="3_13">
      <name>Nicholas Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_13"/>
    <account id="3_14">
      <name>Odette Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_14"/>
    <account id="3_15">
      <name>Peter Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_15"/>
    <account id="3_16">
      <name>Rose Goat</name>
        <agentref ref="3_16"/>
    <account id="5_0">
      <name>Walter Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_0"/>
        <agentref ref="6_1"/>
    <account id="5_1">
      <name>Virginie Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_2"/>
        <agentref ref="6_3"/>
    <account id="5_2">
      <name>Thomas Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_4"/>
        <agentref ref="6_5"/>
    <account id="5_3">
      <name>Shary Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_6"/>
        <agentref ref="6_7"/>
    <account id="5_4">
      <name>Richard Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_8"/>
        <agentref ref="6_9"/>
    <account id="5_5">
      <name>Paula Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_10"/>
        <agentref ref="6_11"/>
    <account id="5_6">
      <name>Otto Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_12"/>
        <agentref ref="6_13"/>
    <account id="5_7">
      <name>Nicole Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_14"/>
        <agentref ref="6_15"/>
    <account id="5_8">
      <name>Matthew Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_16"/>
        <agentref ref="6_17"/>
    <account id="5_9">
      <name>Lisa Llama</name>
        <agentref ref="6_18"/>
        <agentref ref="6_19"/>
    <agent id="4_0">
    <agent id="4_1">
    <agent id="4_2">
    <agent id="4_3">
    <agent id="4_4">
    <agent id="4_5">
    <agent id="4_6">
    <agent id="4_7">
    <agent id="4_8">
    <agent id="4_9">
    <agent id="4_10">
    <agent id="4_11">
    <agent id="4_12">
    <agent id="4_13">
    <agent id="4_14">
    <agent id="4_15">
    <agent id="4_16">
    <agent id="6_0">
    <agent id="6_1">
    <agent id="6_2">
    <agent id="6_3">
    <agent id="6_4">
    <agent id="6_5">
    <agent id="6_6">
    <agent id="6_7">
    <agent id="6_8">
    <agent id="6_9">
    <agent id="6_10">
    <agent id="6_11">
    <agent id="6_12">
    <agent id="6_13">
    <agent id="6_14">
    <agent id="6_15">
    <agent id="6_16">
    <agent id="6_17">
    <agent id="6_18">
    <agent id="6_19">
    <agent id="6_20">
    <url id="8_0">http://agent0.aditi.lindenlab.com/messages/notice.html</url>
    <fauxmachine id="9_0">
    <fauxmachine id="9_0">
    <fauxmachine id="9_0">
    <fauxmachine id="9_0">
    <id0 id="10_0">4EahsGwT/GYg9uBSQeKcNA==</id0>
    <mac id="11_0">01:80:C2:00:00:01</mac>

Base Tests

REST Tests

LLSD (Linden Lab Structured Data)

Event Queue


Resource Tests

Agent Credential

Account Credential

Login Tests

Login is the process of associating a viewer with an agent domain, then placing the user's avatar in a region managed by a (potentially separate) region domain. The spec describes logging in as the sequence:

  1. The viewer authenticates to an agent domain for the authorized control of a particular agent.
  2. The viewer directs the agent domain to to place the agent in a region.
  3. The agent domain contacts the region domain for the region, and negotiates placement of the agent.
  4. The region grants access to the agent domain, which in turn passes some of that granted access on to the viewer.

Testing the login process means logging each of these steps, in order. We should also test that executing them out of order leads to an error.

We assume the code providing underlying services (such as the event queue, LLSD serialization / deserialization, MD5 Hash production, etc.) is reliable and has been tested.

Tests From Client to Agent Domain

0. test agent authentication
This test suite tests the behavior of the agent domain when an agent attempts to log in with correct authenticators, and with the "accept_tos" and "read_critical_messages" flags set to True. In these tests, we assume the user is attempting authentication from a machine that has not been blacklisted by MAC address or id0. Note that the agent fixtures used below (4.0 through 4.3) have different states regarding "accept_tos" and "read_critical_messages" on the agent domain. This suite tests that authentication works and the agent domain will accept "accept_tos" and "read_critical_messages" changes.
0. authenticate agent in fixture 4.0 with correct authenticator
expect seed cap
1. authenticate agent in fixture 4.1 with correct authenticator
expect seed cap
2. authenticate agent in fixture 4.2 with correct authenticator
expect seed cap
3. authenticate agent in fixture 4.3 with correct authenticator
expect seed cap
1. test failures in agent authentication
0. authenticate agents in fixtures 4.[0-3] with incorrect authenticator
expect reason
2. test account authentication
0. authenticate accounts in fixtures 3.[0-3] with correct authenticator
expect seed cap
1. authenticate accounts in fixture 5.0 with one of of the agent names from fixture 6.0 or 6.1
expect seed cap
3. test non-existent agent
0. attempt to authenticate with fixture 3.4
expect reason "notice" with url fixture 8.0
4. test non-existent account
0. attempt to authenticate with fixture 2.0
expect reason "notice" with url fixture 8.0
5. test non-existing agent in existent account
0. attempt to authenticate with fixture 3.4 and name from 2.0
expect reason "notice" with url fixture 8.0
6. test existing account with no agent specified in account with one agent
0. attempt to authenticate with fixtures 3.[0...3] with no name specified
expect seed cap
7. test existing account with no agent specified in account with multiple agents
0. attempt to authenticate with fixtures 5.[0...9] with no name specified
expect reason "select_agent"
8. test existing account which has been blacklisted
0. attempt to authenticate with fixture 4.0 and faux machine 9.1
expect reason "blacklisted"
1. attempt to authenticate with fixture 4.0 and faux machine 9.2
expect reason "blacklisted"
2. attempt to authenticate with fixture 4.0 and faux machine 9.3
expect reason "blacklisted"

Teleport Tests