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Homestead. An Asian/Tropical inspired residential sim, with lovely quiet places tucked into the mountains, valleys and winding rivers.
Homestead. An Asian/Tropical inspired residential sim, with lovely quiet places tucked into the mountains, valleys and winding rivers.
Island maintained by '''Radein Core'''
Island maintained by '''Radein Core'''

Revision as of 16:08, 21 June 2010

The Gay City Estate


Gay City Estate consists of the five sims Gay City Cologne, Gay City Beach, Dragons Heart, Z´Antaeus and Isola Bella Island. The Estate offers its residents and visitors both living and entertainment as well as business and shopping in an LGBT- friendly environment. All Second Life Residents are welcome to visit and enjoy the warm and relaxed atmosphere. The Gay City Estate was founded by Franko Box.


Franko Box started in 2008 with the sim Gay City Cologne. Home of the famous Zeus Gay Club and Concert Hall and the first residential homes. Because of the great demand in residential and commercial land the sims Gay City Beach, Dragons Heart, Isola Bella Island and Z´Antaeus followed soon.

List of Sims at Gay City Estate

All regions are open to the public and can be visited.

Gay City Cologne

Full Region. Home of Zeus Gay Club and Concert Hall. Spacious Shopping Mall. Impressive beach area with facilities for relaxation and watersports. Romantic Garden with a replica of the White Tower of Thessaloniki, Greece. In the sky varying themed hideouts (Winter Wonderland with ice-skating, Breeze of Summer etc.).

Gay City Beach

Full Region. Residential Homes with private beaches. Heart of the island is the Castle of Atlantis.


HomeEstate Dedicated to two of his favorite things in real life: 1. His first dog (and guardian angel), Zachary and 2. His first cologne(and all time favorite) Antaeus. Inspired by his favorite thing in Second Life - DRAGONS. The island is surrounded by a medievel stone wall, enclosing castles, caves, enchanted forests and a dragon egg hatchery. Don't be surprised if you spot a dragon or other mythical creature wandering around the island. Be on your best behavior when visiting - those fairies can be quite nasty when provoked... Island maintained by Doug Tylman

Isola Bella Island

Homestead. Mediterranean styled island. The sim is divided into two islands connected with bridges. Proud vegetation, animals and waterfall. Island maintained by Michelangelo Villota and Oskoron Baguier.


Homestead. DragonsHeart is a residential sim on the Gay City Estate. The sim is divided into three beautiful islands, each teeming with wildlife. It is the home of two of Gay City Estate's long time residents. Island maintained by Toby Atlass and Tomais Ashdene.


Homestead. An Asian/Tropical inspired residential sim, with lovely quiet places tucked into the mountains, valleys and winding rivers. Island maintained by Radein Core

All regions are open to the public and can be visited.


ZeusGayClub is one of the most popular Second Life gay clubs, located on Gay City Estate owned by Franko Box and ArtemisSalonica Aeon. A greek-styled club with a huge dimensioned dancefloor, chilling areas and a big concert stage. Live DJs and a cooperation with the official webradio partner Dance Gaytion gives the visitors a variety in different styles of music. With regular live concerts Zeus Gay Club also supports the popularity of Second Life´s live musicians and artists.