Difference between revisions of "Avatar Radar (NewAge)"
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// ------ | // ------ | ||
// (Added) HUD Maker Feature, When you save script, click Yes | // (Added) HUD Maker Feature, When you save script, click Yes | ||
// (Added) Power Feature, Turn Radar on and Off | // (Added) Power Feature, Turn Radar on and Off | ||
// (Added) HUD Menu, Allowing you to control Power Feature, Change from Avatar Radar to Land Information and back again | // (Added) HUD Menu, Allowing you to control Power Feature, Change from Avatar Radar to Land Information and back again | ||
// Easier to now Modify script varibles | // Easier to now Modify script varibles |
Revision as of 09:59, 21 July 2010
NewAge Avatar Radar Project Version 1.2 No longer need to spend to in making a hud, just copy and past script into a prim and click yes to allow script permission to attach to your UI, Set on Center 2.
<lsl> ///////////////////////////////// // NewAge Radar Project Script // By Asia Snowfall // Version 1.2 ///////////////////////////////// // v1.2; // ------ // (Added) HUD Maker Feature, When you save script, click Yes // (Added) Power Feature, Turn Radar on and Off // (Added) HUD Menu, Allowing you to control Power Feature, Change from Avatar Radar to Land Information and back again // Easier to now Modify script varibles ///////////////////////////////// // v1.1; // ------ // (Added) - Agent Count in Region when no agents in sensor range // (Added) - Lag Status when no agents in sensor range ///////////////////////////////// // v1.0 // ------ // (Initial Release) /////////////////////////////////
// Configure; float scan_range = 100; float speed = 2;
integer channel = 1; integer menu_channel = 666; integer show_total_agents_in_chat_range = TRUE; integer show_total_agents_in_region = TRUE; integer show_lag_status = TRUE; integer max_people = 7; integer parcel_description_max_characters = 50;
string menu_text = "***\nAvatar Radar Project\n***\nby Asia Snowfall"; string hud_texture = "ec122289-1239-74fd-708f-ab4b949b7cdb";
vector hud_size = <0.1,0.1,0.1>;
// Core Varibles;
// Integer Varibles integer setting = FALSE; integer handler; integer radar_power = TRUE; integer positioning; integer positioning_handler; integer scan_type = TRUE;
// String Varibles string people; string lag_status;
// List Varibles list people_in_sensor_range; list people_in_sensor_vectors; list chat_range; list hud_position; list main_menu;
// Float Varibles float position_by = 0.01;
// Vector Varibles vector text_color;
// Premade Functions
asSetPosMenu() //Might wonder why i make the script empty the hud position and fill it again with same options, but it optimizes script memory! every little helps {
setting = TRUE; hud_position = []; llListenRemove(positioning_handler); @retry; positioning = llRound(llFrand(999999)); if(positioning <= 2000) { jump retry; } positioning_handler = llListen(positioning, "", "", ""); hud_position = ["-", "Down", "+", "Left", "===", "Right", "===", "Up", "Done"]; llSetText("Setup the hud using position control\nClick Done when your finished", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0); llSetTimerEvent(30);
asSetMainMenu() {
main_menu = ["Avatars", "Land Info"]; if(radar_power == FALSE) { main_menu += "Power On"; } else { main_menu += "Power Off"; }
llLagStatus() {
float time_dilation = llGetRegionTimeDilation(); if(time_dilation <= 0.3) { lag_status = "Laggy"; text_color = <1.0,0.0,0.0>; } else if(time_dilation > 0.3 && time_dilation <= 0.5) { lag_status = "Not Bad"; text_color = <1.0,1.0,0.0>; } else if(time_dilation > 0.5 && time_dilation <= 0.8) { lag_status = "Good"; text_color = <0.0,1.0,0.0>; } else if(time_dilation > 0.8 && time_dilation <= 1.0) { lag_status = "Excellent"; text_color = <0.0,1.0,1.0>; }
all_status() {
if(show_total_agents_in_region == TRUE) { people += "Region Agent Count = "+(string)llGetRegionAgentCount()+"\n"; } if(show_total_agents_in_chat_range == TRUE) { people += "Agents in Range = "+(string)llGetListLength(chat_range)+"\n"; } if(show_lag_status == TRUE) { people += "Lag Status = "+lag_status; }
finish() {
llOwnerSay("Starting radar system\nClick HUD for Menu"); setting = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent(speed); llListenRemove(positioning_handler);
state_entry() { llListen(menu_channel, "", "", ""); if(llGetAttached() != 0) { llSetScale(hud_size); llSetTexture(hud_texture, ALL_SIDES); handler = llListen(channel, "", "", ""); llOwnerSay("Find location of avatar within sensor range by typing either their full or partial name on channel "+(string)channel + ", example; /"+(string)channel+" Mark"); asSetPosMenu(); llDialog(llGetOwner(), menu_text, hud_position, positioning); } else if(llGetAttached() == 0) { llSensor("", "", AGENT, scan_range, PI); setting = FALSE; llListenRemove(handler); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_ATTACH); } } touch_start(integer x) { if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { if(setting == FALSE) { if(llGetAttached() != 0) { asSetMainMenu(); llDialog(llGetOwner(), menu_text, main_menu, menu_channel); } else { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_ATTACH); } } else { llDialog(llGetOwner(), menu_text, hud_position, positioning); } } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH) { llAttachToAvatar(ATTACH_HUD_CENTER_2); } else { llOwnerSay("Some features disabled when not attached"); llSetTimerEvent(speed); } } attach(key id) { llResetScript(); } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string str) { if(id == llGetOwner()) { str = llToLower(str); if(chan == channel) { integer index = llListFindList(people_in_sensor_range, [str]); if(index != -1) { llOwnerSay(llList2String(people_in_sensor_range, index)+" is located at "+llList2String(people_in_sensor_vectors, index)); } else if(index == -1) { integer i = 0; integer length = llGetListLength(people_in_sensor_range); integer ind; do { if(llStringLength(llList2String(people_in_sensor_range, i)) > 0) { ind = llSubStringIndex(llList2String(people_in_sensor_range, i), str); if(ind != -1) { llOwnerSay(llList2String(people_in_sensor_range, i) + " is located at "+llList2String(people_in_sensor_vectors, i)); return; } } }while(i++<length); llOwnerSay("No Avatars Found by the name or partial name of "+str); } } else if(chan == menu_channel) { if(str == "avatars") { scan_type = 1; llOwnerSay("Radar will scan all avatars within "+(string)scan_range+" meters"); } else if(str == "land info") { scan_type = 2; llOwnerSay("Radar will show land information"); } else if(str == "power on") { radar_power = TRUE; llSetTimerEvent(speed); } else if(str == "power off") { radar_power = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent(0); llSetText("Power Off", <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 1.0); } } else if(chan == positioning) { if(str == "+") { if(position_by < 0.1) { position_by += 0.01; } llOwnerSay("Positioning will move by "+(string)position_by+" meters"); } else if(str == "-") { if(position_by > 0.01) { position_by -= 0.01; } llOwnerSay("Positioning will move by "+(string)position_by+" meters"); } else if(str == "down") { llSetPos(llGetLocalPos()+<0.0,0.0,-position_by>*llGetRot()); } else if(str == "left") { llSetPos(llGetLocalPos()+<0.0,position_by,0.0>*llGetRot()); } else if(str == "right") { llSetPos(llGetLocalPos()+<0.0,-position_by,0.0>*llGetRot()); } else if(str == "up") { llSetPos(llGetLocalPos()+<0.0,0.0,position_by>*llGetRot()); } else if(str == "done") { finish(); } if(setting == TRUE) { llSetTimerEvent(30); llDialog(llGetOwner(), menu_text, hud_position, positioning); } } } } on_rez(integer g) { if(g & CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } } changed(integer h) { if(h & CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } } sensor(integer x) { people_in_sensor_range = []; people_in_sensor_vectors = []; integer i = 0; integer index; --x; if(x > max_people) { x = max_people-1; } do { index = llListFindList(chat_range, [llDetectedName(i)]); if(llStringLength(llDetectedName(i)) >! 0) { if(llVecDist(llDetectedPos(i), llGetPos()) <= 20) { if(index == -1) { chat_range += llDetectedName(i); llOwnerSay(llDetectedName(i) + " has entered chat range"); } } else { if(index != -1) { llOwnerSay(llDetectedName(i) + " has left chat range"); chat_range = llDeleteSubList(chat_range, index, index); } } people_in_sensor_range += llToLower(llDetectedName(i)); people_in_sensor_vectors += llDetectedPos(i); people += llDetectedName(i) + " - " + llGetSubString((string)llVecDist(llDetectedPos(i), llGetPos()), 0, 4)+"m\n"; } }while(i++<x); llLagStatus(); all_status(); if(scan_type == 2) { list details = llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(), [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME, PARCEL_DETAILS_DESC, PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER, PARCEL_DETAILS_AREA]); people = "Region = "+llGetRegionName(); people += "\nParcel Name = "+llList2String(details, 0); people += "\nParcel Description = "+llGetSubString(llList2String(details, 1), 0, parcel_description_max_characters); if(llStringLength(llKey2Name((key)llList2String(details, 2))) > 0) { people += "\nParcel Owner = "+llKey2Name((key)llList2String(details, 2)); } else { people += "\nParcel Owner = Group Owned"; } people += "\nParcel Area = "+llList2String(details, 3); people += "\nRegion FPS = "+(string)llGetRegionFPS(); people += "\nRegion Time Dilation = "+(string)llGetRegionTimeDilation(); } llSetText(people, text_color, 1.0); people = ""; } no_sensor() { if(llGetListLength(chat_range) > 0) { chat_range = []; } people += "Region Agent Count = "+(string)llGetRegionAgentCount()+"\nAgents in Range = "+(string)llGetListLength(chat_range)+"\n"; people = "No People In Range\n"; llLagStatus(); all_status(); llSetText(people, text_color, 1.0); people = ""; } timer() { if(setting == FALSE) { llSensor("", "", AGENT, scan_range, PI); } else { finish(); } }
} </lsl>