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(Created page with 'Chat Started: 11-25-2010 00:37:03 Chat Log: BethA: Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support, My name is BethA. Please bear with me, I may be helping other residents. I will be...')
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Abuse Report by Sensational Fride & Ainowena Dreamscape against Barbie Cannned, owner of Glamorous Estates & Empire
Chat Started: 11-25-2010 00:37:03
Chat Started: 11-25-2010 00:37:03
Chat Log:
Chat Log:
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You: many no copy items did not come back to me and my friend Ainowena Dreamscape
You: many no copy items did not come back to me and my friend Ainowena Dreamscape

You: Barbie Canned is the landlord
You: Barbie Cannned is the landlord

BethA: HI, If you feel you are unable to resolve the issue with the other resident, please file an abuse report so it can be researched..  https://wiki.lindenlab.com/wiki/3989_-_Guide_to_Filing_an_Abuse_Report
BethA: HI, If you feel you are unable to resolve the issue with the other resident, please file an abuse report so it can be researched..  https://wiki.lindenlab.com/wiki/3989_-_Guide_to_Filing_an_Abuse_Report
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The above was an attempt to get assistance through SL on Wednesday night right after the events occurred and am only posting this to mark that we tried to report this right after the issue occurred, as I have heard abuse reports must be filed the same day of the occurrence or the odds of assistance are very low. This is not intended to be a slander against SL. I have tried to find the "in world" method he said to use and could not find it, but his link lead me to here, so here it is for all to see and comment on.
The above was an attempt to get assistance through SL on Wednesday night right after the events occurred and am only posting this to mark that we tried to report this right after the issue occurred, as I have heard abuse reports must be filed the same day of the occurrence or the odds of assistance are very low. This is not intended to be a slander against SL. I have tried to find the "in world" method he said to use and could not find it, but his link lead me to here, so here it is for all to see and comment on.

Barbie Canned runs multiple FULL SIMS connected and calls it Glamorous Estates & Barbies Empire, primarily for renters, but also has a theater, dance club, arcade, wedding facilities and more that she either runs or helps manage. Ainowena and I owned nearly a full SIM between the two of us, tho not on the same SIM. Barbies behavior on Wednesday evening 11-24-2010 was completely uncalled for with the feel of a Cleopatra Goddess iron rod rule behavior of judge, jury and executioner with only her opinion to support her justice.  
Barbie Cannned runs multiple FULL SIMS connected and calls it Glamorous Estates & Barbies Empire, primarily for renters, but also has a theater, dance club, arcade, wedding facilities and more that she either runs or helps manage. Ainowena and I owned nearly a full SIM between the two of us, tho not on the same SIM. Barbies behavior on Wednesday evening 11-24-2010 was completely uncalled for with the feel of a Cleopatra Goddess iron rod rule behavior of judge, jury and executioner with only her opinion to support her justice.  

Ainowena (Ann) and I are still in shock of this outcome. Ann had said she wanted to watch a movie on her new TV and I told her sounds good, then told Barbie and she said she wanted to watch one too. Barbie then logged out and when she came back she said she was not coming and was doing me a favor so we could be together (Ann and I). I asked her what she ment and she said I know what she means, throwing more and more hints out that Ann and I were in love. Ann and I met in another online world called World of Warcraft about 4 years ago and yes at one time up till about 2 years ago we tried to have a relationship but found we could not get along well enough for that and have been best friends about 2 years, never since the friendship stage in our relationship have Ann and I ever engaged in any kind of romantic behavior. Barbie knew this and neither Ann or I can understand where she got the assumption we were still in love and engaging in sex. We both tried very hard to reason with her and let her know we were not in or planning to be in a relationship. In fact I was very happy to find out that very morning Barbie loved me and wanted to marry me in SL. I agreed and she had me go with her that same morning to tell 3 other residents of her lands to announce our new partnership, so I for one am extremely shocked by her behavior. When it became clear she was not listening and going to return our things we asked to be allowed the dignity of picking up our things and stopped responding to her messages as it seemed anything we said only further agrivated the situation and started to picking up our things, over 8000 prims worth, but she returned them with land tools anyway, last saying "answer me or im going to press the button!" I was able to pick up about 20 items and Ann didn't get anything picked up before her things were returned. Land return has a tendency to fail and well is known by most land owners who have had things returned to them in this way to only be able handle so many things at one time and anything beyond the limit is lost. In addition, returns in this way go to your objects folder, not the sorted folders you dropped them from, leaving a huge mess to re-sort of what does get returned. Ann and I both lost many no copy items and how have a huge inventory mess to sort out.
Ainowena (Ann) and I are still in shock of this outcome. Ann had said she wanted to watch a movie on her new TV and I told her sounds good, then told Barbie and she said she wanted to watch one too. Barbie then logged out and when she came back she said she was not coming and was doing me a favor so we could be together (Ann and I). I asked her what she ment and she said I know what she means, throwing more and more hints out that Ann and I were in love. Ann and I met in another online world called World of Warcraft about 4 years ago and yes at one time up till about 2 years ago we tried to have a relationship but found we could not get along well enough for that and have been best friends about 2 years, never since the friendship stage in our relationship have Ann and I ever engaged in any kind of romantic behavior. Barbie knew this and neither Ann or I can understand where she got the assumption we were still in love and engaging in sex. We both tried very hard to reason with her and let her know we were not in or planning to be in a relationship. In fact I was very happy to find out that very morning Barbie loved me and wanted to marry me in SL. I agreed and she had me go with her that same morning to tell 3 other residents of her lands to announce our new partnership, so I for one am extremely shocked by her behavior. When it became clear she was not listening and going to return our things we asked to be allowed the dignity of picking up our things and stopped responding to her messages as it seemed anything we said only further agrivated the situation and started to picking up our things, over 8000 prims worth, but she returned them with land tools anyway, last saying "answer me or im going to press the button!" I was able to pick up about 20 items and Ann didn't get anything picked up before her things were returned. Land return has a tendency to fail and well is known by most land owners who have had things returned to them in this way to only be able handle so many things at one time and anything beyond the limit is lost. In addition, returns in this way go to your objects folder, not the sorted folders you dropped them from, leaving a huge mess to re-sort of what does get returned. Ann and I both lost many no copy items and now have a huge inventory mess to sort out.

I tried to understand this after it happened and only could see to 2 possible rational conclusions. I thought either somebody else got on her account after she agreed to watch the movie with us then logged out or she is bi-polar with multiple personality. However, I have since heard from other residents things she is saying about us to other residents that made it clear it was not somebody else on her account as what she told them in voice, confirming it was her, was completely irrational and down right lies to the extreme about me and Ann, even saying we were there to steal money from her. We paid all tiers due and had time remaining. I built a Amusement Park to draw in business for her and Ann build a mall to also help draw attention to her lands. While only just completing what we built to help her lands the traffic was already averaging about 1000 a day and appeared would be a huge success. I see no way we could of been hurting her and were always agreeing to any requests she may of had. I have also since learned from other residents there Barbie has done this kind of thing before to other residents but never on such a large scale as this. One such long time resident and friend of Barbie there who has heard both sides has since abandoned his land and left Barbies Estate because of her behavior.
I tried to understand this after it happened and only could see to 2 possible rational conclusions. I thought either somebody else got on her account after she agreed to watch the movie with us then logged out or she is bi-polar with multiple personality. However, I have since heard from other residents things she is saying about us to other residents that made it clear it was not somebody else on her account as what she told them in voice, confirming it was her, was completely irrational and down right lies to the extreme about me and Ann, even saying we were there to steal money from her. We paid all tiers due and had time remaining. I built a Amusement Park to draw in business for her and Ann built a mall to also help draw attention to her lands. While only just completing what we built to help her lands the traffic was already averaging about 1000 a day and appeared would be a huge success. I see no way we could of been hurting her and were always agreeing to any requests she may of had. I have also since learned from other residents there Barbie has done this kind of thing before to other residents but never on such a large scale as this. One such long time resident and friend of Barbie there who has heard both sides has since abandoned his land and left Barbies Estate because of her behavior.

This post only is intended to request for SL to review all chat logs so they may decide for themselves if we were abused without just cause and offer assistance if they agree Ainowena and I were truly abused. Obviously this will also be for all to see for awareness and to add comment to. If you have had similar problems, feel free to add your story.
This post only is intended to request for SL to review all chat logs so they may decide for themselves if we were abused without just cause and offer assistance if they agree Ainowena and I were truly abused. Obviously this will also be for all to see for awareness and to add comment to. If you have had similar problems, feel free to add your story.

P.S. Ainowena Dreamscape does not have a premium account so she could not file a abuse post/complaint with SL. Also, for those who are wondering, the movie was Aliens, nothing romantic or about sex.
P.S. Ainowena Dreamscape does not have a premium account so she could not file a abuse post/complaint with SL. Also, for those who are wondering, the movie was Aliens, nothing romantic or about sex.

Latest revision as of 19:41, 25 November 2010

Abuse Report by Sensational Fride & Ainowena Dreamscape against Barbie Cannned, owner of Glamorous Estates & Empire

Chat Started: 11-25-2010 00:37:03 Chat Log: BethA: Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support, My name is BethA. Please bear with me, I may be helping other residents. I will be with you as soon as possible.

BethA: Thank you for your patience. How may I assist you?

You: I and my friend have lost a lot of items from a unjust return of all objects from the landlord at Bazaar Amusement Park, Glamorous Bazaar (21, 173, 21)

You: we were both renters there and over inviting to see a movie with us this landlord decided i and my friend were lovers and then returned all our items. Shes nutts if u ask me.

You: our rent was paid and nothing due

You: we did nothing wrong do merit that response

You: many no copy items did not come back to me and my friend Ainowena Dreamscape

You: Barbie Cannned is the landlord

BethA: HI, If you feel you are unable to resolve the issue with the other resident, please file an abuse report so it can be researched.. https://wiki.lindenlab.com/wiki/3989_-_Guide_to_Filing_an_Abuse_Report

You: Ann is just a friend and barbie and i had just become a couple this same morning and she announced that with me to her friends. No unfaithfulness at all, so there is no reason either of us can imagine to this response

You: Ann lived there to and was Barbies friend also

You: this made no sense to either of us

You: we asked if she wanted to watch a movie with us

You: she said yes, the logged off

BethA: I'm sorry to hear you are having this issue with another resident. Please first try to resolve then issue with the resident, and if that doesn't work, please feel free to file the abuse report

You: came back and was like somebody else

You: saying we never invited her and went into some kind of jealous rage that had no merit or reason to support it

BethA: Is there anything else I may assist you with?

You: we tried to discuss what it was she was upset about but it was like nothing we said was being heard and she only got more angry

BethA: I understand. Please file an abuse report from your inworld viewer

BethA: Is there anything else I may assist you with?

BethA: Is there anything else I may assist you with?

You: appears you can do nothing

BethA: we are unable to assist without an abuse report

You: ok

BethA: Is there anything else I may assist you with?

BethA: you will receive this in an email

You: no i will be filing a complaint

BethA: Please disconnect, there are other residents waiting for assistance

The above was an attempt to get assistance through SL on Wednesday night right after the events occurred and am only posting this to mark that we tried to report this right after the issue occurred, as I have heard abuse reports must be filed the same day of the occurrence or the odds of assistance are very low. This is not intended to be a slander against SL. I have tried to find the "in world" method he said to use and could not find it, but his link lead me to here, so here it is for all to see and comment on.

Barbie Cannned runs multiple FULL SIMS connected and calls it Glamorous Estates & Barbies Empire, primarily for renters, but also has a theater, dance club, arcade, wedding facilities and more that she either runs or helps manage. Ainowena and I owned nearly a full SIM between the two of us, tho not on the same SIM. Barbies behavior on Wednesday evening 11-24-2010 was completely uncalled for with the feel of a Cleopatra Goddess iron rod rule behavior of judge, jury and executioner with only her opinion to support her justice.

Ainowena (Ann) and I are still in shock of this outcome. Ann had said she wanted to watch a movie on her new TV and I told her sounds good, then told Barbie and she said she wanted to watch one too. Barbie then logged out and when she came back she said she was not coming and was doing me a favor so we could be together (Ann and I). I asked her what she ment and she said I know what she means, throwing more and more hints out that Ann and I were in love. Ann and I met in another online world called World of Warcraft about 4 years ago and yes at one time up till about 2 years ago we tried to have a relationship but found we could not get along well enough for that and have been best friends about 2 years, never since the friendship stage in our relationship have Ann and I ever engaged in any kind of romantic behavior. Barbie knew this and neither Ann or I can understand where she got the assumption we were still in love and engaging in sex. We both tried very hard to reason with her and let her know we were not in or planning to be in a relationship. In fact I was very happy to find out that very morning Barbie loved me and wanted to marry me in SL. I agreed and she had me go with her that same morning to tell 3 other residents of her lands to announce our new partnership, so I for one am extremely shocked by her behavior. When it became clear she was not listening and going to return our things we asked to be allowed the dignity of picking up our things and stopped responding to her messages as it seemed anything we said only further agrivated the situation and started to picking up our things, over 8000 prims worth, but she returned them with land tools anyway, last saying "answer me or im going to press the button!" I was able to pick up about 20 items and Ann didn't get anything picked up before her things were returned. Land return has a tendency to fail and well is known by most land owners who have had things returned to them in this way to only be able handle so many things at one time and anything beyond the limit is lost. In addition, returns in this way go to your objects folder, not the sorted folders you dropped them from, leaving a huge mess to re-sort of what does get returned. Ann and I both lost many no copy items and now have a huge inventory mess to sort out.

I tried to understand this after it happened and only could see to 2 possible rational conclusions. I thought either somebody else got on her account after she agreed to watch the movie with us then logged out or she is bi-polar with multiple personality. However, I have since heard from other residents things she is saying about us to other residents that made it clear it was not somebody else on her account as what she told them in voice, confirming it was her, was completely irrational and down right lies to the extreme about me and Ann, even saying we were there to steal money from her. We paid all tiers due and had time remaining. I built a Amusement Park to draw in business for her and Ann built a mall to also help draw attention to her lands. While only just completing what we built to help her lands the traffic was already averaging about 1000 a day and appeared would be a huge success. I see no way we could of been hurting her and were always agreeing to any requests she may of had. I have also since learned from other residents there Barbie has done this kind of thing before to other residents but never on such a large scale as this. One such long time resident and friend of Barbie there who has heard both sides has since abandoned his land and left Barbies Estate because of her behavior.

This post only is intended to request for SL to review all chat logs so they may decide for themselves if we were abused without just cause and offer assistance if they agree Ainowena and I were truly abused. Obviously this will also be for all to see for awareness and to add comment to. If you have had similar problems, feel free to add your story.

P.S. Ainowena Dreamscape does not have a premium account so she could not file a abuse post/complaint with SL. Also, for those who are wondering, the movie was Aliens, nothing romantic or about sex.