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Humankind has often wondered, "Is there intelligent life beyond Earth?" Curiosity AI, by Archivist Llewellyn, is an award-winning project that explores how artificial intelligence can communicate R&D concepts to be used in our future exploration of Mars. Curiosity AI is hosted on VADER2 island by US Department
Shannon Bohle
of Defense, US Army Research Laboratory's Simulation and Training Technology Center.

===Neil A. Armstrong Library And Archives===
[[Image:NDU fcvw 2010.jpg]]
[[File:Cambridge crest2.gif]] University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/higher-education-network/2011/sep/05/top-200-world-universities-rankings-2011 Top ranked university in the world]
* Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP)
* Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS)
* Institution of Analysts and Programmers (AMIAP)
New Computer Skills:
* Certificate, Artificial Intelligence (Sebastian Thrun, Peter Norvig)
* Linux/Unix
* Shell Scripting
* Python
* Regular Expressions
* mySQL
* Distributed Computing
* Science Data
* Digital Preservation
* Data Protection Act
* Digital Humanities
* WordPress
===Second Life Photos===
===Second Life Projects===
===Neil A. Armstrong Library and Archives===
Located in NASA's CoLab region in Second Life, this area exhibits records and other documentation pertaining to astronauts and space exploration throughout history.
The Neil A. Armstrong Library and Archives at NASA CoLab is the first virtual world library or archive recognized by the Library of Congress of the United States of America (ID #38392, MARC Code CaPsLAN). Its mission is to house and make available records and other documentation relating to NASA and NASA CoLab in SL. It also aims to be among the first and best repositories to use virtual world technology for enhancing the understanding of the history of science, technology and medicine by incorporating both primary and secondary source materials relating specifically to the history of aeronautics and astronautics as well as NASA’s intersections of other fields such as medicine and engineering.
Major collections include the history of women, African-Americans, and the working class in aeronautical and astronautical history, as well as the histories of Apollo 11 and Space Medicine. It covers major events and well-known figures, but the majority of the displays are designed to appeal to women and minorities. The section on female pilots—such as Amelia Earhart, Bessie Coleman (first African American pilot), Helene Dutrieu (first woman to pilot a seaplane), Harriet Quimby (first woman to fly across the English Channel), and female space pioneers like the Mercury 13, Valentina Tereshkova, and Sally Ride—is exceptionally popular. So too is the exhibit Women Working at NASA from 1943-1964, including the now famous “human computers,” and Female Aviation Employees working for organizations such as the U.S. Navy, Consolidated Aircraft, North American Aviation, Inc., and Douglas Aircraft Company. Displays include digitized, born digital, and born virtual materials. Some items were donated or created specifically for this project, including: a photo of pilot Patty Wagstaff and a replica of her flight suit, a photo of James D. Watson, Nobel Laureate and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, an original oral history interview with a Tuskegee Airman.  There are 3D replicas that play historic sound recordings when touched such as Sputnik’s beeps and a replica of Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 space suit that says, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”
This interactive and educational project meets requisite professional library, archival, and historical standards, and achieved tangible, compelling results outside SL via the Library of Congress, the Nobel Prize Foundation, CNN, Spaceport America. It received praise by professional librarians/archivists at renowned institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and the Smithsonian. As the Director I composed the leadership and mission statements, supervised and coordinated library volunteers, provided library/archival reference and outreach expertise, applied my knowledge of digital library standards for description, access, delivery and preservation, as well provided virtual world versions of NASA educational materials and historical publications, astronaut Twitter pages, and links to NASA web sites and NASA TV. Additionally, I lectured, published, gave tours to faculty members and visiting student groups from various institutions in the US and abroad, hosted public SL events, and monitored and communicated qualitative and quantitative feedback for the continued justification of the project.
* 2010 Linden Prize Finalist Video: [http://youtu.be/8lDgQx8OHn8 YouTube]
* Article about the Neil A. Armstrong Library and Archives appears on [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4106780323/in/set-72157623706336113 CNN website].
* ''Nature'' article: [http://blogs.nature.com/ub51cd45e/2010/03/12/studying-the-causes-of-cancer-creating-the-first-3d-model-of-p53-in-a-synthetic-immersive-environmen Studying the Causes of Cancer: Creating the First 3d Model of p53 in a Synthetic Immersive Environment]
* ''The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research'' published Archivist's article, [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/5223478385/in/set-72157623706336113 "The Neil A. Armstrong Library and Archives: That’s One Small Step for a Virtual World Library, One Giant Leap for Education!"]
* Ongoing Project: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4476302232/in/set-72157617621095453 Avatars send their names to Mars in Real Life] on Curiosity, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Rover
* RL Presenter, "Send Your Avatar's Name to Mars," 13th Annual [http://www.marssociety.org/ Mars Society] Convention. Dayton, Ohio. ([http://www.slideshare.net/01archivist/13th-annual-international-mars-society-convention Slideshow]). ([http://youtu.be/T8DTxIvK0WQ YouTube 1], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaF6cEcgB3c&feature=related Youtube 2])
* RL Presenter, Lima Astronomical Society (Ohio) - http://nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov/staging/club-view.cfm?Club_ID=162
* Location: [http://secondlife.com/destination/neil-a-armstrong-library-archives Second Life Destintion Guide]
'''* Images: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4650468498/ NASA BUZZ], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4611517063/ National Defense University-FCVW 2010], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4652760703/ 2010 Defense Technical Information Center conference]'''

===Curiosity AI===
===Curiosity AI===

Curiosity AI, by Archivist Llewellyn, is an award-winning project that explores how artificial intelligence can communicate R&D concepts to be used in our future exploration of Mars. The project won 2nd Place in the Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge, including a check for $3,000, an engraved trophy, a ribbon, and a medallion from the DoD / US Army for "Simulation, Training & Research." Archivist had a chance to demonstrate the project and be on a panel discussing "The Future of AI" at the Defense Gametech Conference in Orlando. [http://www.teamorlando.org/gametech Conference website]. Curiosity AI focuses on a human controlling one AI which then controls many other AIs. Specifically, it proposes the use of a UAV flying hovercraft such as the Embla UAV. A UAV hovercraft like this would be capable of speeds of 50 miles per hour or more and would not limited by difficult terrain and could also navigate into caves on Mars and the Moon. My videos depicting the futuristic Mars Embla swarm were published in February (in a new media format on YouTube), and a presentation given at the IEEE Oregon Virtual Worlds Symposium on March 11, and submitted (as part of a larger project) for an AI contest in December of 2010. In terms of defense applications, the project simulates how one human could operate many drones, including swarms. According to [http://www.army.mil/-news/2011/03/24/53797-unmanned-aircraft-soar-into-future-roles/ Tim Owings], deputy project manager for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Project Office, "Right now, it takes two Soldiers to operate an unmanned aircraft," he said. "We want to take that to one-to-one and even to one-to-four. We will need higher levels of autonomy in our unmanned aircraft systems if an operator controls multiple vehicles" (March 24, 2011).
Curiosity AI is an award-winning project that explores how artificial intelligence can communicate R&D concepts to be used in our future exploration of Mars.

About the contest and award:
Curiosity AI was hosted on VADER2 island by US Department of Defense, [http://www.arl.army.mil US Army Research Laboratory], Simulation and Training Technology Center.
[http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/challenge-gov-fact-sheet.pdf White House Announcement] 
[http://www.fvwc.army.mil/ Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge Website]

Curiosity AI website and video:
Curiosity AI, by Archivist Llewellyn, was an award-winning project that explores how artificial intelligence can communicate R&D concepts to be used in our future exploration of Mars. The project won 2nd Place in the Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge, including a check for $3,000, an engraved trophy, a ribbon, and a medallion from the DoD / US Army for "Simulation, Training & Research."
[http://archivopedia.com/Curiosity/home.html Home Page]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKTP36tqwK0 YouTube]

* About the contest and award: [http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/challenge-gov-fact-sheet.pdf White House Announcement], [http://www.fvwc.army.mil/ Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge Website] 
[http://secondlife.com/destination/curiosity-ai Second Life Destintion Guide]
* Curiosity AI website and video:[http://archivopedia.com/Curiosity/home.html Home Page], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKTP36tqwK0 YouTube]
* Archivist wins Honorable Mention for her Curiosity Rover in the [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4979790267/in/set-72157624885538834 Gogbot 2010 Singularity Art & Design Show], Netherlands.
* Mixed Reality Presenter, Sandhills Astronomical Society (North Carolina) - http://nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov/club-view.cfm?Club_ID=1134&Print=1
'''* Images: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/5644838308/in/photostream Archivist with Colonel Langhauser]'''
=National Robotics Week, April 9-17, 2011=
Archivist Llewellyn was a principal organizer in National Robotics Week in Second Life for [http://www.computer.org/portal/web/guest/home The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society]. Events included: presentations, tours, robot hunt, and a week-long virtual robot building competition with prizes. Hands-on classes related to building and scripting robots, and AIML basics were taught in world. Over L$100,000 were given away in prizes.
* [http://www.nationalroboticsweek.org/ National Robotics Week Website]
* [http://www.flickr.com/groups/roboweek/ National Robotics Week Flickr Pool]
* [http://www.virtualieee.wordpress.com/ Virtual IEEE Blog]
* [http://twitter.com/#!/IEEEVirtual IEEE Virtual on Twitter]
* Mixed Reality Presentation - The Spotlight Internet Radio Show [http://thespotlightpodcast.podbean.com/2011/04/28/48-artificial-intelligence-2x16-pt-1-42811/  Audio - Part 1], [http://thespotlightpodcast.podbean.com/2011/04/28/48-artificial-intelligence-2x16-pt-2-42811/ Audio- Part 2], [http://www.livestream.com/thespotlightinsecondlife/video?clipId=pla_5b00098e-87df-41f5-82bc-0fa3bbe81ee5&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb Video]
* [http://www.livestream.com/thespotlightinsecondlife/video?clipId=pla_65530636-5744-488a-a021-56f1498d16c5&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb Metanomics Video]

[[Image:Nobel_museum.jpg]][[Image:Archivist and Mather.jpg]][[Image:Archivist and Fert.jpg]]

Archivist published a [http://archivopedia.com/wiki/index.php?title=Machinima Machinima Best Practices Guideline] in Second Life.
Archivist's [http://youtu.be/aN9uaAEXnbY video], with physics Nobel laureate [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2006/mather-lecture.html John C. Mather], received a [http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3095934&id=81239734102 special showing] at the [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_organizations/nobelmuseum/ Nobel Museum] in Sweden.  
Her [http://youtu.be/aN9uaAEXnbY video], "Can Results from Planck Prove the Inflation Paradigm?" with physics Nobel laureate [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2006/mather-lecture.html John C. Mather], received a [http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3095934&id=81239734102 special showing] at the [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_organizations/nobelmuseum/ Nobel Museum] in Sweden. Mather's research led to strong empirical support to The Big Bang Theory. After the video, Dr. Mather was a speaker to a sizable audience in Second Life at NASA e-Education island and Stella Nova. A second [http://youtu.be/uek8-TapUPs video], with physics Nobel laureate [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2007/fert.html Albert Fert] also aired on the NobelPrize.org channel. Archivist has lectured on the subject of machinima at two conferences, [http://www.learningtimes.net/innovation/bohle Innovation for Libraries in the 21st Century (2010)] and the [http://conf.vwbpe.org/index.php/VWBPE/11/paper/view/167 2011 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education].
Mather's research led to strong empirical support to The Big Bang Theory. After the video, Dr. Mather was a speaker to a sizable audience in Second Life at NASA e-Education island and Stella Nova. A second [http://youtu.be/uek8-TapUPs video], with physics Nobel laureate [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2007/fert.html Albert Fert] also aired on the NobelPrize.org channel. Archivist has lectured on the subject of machinima at two conferences, [http://www.learningtimes.net/innovation/bohle Innovation for Libraries in the 21st Century (2010)] and the [http://conf.vwbpe.org/index.php/VWBPE/11/paper/view/167 2011 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education].
Archivist Llewellyn and Ariel Miranda chaired '''The National Space Society''''s “NSS in SL” Machinima Contest, exhibition showing, and award ceremony. The event that combined Second Life arts and sciences. Celebrating the mission of the NSS for space exploration and the technical and artistic expertise of machinima artists is what this event was about. The unprecedented machinima award ceremony saw the teaming up of two Linden Prize Finalists--Archivist Llewellyn of the Library and Archive at NASA CoLab (NASA JPL/Caltech), and Taralyn Gravois and Jayjay Zifanwe of the The University of Western Australia. The winner of the 2010 NSS in SL Machinima Contest was selected by the Executive Director of the National Space Society, Gary Barnhard. The event and videos were featured on the [http://www.nss.org/contests/2ndlifevideos.html NSS website], the [http://www.nss.org/adastra/ NSS magazine ''AdAstra''], the Society's newsletter and other [http://www.nss.org/news/releases/pr20100612.html media outlets].
Archivist published a [http://archivopedia.com/wiki/index.php?title=Machinima Machinima Best Practices Guideline] in Second Life that is cited in Johnson, Phylis and Mark Pettit, ''Machinima: The Art and Practice of Virtual Filmmaking''. Jefferson, NC: Mcfarland, 2012.
'''Images: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4582427314/ Nobel Museum], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4106780143/ Archivist and Nobelist John C. Mather], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4296770056/ Archivist and Nobelist John C. Mather in Second Life], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4581692271/ Archivist and Nobelist Albert Fert]'''
=Fun with Science=
* The BBC radio talk show [http://www.thenakedscientists.com/HTML/content/latest-questions/question/2826/ '''''Naked Scientists'''''], hosted by physicians and researchers at Cambridge University, answers Archivist's question from Second Life: "Can Second Life avatars be controlled by thought?" Second Life [http://slurl.com/secondlife/SciLands/104/125/25 location]. See my earlier post: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/3308739967/ Brain-Machine Interface and Virtual Worlds - 2]
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4368063009/ Bill Nye (The Science Guy) and Louis Friedman] of The Planetary Society discuss the new NASA plan, and answer two of Archivist's questions.
* Marcia Bartusiak, Science Journalist & Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, answers Archivist's question during a mixed reality event at the [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/3600038149/in/set-72157619331098620 Adler Planetarium].
* [http://www.sciencefriday.com/program/archives/200911202 Science Friday, NPR]. Archivist's question answered by Mark Sykes, director of the Planetary Science Institute "In terms of lunar exploration, what about other countries, and what does this mean for geopolitics?" ([http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120613250 Transcript])
* Archivist at the [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/3451620382/in/set-72157623706336113 Virtual Feynmannfest] in Second Life, featured in '''''Discover Magazine'''''.
* Archivist meets Professor [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/3506527083/in/set-72157619331098620 Jim Secord], Director of the Darwin Correspondence Project (www.darwinproject.ac.uk) and Cambridge University Professor. The Project aims to find, research and publish summaries of every letter written by or to Charles Darwin.

Archivist holds the Master in Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree and is a professional librarian and archivist. Archivist’s background includes approximately 15 years of work experience in informal education (library, archive, museum) and formal education (K-16). She is a writer, editor and presenter. She has over 50 publications in various media formats. During her graduate study for the MLIS, she completed a project relating to the history of the U.S. Space Shuttle Program at [http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/home/index.html NASA Glenn Research Center] in Cleveland, Ohio. Prior to obtaining her graduate degree, Archivist worked at the [http://ohsweb.ohiohistory.org/places/nw01/ Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum] assisting with the education programming and working as a tour guide. Later, Archivist worked with the collection of one of the [http://www.oberlin.edu/archive/holdings/finding/RG30/SG379/biography.html founding members of NACA] (the precursor to NASA) located in the Oberlin College Archives. Archivist then served for a year at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as the Archivist of a living [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1962/watson-bio.html Nobel Prize] winning scientist’s collection (James D. Watson, co-discoverer with Crick and Wilkens of the structure of DNA) in the area of molecular biology. This included the official compilation of his books in translation in [http://library.cshl.edu/watsoncollection/translations/Web_Bibliography.pdf 26 languages]. She has lectured on molecular biology digital resources at [http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BIOS/subject.html the University of California, Berkeley] (2007) and science archives and history at the [http://bshs.org.uk/sites/default/files/2008-3Societies-Prog.pdf University of Oxford] (2008). She presently serves at the volunteer Director of the Library and Archives at NASA CoLab in Second Life, a public-private collaboration with [http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/ NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]. It is the first library or archives in a synthetic immersive environment recognized by the Library of Congress ([http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/org-search.php MARC Code: CaPsLAN]). The project received various media coverage, including an article on [http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-301402 CNN's website]. Her publishing background includes Technical Reviewer (along with Brion Vibber, Chief Technical Officer, Wikimedia Foundation) for [http://www.amazon.com/MediaWiki-Wikipedia-Beyond-Daniel-Barrett/dp/0596519796 ''MediaWiki'' (O'Reilly, 2008)], a best selling book in Library and Information Science Automation, and editorial duties for two books published by Cambridge University Press (2004-5) as well as three other books. Archivist’s creative approach toward digital libraries and computing can be found in ''Library Journal''. A computer-generated video she made in Second Life received a special showing at the Nobel Museum in Stockholm, Sweden hosted by the Nobel Prize Foundation.  Her 3D visualization of p53 protein using data from the Protein Data Bank was published on the website of the journal ''Nature''. Archivist has co-presented about the library at National Defense University during the [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4611517063/ Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds conference (2010)], and it also gained attention at the [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/4652760703/ Defense Technical Information Center] conference. She was awarded the Linden Prize "Top 10" in 2010 by Linden Lab's CEO to "formally recognize the best of-the-best" for having "greatly enhanced and changed thousands of lives around the world." Archivist chaired/organized the IEEE National Robotics Week events in Second Life. Her current project "Curiosity AI" won second place in "AI Concept Exploration" in the DoD/US Army's international 2011 Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge. Archivist was awarded a full scholarship for three years to attend the [http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ University of Cambridge] in the UK, where she plans to complete her Ph.D. Additional accomplishments are noted in Marquis’ ''Who’s Who in American Education'', Marquis’ ''Who’s Who of American Women'', Marquis’ ''Who’s Who in America'', and Marquis’ ''Who’s Who in the World''.
[[Image:Archivist_and_Watson.jpg]] [[Image:Archivist_at_NASA.jpg]]

Archivist holds the Master in Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree and is a professional librarian and archivist. Archivist’s background includes approximately 15 years of work experience in informal education (library, archive, museum) and formal education (K-16). She is a writer, editor and presenter. She has over 50 publications in various media formats. During her graduate study for the MLIS, she completed a project relating to the history of the U.S. Space Shuttle Program at [http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/home/index.html NASA Glenn Research Center] in Cleveland, Ohio. Prior to obtaining her graduate degree, Archivist worked at the [http://ohsweb.ohiohistory.org/places/nw01/ Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum] assisting with the education programming and working as a tour guide. Later, Archivist worked with the collection of one of the [http://www.oberlin.edu/archive/holdings/finding/RG30/SG379/biography.html founding members of NACA] (the precursor to NASA) located in the Oberlin College Archives. Archivist then served for a year at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as the Archivist of a living [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1962/watson-bio.html Nobel Prize] winning scientist’s collection[1] (James D. Watson, co-discoverer with Crick and Wilkens of the structure of DNA) in the area of molecular biology. This included the official compilation of his books in translation in [http://library.cshl.edu/watsoncollection/translations/Web_Bibliography.pdf 26 languages]. She has lectured on molecular biology digital resources at [http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BIOS/subject.html the University of California, Berkeley] (2007) and science archives and history at the [http://bshs.org.uk/sites/default/files/2008-3Societies-Prog.pdf University of Oxford] (2008). She presently serves at the volunteer Director of the Library and Archives at NASA CoLab in Second Life, a public-private collaboration with [http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/ NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]. It is the first library or archives in a synthetic immersive environment recognized by the Library of Congress ([http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/org-search.php MARC Code: CaPsLAN]). The project received various media coverage, including an article on [http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-301402 CNN's website]. Her publishing background includes Technical Reviewer (along with Brion Vibber, Chief Technical Officer, Wikimedia Foundation) for [http://www.amazon.com/MediaWiki-Wikipedia-Beyond-Daniel-Barrett/dp/0596519796 MediaWiki (O'Reilly, 2008)], a best selling book in Library and Information Science Automation, and editorial duties for two books published by Cambridge University Press (2004-5) as well as three other books. Archivist was awarded a full scholarship for three years to complete her Ph.D. at the [http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ University of Cambridge].
'''* Images: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/5644838272 Archivist and Nobelist James D. Watson], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/5644272569 Archivist at NASA GRC], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/9572111392/ Archivist and Nobelist Professor Sir John Gurdon], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/9569301715/ Archivist with Cambridge HPS Department 2011], [http://www.flickr.com/photos/35047286@N02/9569341151/ Archivist with Cambridge HPS Department 2012]'''

Latest revision as of 11:51, 17 April 2016

Shannon Bohle




Cambridge crest2.gif University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


  • Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP)
  • Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS)
  • Institution of Analysts and Programmers (AMIAP)

New Computer Skills:

  • Certificate, Artificial Intelligence (Sebastian Thrun, Peter Norvig)
  • Linux/Unix
  • Shell Scripting
  • Python
  • Regular Expressions
  • mySQL
  • Distributed Computing
  • Science Data
  • Digital Preservation
  • Data Protection Act
  • Digital Humanities
  • WordPress

Second Life Photos


Second Life Projects

Neil A. Armstrong Library and Archives

Located in NASA's CoLab region in Second Life, this area exhibits records and other documentation pertaining to astronauts and space exploration throughout history.

The Neil A. Armstrong Library and Archives at NASA CoLab is the first virtual world library or archive recognized by the Library of Congress of the United States of America (ID #38392, MARC Code CaPsLAN). Its mission is to house and make available records and other documentation relating to NASA and NASA CoLab in SL. It also aims to be among the first and best repositories to use virtual world technology for enhancing the understanding of the history of science, technology and medicine by incorporating both primary and secondary source materials relating specifically to the history of aeronautics and astronautics as well as NASA’s intersections of other fields such as medicine and engineering.

Major collections include the history of women, African-Americans, and the working class in aeronautical and astronautical history, as well as the histories of Apollo 11 and Space Medicine. It covers major events and well-known figures, but the majority of the displays are designed to appeal to women and minorities. The section on female pilots—such as Amelia Earhart, Bessie Coleman (first African American pilot), Helene Dutrieu (first woman to pilot a seaplane), Harriet Quimby (first woman to fly across the English Channel), and female space pioneers like the Mercury 13, Valentina Tereshkova, and Sally Ride—is exceptionally popular. So too is the exhibit Women Working at NASA from 1943-1964, including the now famous “human computers,” and Female Aviation Employees working for organizations such as the U.S. Navy, Consolidated Aircraft, North American Aviation, Inc., and Douglas Aircraft Company. Displays include digitized, born digital, and born virtual materials. Some items were donated or created specifically for this project, including: a photo of pilot Patty Wagstaff and a replica of her flight suit, a photo of James D. Watson, Nobel Laureate and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, an original oral history interview with a Tuskegee Airman. There are 3D replicas that play historic sound recordings when touched such as Sputnik’s beeps and a replica of Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 space suit that says, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”

This interactive and educational project meets requisite professional library, archival, and historical standards, and achieved tangible, compelling results outside SL via the Library of Congress, the Nobel Prize Foundation, CNN, Spaceport America. It received praise by professional librarians/archivists at renowned institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and the Smithsonian. As the Director I composed the leadership and mission statements, supervised and coordinated library volunteers, provided library/archival reference and outreach expertise, applied my knowledge of digital library standards for description, access, delivery and preservation, as well provided virtual world versions of NASA educational materials and historical publications, astronaut Twitter pages, and links to NASA web sites and NASA TV. Additionally, I lectured, published, gave tours to faculty members and visiting student groups from various institutions in the US and abroad, hosted public SL events, and monitored and communicated qualitative and quantitative feedback for the continued justification of the project.

  • 2010 Linden Prize Finalist Video: YouTube
  • Article about the Neil A. Armstrong Library and Archives appears on CNN website.

* Images: NASA BUZZ, National Defense University-FCVW 2010, 2010 Defense Technical Information Center conference

Curiosity AI

Curiosity AI is an award-winning project that explores how artificial intelligence can communicate R&D concepts to be used in our future exploration of Mars.  

Curiosity AI was hosted on VADER2 island by US Department of Defense, US Army Research Laboratory, Simulation and Training Technology Center.

Curiosity AI, by Archivist Llewellyn, was an award-winning project that explores how artificial intelligence can communicate R&D concepts to be used in our future exploration of Mars. The project won 2nd Place in the Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge, including a check for $3,000, an engraved trophy, a ribbon, and a medallion from the DoD / US Army for "Simulation, Training & Research."

* Images: Archivist with Colonel Langhauser

National Robotics Week, April 9-17, 2011

Archivist Llewellyn was a principal organizer in National Robotics Week in Second Life for The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society. Events included: presentations, tours, robot hunt, and a week-long virtual robot building competition with prizes. Hands-on classes related to building and scripting robots, and AIML basics were taught in world. Over L$100,000 were given away in prizes.


Archivist's video, with physics Nobel laureate John C. Mather, received a special showing at the Nobel Museum in Sweden. 

Mather's research led to strong empirical support to The Big Bang Theory. After the video, Dr. Mather was a speaker to a sizable audience in Second Life at NASA e-Education island and Stella Nova. A second video, with physics Nobel laureate Albert Fert also aired on the NobelPrize.org channel. Archivist has lectured on the subject of machinima at two conferences, Innovation for Libraries in the 21st Century (2010) and the 2011 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education.

Archivist Llewellyn and Ariel Miranda chaired The National Space Society's “NSS in SL” Machinima Contest, exhibition showing, and award ceremony. The event that combined Second Life arts and sciences. Celebrating the mission of the NSS for space exploration and the technical and artistic expertise of machinima artists is what this event was about. The unprecedented machinima award ceremony saw the teaming up of two Linden Prize Finalists--Archivist Llewellyn of the Library and Archive at NASA CoLab (NASA JPL/Caltech), and Taralyn Gravois and Jayjay Zifanwe of the The University of Western Australia. The winner of the 2010 NSS in SL Machinima Contest was selected by the Executive Director of the National Space Society, Gary Barnhard. The event and videos were featured on the NSS website, the NSS magazine AdAstra, the Society's newsletter and other media outlets.

Archivist published a Machinima Best Practices Guideline in Second Life that is cited in Johnson, Phylis and Mark Pettit, Machinima: The Art and Practice of Virtual Filmmaking. Jefferson, NC: Mcfarland, 2012.

Images: Nobel Museum, Archivist and Nobelist John C. Mather, Archivist and Nobelist John C. Mather in Second Life, Archivist and Nobelist Albert Fert

Fun with Science

  • Marcia Bartusiak, Science Journalist & Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, answers Archivist's question during a mixed reality event at the Adler Planetarium.
  • Science Friday, NPR. Archivist's question answered by Mark Sykes, director of the Planetary Science Institute "In terms of lunar exploration, what about other countries, and what does this mean for geopolitics?" (Transcript)
  • Archivist meets Professor Jim Secord, Director of the Darwin Correspondence Project (www.darwinproject.ac.uk) and Cambridge University Professor. The Project aims to find, research and publish summaries of every letter written by or to Charles Darwin.


Archivist holds the Master in Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree and is a professional librarian and archivist. Archivist’s background includes approximately 15 years of work experience in informal education (library, archive, museum) and formal education (K-16). She is a writer, editor and presenter. She has over 50 publications in various media formats. During her graduate study for the MLIS, she completed a project relating to the history of the U.S. Space Shuttle Program at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Prior to obtaining her graduate degree, Archivist worked at the Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum assisting with the education programming and working as a tour guide. Later, Archivist worked with the collection of one of the founding members of NACA (the precursor to NASA) located in the Oberlin College Archives. Archivist then served for a year at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as the Archivist of a living Nobel Prize winning scientist’s collection (James D. Watson, co-discoverer with Crick and Wilkens of the structure of DNA) in the area of molecular biology. This included the official compilation of his books in translation in 26 languages. She has lectured on molecular biology digital resources at the University of California, Berkeley (2007) and science archives and history at the University of Oxford (2008). She presently serves at the volunteer Director of the Library and Archives at NASA CoLab in Second Life, a public-private collaboration with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It is the first library or archives in a synthetic immersive environment recognized by the Library of Congress (MARC Code: CaPsLAN). The project received various media coverage, including an article on CNN's website. Her publishing background includes Technical Reviewer (along with Brion Vibber, Chief Technical Officer, Wikimedia Foundation) for MediaWiki (O'Reilly, 2008), a best selling book in Library and Information Science Automation, and editorial duties for two books published by Cambridge University Press (2004-5) as well as three other books. Archivist’s creative approach toward digital libraries and computing can be found in Library Journal. A computer-generated video she made in Second Life received a special showing at the Nobel Museum in Stockholm, Sweden hosted by the Nobel Prize Foundation. Her 3D visualization of p53 protein using data from the Protein Data Bank was published on the website of the journal Nature. Archivist has co-presented about the library at National Defense University during the Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds conference (2010), and it also gained attention at the Defense Technical Information Center conference. She was awarded the Linden Prize "Top 10" in 2010 by Linden Lab's CEO to "formally recognize the best of-the-best" for having "greatly enhanced and changed thousands of lives around the world." Archivist chaired/organized the IEEE National Robotics Week events in Second Life. Her current project "Curiosity AI" won second place in "AI Concept Exploration" in the DoD/US Army's international 2011 Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge. Archivist was awarded a full scholarship for three years to attend the University of Cambridge in the UK, where she plans to complete her Ph.D. Additional accomplishments are noted in Marquis’ Who’s Who in American Education, Marquis’ Who’s Who of American Women, Marquis’ Who’s Who in America, and Marquis’ Who’s Who in the World.

* Images: Archivist and Nobelist James D. Watson, Archivist at NASA GRC, Archivist and Nobelist Professor Sir John Gurdon, Archivist with Cambridge HPS Department 2011, Archivist with Cambridge HPS Department 2012