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[[List Of Railways]]
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*[[West Atoll Railroad]]

Latest revision as of 10:36, 2 February 2014

WW II map

This is a very small multisim railway. It is somewhere in A177 Sim Cluster and covers only 3 sims (so it still is a multisim rail). These 3 sims form a combat area themed on the Nazi occupation of French.

It is a complex rail system, that includes many small branches. About 40% is built in tunnels and there are even switches inside tunnels (this feature is unique throughout all railways). Some branches end into hidden Nazi bunkers. Railway is made so classic Heterocera trains can travel along it, even if tracks are not so wide. Almost all parts of the 3 sims have places where trains and other vehicles can be rezzed. Switches can be actioned manually.

There is a train stationed somewhere along the rail.

See Also

Second Life Geography

List Of Railways