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* [[Goals of Second Life|我在 SL 能做什麼呢?]]
* [[Second Life 的目標|我在 SL 能做什麼?]]
* [[How to make money|要怎樣賺錢啊?]]
* [[賺錢|錢要怎樣賺啊?]]
* [[How to run SL faster|為什麼 SL 那麼慢?]]
* [[How to run SL faster|為什麼 SL 那麼慢?]]
* [[How to detach object from me|我要怎麼把頭 (或其他身體部位) 上的東西拿下來啊?]]
* [[如何取下身體上的物品|我要怎麼把頭 (或其他身體部位) 上的東西拿下來啊?]]
* [[How to buy new stuff?|要去哪裡買新衣服 (或其他東西) 啊?]]
* [[如何購買商品‎|要去哪裡買新衣服 (或其他東西)]]
* [[How to use vendors?|怎麼用販賣機啊?]]
* [[如何使用販賣機|販賣機要怎麼用啊?]]
* [[How to open box?|我剛剛買了衣服,可是我只收到一個箱子。到底要怎樣才能穿那件衣服啊?]]
* [[如何開啟箱子|我剛剛買了衣服,可是我只收到一個箱子。到底要怎樣才能穿那件衣服啊?]]
* [[How to become landowner?|我要怎麼才能擁有土地?]]
* [[How to become landowner‎|我要怎樣才能擁有土地?]]
* [[What is a Charter Membership|?什麼是特權 (Charter) 會員?]]
* [[What is a Charter Membership|什麼是特權 (Charter) 會員?‎]]
* [[How far away can people hear me?|離我多遠的人可以聽到我說話?]]
* [[離我多遠的人可以聽到我說話?]]
* [[What are the basic social rules?|Second Life 的基本社交規則是什麼啊?]]
* [[What are the basic social rules|Second Life 的基本社交規則是什麼啊?‎]]
* [[:Category:Glossary|那個英文縮寫是什麼意思?]]
* [[:Category:詞彙表|那個英文縮寫是什麼意思?]]
* [[What are those words above names|在我的名字上的那行字是?什麼東西啊?]]
* [[What are those words above names‎|我的名字上的那行字是什麼東西啊?]]
* [[How to remove title above my head?|我剛剛加入了一個團體,然後我的名字上面就多出一行頭銜,要怎麼去掉它啊?]]
* [[How to remove title above my head‎|我剛剛加入了一個團體,然後我的名字上面就多出一行頭銜,要怎麼去掉它啊?]]
* [[How to set profile picture?|我要怎麼設定我的個人資料照片?]]
* [[How to set profile picture‎|我要怎麼設定我的個人資料照片?]]
* [[How to set preferences?|我要怎麼設定檢視器的偏好設定啊?]]
* [[How to set preferences‎|我要怎麼設定檢視器的偏好設定啊?]]
* [[What are the calling cards|什麼是名片 (Calling Card)??]]
* [[What are the calling cards|‎什麼是名片 (Calling Card)?]]
* [[What happens to delinquent accounts?|逾期欠款的帳號會發生什麼事?]]
* [[What happens to delinquent accounts‎|逾期欠款的帳號會發生什麼事?]]
* [[What are HUD attachments?|什麼是 HUD??]]
* [[What are HUD attachments|‎什麼是 HUD?]]
* [[Friends in Second Life?|新增為好友 (Add Friend) 是什麼意思?]]
* [[Friends in Second Life‎|新增為好友 (Add Friend) 是什麼意思?]]
* [[Why are there so many girls??|為什麼 Second Life 裡有那麼多女性啊?]]
* [[Why are there so many girls‎|‎為什麼 Second Life 裡有那麼多女生啊?]]
* 喂,[[Can we have sex|我們可以在這裡做愛嗎?]]
* 喂,[[Can we have sex|我們可以在這裡做愛嗎?]]
* [[How many items are there|Second Life 裡有多少東西啊?]]為什麼我非得付錢才能得到它們?
* [[How many items are there‎ |Second Life 裡有多少東西啊?]]為什麼我非得付錢才能得到它們?
* [[How to change my name?|我在第一次登入時,打錯我的名字了。我可以改我的名字嗎?]]
* [[How to change my name‎|我在第一次登入時打錯我的名字了,我可以改我的名字嗎?]]
* [[Why do I have a box on my head/hand?|為什?麼我的頭/手上有個箱子?]]
* [[Why do I have a box on my head/hand‎‎|為什麼我的頭/手上有個箱子?]]
* [[Why can't I stand up from this sofa|我為什麼不能從這沙發站起來??]]
* [[Why can't I stand up from this sofa‎|我為什麼不能從這沙發站起來?]]
* [[Where is my avatar in inventory?|我的化身在物品欄的哪裡啊?]]
* [[Where is my avatar in inventory‎|我的化身在物品欄的什麼地方啊?]]
* [[Why do you look so much better than me|為什?麼你看起來比我好看多了?]]為什麼我的皮膚看起來像橡皮、頭髮像棉條?
* [[Why do you look so much better than me‎|‎為什麼你看起來比我好看多了?]]為什麼我的皮膚看起來像橡皮、頭髮像棉條?
* [[Where do I find a party - How to go to classes|那裡有派對啊?那裡有課可以上啊?]]
* [[Where do I find a party - How to go to classes|派對在哪裡?哪裡有課可以上啊?‎]]

==Are you NPCs or advanced AIs?==
==你們都是 NPC,或先進的 AI 嗎?==

There are a few (so called [[Bot]]s) which aren't human, but they are usually quiet and just standing around. Some very rare AIs can be found, but they won't be able to hold up a meaningful conversation. Most avatars you'll meet in SL are really humans.
的確有少數不是人類,也就是所謂的[[Bot|「機器人」(Bot)]],但它們通常只是安安靜靜地站在那裡不動。另外還有極少數的 AI 存在,但它們無法跟您進行深入的交談。所以,您在 Second Life 看到的化身,絕大多數都是真正的人類。


==Help! This isn't me! This is some shiny cloud!==
別擔心!您可能只是網路連線速度太慢,或到了一個非常非常緩慢的模擬器。所有化身都來自於一個「公共」多邊形網格,而這個「標準」化身因為某種原因被稱為[[Ruth|「露絲」(Ruth)]]。您只要再稍微等一下,等您的 Second Life 用戶端成功下載適當的設定後,您化身的外表就會回復「正常」了。

Don't worry! You're probably on a bad connection, or eventually on a very very slow sim. All avatars derive from a "common" polygon mesh, and the "standard" avatar, which for some reason is called "[[Ruth]]". Just wait a bit and you should return to "normal" as soon as your SL client loads the proper settings.

If this is taking a *long* time, I'd advise you to relog. Sometimes, changing avatars when the update is taking too long is worse! (you might be able to fool the system and get all your avatars mixed up)
不過有個不用重新登入,就能快速解決這個問題的方法,就是進入「編輯外表」(Edit Appearance) 模式。此時系統會認為您已經做了改變,並在您關閉該模式時提示您要儲存。但'''千萬不要按一下全部儲存 [Save All]''',而是該按一下不要儲存 [Don't Save]。

A quick way to fix this without restarting is to enter "edit appearance".  The menu will behave as if you've made changes and will prompt you to save when you close it. DO NOT HIT SAVE.  Instead, when it prompts you to save say NO.
== 也請參閱 ==
* [[CopyBot|複製機器人 (CopyBot)]]
* [[About Traffic|流量]]
* [[When and how to file an Abuse Report|何時與如何提出濫用報告]]
* [[Where am I?|我在哪裡啊?]]

== 原始貢獻者 ==
== See Also ==
:'''這些居民在 Second Life Wiki 建立前,就貢獻了本文章的原始文件。'''
* [[CopyBot]]
* [[About Traffic]]
* [[When and how to file an Abuse Report]]
* [[Where am I?]]
== Original Contributors ==
:'''These are Residents who contributed to the original documents this article was source from before the Second Life Wiki was created.'''
* [[User:Kex Godel|Kex Godel]]
* [[User:Kex Godel|Kex Godel]]
* [[User:Chage McCoy|Chage McCoy]]
* [[User:Chage McCoy|Chage McCoy]]

Latest revision as of 02:58, 18 March 2009

你們都是 NPC,或先進的 AI 嗎?

的確有少數不是人類,也就是所謂的「機器人」(Bot),但它們通常只是安安靜靜地站在那裡不動。另外還有極少數的 AI 存在,但它們無法跟您進行深入的交談。所以,您在 Second Life 看到的化身,絕大多數都是真正的人類。


別擔心!您可能只是網路連線速度太慢,或到了一個非常非常緩慢的模擬器。所有化身都來自於一個「公共」多邊形網格,而這個「標準」化身因為某種原因被稱為「露絲」(Ruth)。您只要再稍微等一下,等您的 Second Life 用戶端成功下載適當的設定後,您化身的外表就會回復「正常」了。


不過有個不用重新登入,就能快速解決這個問題的方法,就是進入「編輯外表」(Edit Appearance) 模式。此時系統會認為您已經做了改變,並在您關閉該模式時提示您要儲存。但千萬不要按一下全部儲存 [Save All],而是該按一下不要儲存 [Don't Save]。



這些居民在 Second Life Wiki 建立前,就貢獻了本文章的原始文件。