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#REDIRECT [[Project Snowstorm]]
'''January 8, 2007''' - This hardly constitutes a proper roadmap just yet, but here's the direction we're heading.
*  '''Decrease coupling of viewer/server''' - If you work with our viewer enough, you'll notice that often you can't hook up to the main (Agni) grid.  This is due to the tight coupling of viewers and servers, which will make it very difficult to keep the source release synced with the current viewer/server release.  Fixing this issue correctly is where the work that {{User|Zero Linden}} described in his blog post "[http://blog.secondlife.com/2006/12/21/a-big-change-youll-barely-notice/ A Big Change You'll Barely Notice]".  In the next few months, this coupling will be reduced such that having a heterogeneous pool of viewers is just fine.
*  '''Document what we're thinking about''' - yes, this is a copout.  One thing on our roadmap is make a roadmap.
*  '''Hold roundtables''' -  We're hoping to start up [[:Category:Future Roundtables|roundtable meetings]] to help chart the direction.  We've certainly got ideas of our own, but we want to get a sense of what others are thinking.

Latest revision as of 11:36, 27 October 2010

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