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== About Me ==

[[Image:TonyH Wrangler Officer AV.jpg|thumb|TonyH Wrangler {One of many Avatars}]]
=== Second Life ===
Greetings! TonyH Wrangler here, some of you may know me for what work I have done in the Nix Bazaar, for my mentoring, or you may have just seen me in-world somewhere.
I mainly concentrate my time on mentoring new residents at the bazaar, due to my manager responsibilities I can merge my mentoring with designing and checking things there, quite effective.
=== Real Life ===
I'm a fifteen year old Caucasian male. I live in Texas, feel free to joke about it, southeast of Houston.
I am homeschooled, which opens up a major time frame in which I can access Second Life if needed. Especially nice considering I finish within two hours and the rest of my day is free, although I don't spend my time on Second Life 24/7.
Like nearly any teenager, I love music, sports, and culture. However, unlike some teens, and some find this strange, I do watch the news most of the day, usually CNN, sometimes FOX News. I like to keep up with things, since I run a PAC.
== Other "games" I Use ==
Yes, Second Life is hard to define into a Genre'. But most call it a game, so I use the same term, but simulation is a more accurate one.
PS2: BF2:Modern Combat USERNAME: TonyH (Rank: Command Sergeant Major) <br>
PS2: Alot of others, but none are well designed for multiplayer, so they sit in my stack of PS2 Items.
PC: Not much, to be honest I don't like the single player campaigns in anything anymore, story plots are becoming dry and repetitive. So my PC is used for SL and scanning parody websites along with some minigames.
== Contacting ==
IM me in-world, I don't give out anything else.
== Land & Org ==
I founded TSL Volunteer Abuse Reporters (called teen second life volunteers by most people)
back in November '06. It moved from Leviathan to it's current non-rented location in Cascade. Look for it in the search>places feature if you wish to visit.

Latest revision as of 18:16, 3 December 2008