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=Alternate Chat for Second Life=
As the Second Life Mentor Group, and the Second Life Mentor Q&A group is dismantled, I have set up a Web based chat applet for all the new and old Volunteer Groups to keep in touch with each other.
DT/LU: 01/22/2008<br>
Neovo Geesink<br>

When The Grid is Offline, or you cannot logon to Second Life, You still can chat with other Residents of Second Life, IF they allso have logged on to the Alternate Chat Applet.<br>
It is at http://members.home.nl/neovo.geesink/GridWide-Volunteers.html

For this, I have created a seperate Chat Applet, and every Resident is free to join it.<br>
It is free to use for all different Volunteer Groups, and will be kept running for as long as needed / whished.
You are free to paste the link below into your Favorites, and into any Second Life Documentation you wish.<br>
You can join this chat by cliking or copying this link in your browser:<br>
Although it IS a common IRC chat (SPIN chat), I have made it a Hidden Channel.<br>
This way, It cannot be listed, and no one can join it without typing the EXACT channel name, or the Applet I have setup for that specific channel.<br>
You can use any desired login name, but it is best to register (Free) your AV name, and protect it with a Password.<br>
This way, we will recognise each other in a text only system.<br>
For Lindens, Groups or place specific channels, I can setup more seperate applets, so multiple meetings will not interfere with Each other.<br>
Afcourse, this will result in a Seperate Vendor panel per applet, (Or link in the Group Info) which will be Place / Group Specific.<br>
Happy Chatting!!<br>
Neovo Geesink

Latest revision as of 04:27, 15 December 2009

As the Second Life Mentor Group, and the Second Life Mentor Q&A group is dismantled, I have set up a Web based chat applet for all the new and old Volunteer Groups to keep in touch with each other.

It is at http://members.home.nl/neovo.geesink/GridWide-Volunteers.html

It is free to use for all different Volunteer Groups, and will be kept running for as long as needed / whished.