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|title=[[:Category:Adult|Adult Content]] articles in the [[Knowledge Base]]
In order to access [http://support.secondlife.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=4417&task=knowledge&questionID=6010 Adult content] in Second Life, your account ''needs'' to be verified.
You may have heard the terms "'''Account Verification'''" and "'''Age Verification'''". While related, <font color="red">'''they are in fact ''different''!'''</font> Here's what you must know:
* Account Verification is an umbrella term which contains ''different'' ways of being Account-Verified.
* Having "Payment Info on File" means you're "Account-Verified" , but ''not'' necessarily "Age-Verified". '''You can be neither, either, or both.''' For example, if you purchase goods from Xstreet with a credit card, you have Payment Info on File status, and are "Account-Verified". But, <font color="red">you're ''not'' Age-Verified unless you ''explicitly'' go through the [http://support.secondlife.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=4417&task=knowledge&questionID=4568 Age Verification process]</font>.
* Furthermore, even if you have ''both'' Payment Info on File ''and'' are Age-Verified, to access a Region, your Preferred Maturity ''must'' be the same or greater than that Region. For example, to access an Adult-rated Region, you ''need'' to set your Preferred Maturity rating to '''PG, Mature and Adult'''. Similarly, to access a Mature-rated Region, you ''need'' to set your Preferred Maturity to '''PG and Mature''' ''or'' '''PG, Mature and Adult'''. This diagram explains:
*: [[Image:Account_Verification_Venn_diagram.png|512px]]
{{KBtip|1=If you need to change your Preferred Maturity setting, you can find it in '''Edit''' > '''Preferences''', then click '''General''' tab. Look for the dropdown next to '''I want to access content rated'''. The highest level is '''PG, Mature, and Adult'''.}}
== Land access levels ==
Land can be set to restrict access at three different levels. In order of highest to lowest order and capitalized for ease of understanding, they are:
# '''Estate''' - Found in '''World''' > '''Region/Estate''' under the '''Estate''' tab:
#: [[Image:Land-access-levels-Estate.png|320px]]
# '''Region''' - Found in '''World''' > '''Region/Estate''' under the '''Region''' tab:
#: [[Image:Land-access-levels-Region.png|320px]]
# '''Parcel''' - Found in '''World''' > '''About Land''' under the '''Access''' tab:
#: [[Image:Land-access-levels-Parcel.png|320px]]
Note the related controls.
Access at a higher land level ''always'' overrides a lower level. For example, even if you allow someone who's not Age-Verified to enter at the Parcel level, they can't enter if non-Age-Verified accounts are banned at the Estate level.
{{KBcaution|1=Unfortunately, due to limitations in the Viewer user interface, Estate control settings (found within '''World''' > '''Region/Estate''') ''can't'' be seen if you only own a Parcel in a Region. The next best thing to do is ask the Estate Owner or Manager what the permissions are.}}
Use this flowchart to figure out why you may be able or unable to access a Parcel of land within a Region (which in turn belongs to an Estate).
Remember, '''your Preferred Maturity rating ''must'' be the same or greater than the Region you're trying to access'''. Even if you meet all other qualifiers, you won't be able to access an Adult-rated Region — and will be informed of such — if your Preferred Maturity rating is lower '''PG, Mature and Adult'''.
== See also ==
'''[[:Category:Adult|Visit Category:Adult]]''' for more details on the above terms.
[[Category:Knowledge Base]] [[Category:Adult]]

Latest revision as of 11:25, 2 March 2011

Redirecting to http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021