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= Overview =
#REDIRECT [[Project Snowstorm]]
* The purpose of this wiki page is to describe general Second Life Viewer projects that are in progress or consideration by Linden Lab.
= Author =
[[User:Steve Linden]]
= See Also =
* [[Linden Lab Projects]]
* [[User Interface Roadmap]]
* [[Render Roadmap]]
* [[Viewer Software Overview]]
= Projects =
* This page contains projects focused on the general Viewer architecture. See above fore links to related roadmaps.
== Stability ==
* [[Viewer App Cleanup]]
** Clean up initialization and argument parsing
** Create an error handling thread for watchdog and crash handling
** Clean up warnings
* [[Viewer Crash Reporting]]
** Make it completely automated, scalable, and easy to use
* [[Viewer Memory Manager]]
** Find a high performance cross platform memory allocation library that supports memory tracking
* [[Viewer Statistics]]
** Better, scalable internal viewer statistics
** Better measure and report viewer framerate, bandwidth, etc
== Optimization ==
* [[Viewer Frame Sync]]
** Allow users to sync/limit the viewer framerate and/or sleep a certain amount per frame
== Features ==
* [[Voice]] - ''Phase 1 Complete'' - ''Phase 2 In-Progress''
** Provide Voice Chat in Second Life
* [[SL Search]] - ''In-Progress''
** Improve search in Second Life
* [[Media on a parcel]]
** Support HTML, textures, and other URL formats for parcel media

Latest revision as of 13:39, 18 October 2010

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