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{{multi-lang}}__NOTOC__ [[Image:Books-lens-flare.jpg|256px|right]]
<font size="4">'''Welcome to the Knowledge Base, the official source for Second Life help & related information.'''</font>

Need a quick way to get here? Use <font size="4">'''[http://secondlife.com/kb secondlife.com/kb]'''</font> — share this with all your friends!
These articles are from the old Knowledge Base and were not moved to the '''[http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/English_KB%40tkb Knowledge Base on the Community Platform]'''.  In general, they address  more advanced, specialized, obscure and technical content.

''You'' can edit Knowledge Base articles and make them better! [[KB2Wiki|Learn more]].
{| cellpadding=5 width=100%
{{EKB Box|Avatar}}
{{EKB Box|Inventory}}
{{EKB Box|Land}}

For account-specific issues that need a response, '''[http://secondlife.com/support visit our Support Portal]'''.

== Featured help! ==
{{EKB Box|Media, music, and sound}}
{{EKB Box|Troubleshooting}}
* '''[http://bit.ly/catadult Adult Content essentials!]'''
{{EKB Box|Operating system, hardware, and network}}
* '''[http://bit.ly/catxstreet Shopping & selling on Xstreet]'''

=== Fresh tips & tricks ===


[[User:Torley_Linden/Contact|Contact Torley]] if you have suggestions for hot stuff.
{{EKB Box|Abuse and Griefing}}
{{EKB Box|Performance and stability}}

== Find stuff ==
{{EKB Box|Content creation}}
{{EKB Box|Scripting}}

* '''Use the search box on the left''' (this searches the whole Wiki, including KB articles)
* '''[http://bit.ly/3BSlXn Use Google to search this Wiki]''' (we hope to integrate this in the future!)
{{EKB Box|Reference}}
* '''[http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/community/tnt/blog/2009/10/20/quicktip-searching-the-knowledge-base-and-wiki-in-viewer Search the Wiki in-Viewer]'''
{{EKB Box|Controls}}
* '''Click a category:'''

<table cellspacing="16">
<td width="50%" valign="top">
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-slforbg.gif
default [[:Category:Second Life for Beginners]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Second Life for Beginners|Second Life for Beginners]]'''</div>

<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-faqvid.gif
[[Category:Old Knowledge Base]]
default [[:Category:FAQs|FAQs]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''FAQs and Videos'''</div>
:* [[:Category:FAQs|FAQs]]
:* [[:Category:Video Tutorials|Video Tutorials]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-slrole.gif
default [[:Category:General Information|General Information]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''Second Life by Role'''</div>
:* [[:Category:Business Owners|Business Owners]]
:* [[:Category:Creators|Creators]]
:* [[:Category:Educators|Educators]]
:* [[:Category:General Information|General Information]]
:* [[:Category:Landowners|Landowners]]
:* [[:Category:Solution Providers|Solution Providers]]
:** [[:Category:General Information|General Information]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-lindendollars.gif
default [[:Category:Linden Dollars (L$)|Linden Dollars (L$)]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Linden Dollars (L$)|Linden Dollars (L$)]]'''</div>
:* [[:Category:General L$ Information|General L$ Information]]
:* [[:Category:L$ Transactions Between Residents|L$ Transactions Between Residents]]
:* [[:Category:LindeX|LindeX]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-land.gif
default [[:Category:Land|Land]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Land|Land]]'''</div>
:* [[:Category:Information for Landowners|Information for Landowners]]
:* [[:Category:Information for Renters|Information for Renters]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-abuse.gif
default [[:Category:Abuse and Griefing|Abuse and Griefing]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Abuse and Griefing|Abuse and Griefing]]'''</div>
:* [[:Category:Dealing with Griefers|Dealing with Griefers]]
:* [[:Category:Disputes Between Residents|Disputes Between Residents]]
:* [[:Category:General Abuse and Griefing Information|General Abuse and Griefing Information]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-inventory.gif
default [[:Category:Inventory Management|Inventory Management]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Inventory Management|Inventory Management]]'''</div>
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-yourav.gif
default [[:Category:General Avatar Information|General Avatar Information]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''Your Avatar'''</div>
:* [[:Category:General Avatar Information|General Avatar Information]]
:* [[:Category:Making Your Avatar Fancy|Making Your Avatar Fancy]]
:* [[:Category:Moving Around|Moving Around]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-groups.gif
default [[:Category:Groups|Groups]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Groups|Groups]]'''</div>
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-creatingthings.gif
default [[:Category:Creating Things|Creating Things]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Creating Things|Creating Things]]'''</div>
:* [[:Category:Building Objects|Building Objects]]
:* [[:Category:Coding Scripts|Coding Scripts]]
:* [[:Category:Filming Audiovisual Extravaganzas|Filming Audiovisual Extravaganzas]]
:* [[:Category:Making Clothing|Making Clothing]]
:* [[:Category:Working with Textures|Working with Textures]]
<td valign="top">
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-menucontrols.gif
default [[:Category:Menus and Controls|Menus and Controls]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Menus and Controls|Menus and Controls]]'''</div>
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-softwarequestions.gif
default [[:Category:General Second Life Software Information]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''Second Life Software Questions'''</div>
:* [[:Category:Issue Tracker|Issue Tracker]]
:* [[:Category:General Second Life Software Information|General Second Life Software Information]]
:* [[:Category:Improving Performance|Improving Performance]]
:* [[:Category:Optional Viewers|Optional Viewers]]
:* [[:Category:Using External Applications|Using External Applications]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-hardwarequestions.gif
default [[:Category:Hardware Questions|Hardware Questions]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Hardware Questions|Hardware Questions]]'''</div>
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-help.gif
default [[:Category:General Help|General Help]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''Help with Common Problems'''</div>
:* [[:Category:Avatar|Avatar]]
:* [[:Category:General Help|General Help]]
:* [[:Category:Inworld|Inworld]]
:* [[:Category:Error Messages|Error Messages]]
:* [[:Category:Performance|Performance]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-youraccount.gif
default [[:Category:My Account|My Account]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''Your Account'''</div>
:* [[:Category:Billing Issues|Billing Issues]]
:* [[:Category:My Account|My Account]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-legalmatters.gif
default [[:Category:Policies|Policies]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''Legal Matters'''</div>
:* [[:Category:Legal Questions|Legal Questions]]
:* [[:Category:Policies|Policies]]
:* [[:Category:Problems or Questions Outside Second Life|Problems or Questions Outside Second Life]]
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-kbsuggestion.gif
default [[:Category:Ticket Types and Support Services|Ticket Types and Support Services]]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Ticket Types and Support Services|Ticket Types and Support Services]]'''</div>
<div class="imagemap-inline"><imagemap>Image:kb-xstreet.png
default [http://www.xstreetsl.com/]
desc none
</imagemap> '''[[:Category:Xstreet|Xstreet Help]]'''</div>
: You can also [[:Category:Knowledge Base|browse all articles]].
: ''Want to talk to a real person?'' '''[http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/answers Ask on Second Life Answers!]''' — some of the best bits get compiled into Wiki articles.
== Questions & Answers ==
'''Q:''' Why did you move the Knowledge Base to this Wiki? What is this all about?
: '''A:''' To make Second Life help better and allow Residents to contribute. [[KB2Wiki|See KB2Wiki for background info.]]
'''Q:''' What's the difference between the Knowledge Base and other Wiki help?
: '''A:''' The Knowledge Base contains articles that are quality-reviewed by Linden Lab and Resident Reviewers. The Wiki has long-thrived as Resident-powered help, and it stands to benefit from documentation which wields the dual advantages of being: (1) officially approved by Linden Lab while at the same time (2) is updated quicker by having more eyes on editable content.
'''Q:''' How does this change existing Wiki content?
: '''A:''' It doesn't really, but articles can [[KB_article_graduation|graduate]] into the KB and get our seal of approval.
'''Q:''' How do I tell an article is part of the Knowledge Base?
: '''A:''' All official KB articles are in [[:Category:Knowledge Base]], as shown at the bottom of an article.
'''Q:''' Does that mean that everything that's ''not'' in [[:Category:Knowledge Base]] is unofficial?
: '''A:''' Mostly, but not always. There's a lot of stuff, such as the [[LSL Portal]], which is based on official sources, but has since been usefully expanded by Residents. Also, since the KB strives to be objective, there's a wealth of ''subjective'', Resident-created pages out there which are beneficial, but ''not'' included. Again, see the [[KB_article_graduation|graduation process]] for further details.
'''Q:''' Doesn't the KB overlap with the [[Help Portal]], [[User's_Manual]], and other unofficial, Resident-contributed help?
: '''A:''' Yes, but in time we'll merge articles and reduce unneeded redundancy. Our ongoing mission is to provide the most comprehensive-yet-elegant help possible for our Residents.
'''Q:''' How do I search the Knowledge Base in Second Life?
: '''A:''' [https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/community/tnt/blog/2009/10/20/quicktip-searching-the-knowledge-base-and-wiki-in-viewer See this tip.]
'''Q:''' Where do I find service, policy, and legal articles? (As opposed to "How do I use Second Life?"-type articles.)
: '''A:''' In the [http://wiki.secondlife.com/w/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=100&from=Abandoned_Land_FAQ&to=What_are_the_rules_for_the_script_checkboxes_in_the_About_Land_window%3F Linden Lab Official namespace]. These can't be edited by Residents but we'll be reviewing them and reclassifying as-appropriate.
'''Q:''' Who do I talk to if I have a question?
: '''A:''' Come ask Linden Lab's [[Documentation Team]]. We hold live inworld office hours so you can meet us in-avatar. We're friendly and awesome.
== [[KB_To_Do_List|To Do]] ==
^ Residents can help Lindens get this done!
[[Category:Knowledge Base Policy]]

Latest revision as of 15:56, 13 February 2012