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#REDIRECT [[Marketplace/Sellers_guide]]
'''This page contains tips on how to use the Xstreet virtual marketplace effectively and have more fun!''' These tricks were mostly written by Residents of Second Life, so benefit from their awesomeness, but remember that they're ''not'' Linden Lab's official policy or advice.
== General ==
* 2009-10-17 - [http://www.your2ndplace.com/node/1624 Getting Better Search results] - By Ciaran Laval.
* [[Xstreet_RSS_feeds|Using RSS feeds]]
== Selling ==
* [[Xstreet_tips/Negative_item_reviews|Negative items reviews]] - By Tigress Stormwind.
* [[Xstreet_tips/Products,_pricing,_and_marketing|Products, pricing, and marketing] - By Tigress Stormwind.

Latest revision as of 07:41, 21 October 2010