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This page is place for us to communicate any information about testing on Aditi that is not covered here: [[Preview_Grid]]
This page is place for us to communicate any information about testing on Aditi that is not covered here: [[Preview_Grid]]

Please join the group Second Life Beta for up to date communication regarding testing status.

= The Actual Notes =
= ADITI Office Hours =
* 1.34 is available for testing right now.
We meet once a week in Morris on ADITI, Thursday afternoons at 3PM. If you have items to talk about please add them to the "Any Other Business" section of the agenda:
** 1.34 Release Notes:
* https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Beta_Server_Office_Hours#Agenda
*** [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Beta_Server/1.34]]
The transcripts and meeting notes from previous meetings are available at the bottom of that page.
** Beta Testing guide:
*** [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Beta_Server/1.34_Beta_Test]]

<span style="color:green">'''TESTING IS GO'''</span>
= Projects on ADITI =
* {{Jira|SVC-5076}} - "Scripts in worn attachments set Not Running after login (1.34 Beta)" has been verified fixed in
ADITI always has tons of projects on it. These projects can be updated or changed at any time. These are some of the larger on-going projects we have on ADITI right now.
* There are no blocking issues.
* Pathfinding
[[User:Oskar Linden|__Oskar]] 19:09, 26 November 2009 (UTC)
* "maint-server" bug fixes

= Testing Regions =
These are mainland regions running the latest 1.34. They are publicly available for testing.
* Abbotts
<span style="color:white; background-color:green">'''ADITI is alive and kicking'''</span>
* Fortuna
* Land buying is also currently disabled... maybe.
* Sandbox Goguen
[[User:Oskar Linden|__Oskar]] 07:31, 6 March 2010 (UTC)
* Lime
* Celadon
* Morris
* Waterhead
* Miramare
* Fame
* Sistiana
* Gibson

Latest revision as of 17:11, 30 April 2012

ADITI Notes Info

This page is place for us to communicate any information about testing on Aditi that is not covered here: Preview_Grid

Please join the group Second Life Beta for up to date communication regarding testing status.

ADITI Office Hours

We meet once a week in Morris on ADITI, Thursday afternoons at 3PM. If you have items to talk about please add them to the "Any Other Business" section of the agenda:

The transcripts and meeting notes from previous meetings are available at the bottom of that page.

Projects on ADITI

ADITI always has tons of projects on it. These projects can be updated or changed at any time. These are some of the larger on-going projects we have on ADITI right now.

  • Pathfinding
  • "maint-server" bug fixes

ADITI is alive and kicking

  • Land buying is also currently disabled... maybe.

__Oskar 07:31, 6 March 2010 (UTC)