Difference between revisions of "User:Nyx Linden/Office Hours Agenda"

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Archived agendas can be found at the [[User:Nyx_Linden/Office_Hours_Agenda_Archive|agenda archive]].
Archived agendas can be found at the [[User:Nyx_Linden/Office_Hours_Agenda_Archive|agenda archive]].

Next meeting scheduled for: January 19, 2010.
Next meeting scheduled for: Check here later for usergroups details.


==January 19, 2010==
We're switching to using usergroups instead of specific linden office hours. Please be patient while we get ready to announce the details!
# http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-3309 YAY! Bear?!
# How are multi level avatar textures coming together? When we can start using them? Is there going to be other special textures available beyond invisiprim replacement? Shininess map? Bumpmaps?
Link to new usergroup page: [[Content Creation/Mesh Import User Group]]
# Any official information about mesh imports? When we get them? How mesh LODs are handled?
# When we get official shadow support?
# [2010/01/19 10:34] Pae Sinister(Saved Tue Jan 19 08:53:53 2010)  pokes the JIRA skunkie, and wonders if there's an article or proposal out there to support scripted changing of textures and tints on the SL avatar.  ---  I looked and didn't find one.  Is such adjustment a likely feature?  --- Ardy Lay
# What kind of extensions might make the Plugin-API model suitable for avatar support?
# All body parts currently have clothing associated with them, with the sole exception of the face.  It would we useful to add the missing part, for masks etc.

Latest revision as of 09:02, 4 September 2013

Nyx Linden's Office Hours Agenda

Office hours are on Wednesdays at Noon in Pacific time (SL standard time) located in Borrowdale at: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Borrowdale/74/217/32

Topics are focused on avatars, content creation efficiency, content creation tools and methods, rendering issues, and many related random topics.

Please add topics for discussion / agenda items to the end of the list below prior to 11:50 AM. Priority will be given to topics that are posted in advance and are relevant to the goals of the office hour. Feel free to include relevant links to JIRA or wiki pages. Contact Nyx Linden if you are unsure if your topic is relevant or appropriate.

Archived agendas can be found at the agenda archive.

Next meeting scheduled for: Check here later for usergroups details.


We're switching to using usergroups instead of specific linden office hours. Please be patient while we get ready to announce the details!

Link to new usergroup page: Content Creation/Mesh Import User Group