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'''Note:''' This page is a work in progress.
#REDIRECT [[Introduction to Resident Help Network Groups]]
== Introduction ==
Resident Run Help Group Endorsement is an effort to allow good-standing resident-run resident help groups within Second Life to become endorsed by Linden Lab. Groups with emphasis on helping new or experienced residents with Second Life related learning or immersion without charge are eligible. The desired outcome of group endorsements is to stretch the boundaries of group efforts by uniting and collaborating in a network.
== Initial Endorsement Requirements ==
'''Second Life Help Focus''' - Only groups with focus on helping Second Life residents--new or seasoned--with Second Life learning and immersion are eligible. Demonstrations of this focus may be to have programs that educate fellow residents with learning Second Life basics or communicate Second Life advanced features and utilities. Groups that support real life concerns in Second Life, while noble in their own right, are not eligible.
'''Mission Focus''' - At time of application we ask that you select a focus to help categorize your group's main interests (with the option to add your own): Freebies, Exploration, Language-focused assistance, New Resident Basics, General Help, General Classes, Specific Country, or Specific Interest. Group missions and descriptions must be PG rated and if focused on a culture must be in the interest of inclusion rather than exclusion (negative example being, "Neptune resident help group only, no one else allowed!" positive example being, "Neptune language help group, helping residents from Neptune since 2003.")
'''United By Help Interest''' - Groups must represent goodwill efforts and focus on helping individuals with learning about Second Life or immersion in Second Life. In contrast, groups that instead only focus on the expansion or domination of specific cultural communities, businesses, or are developed for the purpose of activism or protest, are not eligible. Language groups and community help groups ARE eligible; the distinction we are trying to make is that eligible groups must be formed with focus on helping individuals, rather than purposed to only recruiting a niche community.
'''Free Service''' - Groups must offer their help or services to residents without charge. For help groups with an emphasis on providing freebies, no 'freebie' should be sold for more than 1L$.
'''Group Size''' - Must have at least 25 resident members.
'''Endorsed Group Wiki Page and Application''' - See below.
== Endorsed Group Page ==
Prior to applying for endorsement, we ask that groups create a wiki page outlining some specific details about their group. Once endorsement is approved, we ask that your group's page be updated on a monthly basis. Here is a list of information which must be provided in the group page in order to be considered in "good standing" for entry to the group endorsement program (a sample group page can be found [[Second Life Mentor (Endorsed Group Entry)]]). Please, no pages or applications for groups with focus on administration or land holding!
'''Please note: Pages should be created with the group name only. (Endorsed Group Entry) in the title is not needed.'''
*'''Group Name''' 
*'''Updated Date''' - The date the group page has been updated last.
*'''Founder's Name'''
*'''Group Charter''' – We will judge charters during the application process according to the virtues in line with the Tao of Volunteers. If you do not have an individual charter that demonstrates similar goodwill effort, a link to the Tao of Volunteers is welcome to be used.
**[[Tao of Volunteers]]
*'''Mission Focus and Statement''' – First, select a mission focus or focuses: Freebies, Exploration, Language, New Resident Basics, Classes, Specific Country, Special Interest, or "Other". The Mission Statement should expand on the group's plans regarding that focus.
**(Example:  “Language Focus:  This group’s mission is to unite English-Spanish bilingual residents who are willing to seek out and assist monolingual Spanish speaking residents who need help getting started in Second Life.”)
*'''Best Practices''' - How the group intends to reach the potential of its mission. In-world locations for volunteering, useful tools, and/or talents that may be used to supplement the mission go here.
**(Example:  “At this link you can find our list of SLURLs where Spanish language-focused Infohubs can be found which can be used to help us in our mission.”)
*'''Group Representatives''' - You must have at least one representative, but no more than five. Representatives are group members who may attend group endorsement meetings on behalf of the group, and act as point persons between the group and Linden Lab.
*'''Group Documentarians''' - At least one resident within the endorsed group should be appointed to update the group's wiki page.
*'''Membership Entry/Recruitment''' - Any special requirements for entry such as requiring a specific knowledge or skill. Open enrollment is okay, and up to you.
*'''OPTIONAL:  Group Related Links / Projects / Memorable Triumphs / History / etc.'''
== Endorsement Incentives ==
Endorsement comes with many anecdotal/social incentives. Individuals in the Resident Run Help Group Endorsement community will be taking part in a groundbreaking virtual help effort as well as contributing to community building efforts and leadership in a unified front. Being part of a community of unified help groups will help strengthen our combined efforts and promote a culture of altruism. Endorsed groups will have a place at the Second Life web site as well, in an upcoming section of the site that will highlight endorsed groups, as well as possibility for opportunities in upcoming forum advancement plans and blog community opportunities. Ultimately, endorsement will not change your group's mission or purpose, but grant more visibility to them.
== Six month Renewal ==
Group endorsement initially lasts for six (6) months. At the end of that time the group founder/representative(s) will be contacted for review to remain in good standing. “Good standing” may be gaged by a display of involvement in the following areas:
*'''Required Documentation''' – The group's Documentarian should maintain the group's wiki page on a monthly basis.
*'''Representative Meetings''' – Endorsed groups must choose representatives who may be invited to meetings held by Linden Lab that focus on group endorsement progress, plans, metrics, and key information for collaboration and development of the group endorsement program. Extended absences from such meetings could potentially inhibit good-standing status. In the event that no representative can attend a meeting, please contact a VTeam Linden as soon as you can.
*'''Goodwill Representation''' – Groups no longer representing the goodwill nature of their charter/Tao of Volunteers or that otherwise represent Linden Lab volunteers in a false or destructive manner will be subject to Linden endorsement removal. These circumstances will be handled on a case by case basis.
'''Endorsement Probation''' – In the event that Linden endorsement requirements are not maintained at the six month checkup, group leaders may (at Linden Lab's discretion) be made aware of a 30 day period of probation where the group must meet necessary requirements within a set timeframe to maintain endorsement.
== Finer Print ==
Linden Lab representatives will not handle personal disputes within the endorsed groups, or take part in the maintenance of membership of these endorsed groups. Endorsed groups should be self-sufficient and not require a layer of authority (Linden Lab) to intervene in group management. Group structure as determined by the founder and/or group representatives will not be administered or maintained by Linden Lab. Groups that continually do detriment to goodwill representation of the endorsement may lose endorsement or be placed in a probationary period as explained in the Endorsement Requirements section of this article.
== Application ==
Linden Approval may be provided once requirements for group endorsement are met. Got your ducks in a row? Please be sure your group has a wiki article that details information regarding the group requirements--do read the Requirements section of this wiki page for explicit details.
Once ready, please sign up [http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=3gmTp43f4UszauavhUUYjg_3d_3d| here]!
If you have not heard back from us in 30 days, please contact a member of VTeam.
== Preliminary FAQ ==
Q. Should representatives handle issues of abuse that occur within the group?
A. The founder or representatives are in charge of managing the group and deciding who is a member of the group. For issues of abuse that require Linden assistance, please file an abuse report.
Q.  My help group provides freebies. Some of these objects are set to 1L$. Is that okay?
A.  Yes. We consider 1L$ to be a nominal fee. More than this would no longer be considered a nominal fee and will negate eligibility. 
Q. Are "police" or vigilante groups who cater to dispute resolution and addressing abuse welcome to join?
A. No. Linden Lab does not endorse resident run police or vigilante groups. No special authority will be granted to endorsed groups to solve disputes or handle abuse.
Q. Will endorsed groups be expected to adopt goals set by Linden Lab?
A. Endorsed groups will have their own goals and purposes. Linden Lab will not be requiring any additions be made, though we may over time offer opportunities for endorsed groups to opt in to specific projects that do have goals. This, of course, is voluntary.
Q. What will happen if more than one group applies and both have a similar focus?
A. More than one group based on similar focuses, such as languages, may spring up. That is fine. However, this is an excellent opportunity to work together to help support the individuals focused on that language, rather than be competitive.
Q. Can for profit groups apply?
A. Groups that are for profit can apply. However, the services and help that the group offers to residents in Second Life must be offered for free.

Latest revision as of 11:52, 31 July 2008