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== In-world Profile ==
[[File:StrawberrySingh200.jpg|200px|thumb|left|I'm {{Age|05|09|2007}} days old!]]
=== 2nd Life ===

[[Image:http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3457/3753677717_b7c1920e57_d.jpg|thumb|Strawberry Singh profile photo]]
'''Strawberry Singh''' has been a resident of the virtual world Second Life™ since May 2007. She is a blogger, photographer and a social media enthusiast. Since December 2007, “Berry”, as she is affectionately called, has been sharing her zeal for Second Life fashion, lifestyle and culture via her blog and Flickr.

*'''Born:''' 5/9/2007
*'''Account:''' No Payment Info On File
*'''Partner:''' Catero Revolution
*'''About:''' "Strangers are friends you have yet to meet."
IM me! <3
=== Web ===
=== Interests ===
*'''I want:''' eat cookies all day long.
*'''Skills:''' I have skills?  :O
*'''Languages:''' English and Urdu
== Picks ==
==== ❶ '''StrawberrySingh.com''' ====

Completing my second life with fashion, lifestyle trends, travel ... and cookies!
If you would like to see your items featured on my blog, feel free to share them with me and they might end up there!  Thank you. <3
==== ➋ '''{Zaara}''' ====
I'm the Manager for the store {Zaara}.  {Zaara} carries the beautiful designs of Zaara Kohime.  For transaction issues and review copies, please contact Zaara Kohime.
'''SLurl:''' http://slurl.com/secondlife/Zaara/137/131/25
I am the PR Manager and Coordinator for Fashion & Style @ LE.LOOK!  If you have any inquiries regarding the LE.LOOK! blog or flickr, please feel free to contact me. 
If you would like to apply for a shop in LE.LOOK! please look at the picks of Sawyer Campese in his profile.  The application is under the Request pick.  Fill that out and send it to him.  Thank you. :)
'''SLurl:''' http://slurl.com/secondlife/LE%20LOOK/182/128/21
==== ➍ '''{Zaara} Nasha Lounge''' ====
Just a place to relax and dance while listening to bollywood music.  Right across the water from the {Zaara} mainstore located on the Zaara sim. 
If you'd like to use Nasha as a venue for your party, please contact me for scheduling.
==== ✫ '''Zaara''' ✫ ====
Thank you for being you and for all the youness that I love about you.  Although I must admit that you, yourself are prolly the evilest you in the world. 
Zaara Kohime: get off my pervy couch
Zaara: i am a perv like that
Strawberry Singh: brb
Zaara Kohime: me to.. pee
Zaara Kohime: i wanna see my boobs
Zaara: i am naked in a bath tub
Zaara Kohime: i shd plant a 'dont sell to strawberry singh' script
Zaara Kohime: in teh vendor
Zaara Kohime: so den u can nevre everrr have it
Zaara Kohime:  i love removign my bra thru my teeshirt sleeve
Strawberry Singh: I gotz a big azz
Zaara Kohime: yes
Zaara Kohime: i can eat cookies off it
Zaara Kohime: my pervy brain is workign oevrtime
Zaara Kohime: i am tellign u lawless is ideal
Zaara Kohime: lets make an alt dat looks just liek him
Zaara Kohime: n cyber ourselves
Zaaralicious, {Zaara} Nasha, Zaara (63, 134, 26)
'''SLurl:''' http://slurl.com/secondlife/Zaara/63/134/26
==== ❤ '''Cat''' ❤ ====
[2009/05/13 18:23]  Catero Revolution: i have the silliest, smartest, most talented, funniest, dorkiest, most gorgeous and sexy partners in all of sl
[2009/02/14 0:21]  Strawberry Singh: chup :P
[2009/02/14 0:22]  Catero Revolution: you chup
[2009/02/14 0:22]  Strawberry Singh: no you :P
[2009/02/14 0:22]  Catero Revolution: you!
[2009/02/14 0:22]  Strawberry Singh: YOU :P
[8:51]  Strawberry Singh: fresh roasted peanuts are yummy
[8:52] Catero Revolution: sometimes
[8:52]  Strawberry Singh: this time they are :P
[8:53]  Catero Revolution: i find your taste questionable
[8:53]  Catero Revolution: You should, I'm dating you.
[8:54] Catero Revolution: mhmmm
[8:54]  Catero Revolution: and i am clearly out of your league
[8:54]  Strawberry Singh pets yer head and lets you believe that.
'''SLurl:''' http://slurl.com/secondlife/Zaara/21/138/1484
=== Classified ===
=== 1st Life ===

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees."
Kahlil Gibran

Latest revision as of 20:14, 2 September 2012

I'm 6232 days old!

Strawberry Singh has been a resident of the virtual world Second Life™ since May 2007. She is a blogger, photographer and a social media enthusiast. Since December 2007, “Berry”, as she is affectionately called, has been sharing her zeal for Second Life fashion, lifestyle and culture via her blog and Flickr.
