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<!-- Oracle Weatherwax - 23 Aug 2008, 23:07 (gmt+1) -->
{{Help/Box|Hello!!|Welcome to the Wiki Page of Oracle Weatherwax}}
{|style="width: 100%; font-size: 100%; background: #98AFC7; border:1px dotted white;"
|<font size=4>''Welcome everyone!'' To <font size="4" color="#FFFFFF">'''''Oracle's'''</font> Wiki page, I don't really know why you would be here, but welcome anyway!</font>
<div style="float: right; width: 250px; margin: 0.7em;">
{| style="border: 3px solid #6698FF; font-size: 80%; border-spacing:"
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size: 125%; color:#055; background-color: #82CAFA;"|'''Oracle Weatherwax'''
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"|[[Image:Oracle02.jpg|214px]]

== About Me ==
<div style="float: right; width: 250px; margin: 0.7em;">
There is an Infinite amount of stuff I think is cool and would like to stick up here but that just depends if I have time, I hope you enjoy taking a glimpse at my Wiki page and the whole [https://wiki.secondlife.com Second Life Wiki] in general!!
{| style="border: 3px solid #6698FF; font-size: 80%; border-spacing:"
! style="background-color:#82CAFA; color:black;" | Second Life Skills
Oracle Weatherwax is personification of me (If your my friend you might know my real name - Otherwise I'm not putting it here for general viewing), Everything a say and feel, the way I act, the things I do - It's me. I can't help the way I am - I try my best to be a good person but I don't role play or act a character. What you see with me is what you get. I don't believe emotions, feelings, desires and ambitions can be separated between a real life and a second life; although I try my best not to judge others on what the do and feel. I joined Second Life on November 24th 2007 basically down to luck when looking around for something new to do on the internet and was instantly hooked. After I got into Second Life the first thing I realized was "Oh boy, I hate my Last name! What the heck made me pick out the dumbest one ever!", However now I barely even notice it, and my wife even says "there's something about it" - Dunno if thats a good or a bad thing, but I'm stuck with it for now! Over time my SL usage grew from a few hours a day to too many hours to count a day and yeah I'm sometimes on all night (Shoot me now) , however this growth was mainly down to one factor, I met the most amazing person I could ever have imagined meeting. On April 16 2008, my life changed - I met my love [[User:Peyton_Aleixandre|Peyton Aleixandre]]. It started one day at [http://slurl.com/secondlife/Orientation%20Island%20Public//// OIP], when I was standing with a group of friends. From then on we became inseparable, and grew closer than anything and learned everything about each others lives. We knew we would be together forever and so were married on the 1st July 2008. (Youtube video in the Pipeline).
|Texturing, sculpted prims, basic building & LSL
*Not a member of Second Life, [http://www.secondlife.com/join/?u=7ea6ae6a48b94138831f0b6ca3acb5dc Join Now]
! style="background-color:#82CAFA; color:black;" | Real life skills
|Autodesk Maya, 3d Max & Inventor. Adobe Photoshop.
! style="background-color:#82CAFA; color:black;" | Hometown
|Glasgow, Uk
==Main Media==
Hopefully soon the wedding video will be posted up here too :D
[[Image:Oracle02.jpg]] <font size=2>''One Day In the Life of ''<font size="3" color="#736AFF">'''Oracle Weatherwax'''</font>'''

(This picture is similar to my profile picture)
==What I am Involved in==
* I <font size="3" color="#FF0000">love</font> to be social and rarely seem to type - Voice chat <font size="3" color="#348017">Rules!!</font>. [[Image:Sound_Icon.jpg]]
* I love to get involved in as much as I can within SL and to help people when they need it. I am currently a <font size="2" color=" #347C2C">Second life apprentice mentor</font> but have completed my Orientation and shadowing and so right now am just waiting to become a full mentor. Check out the [[Volunteer_Portal|Volunteer Portal]]
* I like to switch about viewers to See which ones I like best, I am part Of the Battery Street Irregulars group and am always looking for bugs!!
::Oh and here is a list of some of the Viewers you might want to take a look at...
:::[http://secondlife.com/support/downloads.php Official Linden Lab Client's]
:::[http://nicholaz-beresford.blogspot.com Nicholaz' Viewer]
:::[http://www.realxtend.org Real X-tend Viewer]
:::[http://www.metabolt.net A good lightweight Viewer]
By experience I don't like the Onrez Viewer or Cool SL viewer.
Oh and silly me - check this wiki page out
[[Alternate_viewers|Alternate Viewers]]
==What I do==
I spend a lot of time in Second Life so I do quite a bit, all off my time is spent with Pey as we like to do <font size="2" color="#F660AB">EVERYTHING</font> together. But here are a few ways we spend our time in SL if you are interested...
* We Play Tiny Empires... Princess Peyton & prince Oracle :P
..... Feel free to become our subjects. (We are part of the [http://slurl.com/secondlife/gianfar//// Gianfar] Kingdom)
* We have dabbled in a little bit of [http://slurl.com/secondlife/Navora//// Dark Life].
* I don't as much any more but I used to hang around at [http://slurl.com/secondlife/Orientation%20Island%20Public//// OIP], If your looking to learn about Second Life or make some new friends this might be a good place to start, also if you like to use voice chat this place is generally quite chatty. :)
== Useful Information about me ==
* You only fail if you stop trying.
* I try to help people when I can, but I never claim to know everything. So if you can show me something <font size="2" color="#2B60DE">New</font> then I'm open to learning :D
* I only add <font size="3" color="#FF0000">Friends</font> to my friend list now, not everyone I meet, not everyone I have one conversation with and not people who randomly offer them. If you really need me for something feel free to IM, but don't be offended if I don't offer friendship or decline you offer. I'm trying to keep my list small now for TRUE friend's as I am kinda fed up with a constant flow of "whats up's", when I'm always busy. But if you need my help, I will <font size="3" color="#FF0000">Always</font> do my best to help you out!!!
* Don't offer me blind TP's, It is starting to annoy me. If you want to invite me to something please feel free to IM but please don't just Port. :)
*I'd rather you didn't ''stalk'' me, map me, ask to be teleported or anything else like that. (That right is reserved for [[User:Peyton Aleixandre|Peyton]]). And to be honest when your trying to talk or spend some time with someone and all you get is IM's saying TP, TP - It starts to get on your nerves a <font size="4">Little</font>!
==How do you edit the Wiki??==
As I start writing this section on editing the Wiki, I am only one day into editing the [https://wiki.secondlife.com Second Life Wiki] but felt I'd start a section on this with helpful links and solutions to the Problems I come across as I start my journey of discovery through the Wiki.
* If you want to see how a page fits together or how something is done - why not go to <font size="2" color="#FF0000">Edit</font> on my page (or someone else's better page) and take a look!!
*Here is a useful list of [http://www.computerhope.com/htmcolor.htm HTML color codes and names]
* [[User:Geneko Nemeth|Geneko Nemeth]] also provided me these useful pages which you might like to take a look at. [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Help:Contents Formatting help], [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki MediaWiki Wiki] and [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Contents Useful User guides for Wiki use].
* [[User:Zai Lynch|Zai Lynch]] also helped me out by encouraging me to look at the [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Special:Recentchanges recent changes] and a page on Wiki [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Template:Ediquette Etiquette].
==Let's <font size="4" color="#FF0000">Stomp</font> those <font size="4" color="#FF0000">Bugs!!</font>==
Lets work together to make SL a better place and search and destroy the bugs.
Get started by reporting any bug's you find on the [https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa Second life JIRA].
== Quick Glance Gallery ==
* I have now put up a separate [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Oracle_Weatherwax/Photo_Gallery Gallery page.]
:: Although I am leaving this section on my user page to show a few recent photo's which I still want on my page, It's just that now I have moved bulk of my pictures to the [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Oracle_Weatherwax/Photo_Gallery Gallery page] instead.
* Oh by the way - Don't be expecting heaps of photo's, as I sort through my Inventory and folders on my hard disk I'll add some more - But thats it for now :D
* Also intending to start Using [http://www.flickr.com Flickr]!!
===The Wedding===
===Because we're weird like that===
===Second Life sights===
==Other's Wiki pages==
After starting work on my Wiki page (right here), I got pretty hooked on editing pages and so have decided to work on pages (with their permission of course) for my partner [[User:Peyton_Aleixandre|Peyton Aleixandre]] and my brother [[User:Comrade_Trenchcoat|Comrade Trenchcoat]].
:Although currently these pages are nowhere near completion (and because this is a Wiki never will be), why not check them out as I progress through them :D
* [[User:Peyton_Aleixandre|Peyton Aleixandre]]
* [[User:Comrade_Trenchcoat|Comrade Trenchcoat]]

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<!-- Oracle Weatherwax - 23 Aug 2008, 23:07 (gmt+1) -->

Latest revision as of 09:21, 12 April 2009