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{{red|Torley's working on this. Plz don't touch until gelled!}} {{TOCright}}
== What land should I buy? ==
'''There is no single right answer, and depends on what ''you'' want to do'''. If you're uncertain, there's because there's plenty of room for exploration. Furthermore, what's right for you today may change as your needs grow.
== Types of land ==
* You can:
** '''Buy land parcels''' - Land use fees are paid to Linden Lab. Requires a {{xref|Premium account}}.
** '''Rent land parcels''' - Land use fees are paid to a Resident "landlord".
* Land can be:
** '''Developed''' - Land has pre-built buildings on it, often for a theme that fits your needs.
** '''Undeveloped''' - Land is basically blank or raw. Start from scratch to build your vision.
* Land can also be on:
** '''{{xref|mainland|The mainland}}'''
** '''{{xref|estate|A private estate}}'''
So for example, you could rent undeveloped land on a private estate.
{{KBtip|[[Land_units|Learn the difference between "parcel", "region", and "estate".]]}}
== Buying vs. renting ==
This simple table shows potential benefits of '''buying on the mainland''' compared to '''renting on a private estate''' which is a popular comparison Residents wonder about. This is a general overview, so consult specific situations to get accurate details.
For further details, see "[[Renting_land#Why_rent_on_a_private_estate.3F|Why rent on a private estate?]]"
== How do I buy/rent land? ==
These articles explain more:
* '''[[Viewerhelp:How_to_buy_a_parcel|How to buy a parcel]]''' - Essential basics which apply when you're buying mainland ''and'' renting on a private estate.
* '''[[Renting land|Renting land guide]]''' - Includes comparison table and answers to popular questions.
* '''[[Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Home#Signup_for_your_Linden_Home|How to get a Linden Home?]]''' - A [[Linden Home]] is included with every {{xref|Premium account}}. [[Linden_Lab_Official:What_are_the_different_levels_of_account_membership%3F|Learn more about account types.]]
* '''[https://land.secondlife.com/ Buy a private region]''' - This goes to our land store.
** '''[[Linden_Lab_Official:Private_Region_Types|Private region types]]''' - A comparison table.
* '''[[Renting_land_to_other_people|How to rent land to other people]]''' - If you want to become a landlord.

Latest revision as of 12:55, 21 November 2011

Redirecting to http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043