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== About ==
Viewer 2.0 introduces the first implementation of ''inventory links'', which have been requested for a long time in various forms by Residents, but serve the same basic purpose.
An inventory link merely points to an actual inventory item. If you're familiar with [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alias_%28Mac_OS%29 aliases] on Mac OS X and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link symbolic links] on Windows and Linux, inventory links behave somewhat similarly.
A link itself is ''meta'', meaning it's entirely referential and carries no unique properties that can be modified independently of the original. A link is shown in ''italics'' with the word ''(link)'' beside it:
To find the original that a link is connected to, right-click the link and choose '''Find Original'''.
Inversely, if you click an original item in inventory, you can find all links pointing to it by clicking the gear icon at the bottom and choosing '''Find All Links'''.
== How can links benefit me? ==
Links were introduced to accompany the new outfit system in Viewer 2, which makes it easier to switch between sets of clothes or entire avatar looks.
Previously in Viewer 1.23 and earlier, making a new outfit would copy all copyable items and move all no-copy items into a single folder.
But what if you want to include a no-copy item in multiple avatar outfit folders? You simply couldn't.
Now, '''making a new outfit creates links to each item instead'''. Multiple links to a single item can be created, simplifying keeping track of what went wear, um, where.
== How do I create new links? ==
Right now, you can't arbitrarily create a link via the usual right-click context menus. To create links, items must be worn on your avatar, and you must create a new outfit.
Links, however, ''can'' be deleted from your inventory just like any other:
# Click the '''My Inventory''' sidebar tab.
# Find the link you want to delete. It may be in the '''My Outfits''' system folder.
# Click the link.
# Press the {{k|Delete}} key or right-click the link and choose '''Delete'''.
{{KBnote|Deleting a link doesn't affect the original in any way, so it doesn't detach or unwear the item.}}
== Limitations ==
Some of these limitations may be changed in the future. They're common confusions Linden Lab has been asked about frequently. As of Viewer 2.0.1, it's important to know:
* '''Any changes to an original item will affect all links.''' In other words, no matter how many links point to an original item, there's only ''one'' original item. For example, say you have a no-copy pink hat that you've linked to from two outfit folders. You want the hat to remain pink in one outfit folder, but be green in the other outfit folder because that suits the rest of your outfit better. This ''doesn't'' work, since the link merely points to the original, and doesn't circumvent the permissions system by creating new copies.
* '''Rezzing a no-copy object that a link points to breaks the link.''' This is because a link depends on an object's unique key, its {{xref|UUID}}, to refer to. By removing a no-copy item from your inventory, the link has ''nothing'' to point to. Taking the item back into your inventory doesn't restore the link. If you want to edit no-copy attachments, the workaround is to edit it while attached, rather than dropping it on the ground.
== See also ==

Latest revision as of 14:04, 27 March 2012

Redirecting to http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-your-inventory/ta-p/1370823#Section_.4