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{{FROZEN Help Article - In Translation|26 Apr 2010}}
{{Modified Translated Help Article}}
{{Modified Translated Help Article}}
{{Signpost|Me > Preferences > Advanced}}

The Advanced tab specifies settings for advanced users that you normally don't need to change.
Specify settings that you normally don't need to change.


Latest revision as of 15:57, 10 June 2011

KBnote.png Note: This article has been edited since it was returned from translation. REQUIRES RE-TRANSLATION.

Specify settings that you normally don't need to change.


  • View Angle - Drag to the right to zoom out and gain a wider field of vision. Drag to the left to zoom in.
  • Distance - Drag to the the right to increase the distance the camera follows your avatar, providing a more "spacious" feel. Drag to the left for an intimate "behind-the-back" perspective.
Automatic positioning for

  • Build/Edit - Zooms the camera in and centers on the focused object when you're building or editing.
  • Appearance - Zooms the camera in and centers on the focused part of your avatar, such as head or shirt, when you're editing your appearance.
  • Sidebar - Sets the Sidebar camera positioning. Checked by default. Click the Toggle Sidebar Toggle Sidebar button to view camera positioning.

  • Show me in Mouselook - Shows your avatar's body when you're in mouselook mode. For example, if you mouselook down, you can see your feet. This is especially noticeable if your avatar is wearing a lot of protruding attachments, or if you're in a vehicle which benefits from immersion.
  • Arrow keys always move me - When disabled, the keys move the text-editing cursor — instead of your avatar — if you click in the chat bar and give it focus.
  • Tap-tap-hold to run - Quickly tap the forward and back movement keys (like and ) twice to run.
  • Move avatar lips when speaking - Enable to do "lip sync" animations when you're using voice chat.
  • Bubble chat - Shows nearby chat in cartoon-like bubbles under your name tag, in addition to Nearby Chat. You can adjust the opacity of the background behind the chat (and your name tag), and choose a color.
Show script errors in

  Choose either:
  • Nearby chat - Script errors appear inline in Nearby Chat.
  • Separate window - A separate window pops up that only shows script errors.
Toggle speak on/off when I press

  Toggle mode means once you press the "trigger key" to enable voice chat, your mic remains "open" until you press the trigger key again. If toggle mode is disabled, the mic is only open while you depress the trigger key.

Enabling Toggle mode is easier if you need to do other things simultaneously inworld. Disabling Toggle mode is practical if you're accidentally leaving your microphone on, leaking noise that disturbs other people and embarrasses you.

  • Set Key - Sets your trigger key. It should be a rare key hardly used by other actions, such as `.
  • - Makes your mouse's middle button your trigger. This is convenient if you're using one hand to navigate while your other hand is controlling voice chat. While becoming increasingly common, not all mice have a middle mouse button.