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'''Should you sell your inworld Second Life creations as Original, Copy, or Contents?''' That depends on how the object is presented and what you intend to do, as this fast, easy, and fun video shows:
{{KBtip|1=There are more advanced ways of selling objects, such as the web-based '''[[Marketplace]]''' and  [http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Awiki.secondlife.com+vendor scripted vendors] which can help you track sales, run multiple locations, automate product updates, and more. Those are beyond the scope of this page, but feel free to link to further info in the "Also see" section below.}}
Keeping in mind that '''this is a simple overview of what in practice has many subtleties''', here are some pros and cons of each (feel free to expand this list, real examples are cool):
=== Original ===
* '''Sells the actual inworld object as-is.''' If someone buys it, they're informed they now own the object as they see it inworld.
** If they want to take it with them, they ''must'' take it into their inventory. Otherwise, it stays inworld and could be returned or lost.
* ''PRO:'' Selling originals is used with "exclusive" or "limited-edition" works of art where there are a limited number of copies. This creates an [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_scarcity artificial scarcity] that may have traditional charm for some. For example, you place five vases on a shelf, and as each one is bought, the buyer takes it off the shelf.
* ''PRO:'' This is useful for yard sales involving no-copy but transferable objects, where you're not the original creator and it's usually preferable to show objects in 3D instead of a packaged picture. Plus, the owner may have lost or discarded the original packaging.
* ''PRO:'' This is also useful if you've built a structure on someone else's land and want to sell it to them, in-place, without them having to re-rez it.
** ''CON:'' Current limitations of the system means the new owner has to buy each object, and there's no current way to set objects for sale like there is land.
** However, if you're selling one of your land parcels, there's an option to also "Sell the objects with the land."
=== Copy ===
* '''Sells a copy (surprisingly enough) of the object you bought.''' The original stays inworld, while the copy appears in your inventory.
* ''PRO:'' If the object is meant to be used as-is, you can {{xref|rez}} it inworld. For example, you see a pretty tree inworld and you buy that.
* ''CON:'' However, if the object came in a {{xref|box}}, you need to not only unrez it, but unpack it, also known as "opening a box" (because the container object is treated as such). For creators, there's a {{xref|click action}} you can use so customers can left-click to open a box (which is simpler than right-clicking and using the context menu).
* ''CON:'' In ''many'' cases, you're better off selling '''Contents''' rather than '''Copy''', because it reduces the potentially frustrating intermediary steps of [[Opening boxes|opening the box]]. It can be hard to find somewhere to rez, not to mention the incremental time spent.
** An exception to this is if you consider packaging an important part of the experience, like if your boxes look really beautiful.
**: [[File:4742747723_3c8fc2667f_o.jpg|256px|thumb|none|Shiny.]]
* ''PRO:'' An advantage to having the boxed copy is a backup that's more resilient to being messed up, unlike a folder which can have its contents jumbled.
** But, a creative way of dealing with that when selling '''Contents''' is to ''also'' recursively include a boxed object inside the contents. Then, you both (1) remove the need to rez a box inworld ''and'' (2) provide a backup.
=== Contents ===
* '''Sells what's inside the container object you bought.''' Appears in the recipient's inventory in a folder titled with the object's name.
* The contents are what you see when you right-click an object, choose '''Edit''', and click the '''Content''' tab.
* ''PRO:'' '''Contents''' is often the best choice for selling what's inside wall display container objects that show a ''representation'' of what's inside instead of the actual object, ''unless'' you're confident there's an advantage otherwise. For example, a loveseat you can "try before you buy" can be sold as a '''Copy''', but a box containing several loveseats in different colors should be sold as '''Contents'''.
*: [[File:4602785908_8b22938a4f_o.jpg|256px|thumb|none|An example wall display.]]
Throughout all of this, walk in your customers' shoes and try the start-to-finish buying experience for yourself so you understand firsthand.
=== Good to know ===
* In a container object's contents, in addition to the actual product, '''you can include supplementary items'''. For example, {{xref|notecard|notecards}} with "read me" info and other documentation, and a {{xref|landmark}} back to your store so the buyer can find you again easily.
=== Also see ===
* '''[[How to use vendors]]'''
* '''[https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/community/tnt/blog/2010/07/12/guide-should-you-sell-inworld-objects-as-original-copy-or-contents Resident comments in the blog post linking to this page.]'''
* '''[http://bit.ly/blpBhs "Business Scripts" on the Second Life Marketplace]''' - Includes vendors and more.
* '''[[User:Kristy_Fanshaw/Shorter_Vendor_System_Script|Kristy Fanshaw's "Shorter Vendor System Script"]]'''

Revision as of 11:23, 2 March 2011

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