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I have a feeling that llSitTarget does not work if someone is already sit on the object.
The second person to sit will sit in the clicked position rather than the target.
list GetSitTarget(integer prim, key av)
I wanted to shift the sit target as people sit but it does not look possible.
{//WARNING: llGetObjectDetails can introduce an error that goes as far as the 5th decimal place.
    if(prim == LINK_THIS)//llGetLinkKey doesn't like LINK_THIS
        prim = llGetLinkNumber();
    list details = OBJECT_POS + (list)OBJECT_ROT;
    vector tp = llGetAgentSize(av);
    rotation f = llList2Rot(details = (llGetObjectDetails(llGetLinkKey(prim), details) + llGetObjectDetails(av, details)), 1);
    return [(llRot2Up(f = (llList2Rot(details, 3) / f)) * tp.z * 0.02638) + ((llList2Vector(details, 2) - llList2Vector(details, 0)) / f) - <0.0, 0.0, 0.4>, f];
}//Written by Strife Onizuka

Revision as of 08:34, 1 September 2007


list GetSitTarget(integer prim, key av)
{//WARNING: llGetObjectDetails can introduce an error that goes as far as the 5th decimal place.
    if(prim == LINK_THIS)//llGetLinkKey doesn't like LINK_THIS
        prim = llGetLinkNumber();
    list details = OBJECT_POS + (list)OBJECT_ROT;
    vector tp = llGetAgentSize(av);
    rotation f = llList2Rot(details = (llGetObjectDetails(llGetLinkKey(prim), details) + llGetObjectDetails(av, details)), 1);
    return [(llRot2Up(f = (llList2Rot(details, 3) / f)) * tp.z * 0.02638) + ((llList2Vector(details, 2) - llList2Vector(details, 0)) / f) - <0.0, 0.0, 0.4>, f];
}//Written by Strife Onizuka