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<lsl>//15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)[[User:Gayngel Resident|Gayngel Resident]] ([[User talk:Gayngel Resident|talk]]) 15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT) // --- MLPV2 RLV-Relay Sensor, Capture to Poseball & Restrain by MLPV2 Menu Script --- \\ 15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)~\\
<source lang="lsl2"> // --- MLPV2 RLV-Relay Sensor, Capture to Poseball & Restrain by MLPV2 Menu Script --- \\ 15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)~\\
//                                                          by: Gayngel Resident                                    \\
//                                                          by: Gayngel Resident                                    \\
//                                                          © The Script Yard                                      \\
//                                                          © The Script Yard                                      \\
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Revision as of 14:45, 9 June 2016

 // --- MLPV2 RLV-Relay Sensor, Capture to Poseball & Restrain by MLPV2 Menu Script --- \\ 15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)~\\
//                                                          by: Gayngel Resident                                    \\
//                                                          © The Script Yard                                       \\
//                                                        Created on: 10/06/2016                                    \\


//                                  Notes and Instructions                                      \\

//15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)[[User:Gayngel Resident|Gayngel Resident]] ([[User talk:Gayngel Resident|talk]]) 15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)\\

//  This script and the accompanying script for the poseball will capture a victim and force sit them to a poseball in an object running MLPv2 scripts.

//  Menu user selects Capture from the menu and the script scans for victims wearing an RLV relay, User can then select a victim and force sit them to the selected ball. Balls a identified by colour.

// A maxmum of six victims can be captured to each of the six balls. 

// User can release all victims or individual victims from the Release menu.


// 1. Create a new script in the MLPv2 run object. Name it ~capture.
// 2. Delete the default code in the new script and replace it with the code in the script.
// 3. Extract the ~ball object from the object by dragging it from the object to your inventory. Then rez the ~ball in your inventory to the ground.
// 4. Edit the ~ball on the ground and open the ~ball script in it.
// 5. Replace the code in the script with the ~script code provided with this script set or folder or the ~ball code below.
// 6. Take the ~ball back to inventory and in the MLPv2 object delete the previous~ball and replace it with the new ~ball just taken onto in your inventory.
// 7. In the .MENUITEMS.RLV notecard add LINKMSG Capture | 1,-1,-1819,Capture to MENU RLV.


// 15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)~~\\
//                                  Acknowledgements                                  \\
// 15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)15:43, 9 June 2016 (PDT)[[User:Gayngel Resident|Gayngel Resident]] ([[User talk:Gayngel Resident|talk]]) \\   

// Script adapted and developed by Gayngel Resident for MLPV2.

 // Based on scan and capture script by Betsy Hastings.

integer victimactionschannel; //Channel to do something to a victim.
integer selectvictimchannel; //Channel of caught/seated victim
integer releasevictimchannel;
integer ballschannel;
integer ch;
integer i;  // Global counting variable i. Used for nearby avatar name retreival in for loop.
integer index; //Index of nearby avatar names presented to dialog menu user.
integer index1;
integer listener;
integer listener2;
integer listener3;
integer LM_Channel = -1819; //Link Message Channel to call the script from the menu via .RLV Notecard.
integer relaychannel = -1812221819; // Channel of the victim's relay.
integer timeout = 60; //Timeout for listen handle. Can be changed to allow user more time idling the menu.
integer touched = 0;
integer x;
integer y;
integer ScanOn = FALSE;
integer menuindex;
integer colorlisten;
integer balllisten;
string first_name;
string ping;
string prompt;
string restraints = "@unsit=n|@sittp=n";
string victim_name;
string SCAN = "Scan";
string BACK = "Back";
string RELEASE = "Release";
string RELEASEALL = "Release All";

key owner;
key seated_avi;
key toucher;
key victimkey;
key foundball;

float range = 20.0; //Range to scan for nearby avatars. Can be increased to scan over a wider area to find a victim within that range.

list buttons;
list victims = [];//2 strided list in form of name,key used to create menu of avatars to grab, and process responses. i.e. List of nearby people to catch and force onto the object.

list ballsfound;
list seatedavs;

// -------------------- functions ---------------------

AvMenu(key id)// Button creator. Creates list of people wearing an RLVrelay in victims list as a button in the dialog menu. Finding victims wearing an RLV relay and selection of a victim handled further down the script.
    buttons = []; // Local list. Presents each name found as a button in the dialog menu allowing the user to select a name and to catch that avatar.
    index = llGetListLength(victims); // Indexes  the victims list and sources the length of that list. i.e. If there are 5 nearby victims then the list length = 5.
    for (i = 0; i < index; i = i+ 2) // For loop defines i as a variable to count the number of victims nearby. Repeats adding victim names to buttons until it reaches the length of the index. E.g. If there are 5 nearby victims add 5 buttons and no more. Increment i / repeat adding victim names until length of index is met.
     buttons += llBase64ToString(llGetSubString(llStringToBase64(llGetSubString(llList2String(victims, i),0,(llSubStringIndex(llList2String(victims, i)," ")+1))), 0, 31));
//buttons += llGetSubString(llList2String(victims, i),0,(llSubStringIndex(llList2String(victims, i)," ")+1));
    } // Presents each name of victims as a string. Creates a button for each name. Names of each button are sourced from the list of victims. Uses the for loop to determine number of buttons to create.  llList2String(victims, i) defines the the index source, 0 defines the starting integer (starts at no victims and creates victim buttons one by one), llSubStringIndex(llList2String(victims, i) defines the ending integer.
    buttons += BACK;
    prompt = "Pick someone to attempt to restrain.\n";
    prompt += "Choose from these " + (string)(index/2) + " uncaptured avis, who use a RLVrelay.\n";
    prompt += "Menu will time out in " + (string)timeout + " seconds.\n";
    listener = llListen(selectvictimchannel, "", id, "");
    buttons = RestackMenu(buttons);
    llDialog(id, prompt, buttons, selectvictimchannel); //When user selects a victim from the menu script listens for channel called selectvictimschannel. This channel will force sit the victim. Listen event further down.  

list RestackMenu(list in)
    //re-orders a list so dialog buttons start in the top row
    list out = llList2List(in, 9, 11);
    out += llList2List(in, 6, 8);
    out += llList2List(in, 3, 5);
    out += llList2List(in, 0, 2);
    return out;

GrabAv(integer idx,key id) // Capture victim to the poseball.
     llInstantMessage(toucher, "Trying to capture " + llKey2Name(id) + ".");
     llRegionSayTo(foundball,ch+idx, "Capture>" +(string)id);
victims =[];
victim_name = "";


ScanMenu(key id)
    buttons = [];
    prompt = "Pick an option. ";
    prompt += "Menu will time out in " + (string)timeout + " seconds.\n";

    listener2 = llListen(victimactionschannel, "", id, "");
    if(seatedavs == [])
    buttons += [SCAN, BACK];
       buttons += [SCAN, RELEASE, BACK]; 
    buttons = llListSort(buttons,1,FALSE);
    llDialog(id, prompt, buttons, victimactionschannel);

ReleaseMenu(key id)

 buttons = []; 
buttons = [RELEASEALL,BACK];

buttons += llList2ListStrided(seatedavs,0,-1,3);

    prompt = "\nPick a victim to release.\n";
    prompt += "Menu will time out in " + (string)timeout + " seconds.\n";
    listener = llListen(releasevictimchannel, "", id, "");
    buttons = RestackMenu(buttons);
    llDialog(id, prompt, buttons, releasevictimchannel);   

say_it(string abc)

     listener = llListen(ballschannel, "", toucher, "");
     balllisten = llListen(-657,"",NULL_KEY,"");
    listener2 = llListen(relaychannel,"","","");
    buttons = [];
   // if(colorsfound != [])
  //  {
   //     ballsfound = [];
   index = llGetListLength(ballsfound)/2;
    for (i = 0; i < index; ++i)

buttons += llList2String(llList2ListStrided(ballsfound,0,-1,2), i);

    prompt = "Select a ball to capture your victim onto it";
    buttons = RestackMenu(buttons);
    llDialog(toucher, prompt, buttons, ballschannel);   

OpenMenu(key id)
            toucher = id;
            victimkey = llList2Key(seatedavs,llListFindList(seatedavs,[(string)toucher]));
            if (toucher == owner)
                //give menu of things to do to victim
            else if (toucher == victimkey)
                //seated av clicked.  Taunt them
                llInstantMessage(victimkey, "Menu restricted. You are captured and locked!");


         victimactionschannel =  -(integer) ( "0x" + (string) llGetKey() ) - 987211; //Channel to do something to a victim.
    selectvictimchannel =  -(integer) ( "0x" + (string) llGetKey() ) - 987212; //Channel of caught/seated victim
    releasevictimchannel=  -(integer) ( "0x" + (string) llGetKey() ) - 987213;
ballschannel = -(integer) ( "0x" + (string) llGetKey() ) - 987214;
ch = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-4,-1));
    listener = llListen(relaychannel, "", "", "");//listen for pings

if (ScanOn ==  TRUE)
    listener3 = llListen(374, "", NULL_KEY, "");
    ScanOn = FALSE;

        owner = llGetOwner();
    on_rez(integer num)
     object_rez(key balls)
               colorlisten = llListen(-657,"",NULL_KEY,"");
  //     for(i=0; i < llGetListLength((list)balls); ++i)
     //            { 
                   ballsfound += [llKey2Name(balls)] + [(string)balls];

//ballsfound = ballsfound +[llKey2Name(balls)] + [(string)balls];
          //        }   
         if(~!llListFindList(ballsfound, ["~ball"]))

     ballsfound = llListReplaceList(ballsfound,["~ball0"],0,0);
     link_message(integer from, integer num, string str, key id)
      if (num == -1819)
    else if(str == "STOP")

    sensor(integer total_number)
            listener = llListen(relaychannel,"",NULL_KEY,"");
            llSay(relaychannel,"locator,"+(string)llDetectedKey(i)+",!version");//query for a RLVRS


        say_it("There are no uncaptured avatars in range with an active RLV relay. Please try scanning again.");

    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
      string cmd = llGetSubString(message,0,6);
       if (cmd == "locator")
                    victims += [llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(id)),llGetOwnerKey(id)];// build 2 strided victims list that contains only avis we heared a response from the relay + key
        else if (channel == selectvictimchannel)
             if (message == BACK)

            index1 = llStringLength(message);
            index = llGetListLength(victims);
            while(i < index)
               victim_name = (llGetSubString(llList2String(victims,i),0,index1 -1));
                if(victim_name == message)
                    victimkey = llList2Key(victims,i+1);
                i = i+2;       
         state FindBalls;

        else if (channel == victimactionschannel)
            if (message == SCAN)
                if (ballsfound != [])
                victims = [];
                victimkey = NULL_KEY;
                message = "";
                     llWhisper(0,"Scanning for avatars with an active RLV relay within " + llGetSubString((string)range,0,3) + " Meters.");

                    touched = 1;
                 llWhisper(0,"There are no balls to sit on. Please select a pose first before capturing your victim!");
             else if(message == BACK)
               llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, llDetectedGroup(0), "PRIMTOUCH", id) ;   
             else if (message == RELEASE)
              else if (channel == 374)
              if(message == "RED")
                index = llListFindList(seatedavs, [(string)id]);
                victimkey =  llList2Key(seatedavs,index);
                llDialog(victimkey,"\nYou used your safeword and have been released from all restrictions.", [], -3);
                foundball = llList2Key(seatedavs,index+1);
                index1 = (llListFindList(ballsfound, [(string)foundball]));
                llRegionSayTo(foundball,(ch + llCeil(index1/2)), "Release");
         seatedavs = llDeleteSubList(seatedavs, index-1, index+1);
        victimkey = NULL_KEY;
         touched = 0;

                    llSay(0, llKey2Name(id) + " used their safeword and has been released from restrictions.");
else if (channel == -657)
    vector color = (vector)message;
    string ballcolor;
    if(color == <0.0,0.0,0.0>)
         ballcolor = "Hidden";  
      else if(color == <0.835,0.345,0.482>)
         ballcolor = "PINK";  
        else if(color ==  <0.353,0.518,0.827>)
         ballcolor = "BLUE";  
        else if(color ==  <0.635,0.145,0.282>)
         ballcolor = "PINK2";  
        else if(color ==  <0.153,0.318,0.627>)
         ballcolor = "BLUE2";  
        else if(color ==  <0.128,0.500,0.128>)
         ballcolor = "GREEN";  
        else if(color ==  <1.000,0.000,1.000>)
         ballcolor = "MAGENTA";  
        else if(color ==  <1.000,0.000,0.000>)
         ballcolor = "RED";  
        else if(color ==  <1.000,0.500,0.000>)
         ballcolor = "ORANGE";  
        else if(color ==  <1.000,1.000,1.000>)
         ballcolor = "WHITE";  
        else if(color ==  <0.0,0.0,0.0>)
         ballcolor = "BLACK";  
        else if(color ==  <1.0,1.0,0.0>)
         ballcolor = "YELLOW";  
        else if(color ==  <0.0,0.8,0.8>)
         ballcolor = "CYAN";  
        else if(color ==  <0.5,0.0,0.0>)
         ballcolor = "RED2";  
        else if(color ==  <0.0,0.5,0.5>)
         ballcolor = "TEAL";  
        else if(color ==  <0.0,0.25,0.25>)
         ballcolor = "GREEN2";  
    index = llListFindList(ballsfound,[(string)id]); 
    //replace at index with loop integer i
  ballsfound = llListReplaceList(ballsfound, [ballcolor], index -1, index -1); 
// ballsfound = ballsfound +[message];
 if(index == llGetListLength(ballsfound) - 1)
 // ballsfound = ballsfound +[llKey2Name(balls)] + [(string)balls];
//  colorsfound += [message] + [(string)id];

 // if(llGetListLength(colorsfound) == llGetListLength(ballsfound))
//  {
 //     llListenRemove(colorlisten);
  //  }
            else if (channel == releasevictimchannel)
                if(message == RELEASEALL)
         for(i = 1; i < llGetListLength(seatedavs);i = i+3 )
       victimkey = llList2Key(seatedavs,i);
        llDialog(victimkey,"\n" + llKey2Name(toucher) + " has released you.", [], -3);
        foundball = llList2Key(seatedavs,i+1);
        index1 = (llListFindList(ballsfound, [(string)foundball]));
       llRegionSayTo(foundball,(ch + llCeil(index1/2)), "Release");
              touched = 0;
              seatedavs = []; 
              victimkey = NULL_KEY;
              seated_avi = NULL_KEY;
              buttons = [];
              foundball = NULL_KEY;

        else  {
        index = llListFindList(seatedavs, [message]);
        victimkey =  llList2Key(seatedavs,index + 1);
        llDialog(victimkey,"\n" + llKey2Name(toucher) + " has released you.", [], -3);
        foundball = llList2Key(seatedavs,index+2);
        index1 = (llListFindList(ballsfound, [(string)foundball]));
       llRegionSayTo(foundball,(ch + llCeil(index1/2)), "Release");
         seatedavs = llDeleteSubList(seatedavs, index, index+2);
        victimkey = NULL_KEY;
         touched = 0;

        if (touched)
            if(victims == []) // we heared no message from a RLVrelay
                say_it("There are no avatars in range with an active RLV relay. Please try scanning again.");
                touched = 0;

state FindBalls


 listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)

  if (channel == ballschannel)
    index = llListFindList(ballsfound, [message]);
    foundball =  llList2Key(ballsfound,index+1);
           else if(channel == -657)
             if(message == "AvatarOnSitTarget")
               llSay(0, "A victim is already sitting there, please select a different ball.");
             else if(message == "Captured")
                state seated; 

 state default;  

state seated
        listener2 =llListen(relaychannel,"","","");
       balllisten = llListen(-657,"","","");

     listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
      if(channel == -657)
       if(message == "CaptureDenied")
         state default;

    link_message(integer from, integer num, string str, key id)
      if (num == -1819)
        else if(str == "STOP")
        ballsfound =[];
        state default;
    else if (num == -11000)
     if(id == victimkey)
         seated_avi = id;
           seatedavs = seatedavs + [llBase64ToString(llGetSubString(llStringToBase64(llKey2Name(seated_avi)), 0, 31))] + [(string)seated_avi] + foundball;
         // seatedavs = seatedavs + [llKey2Name(seated_avi)] + [(string)seated_avi];
         if(seated_avi == owner)
              //restraints += "|@sendim:"+(string)toucher+"=add|@recvim:"+(string)toucher+"=add|@touchthis:" + (string)llGetKey() + "=rem|@tplm=n|@tploc=n|@tplure=n";
              restraints += "|@sendim:"+(string)toucher+"=add|@recvim:" + (string)llGetKey() + "=add|@tplm=n|@tploc=n|@tplure=n";

           // restraints += "|@sendim:"+(string)toucher+"=add|@recvim:"+(string)toucher+"=add|@touchthis:" + (string)llGetKey() + "=add|@tplm=n|@tploc=n|@tplure=n";
           restraints += "|@sendim:"+(string)toucher+"=add|@recvim:" + (string)llGetKey() + "=add|@tplm=n|@tploc=n|@tplure=n";


           llRegionSayTo(foundball,ch+((index+1)/2), "Restrain>"+restraints);
            victim_name = llKey2Name(seated_avi);
            first_name = llGetSubString(victim_name,0,llSubStringIndex(victim_name," ")-1); 
            if(seated_avi != owner)
prompt = "\nYou have been captured and locked! \n\nThe "+ llGetObjectName() + "'s menu is restricted. \n\nYour safeword is RED.
To trigger the safeword and free restrictions say it on channel 374.
\nExample: /374 RED \n\nYou can also use your OpenCollar relay safeword. Check Help/About in your collar menu for your safeword.";
llInstantMessage(seated_avi,"Menu restricted, you are captured and locked! Your safeword is /374 RED.");
restraints = "@unsit=n|@sittp=n";
state default; 

        state default;
      ScanOn = TRUE;