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'''llSetObjectMass()''' doesn't exist, however it is possible to adjust the mass of an object to what you want by adjusting the density of one large prim.  Unfortunately it is a little tricky for multi-prim objects.  Here is an example script which tries to adjust the total mass of a potentially multi-prim object plus a sitting avatar to a standard mass, no matter the avatar's size.
'''llSetObjectMass()''' doesn't exist, however it is possible to adjust the mass of an object to what you want by adjusting the density of the root prim.  It is a little tricky for multi-prim objects.  Here is an example script which tries to adjust the total mass of a potentially multi-prim object plus a sitting avatar to a standard mass, no matter the avatar's size.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl2">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl2">
// adjust_root_density_to_hit_target_mass.lsl
// adjust_root_density_to_hit_target_mass.lsl

Latest revision as of 13:12, 7 January 2025

llSetObjectMass() doesn't exist, however it is possible to adjust the mass of an object to what you want by adjusting the density of the root prim. It is a little tricky for multi-prim objects. Here is an example script which tries to adjust the total mass of a potentially multi-prim object plus a sitting avatar to a standard mass, no matter the avatar's size.

// adjust_root_density_to_hit_target_mass.lsl
// Put this script on the root prim of an object.  When an avatar sits on it
// this script will try to adjust the mass of the root prim to make the total
// final mass of the object+avatar an known quantity no matter the avatar's mass.
// Note: this will only work of the root prim has more mass than the largest
// avatar expected to sit.

float DEBUG = FALSE;
float EXPECTED_AVATAR_MASS = 1.6;  // mass of an "average" avatar
float prim_density = 1000.0;
float prim_volume = 1.0;
float obj_mass = 1.0;
float target_mass_with_sitter = 1.0;
float mass_of_other_parts = 1.0;
integer obj_num_prims = 1;
key prim_key;

    // In order to do the adjustment math we need to know the effective volume
    // of the root prim.  Unfortunately this is not exposed in LSL, however we
    // can measure it by adjusting the root prim's density and doing some math.
    list material = llGetPhysicsMaterial();
    prim_density = llList2Float(material, 3);
    obj_mass = llGetObjectMass(llGetKey());
    target_mass_with_sitter = obj_mass + EXPECTED_AVATAR_MASS;

    float test_density = 2.0 * prim_density;
    llSetPhysicsMaterial(DENSITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, test_density);

    // check to make sure our density setting took effect (it can fail if the prim is
    // already near max density).
    material = llGetPhysicsMaterial();
    float actual_test_density = llList2Float(material, 3);
    if (actual_test_density != test_density)
        // density setting failed --> try a lower density instead
        test_density = 0.5 * prim_density;
        llSetPhysicsMaterial(DENSITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, test_density);

    // we can now compute prim_volume
    float test_mass = llGetObjectMass(llGetKey());
    prim_volume = (test_mass - obj_mass) / (test_density - prim_density);
    if (DEBUG)
        llOwnerSay("prim_volume=" + (string)(prim_volume));

    // we also need to know the total mass of the non-root prims of the original object
    mass_of_other_parts = test_mass - (prim_volume * test_density);

    // restore original density
    llSetPhysicsMaterial(DENSITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, prim_density);

    // When an avatar sits down the formula for mass becomes:
    //     obj_mass = avatar_mass + mass_of_other_parts + prim_density * prim_volume
    // Let obj_mass equal target_mass_with_sitter and solve for density:
    //     prim_density = (target_mass_with_sitter - avatar_mass - mass_of_other_parts) / prim_volume

    // adjust density to achieve target_mass_with_sitter
    float mass = llGetObjectMass(prim_key);
    float avatar_mass = mass - obj_mass;;
    float target_density = (target_mass_with_sitter - (avatar_mass + mass_of_other_parts)) / prim_volume;
    float MIN_DENSITY = 1.0;
    if (target_density < MIN_DENSITY)
        if (DEBUG)
            llOwnerSay("extra_mass is too heavy");
        target_density = MIN_DENSITY;
    llSetPhysicsMaterial(DENSITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, target_density);

    // check to see how well we succeeded
    if (DEBUG)
        llOwnerSay( "original_mass=" + (string)(obj_mass) + " sit_mass=" + (string)(mass) + " avatar_mass=" + (string)(avatar_mass));
        float final_mass = llGetObjectMass(prim_key);
        float mass_error = target_mass_with_sitter - final_mass;
        llOwnerSay("target_mass=" + (string)(target_mass_with_sitter) + ", after density adjustment: mass_error=" + (string)(mass_error));

    llSetPhysicsMaterial(DENSITY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, prim_density);
    list materials = llGetPhysicsMaterial();
    prim_density = llList2Float(materials, 3);
    if (DEBUG)
        float mass = llGetObjectMass(prim_key);
        llOwnerSay("prim_density=" + (string)(prim_density) + " mass=" + (string)(mass));

        // measure the object's initial properties
        prim_key = llGetKey();
        obj_num_prims = llGetNumberOfPrims();
        obj_mass = llGetObjectMass(prim_key);
        list material = llGetPhysicsMaterial();
        prim_density = llList2Float(material, 3);


    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
            integer num_prims = llGetNumberOfPrims();
            if (num_prims != obj_num_prims)
                if (DEBUG)
                    float mass = llGetObjectMass(prim_key);
                    float extra_mass = mass - obj_mass;
                    llOwnerSay("extra_mass=" + (string)(extra_mass));