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// Crystal Studio Request Script
// Crystal Studio Request Script
// Version 1.0
// Version 1.0
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Latest revision as of 19:57, 30 March 2008

<lsl> // Crystal Studio Request Script // Version 1.0 // // Use this at your own risk. // Desc: You can use this to have a request system inside a club that it might be hard to get requests from end-users.

// User Modifiable Settings:\

// Change this to the channel you want to listen too. // If you change it to '0', the script will not run! // This is used to keep this script lag free. integer CHAN_NUM = 69;

// Change this to the name of your event. string EVENT_NAME = "Graveyard Shift";

// You could change this to another language if needed, or something different. Ex: "Questions." string REQ_NAME = "Requests";

// BEGIN CODE // Warning: Do not change anything below this line unless you know absolutely what you are doing!!!! omgz

// DEFINE integer LISTEN_OFFLINE; integer LISTEN_ONLINE; integer REQ_AMM; // DONE.

// Custom Functions setText(integer TEXT_STATE) {

   if (TEXT_STATE) llSetText( 
       EVENT_NAME + " " + 
       REQ_NAME +
       " - ON\n---------------------------------------------\n" +
       "Please type: \"/" + (string)CHAN_NUM +
       " [" + llToLower(REQ_NAME) + "] to send a " + llToLower(REQ_NAME), <0,1,0>, 1.0);
   if (!TEXT_STATE) llSetText(EVENT_NAME + " " + REQ_NAME + " - OFF", <1,0,0>, 1.0);


default {

       llOwnerSay("Request System Startup... Please click on me to turn the request machine on.");  
   touch_start(integer total_number)
       state on;


state on {

       if (CHAN_NUM) LISTEN_ONLINE = llListen(CHAN_NUM, "", "", "");
            llOwnerSay("Fatal Error: CHAN_NUM is set to 0! SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR");
           llSetScriptState(llGetScriptName(), FALSE);
   touch_start(integer total_number)
       llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "You have recieved " + (string)REQ_AMM + " " + REQ_NAME);
       state off;
   listen(integer LISTEN_CHAN, string LISTEN_NAME, key LISTEN_ID, string LISTEN_MSG)
       llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), LISTEN_NAME + " " + REQ_NAME + ": " + LISTEN_MSG);
       llInstantMessage(LISTEN_ID, EVENT_NAME + " thanks you for your " + REQ_NAME);


state off {

       LISTEN_OFFLINE = llListen(CHAN_NUM, "", "", "");
       REQ_AMM = 0;
   touch_start(integer total_number)
       state on;
   listen(integer LISTEN_CHAN, string LISTEN_NAME, key LISTEN_ID, string LISTEN_MSG)
       llInstantMessage(LISTEN_ID, REQ_NAME + " are not being taken at this time. Sorry.");

} </lsl>