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Average Joe. Application Architect.

I love to help new people with all aspects of SL. This comes especially to answering new questions about LSL, and everything it does. Please feel free to IM me at any time with your questions, however please know I am here to 'help', not to code your project for you. I would be happy to do that for you as well, but at current rates for such work provided.

About Me: Dreams of working for Linden Labs but has a job he loves. Started in SecondLife when it was a mere infant, forgot about it for awhile, and returned amazed at the many years of progress.

After a year of explaining to my wife that the adult equipment I was attached to was for a scripting contract and not what I spend my time doing I finally got her to sign up. Her name is Joy Bellman, feel free to say hello. She now spends more time in SecondLife than I do, and jokes because she is now making more money than I.

I spend much of my time coding contracts for others, but have some really neat products that I will be releasing soon.

Our current home is in Jungreung, and we welcome all visitors and love to help people on their new found enlightenment.

Some things you will find at our location are Kites, Clothes, Tintable Items, Skirts, Weather Gauges and new items arriving all the time. Most important, you will find new friends, fun, help and great memories.

--James Udal 15:05, 15 March 2007 (PDT)