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# Vaya a una zona donde esté permitido construir (por ejemplo: "no construir" no está activado y su botón "Construir" del menú no aparece difuso), entonces necesita arrastrar hacia afuera de su inventario el objeto en cuestión para poder interactuar con él - eso no es posible si el objeto permanece en su inventario. | # Vaya a una zona donde esté permitido construir (por ejemplo: "no construir" no está activado y su botón "Construir" del menú no aparece difuso), entonces necesita arrastrar hacia afuera de su inventario el objeto en cuestión para poder interactuar con él - eso no es posible si el objeto permanece en su inventario. | ||
# Localice la caja que se le dio como su compra, y arrástrela al suelo pulsando sobre ella desde la ventana de su inventario, hacia un lugar visible en el mundo. Lo ideal es dejarlo sobre el piso, la tierra o prims, pero nada impide que arrastres el objeto sobre las paredes, el techo o lo pegues a un objeto cercano! | # Localice la caja que se le dio como su compra, y arrástrela al suelo pulsando sobre ella desde la ventana de su inventario, hacia un lugar visible en el mundo. Lo ideal es dejarlo sobre el piso, la tierra o prims, pero nada impide que arrastres el objeto sobre las paredes, el techo o lo pegues a un objeto cercano! | ||
#Pulsa sobre la caja, selecciona "Abrir" | #Pulsa sobre la caja, selecciona "Abrir" en la primera opción del menú circular que aparece. | ||
#Esto abrirá una ventana "Inventario de Objeto", con botones de "Copiar al Inventario" y "Ccopiar y Vestir". | #Esto abrirá una ventana "Inventario de Objeto", con botones de "Copiar al Inventario" y "Ccopiar y Vestir". | ||
#'Copiar al Inventario' hace exactamente eso: copia todo lo que está en la caja a una nueva carpeta en tu inventario. Para hacer más fácil la búsqueda, ésta carpeta tiene el mismo nombre que la caja que has abierto. (ADVERTENCIA: Ocasionalmente, puede encontrarse con objetos "no copiables" en la caja. Aún puedes hacer la transferencia "Copiar al Inventario", pero se te advertirá que sólo puedes mover los objetos marcados como "no copiables" fuera de la caja). Si eliges ésta opción, te encontrarás con una carpeta que contiene todos los ítems, y puedes tocar y elegir cómo usarlos a su gusto. | #'Copiar al Inventario' hace exactamente eso: copia todo lo que está en la caja a una nueva carpeta en tu inventario. Para hacer más fácil la búsqueda, ésta carpeta tiene el mismo nombre que la caja que has abierto. (ADVERTENCIA: Ocasionalmente, puede encontrarse con objetos "no copiables" en la caja. Aún puedes hacer la transferencia "Copiar al Inventario", pero se te advertirá que sólo puedes mover los objetos marcados como "no copiables" fuera de la caja). Si eliges ésta opción, te encontrarás con una carpeta que contiene todos los ítems, y puedes tocar y elegir cómo usarlos a su gusto. |
Revision as of 23:14, 22 January 2008
Si eres nuevo en SL, aquí hay algunas respuestas a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes. Si ya eres un veterano, por favor, tenga esta tarjeta a mano y entréguela a los nuevos residentes.
¿Qué hago aquí?
Este mundo es completamente abierto - no hay objetivos. La gente crea todo lo que pueda imaginar, o exploran las cosas y eventos que otros crean. Es una verdadera locura y adictivo como el infierno ... Bienvenido =)
Second Life es una comunidad virtual 3d. Aquí no hay niveles, requerimientos, o metas necesarias para que permanezcas aquí. El mundo es la más comunidad 3d más abierta que jamás se haya hecho, y se dan las herramientas para crear casi cualquier cosa que puedan imaginar.
Eres libre de explorar, construir, esculpir, socializar, diseñar ropa, jugar juegos, escribir scripts, animar un evento, pasar música (DJ), organizar una fiesta, hacer un juego, publicar una revista, bailar, crear una nueva imagen ti mismo, es decir lo que sea que estés inspirado para hacer.
Si no estás seguro de qué hacer primero, te recomendamos explorar algunos eventos y clases básicas durante la primera semana aquí. Pulsa en el botón de Búsqueda en a parte inferior de tu pantalla, luego la solapa de Eventos para ver cuáles de ellos están en curso hoy. Todos los horarios de eventos se presentan en hora de Pacífico (PST), lo cual se indica en la parte supierior izquierda de tu pantalla.
Puedes teletransportarte a cualquier lugar haciendo click en el botón Teleport cerca de la ubicación o evento mostrado. Después de teletransportarte, quedarás cerca de la ubicación, pero tal vez tengas que caminar o volar hacia la flecha roja / faro para llegar al lugar exacto.
¿Cómo puedo hacer dinero?
Dado que Second Life no es un "juego", sino una plataforma de un mundo virtual, no hay "estadíos" o "niveles de experiencia" para conseguir que reúnas "habilidades" para encontrar puestos de trabajo o algo por el estilo.
Tu puedes conseguir tus propias habilidades! Así que, si eres un modelador de 3D, probablemente disfrutes siendo constructor, y vendiendo casas y muebles para tu beneficio. Si eres un diseñador gráfico, probablemente estarás haciendo ropa, pieles o texturas pronto. Si eres un programador, te alegrará saber que, para que los objetos que están aquí interactúen con nosotros (los Residentes de Second Life), necesitan ser programados, y tus habilidades serán bien aplicadas. ¿Qué hay acerca de las habilidades sociales? Podrás usarlas para animar eventos, fiestas, organizar reuniones y bodas. ¿Y si eres bueno en hacer negocios? Bien, seguramente las transacciones de tierras o ser dueño de un centro de compras será una buena carrera.
Tu puedes hacer dinero:
- vendiendo las cosas que tu creas
- comprando y vendiendo tierras
- ganando premios en algún evento
Adicionalmente, cada Martes, los Miembros con cuenta Premium reciben un estipendio semanal, cuya monto depende del tipo de plan al que te hayas suscripto (entre L$50 y L$500 a la semana). El monto a recibir cada semana variará dependiendo de tu edad y el tipo de cuenta que tengas.
- cuentas Premium creadas o mejoradas desde una cuenta Básica antes o durante el 1 de Noviembre de 2006, reciben L$300 por semana.
- cuentas Premium creadas o mejoradas entre el 21 de Julio del 2006 y el 1 de Noviembre del 2006, reciben L$400 por semana.
- cuentas Premium creadas o mejoradas antes del 21 de Julio de 2006, reciben L$500 por semana.
- cuentas Básicas creadas antes del 6 de Junio de 2006, reciben un estipendio de L$50 por semana.
- cuentas Básicas creadas después del 6 de Junio de 2006, no reciben estipendio semanal.
El dinero se muestra en la parte superior derecha, en verde. La unidad de moneda es el Linden dolar, L$. L$ 300 es alrededor de 1 US$ -- y sí, puedes cambiar L$ por US$ y vice-versa. Algunas personas se ganan la vida fuera de Second Life. Si necesita efectivo rápido en un caso de apuro, siempre puede comprar Dólares Linden en LindeX (http://secondlife.com/currency/) El precio varía según la demanda.
En pocas palabras, depende de ti encontrar lo que te guste, y de la manera que apliques tus conocimientos de la vida real para ser un exitoso agente de la economía de Second Life!
¿Porqué está tan lento?
SL es una compleja aplicación 3d que consume gran parte de la CPU de su equipo, memoria, video, y recursos de red, más que casi todos los demás programas en 3D; esto es porque el mundo que tu ves es completamente dinámico, y debe ser actualizado en tiempo real para todo el mundo en el momento en que algo cambia.
La mayoría de los juegos 3d han pre-compilado "mapas" que tienen todo grabado, de modo que gran parte de la transformación ha sido difícil calcularla por anticipado. Esos mapas tienen extensos archivos que describen en su mayoría escenas estáticas, sin movimiento y sin dinánmica. Sin embargo, SL no tiene mapas precompilados.
Todo en SL tiene que llegarte rápido y es pasible de cambiar en cualquier momento. Esto incluye los movimientos del avatar, ropas, animaciones, posiciones de los objetos, rotaciones, texturas y sonidos. El terreno podría subir o bajar de un lago a la montaña, los árboles se pueden colocar, mover o eliminar, el cielo cambia a lo largo del día con la posición del sol, las sombras se mueven con él. Además, existe la dinámica meteorológica con un complejo modelo de viento, que podemos afectar con nuestros movimientos y ser afectados por éste.
Debido a todos estos aspectos dinámicos, no recibirá el mismo porcentaje de frames (cuadros) como lo hace en "First Person Shooter" y juegos similares. Afortunadamente, no son necesarias tasas extremadamente altas de frames en SL, porque no se trata de un "twitchy" juego que requiere rapidez de reflejos para disfrutar. SL es más de un entorno social.
Para ver cómo es el rendimiento de su equipo, presione Cntr-Shift-1 y abra el menú desplegable Basico (si no está abierto todavía) haciendo clic en la palabra Basico.
Estadísticas Típicas
- FPS (cuadros por segundos): 10-20 en un área con poca gente (mayor es mejor) - Bandwidth (Ancho de Banda): 20-100kbps luego de haber estado en una zona unos mintos y cuando todo ha cargado - Ping User or Ping Sim (conexión Usuario o conex. Sim): 100-200 si estás en EEUU/Canadá (bajo es mejor) - Packet Loss (Pérdida de Paquete): 0.0% (óptima, aunque ocasionalmente se espera la pérdida de paquetes)
Para más detalles acerca de ésto e información sobre cómo mejorar el rendimiento de su equipo, veaHelp:Lag
Asegúrese también de cualquier otro recurso o programas estén cerrados (por ejemplo, los programas de uso compartido de archivos)
¿Cómo remuevo algo de mi cabeza? (u otra parte del cuerpo)
Puedes anexar casi cualquier objeto 3D que haya construído a cualquier parte de su cuerpo, en alguno de los 30 puntos del esqueleto de su avatar. Algunas veces los anexas accidentalmente y quieres remover el objeto. Hay varias maneras de remover los objetos:
Pulsa con el botón derecho sobre el objeto (asegúrate de que el punto del botón derecho de tu ratón toque sobre la superficie del objeto específico), elije "Separar".
Ve al menú Editar, selecciona Separar Objeto, luego elije la región destacada del esqueleto donde el objeto fue anexado. Pulsa con el botón derecho sobre tu avatar, selecciona Separar > luego Separar Todo (esto remueve todos los anexos)
Si ninguna de éstas funciona, entonces el objeto anexado probablemente "fantasma" (en realidad no existe, pero aún así lo muestra). La única forma de limpiar los "fantasma" es salir de la sesión de Second Life y volver a entrar.
¿Dónde puedo comprar ropa? (u otras cosas)
Hay tiendas a lo largo del mundo de SL. La forma más fácil de encontrarlas es pulsar en el botón "Buscar" en la parte inferior de tu pantalla, pulsar la solapa "Lugares", e introducir un término de búsqueda en el campo "Buscar".
La ropa varía mucho en precio y calidad, así que compare antes de gastar mucho, para tener un panorama de quién vende buena calidad por precios justos.
Para comprar un objeto, usualmente sólo debe pulsar con el botón derecho sobre él y seleccionar "Comprar". Pero si esta opción no está disponible, pero sí la de pago, entonces probablemente se trata del script de máquina vendedora(vea la siguiente pregunta).
Muchas de quienes venden cosas en SL pueden resultarle muy útiles si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de un artículo en venta, solo envíele un MI al dueño.
¿Cómo utilizo una máquina vendedora?
Todas las máquinas vendedoras lucen y funcionan ligeramente diferente, pero la mayoría tienen en común un conjunto de comportamientos. Normalmente tienen botones con flechas para navegar hacia adelante y hacia atrás. Las máquinas expendedoras generalmente indican el precio del objeto que usted está viendo actualmente.
En la mayoría de los casos, pulsando con el botón derecho la máquina expendedora te informará el monto de pago determinado para la compra del objeto mostrado. Luego, la máquina vendedora le dará el objeto, pero asegúrese de "Aceptar", cuando aparezca el cuadro de diálogo, para que el objeto se guarde en su inventario. Si usted no acpta el objeto (por ejemplo, accidentalmente toca "Rechazar"), la máquina no lo sabe, y usted puede tener que entrar en contacto con el dueño de la tienda para recibir una copia de lo que acaba de pagar.
El objeto que adquirió será ingresado en su inventario en una de dos formas: una carpeta quizá con el nombre del artículo que han comprado, o una caja en tu carpeta "Objetos". Revise ambos lugares.
He comprado alguna ropa, pero todo lo qeu veo es una caja. ¿Cómo visto la ropa?
A veces, la mayoría de las prendas de vestir, se venden en simples contenedores que requieren ser "abiertos" para obtener el contenido. Si usted compra ropa que viene en una caja, tendrá que extraer la ropa de la caja contenedora y ponerla en su inventario antes de usarlos.
Para sacar su ropa, de una caja, siga estos pasos:
- Vaya a una zona donde esté permitido construir (por ejemplo: "no construir" no está activado y su botón "Construir" del menú no aparece difuso), entonces necesita arrastrar hacia afuera de su inventario el objeto en cuestión para poder interactuar con él - eso no es posible si el objeto permanece en su inventario.
- Localice la caja que se le dio como su compra, y arrástrela al suelo pulsando sobre ella desde la ventana de su inventario, hacia un lugar visible en el mundo. Lo ideal es dejarlo sobre el piso, la tierra o prims, pero nada impide que arrastres el objeto sobre las paredes, el techo o lo pegues a un objeto cercano!
- Pulsa sobre la caja, selecciona "Abrir" en la primera opción del menú circular que aparece.
- Esto abrirá una ventana "Inventario de Objeto", con botones de "Copiar al Inventario" y "Ccopiar y Vestir".
- 'Copiar al Inventario' hace exactamente eso: copia todo lo que está en la caja a una nueva carpeta en tu inventario. Para hacer más fácil la búsqueda, ésta carpeta tiene el mismo nombre que la caja que has abierto. (ADVERTENCIA: Ocasionalmente, puede encontrarse con objetos "no copiables" en la caja. Aún puedes hacer la transferencia "Copiar al Inventario", pero se te advertirá que sólo puedes mover los objetos marcados como "no copiables" fuera de la caja). Si eliges ésta opción, te encontrarás con una carpeta que contiene todos los ítems, y puedes tocar y elegir cómo usarlos a su gusto.
- 'Copiar y Vestirse' es igual que la opción anterior, excepto por el hecho de que "fuerza" el cambio de ropa en tu avatar, basándose lo que estás copiando en objetos-ropa, partes personales del avatar y objetos. (recomendamos utilizar esta opción con alguna precaución, especialmente en cajas gratis y productos en los que no se explica claramente su utilización sobre avatares) El uso negligente de esta opción causa el síndrome de caja-en-la-cabeza, caja-en-mano, así como cuestiones de "cambio de género" y en algunos casos en algunos casos real pero en otros una molestia/bochorno asegurado. --Patchouli Woollahra 00:00, 21 January 2007 (PST))
How do I become a landowner ?
There are two concepts to be aware of for owning land -- purchase and maintenance. Purchasing land remains the same irregardless of whether one is in a mainland or a private island sim, but there are differences between maintenance on the mainland and maintenance on private islands, as well as purchase of entire private islands, which will be covered further down.
Why must I pay to own land?
You can picture Second Life's creators, Linden Lab, as "3D content hosting providers". Their business is running a "grid" made up of thousands of computers (providing regions of 256x256 m in size). Think of those as 3D web servers. "Land" is just an abstract representation of disk space, CPU consumption, and bandwidth. The more resources you require, the bigger your "land". That's the same concept as hosting web pages, and paying for more MBytes of disk space, or more GBytes of bandwidth traffic, etc. The more resources you use, the more you pay for it.
Remember, this is Linden Lab's way of making money, since a basic account is for free and you don't pay anything for the SL viewer client (the application you installed) or to connect to Second Life. If you don't wish to pay anything to Linden Lab *ever*, you can rent land from other residents -- they'll charge you an amount of L$ every week to allow you to set up shops and your home on their land.
You don't have to own land to enjoy Second Life, although Linden Lab hopes to encourage you to become a Premium user and buy some land, so that they may pay their developers to program better features, give us faster servers to run the grid, and so on :)
Purchasing Land In General
Purchasing land is a one-time cost that occurs at the time you actually claim the land as yours.
You can purchase land from other residents, by clicking the Find button at the bottom of your screen, then selecting the Land Sales tab. Or you can purchase new land on the Second Life auctions, at http://secondlife.com/auctions
Be sure to compare prices of land that is readily available in-world with the prices on the auctions. Most of the time you'll find the auction prices will come out cheaper, since the readily available land is usually marked up due to its convenience.
To purchase a plot of land that's available, you'll have to travel to where it's located, then right click on the surface of the plot (use 'P' to toggle parcel borders), select About Land. Once you have reviewed the window and are sure you want to buy it, click Buy Land... to make the purchase.
Purchasing Mainland Land
Prior to making a purchase of mainland, you are required to have some form of payment info lodged with Linden Labs. This is to allow Linden Labs to make the necessary arrangements to keep maintenance fees for the land paid. If you have not owned any land on the mainland prior to the purchase, Linden Labs will also alert you to the fact that you need to have a premium account on at least a monthly basis in order to own mainland land. Linden Labs will also prompt you to upgrade your monthly tier in order to cover at least the amount of land you are going to own as a result of the purchase.
Purchasing Land In Private Islands
All private islands allow their owners to set a covenant: a notecard which adds additional rules on top of the basic Second Life ToS and Community Standards which the buyer must follow if he or she is interested in owning land in a private island.
Covenants may be examined by right-clicking on the soil (actual soil - not prim-based land covers!) of the parcel you are interested in and selecting about 'Land'.
It is important that you read this covenant carefully prior to making a land purchase or rental in such an island, as virtually all covenants include rules that allow the island owner to repossess land without compensation in the event of a significant breach or continued breaches of the covenant! More often than not, these will be slightly more restricted than the ToS and CS in order to guarantee a certain experience, personalised service and/or quality of life differing from that on the mainland.
Purchasing entire private islands
The purchase of entire private islands in Second Life requires a premium account or prior arrangements for alternative means of payment with Linden Labs, and can be done at the Land Store (SL account login required). On logging into the Land Store, a grid map will be displayed that tells you what parts of the grid are ready for a new private island. By clicking on each region in the grid, available spaces may be secured with a reservation. Please visit the Land Store for current pricing.
Maintenance differs depending on whether the land in question is mainland land or land on a private island.
Mainland Maintenance
For mainland lands, maintenance is the monthly cost you pay to Linden Labs for the peak amount of land that you owned during that month. This is calculated based on the largest land area you owned for the billable month, even if you divest land that month in sufficient quantities to qualify for lower tier.
A *premium* subscription with SL grants you free maintenance on 512 square meters of mainland land, but does not cover the purchase of the land.
If you want more land than the 512m you get with your premium membership, or if you have a basic membership and want to own some land, you will have to select a "land tier". Land tiers range from 512 sq. meters all the way up to 65,536 sq. meters (an entire sim).
You can select a land tier in your Account the Second Life website at https://secondlife.com/account/landfees.php
Please note that under normal circumstances, you will be paying *real* money for your land tier (it is added to your subscription fee) if you choose anything above the bottom (zero) tier.
Private Island land maintenance
Land on private islands is maintained separately from that of Land on Mainland sims. If you're the owner of the private island (the estate owner), you pay a fixed monthly maintenance to Linden Labs. If you've bought land on a private island from the island owner, then you do not owe a maintenance fee to Linden Labs, but you will have to pay a maintenance fee directly to the island owner (unless the owner is particularly generous).
The owners of private islands currently pay a fee of $295 per month, per island to Linden Labs (as of February, 2007). Educational and non-profit owners pay $150/island. Ownership of a private island doesn't affect your tier fee for any land owned on Mainland sim. Conversely, your tier for Mainland land has no affect on your private island fees. Always check the Official Land Pricing page for the latest rates.
Private island owners set their own fees for people who buy land on their islands. Depending on the needs of the island owner, your tier may be paid either in L$ or by US$ through an external service such as Paypal, directly to the private island owner. Often, these rates will be advertised either on the covenant for the land, or on a website referenced in the covenant. You should always check the covenant for details, and ask the island owner before buying if you can't find the rates or the conditions are unclear.
Exceptions in land ownership
Charter Memberships
Occasionally, a older Resident may be listed in his profile as being a 'Charter Member' of Second Life. This is a privilege extended to the oldest Residents who were willing to risk a larger upfront payment for never having to pay subscriptions ever again for life prior to version 1.2. This membership type was extended at the introduction of land tier to provide a free 4096sqm of land tier per Chartered Member.
How far away can people hear what I chat ?
People can hear you from up to 20m away for normal chatting, 100m for shouts.
You'll also notice some chat text is grey and some is white. The grey text is from people who are further away from you.
You can also send Instant Messages directly to people or groups from all across the SL world, just click the ( IM ) button at the bottom left corner of your screen to start an instant message.
What are the basic social rules here ?
Second Life is split into two separate grids and communities:
- Teen Grid - for teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17. Adult access to this grid is limited to Linden staffers and educators (on receipt of proper clearances, and confined to their respective private islands for the purpose of educating their charges in Second Life)
- Main Grid - for anyone at least 18 years old.
Regardless of which grid a Resident lives on, he or she is expected that to behave maturely and respectfully to their fellow residents. Here are some guidelines for standard etiquette in Second Life:
- Mature behavior and language should be performed only in regions designated as Mature (as indicated by (M) next to the region name at the top of your SL client window. If you are in a region marked as (PG), you should refrain from speech, behavior, sounds, or images which would not be acceptable to a general audience (similar to broadcast television or a PG rated movie). Note that there are NO Mature sims in Teen Grid - all sims will be PG, and behaviours in these sims should reflect this rating at all times.
- You should not "push" another person's avatar, either by intentionally walking into them, or using weapons or scripted objects. If you bump into someone accidently, it is common courtesy to pardon yourself. =)
- Gun battles and the like should be confined to "Non Safe" regions such as Jessie, Rausch, or resident-owned parcels which are designated as fighting areas (as indicated by a "heart" icon at the top of your screen). Do not shoot at people who have not already consented to a gunfight game.
For the exact rules, read the Terms of Service and Community Standards pages on the secondlife.com website.
What does that abbreviation mean ?
Here are some common abbreviations that are mostly unique to Second Life:
- SL - Second Life
- LL - Linden Lab; the company who made SL
- RL - Real Life; the meta-place where you need food, restroom breaks, etc
- FL - same as RL (unless they mean Florida)
- L$ - Linden Dollars; the virtual currency
- AV - Avatar, your second life "body"
- LSL - Linden Scripting Language; the language used to program objects in SL
- PG - Rating for regions where mature content is not allowed
What are those words above your name?
These are a "group title". Groups are a way to get people with similar interests together and form communities. Some groups even hold land jointly. You can see which groups are available by searching under Search > Groups.
All group members have titles, which show over your name. There are two types of members: regular members and "officers", who have access to more tools (for instance, they can change the titles, or buy/sell land for the group, eject regular group members, etc).
I joined a group, and now I have a title in front of my name, how do I remove it ?
- Open the Edit menu.
- Select Groups...
- Scroll to the top.
- Select none.
- Click the Activate button.
How do I set my profile picture ?
- Upload an image under the File menu, this will cost L$10.
- Alternatively, take a snapshot from the File Menu, and select 'Upload a Snapshot'. This counts as a texture upload and costs L$10 too.
- Locate the image you uploaded in your inventory. It should be in the Textures folder. If it was a direct 'Upload to Snapshot', it will be named Snapshot by default. Consider renaming it to something else as soon as you find it.
- Open up your profile window by selecting Profile... from the Edit menu.
- Drag and drop the image from your inventory's textures folder to the profile picture slot in your profile window.
How can I set my Preferences ?
To open the preferences panel, press Ctrl-P or choose Preferences under the Edit menu.
What are Calling Cards ?
In your Second Life, other avatars may give you Calling Cards. If you have someone's Calling Card:
-You can easily view their profile from your inventory. The profile will let you find out more about the other person, including their ratings and favorite places.
-If you joined Second Life based on a reference link from a Resident already in world, his or her calling card will be the very first one you receive in world. The Resident in question will also have your calling card given to him by default as well...
What Happens to delinquent accounts ?
Linden Lab will continue to try and bill the account for 7 days past the billing date. During that period the owner of the account can continue to login as normal.
On the 8th day, the account is put on delinquent hold for 30 days. Paying up the account during that time will reinstate it.
On the 31st day (or 38th depending on how you look at it), the account is closed, and the land turned over to Governor Linden.
What are HUD attachments ?
In fighter aircraft and first-person shooters, the HUD (or Heads-Up Display) shows the user important information directly in their field of vision. In Second Life, HUD attachment points have been added to the right-click/pie menu and inventory right-click menu for objects you own. To attach an object to your HUD, right-click it, choose 'Attach HUD >' and pick one of the eight attachment points. The object will be attached to your viewer and only you will see it.
The biggest advantage to HUD attachment points is that they do not show up in-world as attached to your avatar. Other residents will not see them. Many applications for this feature can be imagined, including games where you do not want the other players to see what you have; Informational displays such as speedometers, simulator statistics, radars, ammunition remaining, etc. and photo slideshows of your grandmother's visit to the largest ball of cling-wrap in the world. Subjecting others to that should be abuse-report-worthy. Keep them in your HUD!
HUD attachments can be scripted to take advantage of LSL, with a few limitations. Particles do not work on HUD attachments. In addition, there are a few known issues with HUD attachments. HUD attachments obscure chat bubbles if they overlap. HUD attachments can not be clicked-through because HUD attachments can receive touch events (by design). HUD attachments only appear in snapshots if you have the 'UI in snapshot' option enabled.
What does 'Add Friend' mean ?
In your Second Life, you can add other residents as "friends" by right clicking on them and choosing "Add Friend" from the pie menu, or accepting their friend offer. Being friends with someone means that:
- Their name is listed when you click on the "Friend" button on the bottom of the screen.
- You can find each other on the world map.
- You will be notified when your friend comes online and logs off.
- You can see if your friends are online from the website.
- You can grant your friend permission to modify your builds.
Are you NPCs or advanced AIs?
No, we're all human. Really. Trust me. There are no NPCs in Second Life, although some people have created a few AIs for fun.
Why are there so many girls in Second Life??
While Second Life certainly has a larger female population (50%) than most virtual worlds -- usually, in the 35-55 age range (average being 33), which is quite uncommon on other platforms -- and on average they log in to Second Life more than males, don't confuse "gender" with "looks"! That said and done, you have been warned :)
Hey, can we have *sex* here?
Sure you can -- cybersex is quite common around here. Remember, if you're reading this notecard, you're an adult, and everything is allowed here between consenting adults. You should stick to Mature areas, though (every area shows if it's Mature or PG). Be warned, while cybersex is mostly done through chatting, most people also use all sorts of visual props -- many of those who "animate" your avatar, and the triggers for those animations are inside "pose balls", usually found on furniture. Blue is for male avatars, pink for female avatars, but some creators tend to use other colours as well :)
Also, respect people's lifestyles. You'll see all sorts of sexual behaviour here -- don't be too harsh in judging others. Remember, anything is fair between *consenting adults*, and we're quite a lively bunch in SL :)
How many items are there? Why do I have to pay for them?
At one point the estimate was around 300 million unique items or so. There are no real statistics at this time. Remember, *all* content is created by the *users*, not Linden Lab (the platform creators). Creating content takes hours of patient work, and quality items are done by very skilled artists/builders/programmers. They expect a return on their investment in time, and that's why they charge you for their high-quality work.
I made a mistake with my name when logging in on the first time. Can I change it?
No, sadly, it's impossible. Your name won't change *ever* -- this is to prevent griefing. If you really, really dislike you name, your best option is to cancel your account and start from scratch with a new one.
Why do I have a box on my head/hand?
This happens to all of us! Some items that have others inside (like freebie boxes, or packages containing clothes, vehicles, etc.) should be dropped on the ground instead of "attached" to you.
Right-click on the attached box and select "Drop". That will do the trick. Next time, just open Inventory, locate the box you wish to open, and drag & drop it on the ground. That's all!
To look at the items inside the box, right-click on it (when it's on the ground) and select "Open".
Why can't I stand up from this sofa?
Well, you *should* always be able to stand up using the "Stand Up" button which is at the middle bottom part of the screen (just over the chat box). If by some reason this doesn't work, try to relog again (should be very very rare).
Where is my avatar in Inventory?
While this may sound strange to you, it's located under "Body Parts" or even "Clothing", usually under a folder called "Male/Female Shape & Clothing", although you might have changed its name. Weirdly enough, avatars are just nice textures on top of a polygon mesh, and changing the avatar's looks is just a question of dragging things like shape, skin, eyes and hair on top of yourself!
BTW, you can have as many different avatars (male, female or otherwise) as you wish, there is no limit.
Help! This isn't me! This is some ugly avatar with some short brown hair! (And it's FEMALE, yuck!)
Don't worry! You're probably on a bad connection, or eventually on a very very slow sim. All avatars (yes, even male ones) derive from a "common" polygon mesh, and the "standard" avatar, which for some reason is called "Ruth" (legends tell that Ruth was one of the first residents in Second Life, long even before Alpha...), is an ugly skinny female with short brown hair. Just wait a bit and you should return to "normal" as soon as your SL client loads the proper settings.
If this is taking a *long* time, I'd advise you to relog. Sometimes, changing avatars when the update is taking too long is worse! (you might be able to fool the system and get all your avatars mixed up)
A quick way to fix this without restarting is to enter "edit appearance". The menu will behave as if you've made changes and will prompt you to save when you close it. DO NOT HIT SAVE. Instead, when it prompts you to save say NO.
Why do you look so much better than me? Why do I look like I have rubber skin and cotton hair?
The default avatars have very low-resolution "standard" skins, and the regular Linden hair is basic. The very creative resident artists have launched special, high-resolution skins to offset the "standard" ones, and you can build very complex hair using primitive objects (basically by twisting around cylinders and parts of spheres or rings and torii so that they "look" like better hairstyles). Some are even flexible prims!
Also, clothes by better designers are usually found outside the "freebie" spots.
All these are often expensive (since they require much work to do) and sold on many shops around the grid. Just go to Search > Places and search for "clothes", "skin" or "hair" to see what is available.
Where do I find a party? How do I go to classes?
The social life of Second Life is available by looking at Search > Events, where all public events are commonly listed. You can also take a look at the SL Forums (http://forums.secondlife.com) where often special attractions are announced.
Look at the time they're being announced and remember, events in SL are noted in Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Savings Time by default (it's the easiest clock to schedule any events by in SL - just look at the upper-right corner of your client).