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==Using The Script==
==Using The Script==
In the script that is calling the menu I use a function something like this.

integer    LINK_MENU_DISPLAY = 300;
DisplayMenu(key id)
DisplayMenu(key id)
{  // Menu Functions
{  // Menu Functions
Line 19: Line 24:
     llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, LINK_MENU_DISPLAY, menuDescripter+"|"+menuText+"|"+ menuButtons, id);
     llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, LINK_MENU_DISPLAY, menuDescripter+"|"+menuText+"|"+ menuButtons, id);
The script that expects the response back from the menu has the following
integer    LINK_MENU_DISPLAY = 300;
    link_message(integer intSenderNum, integer num, string message, key id)
        if (num == LINK_MENU_RETURN)
            list    returnMenu = llParseString2List(message, ["|"], []);
            list    temp = llParseString2List(llList2String(returnMenu,0), ["~"], []);
            string  menu = llList2String(temp,0);
            string  parent = llList2String(temp,1);
            string  item = llList2String(returnMenu,1);
            //now do something with your response which is the variable 'item'

Revision as of 20:29, 31 August 2010


I found that i was constantly rewriting a pile of dialog handling functions in my scrips so i decided to write a single dialog handler script. It needed to have the following features;

  • Support multiple simultaneous menus from different users.
  • Support fixed top buttons that will persist on lists.
  • Support fixed bottom buttons with include Back and Exit buttons.
  • Handle item lists > 12 and automatically insert << and >> buttons to scroll through the lists.
  • Handle timeouts and communicate timeout back to calling script.

Using The Script

In the script that is calling the menu I use a function something like this.

<lsl> integer LINK_MENU_DISPLAY = 300;

DisplayMenu(key id) { // Menu Functions

   string  menuDescripter = "menu~parent|TRUE";  //Menu name is 'menu with a parent menu name 'parent'.  The display of the bottom navigation buttons is set to TRUE
   string  menuText = "This is the menu text that will be displayed.";
   string  menuButtons =  "Owner~Group~All";
   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, LINK_MENU_DISPLAY, menuDescripter+"|"+menuText+"|"+ menuButtons, id);

} </lsl>

The script that expects the response back from the menu has the following

<lsl> integer LINK_MENU_DISPLAY = 300;

default {

   link_message(integer intSenderNum, integer num, string message, key id) 
       if (num == LINK_MENU_RETURN)
           list    returnMenu = llParseString2List(message, ["|"], []);
           list    temp = llParseString2List(llList2String(returnMenu,0), ["~"], []);
           string  menu = llList2String(temp,0);
           string  parent = llList2String(temp,1);
           string  item = llList2String(returnMenu,1);
           //now do something with your response which is the variable 'item'

} </lsl>

The Script

<lsl> // ******************************************************************** // // Menu Display Script // // Menu command format // string = menuname ~ menuparent | display navigate? TRUE/FALSE | menuMaintitle~subtitle1~subtitle2~subtitle3 | button1~button2~button3 {| fixedbutton1~fixedbutton2~fixedbutton3 optional} // key = menuuser key // // // menusDescription [menuchannel, key, menu & parent, return link, nav?, titles, buttons, fixed buttons] // menusActive [menuchannel, menuhandle, time, page] // // by SimonT Quinnell // // ********************************************************************

// ******************************************************************** // CONSTANTS // ********************************************************************

// Link Commands integer LINK_MENU_DISPLAY = 300; integer LINK_MENU_CLOSE = 310; integer LINK_MENU_RETURN = 320; integer LINK_MENU_TIMEOUT = 330;

// Main Menu Details string BACK = "<<"; string FOWARD = ">>"; list MENU_NAVIGATE_BUTTONS = [ " ", "Back", "Exit"]; float MENU_TIMEOUT_CHECK = 10.0; integer MENU_TIMEOUT = 120; integer MAX_TEXT = 510;

integer STRIDE_DESCRIPTION = 8; integer STRIDE_ACTIVE = 4; integer DEBUG = FALSE;

// ******************************************************************** // Variables // ********************************************************************

list menusDescription; list menusActive;

// ******************************************************************** // Functions - General // ********************************************************************

debug(string debug) {

   if (DEBUG) llWhisper(0,"DEBUG:"+llGetScriptName()+":"+debug+" : Free("+(string)llGetFreeMemory()+")");


integer string2Bool (string test) {

   if (test == "TRUE") return TRUE;
   else return FALSE;


// ******************************************************************** // Functions - Menu Helpers // ********************************************************************

integer NewChannel() { // generates unique channel number

   integer channel;
   do channel = -(llRound(llFrand(999999)) + 99999);
   while (~llListFindList(menusDescription, [channel]));
   return channel;    


string CheckTitleLength(string title) {

   if (llStringLength(title) > MAX_TEXT) title = llGetSubString(title, 0, MAX_TEXT-1);
   return title;


list FillMenu(list buttons) { //adds empty buttons until the list length is multiple of 3, to max of 12

   integer i;
   list    listButtons;
       string name = llList2String(buttons,i);
       if (llStringLength(name) > 24) name = llGetSubString(name, 0, 23);
       listButtons = listButtons + [name];
   while (llGetListLength(listButtons) != 3 && llGetListLength(listButtons) != 6 && llGetListLength(listButtons) != 9 && llGetListLength(listButtons) < 12)
       listButtons = listButtons + [" "];
   buttons = llList2List(listButtons, 9, 11);
   buttons = buttons + llList2List(listButtons, 6, 8);
   buttons = buttons + llList2List(listButtons, 3, 5);    
   buttons = buttons + llList2List(listButtons, 0, 2); 
   return buttons;


RemoveUser(key id) {

   integer index_id = llListFindList(menusDescription, [id]);
   while (~index_id) 
       integer channel = llList2Integer(menusDescription, index_id-1);
       RemoveMenu(channel, FALSE);


RemoveMenu(integer channel, integer echo) {

   integer index = llListFindList(menusDescription, [channel]);
   if (index != -1)
       key id = llList2Key(menusDescription, index+1);
       menusDescription = llDeleteSubList(menusDescription, index, index + STRIDE_DESCRIPTION -1);
       if (echo) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, LINK_MENU_TIMEOUT, "Timeout", id);


RemoveListen(integer channel) {

   integer index = llListFindList(menusActive, [channel]);
   if (index != -1)
       llListenRemove(llList2Integer(menusActive, index + 1));
       menusActive = llDeleteSubList(menusActive, index, index + STRIDE_ACTIVE - 1);


// ******************************************************************** // Functions - Menu Main // ********************************************************************

NewMenu(string message, integer senderNum, key id) { // Setup New Menu

   // menusDescription [menuchannel, key, menu & parent, return link, nav?,  titles, buttons, fixed buttons]
   list    temp = llParseString2List(message, ["|"], []);
   integer channel = NewChannel();
   if (llGetListLength(temp) > 2)
       menusDescription = [channel, id, llList2String(temp, 0), senderNum,  string2Bool(llList2String(temp, 1)), llList2String(temp, 2), llList2String(temp, 3), llList2String(temp, 4)] + menusDescription;
       DisplayMenu(id, channel, 0);
   else llOwnerSay ("ERROR: Dialog Script. Incorrect menu format");


DisplayMenu(key id, integer channel, integer page) {

   string  menuTitle;
   list    menuSubTitles;
   list    menuButtonsAll;
   list    menuButtons;   
   list    menuNavigateButtons;
   list    menuFixedButtons;
   integer max = 12;
   // Populate values
   integer index = llListFindList(menusDescription, [channel]);
   menuButtonsAll = llParseString2List(llList2String(menusDescription, index+6), ["~"], []);
   if (llList2String(menusDescription, index+7) != "") menuFixedButtons = llParseString2List(llList2String(menusDescription, index+7), ["~"], []);
   // Set up the menu buttons
   if (llList2Integer(menusDescription, index+4)) menuNavigateButtons= MENU_NAVIGATE_BUTTONS;
   else if (llGetListLength(menuButtonsAll) > (max-llGetListLength(menuFixedButtons))) menuNavigateButtons = [" ", " ", " "];
   // FIXME: add sanity check for menu page
   max = max - llGetListLength(menuFixedButtons) - llGetListLength(menuNavigateButtons);
   integer     start = page*max;
   integer     stop = (page+1)*max - 1;
   menuButtons = FillMenu(menuFixedButtons + llList2List(menuButtonsAll, start, stop));
   // Generate the title
   list tempTitle = llParseString2List(llList2String(menusDescription, index+5), ["~"], []);
   menuTitle = llList2String(tempTitle,0);
   if (llGetListLength(tempTitle) > 1) menuSubTitles = llList2List(tempTitle, 1, -1);
   if (llGetListLength(menuSubTitles) > 0)
       integer i;
           if (llList2String(menuSubTitles, i) != "") menuTitle += "\n"+llList2String(menuSubTitles, i);
   menuTitle = CheckTitleLength(menuTitle);
   // Add navigate buttons if necessary
   if (page > 0) menuNavigateButtons = llListReplaceList(menuNavigateButtons, [BACK], 0, 0);
   if (llGetListLength(menuButtonsAll) > (page+1)*max) menuNavigateButtons = llListReplaceList(menuNavigateButtons, [FOWARD], 2, 2); 
   // Set up listen and add the row details
   integer menuHandle = llListen(channel, "", id, "");
   menusActive = [channel, menuHandle, llGetUnixTime(), page] + menusActive;
   // Display menu
   llDialog(id, menuTitle, menuNavigateButtons + menuButtons, channel);


// ******************************************************************** // Event Handlers // ********************************************************************

default {

   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       if (message == BACK) 
           integer index = llListFindList(menusActive, [channel]);
           integer page = llList2Integer(menusActive, index+3)-1;
           DisplayMenu(id, channel, page);
       else if (message == FOWARD)
           integer index = llListFindList(menusActive, [channel]);
           integer page = llList2Integer(menusActive, index+3)+1;
           DisplayMenu(id, channel, page);
       else if (message == " ")
           integer index = llListFindList(menusActive, [channel]);
           integer page = llList2Integer(menusActive, index+3);
           DisplayMenu(id, channel, page);
           integer index = llListFindList(menusDescription, [channel]);
           llMessageLinked(llList2Integer(menusDescription, index+3), LINK_MENU_RETURN, llList2String(menusDescription, index+2)+"|"+message, id);
           RemoveMenu(channel, FALSE);
   link_message(integer senderNum, integer num, string message, key id) 
       if (num == LINK_MENU_DISPLAY) NewMenu(message, senderNum, id);
       else if (num == LINK_MENU_CLOSE) RemoveUser(id);
   {   // Check through timers and close if necessary
       integer i;
       list toRemove;
       integer currentTime = llGetUnixTime();
       integer length = llGetListLength(menusActive);   
           if (currentTime - llList2Integer(menusActive, i+2) > MENU_TIMEOUT) toRemove = [llList2Integer(menusActive, i)] + toRemove;
       length = llGetListLength(toRemove);
       if (length > 0)
               RemoveMenu(llList2Integer(toRemove, i), TRUE);



See also