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== Glow ==

== How to build objects ==
== How to build objects ==
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== Bump Mapping ==
== Bump Mapping ==
{{:Bump Mapping}}
{{:Bump Mapping}}
== Glow ==

== Using the building grid ==
== Using the building grid ==

Revision as of 08:30, 28 October 2010

How to build objects

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Linking objects together

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How to use the undo feature

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Object inventory

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Bump Mapping

KBcaution.png Important: This functionality has largely been replaced by a better system: Materials
This article has been retained because it helps elucidate the LSL functionality Bump Mapping.

Bump mapping is a graphical rendering technique in which a "bump map" texture is applied to the surface of a 3D object in order to give it a richer visual appearance closer to that of the real world. You can apply bump maps to some of your objects in Second Life to create a very stimulating visual experience!

Kbsd kb no bumpmap cube.jpgKbsd kb bump map cube.jpg

To apply a bump map to an object:

Kbsd KB menu bump map.jpg
  1. Right-click the object and select Edit.
  2. If the tools window is not already expanded, press the More >> button.
  3. Click the Texture tab.
  4. In the Bumpiness dropdown menu, select a bump map from the list provided. The bump map will be applied over the existing texture on the object, giving the object's surface a more tactile look.

KBtrivia.png Trivia: The Brightness and Darkness bump maps enhance the bumpiness of the existing texture on the object; if you apply them to an object with no texture, nothing will happen! Try applying the different bump maps to a standard cube and see what happens. The faces on the cubes below have been colored to add perspective:

Additional notes about bump mapping

Bump mapping is a client-side effect; this means that other Residents can turn it on and off under Edit > Preferences >Graphics > Bump Mapping & Shiny. If a Resident has this option turned off, they cannot see bump mapping effects on any objects, so you should not use bump mapping for vital effects on any object.

The nature of Second Life's bump mapping effect means it can be hidden if an invisiprim is placed in front of it, just like regular textures with an alpha channel.


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Using the building grid

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Temporary objects

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Copy selected

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Object owner

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Object creator

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