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Join Blondin Linden every Monday at 11am PST for the [http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:User_Groups Adult User Group].  
Join [http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Blondin_Linden Blondin Linden] every Monday at 11am PST for the [http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:User_Groups Adult User Group].  
*[http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Adult_Content_User_Group Agenda Here!]
*[http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Adult_Content_User_Group Agenda Here!]
*Join the [http://www.flickr.com/groups/exploringzindra/ Exploring Zindra Flickr Group] to see pictures from around the adult mainland!
*Join the [http://www.flickr.com/groups/exploringzindra/ Exploring Zindra Flickr Group] to see pictures from around the adult mainland!

Revision as of 07:26, 15 February 2011


In June 2009, Second Life created a new continent called Zindra. This rapidly growing land represents an evolution in the SL world, and is the official 'adult' area of Second Life.

There are hundreds of regions on Zindra (see the world map to get an idea!) and only people who are adult-verified can access it. There are endless types of places on Zindra, homes and businesses, organisations and events. Live, work, learn and play in a world of real freedom!

It's not just 'adult'... it is the most liberating place in SL, and the only mainland where Adult Content is allowed. This continent is growing more and more every day as people move here and open businesses in a free environment. Zindra is a continent of The Future.


To explore the growing continent of Zindra, and explore the future of SL, make sure your Search has the 'adult' checkbox active (or else, Adult content will be hidden from you). In some viewers, you must go into Preferences...use the General tab, under Rating, choose PG, Mature and Adult. Every viewer can be different, so check your specific settings. (test by trying a search for something that is obviously 'adult')

"Let's be adult about this." - EXPLORE ZINDRA NOW!


Learn how to verify HERE


Join Blondin Linden every Monday at 11am PST for the Adult User Group.

Current Map of Zindra & Points of Interest

coming soon

Port of Kama City

Kama City Municipal Park


The North Reservoir

Guittarez Hydroelectric Dam

Cafe Molchachino

Barnaby Point Swing Bridge

Vulcyris Roundabout and Bridge

Zexpo Region (slurl subject to change based on current event)

Historical Development Maps of Zindra:

Earliest Preliminary Map of Zindra Showing points of Interest

LDPW Map Zindra Medium.jpg

SLurl Map of Zindra As of 27 Jun 2009

The initial map of Zindra contained 157 regions. Due to high demand, this was significantly increased during 3-10 July 2009. At least 531 regions have been named, so Zindra could grow that large if there is enough demand for it. This was just before move tickets were opened, and shows the Linden terraforming, roads, and buildings. The Arapaima infohub is at the far left.

Note: current highest region identified is "Ursula528"

Zindra on SLurl.jpg

Map of Zindra as of 04 Jul 2009

The left (west) portion shows some development that has already happened. The right (east) portion is the extension being added due to high demand for land swaps. This map shows 211 regions.

Zindra Map 04 Jul 2009.jpg

Map of Zindra as of 08 Jul 2009

The eastern portion has been terraformed, and a new extension to the south has been added. This map shows 266 regions.

Zindra Map 8Jul09.jpg

Map of Zindra as of 12 Jul 2009

The south extension continues to be developed.

Zindra Map 12Jul09.jpg

Map of Zindra as of 11 Aug 2009

The map now shows 286 regions, and has been filled in extensively with builds in the past month.

Zindra Full 11Aug09.jpg