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You can treat a friend to something cool from the [https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ Second Life Marketplace] — it's easy!
You can treat a friend to something cool from the [https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ Second Life Marketplace] — it's easy!

Revision as of 16:29, 15 February 2011

You can treat a friend to something cool from the Second Life Marketplace — it's easy!

Buying and sending a gift

For each gift:

  1. Find an item you want to gift on the Second Life Marketplace. You can discover items through Featured Items or simply search.
  2. On the item page, click Add To Cart As Gift.
    Marketplace add to cart as gift cropped.png
  3. Enter the recipient's Second Life first name and last name and click Find Resident.
    Marketplace gift enter recipient.png
    A gift message window appears.
    Important: If the recipient has only a username, not a first name and last name, enter the username. The system will show the name as "<username> Resident".
  4. If you would like to include a gift message, enter it. Otherwise, leave it blank.
    Marketplace gift message.png
  5. Click Finished.
    The gift is now in your cart.

When you've finished shopping:

  1. Click Cart to view your cart.
    Marketplace gift in cart.png
    Gift items are marked with Gift for <recipient name>.
  2. Click Edit gift message if you'd like to change the gift message, and click Save.
    Marketplace gift message in cart.png
  3. Complete the checkout process as you normally would.
  4. Await a delighted reaction from your friend.


  • You can send the same gift to multiple recipients, but not in the same checkout. You need to checkout once for each identical gift item.
  • You can't send L$0 freebies as gifts.