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Revision as of 14:05, 7 March 2011

This is a list of all articles in Category:Knowledge Base in the main namespace (i.e. not in LLO) and not in KB2. Retrieved via this API query.

  1. About First Look
  2. About Release Candidate Viewers
  3. About Second Life Simulator 1.20.83683 (Havok4 FAQ)
  4. About content filters
  5. About the Update Indicators
  6. Avatar Impostors
  7. Beacons
  8. Best practices for building an Orientation Island
  9. Blog FAQ
  10. Bump Mapping
  11. Can I rotate my private island?
  12. Can I turn off the display of my own avatar's name to others?
  13. Command Line Options
  14. Configuring your corporate firewall to allow access to Second Life
  15. Crash logs
  16. Create a Custom Avatar (Video Tutorial Sequence)
  17. Default Private Region RAW Files
  18. Detailed info about Second Life-compatible systems
  19. Does Second Life run on Linux?
  20. Does Second Life run on Windows Vista?
  21. Does Second Life support satellite Internet services?
  22. Does Second Life work on older versions of Mac OS X, such as OS X 10.2
  23. Does Second Life work with older versions of Windows, such as Windows 98, 98SE, Millenium Edition, or ME Computer?
  24. Educators in Teen Second Life
  25. Filling in your profile
  26. Finding your chat logs - Video Tutorial
  27. Fixing avatar appearance
  28. Glow
  29. Graphics Preferences Layout
  30. Graphics preferences guide - Video Tutorial
  31. Guide to Improving Mac Performance
  32. Guide to Jobs in Second Life
  33. Guide to Large Event Technical Considerations
  34. Handy user interface tips and shortcuts - Video Tutorial
  35. Helpful Articles for New Landowners
  36. How To Locate Particle Sources
  37. How can I find a combat region?
  38. How can I find my avatar's UUID?
  39. How can I make Second Life run faster?
  40. How can I minimize background noise in voice chat?
  41. How can I use Second Life from a different computer?
  42. How can I view more than 35 avatars at once?
  43. How do I Log in using the secondlife:// web protocol
  44. How do I attach a body part to my avatar?
  45. How do I attach and detach objects from my avatar?
  46. How do I block direct teleports to my land?
  47. How do I change the time of day to something like sundown? It's a little too bright.
  48. How do I check for packet loss (network lag)?
  49. How do I configure my software firewall (such as Norton Internet Security, McAfee Personal Firewall, or ZoneAlarm)?
  50. How do I download and install Second Life on a Mac?
  51. How do I find things in my inventory?
  52. How do I fly higher? I want to see what's on top of this building.
  53. How do I fully uninstall and reinstall Second Life?
  54. How do I get some privacy in Second Life?
  55. How do I get the Local Chat tab in the Communicate window to reappear if I delete it accidentally?
  56. How do I hide all the little pictures on the map so I can see where I'm going? It's so cluttered!
  57. How do I make a donation box?
  58. How do I make a temporary object?
  59. How do I make it brighter? It's so dark I can't see anything.
  60. How do I make the clouds go away? I'm someplace very high up and they're getting the way of my lovely view.
  61. How do I put things in an object's inventory?
  62. How do I sort my inventory
  63. How do I turn off the dotted line coming out of my hand when I point at something?
  64. How do I use the World Map?
  65. How do I use the pie menu that comes up when I right-click something
  66. How high can I fly?
  67. How high can an object be to show up on the World Map?
  68. How long is a Second Life day?
  69. How many avatars can I have on my region at once without causing serious problems with lag?
  70. How many roles can there be in a group?
  71. How to Get to the About Land Window
  72. How to Locate Sound Sources
  73. How to become a member of the Solution Provider Program
  74. How to change your appearance - Video Tutorial
  75. How to check viewer performance from your end - Video Tutorial
  76. How to create a secure space for a classroom setting
  77. How to create and join a group - Video Tutorial
  78. How to disable Linden dollar (L$) transaction notices
  79. How to eliminate duplicate objects in your inventory
  80. How to fix a broken Search button
  81. How to get texture information - Video Tutorial
  82. How to make a flag that waves in wind - Video Tutorial
  83. How to make tiny prims - Video Tutorial
  84. How to manage your inventory - Video Tutorial
  85. How to move your camera further and better - Video Tutorial
  86. How to play streaming music in Second Life
  87. How to select everything you own on a parcel of land
  88. How to set multiple permissions simultaneously - Video Tutorial
  89. How to use a SLurl Teleport Link - Video Tutorial
  90. How to use the Mini-Map - Video Tutorial
  91. I can't find an item that used to be in my Library inventory
  92. I can't get into the land I own.
  93. I can't rez objects
  94. I followed a SLurl link and it took me to the wrong place!
  95. I know I have a fast Internet connection, but Second Life seems to download items slowly. How do I make things faster?
  96. I put on hair, but I want to take it off! + Video Tutorial
  97. I see Second Life in only 256 colors!
  98. I see blue, green, or red triangles coming from objects inworld that I think shouldn't be there.
  99. I see someone wearing really cool clothes! Where, and how, can I get a great look like them?
  100. I'm experiencing issues with Intel Extreme graphics
  101. I'm having problems while on wireless networks
  102. I'm having problems with internet providers other than Cable or DSL
  103. I'm lost. How can I tell where I am?
  104. I'm using a dual core processor and my view jitters, especially when moving or turning
  105. Improving Region Performance
  106. Installing Language Fonts
  107. Inventory management tips and more - Video Tutorial
  108. Is my firewall responsible for problems with Second Life?
  109. KB article graduation
  110. KB2/Selling objects
  111. Keyboard mapping
  112. Knowledge Base
  113. Knowledge Base Questions and Answers
  114. Missing Inventory: Inventory Window
  115. Mono information for non-scripters
  116. Mono information for scripters
  117. Moving the cache
  118. My account was cancelled and I'd like to reactivate it. What should I do?
  119. My computer overheats with Second Life, what can I do?
  120. My graphics card is reported as a "GDI Generic". What do I do?
  121. NVIDIA drivers appear to be causing problems with the Second Life viewer
  122. Navigating inside small spaces - Video Tutorial
  123. Norton AntiVirus and the cache
  124. Other Resources
  125. Overview of Music in Second Life
  126. PC and Mac shortcut key differences
  127. Particle editing - Video Tutorial
  128. Posting events
  129. Project management success tips
  130. Rebaking textures
  131. Reducing lag
  132. Release Keys
  133. Resetting your avatar
  134. Second Life IP addresses firewall configuration
  135. Second Life and multiple monitors
  136. Second Life crashes on 3800 and 4800 series ATI cards when using ATI Catalyst 8.8
  137. Second Life fails to load and displays an error regarding DINPUT8.DLL
  138. Second Life gives me an error message about being "Unable to find a valid certificate" or "Unable to establish a secure connection to the login server."
  139. Second Life gives me an error message about components missing from the display panel (vbo check box).
  140. Second Life gives me an error message about mangled network data. What does this mean?
  141. Second Life gives me an error message about my Intel motherboard chipset drivers. What should I do?
  142. Second Life gives me an error message about my motherboard or AGP drivers being out of date.
  143. Second Life gives me an error message that says "Verifying Protocol Version," or "Cannot resolve domain name," or "Cannot find server"
  144. Second Life says it can't run full screen, a specific resolution, or 32-bit color.
  145. Second Life says it needs to update, but when I launch the auto-update utility, it doesn't work.
  146. Second Life says my AGP card is running in PCI mode. Is this a problem?
  147. Shortcut keys
  148. Shortlinks
  149. Solution Provider Program membership requirements and obligations
  150. Solutions to Common Annoyances - Video Tutorial
  151. Something happened and now I'm bouncing all over the world like it's a trampoline. What do I do now?
  152. Something that's attached to me keeps animating me and producing errors. How do I make it stop?
  153. Sound sliders explained - Video Tutorial
  154. Streaming Video in Second Life
  155. Text chat macros - Video Tutorial
  156. The words that used to come up to show me the price of something or more info about it have disappeared. How do I get it back?
  157. Three useful "Show" options in the Tools menu - Video Tutorial
  158. Tips for Creating Heightfields and Details on Terrain RAW Files
  159. Troubleshooting streaming video
  160. Troubleshooting teleporting
  161. Typical Frame Rate Performance by Graphics Card/GPU
  162. Under Windows Vista, my graphics card reports as a GDI Generic. Why is that?
  163. Unusually restrictive firewalls block teleporting
  164. Useful Items in the Pie Menu - Video Tutorial
  165. What do I do if I experience poor performance on a dual-core computer?
  166. What do the numbers at the top of my viewer screen represent?
  167. What do the two bars mean next to my L$ on the upper-right corner of the Second Life window?
  168. What does "You are not allowed into the destination" mean?
  169. What is Second Life Answers?
  170. What is a UUID?
  171. What is a bot?
  172. What is the Library
  173. What is the Linden Prize?
  174. What's a relog?
  175. When I log into Second Life, I receive an error message that says "Despite our best efforts, something has gone wrong..." and tells me to submit a log file to Support.
  176. When I log into Second Life, it gets to "Connecting to Region" and stops.
  177. When I log into Second Life, it gets to "Contacting User Server" and stops.
  178. When I log into Second Life, it gets to "Entering Login Queue" and stops.
  179. When I log into Second Life, it gets to "Preparing Inventory" and stops.
  180. When I log into Second Life, it gets to Precaching or Initializing World, then it crashes.
  181. When I log into Second Life, it returns an error saying "The system is logging you out right now. Your account will not be available until..."
  182. When I start Second Life, the crash logger comes up briefly, then it disappears. Second Life never loads. What do I do?
  183. Who is the creator of an object?
  184. Who is the owner of a region?
  185. Who is the owner of an object?
  186. Why are there prim limits on coalesced objects?
  187. Why do I look like a particle cloud
  188. Why do Landmarks come in two different colors?
  189. Why do textures sometimes look messed up? - Video Tutorial
  190. Why does a black window with text inside it open when I start Second Life?
  191. Why is there a window with some crazy colored bars getting in my way when I start Second Life?