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[15:31] Maestro Linden: but anyway, we're working on a fix which is
[15:31] Maestro Linden: but anyway, we're working on a fix which is
looking promising
looking promising
[15:32] TriloByte Zanzibar: that's good to hear
[15:32] TriloByte Zanzibar: that's good to hear
[15:32] Rex Cronon: just don't "fix" the scripts 4 good:)
[15:32] Rex Cronon: just don't "fix" the scripts 4 good:)

Revision as of 18:52, 20 June 2011

[14:59] Fancy Greeter: Oskar Linden has arrived! (Or, returned?) [14:59] Jonathan Yap: Does anyone have the jira # for the unreturnable prim issue? [14:59] TheBlack Box: heyn hey [14:59] Fancy Greeter: Caleb Linden has arrived! (Or, returned?) [14:59] Oskar Linden: hello hello [15:00] Lares Carter: heya Oskar [15:00] Kallista Destiny: Hello Oskar [15:00] WolfPup Lowenhar: having fun there oskar [15:00] Oskar Linden: those crickets could stop :-) [15:00] Homeless: hi Oskar [15:01] Fancy Greeter: Coyot Linden has arrived! (Or, returned?) [15:01] Oskar Linden: watermelon cooler is noisy [15:02] WolfPup Lowenhar: hey tank [15:02] Fancy Greeter: Alain Linden has arrived! (Or, returned?) [15:02] Oskar Linden: welcome everyone [15:02] TankMaster Teichmann: oh hah, logedinto my alt [15:02] Oskar Linden: thanks for coming [15:03] Homeless: coyot is roasting [15:03] TankMaster Teichmann: oh well [15:03] Coyot Linden: My butt's on fire [15:03] Oskar Linden: bear with me if I'm not super energetic today [15:03] Coyot Linden: as usual [15:03] Oskar Linden: I was up at 4am [15:03] Lares Carter: Jonathan, it's https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6905 [15:03] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-6905] Immortal prims: Objects resisting take, delete, return, and autoreturn https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6905 [15:03] Oskar Linden: to get to the airport by 5 [15:03] Rex Cronon: greetings everybody [15:03] Homeless: anyone have some BBQ sauce? [15:03] Oskar Linden: to get to San Francisco by 8 [15:03] Oskar Linden: I'm a tad tired [15:03] Oskar Linden: but it is good to be in the SF offices today [15:03] Kadah Coba: Coyot, I got some water here if you want to put it out [15:04] Oskar Linden: sitting next to Coyot and Maestro IRL [15:04] Oskar Linden: it's nice [15:04] Rex Cronon: something burning:) [15:04] Oskar Linden: I also got to hang out with the new director of engineering Bagman Linden [15:04] Oskar Linden: he promised to stop by here one of these days [15:05] Oskar Linden: I had lunch with Caleb to welcome him to the office [15:05] Grid Crash Protection Box: WolfPup Lowenhar, you are now shielded from the effects of any Grid crashes which might occur! [15:05] Oskar Linden: how are you all today? [15:05] Fancy Greeter: Maestro Linden has arrived! (Or, returned?) [15:05] WolfPup Lowenhar: im here i think :p [15:05] Kadah Coba: Crashy [15:05] Kallista Destiny: quite well [15:05] Oskar Linden: aww [15:05] Jacky Scharf: Good morning. [15:05] Latif Khalifa: still alive! [15:05] Oskar Linden: yay [15:05] Coyot Linden: what is that repeating noise? [15:05] Jacky Scharf: I'm dead ... [15:05] Oskar Linden: mute the tub coyot [15:06] Oskar Linden: I had to [15:06] Fancy Greeter: Dragon Linden has arrived! (Or, returned?) [15:06] Kadah Coba: What noise? [15:06] Oskar Linden: the watermelon tub is chirping [15:06] Kadah Coba: oO [15:06] Maestro Linden: it helps if you don't wear headphones :) [15:06] Oskar Linden: yeah [15:06] Oskar Linden: anyway [15:06] Oskar Linden: here is the agenda [15:06] Rex Cronon: hearing crickets? [15:06] Oskar Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group [15:06] WolfPup Lowenhar: hey maestro [15:06] Maestro Linden: hey there [15:06] Jacky Scharf: I used headohones for 4h now, it's enough. [15:07] Kadah Coba: How do I stop llLoopSound? [15:07] Maestro Linden: llStopSound(); [15:07] Maestro Linden: I think.. [15:07] Oskar Linden: as you all may have noticed there was no main channel release this week [15:07] WolfPup Lowenhar: try disabling the script [15:07] Oskar Linden: none of our candidates passed the criteria [15:07] Oskar Linden: so we couldn't promote one [15:07] Jacky Scharf: Yes, I wondered y. [15:08] Oskar Linden: it was a bit disappointing but better than shipping a bad bug to the main channel [15:08] Rex Cronon: if u merbed them... [15:08] Rex Cronon: merged* [15:08] Oskar Linden: we did have RC channel rolls though [15:08] Oskar Linden: only one new slot [15:09] TankMaster Teichmann: its all quiet now! :3 [15:09] Oskar Linden: BlueSteel got the group chat changes [15:09] Jacky Scharf: YAY! (yay!) [15:09] Kadah Coba: (There, annoying sounds killed) [15:09] Coyot Linden: tyvm TankMaster [15:09] Oskar Linden: technically we put the group chat fixed code in each of the RC's [15:09] Oskar Linden: you'll see that in the release notes [15:10] Oskar Linden: one way or another we will ship that code next week :-) [15:10] Oskar Linden: the sim side fixes were only part of the solution [15:10] Oskar Linden: we upgraded the UTIL nodes last Thursday [15:10] WolfPup Lowenhar: so all three RC chanels got that new chat code? [15:10] Oskar Linden: yeah [15:10] Alain Linden: hi [15:10] Oskar Linden: alain is here to talk about some of the changes [15:10] Rex Cronon: hi [15:10] Oskar Linden: he brought a graph [15:10] Oskar Linden: 1s [15:11] Jacky Scharf: It's a huge solution. ;-) [15:11] Oskar Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/File:Message_rate.png [15:11] Kallista Destiny: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! [15:11] Oskar Linden: tell us about that graph alain [15:11] Alain Linden: so, as you may have noticed we've pushed our changes for group chat [15:11] Oskar Linden: Thursday morning [15:11] Oskar Linden: of last week [15:11] Rex Cronon: yes. less borkage:) [15:11] Alain Linden: Residents have now been complaining that we've "broken group chat lag" [15:11] Alain Linden: ;-) [15:11] Kallista Destiny: ROFL [15:12] Rex Cronon: u have even a jira:) [15:12] WolfPup Lowenhar: i know i say the JIRA on that one [15:12] Oskar Linden: that jira was entertaining [15:12] TankMaster Teichmann: :) [15:12] Alain Linden: I'll have to look up the jira [15:12] Liisa Runo: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7031 [15:12] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-7031] Chat Lag is broken! https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7031 [15:12] Oskar Linden: the results overall have been promising. [15:12] Kadah Coba: It still sucks for me, but its only takes a couple minutes to send a msg instead of 5. So I guess thats better. [15:12] Oskar Linden: it's not a 100% fix for every group [15:12] Kallista Destiny: There still is the occasional 'delayed' message; [15:12] Oskar Linden: but a lot of groups work better now [15:12] Oskar Linden: so what is this graph alain? [15:12] Rex Cronon: AFK............................... [15:12] Rex Cronon: afk [15:13] Alain Linden: If you take a look at the wiki link that oskar posted, it will help you to understand where we are. [15:13] Oskar Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/File:Message_rate.png [15:13] WolfPup Lowenhar: i like the meroos working on the servers pic in that issue [15:13] Alain Linden: it shows the total number of messages being delivered per minute by each of the 16 groupchat nodes. [15:13] Alain Linden: the data was collected last Friday [15:14] TheBlack Box: to me it seemed like bigger groups work much better now ... but i still had problems opening the group-chat for small groups (names not loading) [15:14] Sigma Avro: each or all off ? [15:14] Oskar Linden: group names might be different [15:14] Jonathan Yap: I have also noticed names not loading in a small group [15:14] Alain Linden: Previously any one node could handle at most 15000 messages a minute [15:14] TheBlack Box: ah, k [15:14] Alain Linden: you'll notice that there are a lot of dots above that line [15:15] Oskar Linden: wow [15:15] Alain Linden: now we can handle more like 30000 per minute [15:15] Oskar Linden: was there a before graph? I should have asked that before this meeting [15:15] Kallista Destiny: Impressive [15:15] Alain Linden: So for most nodes, most of the time we have enough capacity [15:15] Alain Linden: that's why a lot of people saw lag go away. [15:15] WolfPup Lowenhar: are you planing on increasing that cap [15:15] Alain Linden: now some nodes are still peaking up near 30K [15:16] Alain Linden: those would be ones serving some really big groups [15:16] TankMaster Teichmann: i bet the FS release chatter didnt help :P [15:16] Oskar Linden: FS? [15:16] Alain Linden: you may still get lag sometimes if you're group is on one of those nodes at peak usage. [15:16] WolfPup Lowenhar: Firestorm [15:16] TankMaster Teichmann: firestorm [15:16] TankMaster Teichmann: the phoenix V2 viewer [15:16] Kallista Destiny: I was impressed that the phoenix/firestorm group chugged along just fine [15:17] TheBlack Box: does firestorm finally have meop ? [15:17] Oskar Linden: so if your group, regardless of size, is on a node that is at peak you will experience lag? [15:17] Alain Linden: Overall, the good news is that we think we've caught up with group chat usage in terms of capacity [15:17] Alain Linden: the bad news is that we've just caught up. [15:17] TankMaster Teichmann: always has, black, its V2 code [15:17] Alain Linden: This is appreciated by higher ups, so we are considering more long term improvements. [15:17] TheBlack Box: awesome finally :) hope we can use it widely then soon :) [15:17] Alain Linden: anyway, that's where we stand [15:17] Latif Khalifa: and that not all groups are fixed. how do you plan to tackle the nodes that are still overloaded? [15:18] TankMaster Teichmann: the group chat lag fixes have been really appreciated, alain, thx for the work :) [15:18] Sigma Avro: sure [15:18] Kallista Destiny: doubling the number of servers and using an extra bit of the group UUID would help... Expensive though. [15:18] Alain Linden: to fix the problem more permanently is going to take some architectural changes [15:18] Flip Idlemind: And no project viewers required :D [15:18] Latif Khalifa: I know Oskar moved all my groups to those nodes it seems, except for AWG [15:18] Alain Linden: which will take longer than what we've done so far. [15:18] Latif Khalifa: :P [15:18] Oskar Linden: it's more than just doubling the servers or adding hardware [15:19] Alain Linden: yes. [15:19] Latif Khalifa: Alain, so no immediate solution for groups that happen to be assigned to overloaded nodes? [15:19] Alain Linden: sadly no. [15:19] Latif Khalifa: :( [15:20] Kallista Destiny: and groups are assigned by the Group UUID correct? [15:20] Alain Linden: but the sim changes we've made can help groups when everyone isn't spread out over different regions [15:20] TheBlack Box: i guess to really fix group-caht someone need to invent a totally new protocol .... xmpp would also not help in the long run i guess [15:20] Alain Linden: groups map to nodes based on uuid [15:21] Latif Khalifa: I'm afraid that typical group usage is that people are all over the place and optimization for a single message to all agents in the same region isn't going to help much [15:21] TankMaster Teichmann: any viewer changes needed? [15:21] Oskar Linden: there is no moving between util nodes with out current system [15:21] Oskar Linden: no vwr changes needed [15:21] Oskar Linden: 100% server side [15:21] TankMaster Teichmann: ok :) [15:21] Rex Cronon: back [15:21] Oskar Linden: you could add lag back with a TPV patch though [15:21] Coyot Linden: BRB [15:21] Alain Linden: Latif, yeah that's true. We don't expect to get much bang for the buck there. [15:21] TankMaster Teichmann: we just might, dont want to ruen the user experence after all.... [15:21] TankMaster Teichmann: ;) [15:21] Latif Khalifa: oskar, i got lag in half of my groups without additional patches tyvm [15:21] Oskar Linden: it was still a level of optimization [15:22] Oskar Linden: we knew you wouldn't be happy without lag Latif so we gave you your own util node. it runs on a newton messagepad 130 [15:22] TankMaster Teichmann: ^.^ [15:22] Oskar Linden: <3 [15:23] Oskar Linden: thanks for stopping in alain and giving a recap [15:23] Alain Linden: an IBM XT actually, but I can press the turbo button if that helps [15:23] Rex Cronon: unbelivable. what the lindens did just 4 u latif:) [15:23] Oskar Linden: we appreciate it [15:23] Alain Linden: So that's what we've got so far. [15:23] Latif Khalifa: yeah i know oskar hates me [15:23] TankMaster Teichmann: lol [15:23] Alain Linden: Chat should be better, but we realize that we have't got lag beat yet. [15:23] Oskar Linden: I really don't, but latif likes to think so [15:24] Oskar Linden: I have more love for you guys than you realize [15:24] TankMaster Teichmann: its been a great start, alain [15:24] Alain Linden: thanks everyone. [15:24] Oskar Linden: thanks for stopping in Alain [15:24] Alain Linden: unless y'all have any more questions all be checking out now. [15:24] Oskar Linden: we look forward to more good stuff from your team [15:24] TankMaster Teichmann: haev a great weekend, alain [15:24] Oskar Linden: more questions? [15:24] Latif Khalifa: thanks for the update Alain [15:24] Rex Cronon: tc alain [15:24] Kallista Destiny: Thank you Alian [15:24] Sigma Avro: tks [15:24] Alain Linden: ta! [15:25] Oskar Linden: cool [15:25] Oskar Linden: next up is LeTigre [15:25] Oskar Linden: poor LeTigre [15:25] Oskar Linden: we fixed an issue where regions wouldn't start [15:25] Oskar Linden: that is what held us back from release this week [15:25] Maestro LindenMaestro Linden has an update about this [15:25] Eddi Decosta: hi there sorry my late [15:25] Rex Cronon: is there a group with 50k users? it would be interesting if all were logged in and using group chat:) [15:25] Oskar Linden: go kelly go go go [15:25] Oskar Linden: Imean maestro [15:25] WolfPup Lowenhar: thier might even come a point when the text for groups is coming in so fast that it actualy will affect the viewer nad we have to find a fix for that [15:25] Oskar Linden: go go go [15:25] Jacky Scharf: Hello Eddi. ㋡ [15:26] Maestro Linden: ok, so [15:26] Eddi Decosta: hi Jacky! :D [15:26] Maestro Linden: we discovered yesterday that certain avatars with a lot of attached scripts [15:26] Oskar Linden: *ahem* [15:26] Oskar LindenOskar Linden peers around [15:26] Maestro Linden: cause other scripts in the region to pause for an extended period when they log out [15:26] Latif Khalifa: someone in the beta group on agni was saying that the bug where scripts would stop running for up to two minutes isn't completely gone [15:26] Oskar Linden: extended being multiple minutes [15:26] Sigma Avro: discovered now,? lol [15:26] Sigma Avro: ah [15:27] Rex Cronon: how about when they tp to a different sim? [15:27] Maestro Linden: well, the worst case, when the worst avatar logs out of the worst region, is a 5 minute pause [15:27] Liisa Runo: you found out yesterday? [15:27] Oskar Linden: it's hard to narrow down those issues right now Latif with the potential cause coming from the TIMEWARP hardware issue [15:27] Maestro Linden: Rex: it's about the same [15:27] Rex Cronon: makes sense [15:27] Flip Idlemind: Is it my imagination or has someone been saying "You have to fix the freeze on de-rez as well as the freeze on rez" [15:27] Maestro Linden: except the worst avatar can barely TP, he's so bloated [15:27] Kallista Destiny: lol [15:27] Maestro Linden: this is a little different, flip [15:27] Maestro Linden: the sim isn't frozen, and actually SimFPS is ok when this bug happens [15:28] Maestro Linden: it's just that other scripts don't get a chance to run [15:28] Rex Cronon: i usually have less than 10 scripts and i can barely tp:( [15:28] Sigma Avro: Is that linked to the type of scripts used by rezing avats ? [15:28] Latif Khalifa: maestro, yes, there were several reports like that [15:28] Maestro Linden: anyway, Kelly and I are looking into configuration tweaks which should hopefully fix this probelm [15:28] Maestro Linden: yeah, it varies quite a bit based on the type of script [15:28] Kallista Destiny: I typically run on the order of 100 and never have problems with TP. [15:28] TheBlack Box: from what i am seeing the high number of scripts is really only an issue if they are mono [15:29] Maestro Linden: e.g. my avatar with 1024 mono scripts was fine [15:29] Maestro Linden: but this other avatar with *ahem* fancy attachments is 1000x worse [15:29] Oskar Linden: *ahem* [15:29] Sigma Avro: Well, if it depends on type of scripts it makes more sens thant just the script rezing issue... [15:29] Kallista Destiny: what are the nature of the scripts? [15:29] TriloByte Zanzibar: do rezzer/rezzing scripts have more of an issue with it? [15:30] Rex Cronon: what kind of lsl calls cause the most lag on tp/logout? [15:30] Maestro Linden: I'm not even sure what the total nature is. But they're big an complicated, with lots of event handlers :) [15:30] Ann Otoole: are they the same AOs or hair or shoe scripts all the time? [15:30] Kallista Destiny: or scripts that do a lot onrez? [15:30] Sigma Avro: yes and sensros probably.. [15:30] TheBlack Box: are we mostly talking about hair or about HUDs ? [15:30] Maestro Linden: scripts that take avatar controls are a bit worse, I believe [15:31] Sigma Avro: ah [15:31] Maestro Linden: hm, we're mostly talking about stuff in the nether regions [15:31] Rex Cronon: i think it has to do with how much mem has each script allocated to itself [15:31] Maestro Linden: I'll leave it at that :) [15:31] TheBlack Box: oh :)) [15:31] Ann Otoole: fancy attachments. must be ... nm [15:31] Maestro Linden: but anyway, we're working on a fix which is looking promising

[15:32] TriloByte Zanzibar: that's good to hear [15:32] Rex Cronon: just don't "fix" the scripts 4 good:) [15:32] Ann Otoole: give them a vasectomy [15:33] TankMaster Teichmann: would having a customizable AO built into the viewer be better then using a hud for reducing lag? [15:33] Rex Cronon: haha [15:33] Oskar Linden: *ahem* [15:33] Oskar Linden: well [15:33] Oskar Linden: ok then [15:33] Oskar Linden: back on topic [15:33] TankMaster Teichmann: hehe [15:33] Oskar Linden: thanks maestro for that... interesting report [15:33] Kallista DestinyKallista Destiny coughs "Xcite!" [15:34] TheBlack Box: there must be some funny jira entries that i havent read yet :)) [15:34] Rex Cronon: xcite scripts will have problems perfoming? [15:34] Eddi Decosta: what that? lol [15:34] Oskar Linden: anyways [15:34] Rex Cronon: :) [15:34] Oskar Linden: on to Magnum [15:34] Oskar Linden: poor magnum [15:34] TriloByte Zanzibar: moving right along [15:34] Oskar Linden: you can all blame falcon for everything [15:34] Oskar Linden: everything bad is on him. everything good is on me [15:34] Oskar Linden: he told me to say tht [15:34] Oskar Linden: he wanted to break all vehicles [15:35] Oskar Linden: now we're just making vehicles slightly worse [15:35] Eddi Decosta: i need to blame one linen for this morning? :p [15:35] Oskar Linden: or something [15:35] Eddi Decosta: linden* [15:35] Oskar Linden: you have a problem with your linens this morning eddi? [15:35] Kallista Destiny: Oh that accounts for the crashing Zepplins in Caledon. [15:35] Oskar Linden: nothing some bleach and a good wash won't fix right? [15:35] Oskar Linden: X-D [15:35] Eddi Decosta: hmm just log out since 3hrs, cause inventory maintenance lol [15:36] Eddi Decosta: for 3 hours [15:36] Oskar Linden: so we made some more physics tweaks [15:36] Eddi Decosta: not since .. [15:36] Oskar Linden: basically there will be some performance decreases for vehicles. [15:36] Oskar Linden: these things can be tweaked on the content creator side [15:36] Oskar Linden: vehicles in SL are pretty much a hack anyway [15:37] Oskar Linden: we've been trying to move towards a model that works better with havok [15:37] Oskar Linden: once mesh is out some things will become easier [15:37] Sigma Avro: like what is worst Osker ? [15:37] Oskar Linden: what have we seen maestro? [15:37] Sigma Avro: *Oskar [15:37] Kallista Destiny: Ruh-Rho trains will be late. [15:37] Maestro Linden: oh, just some vehicles bounced a bit at prim/linkset seams [15:37] Maestro Linden: cars, I mean [15:38] Maestro Linden: it was kinda bad in last week's deploy if you drive fast, [15:38] Maestro Linden: but the problem is pretty much fixed in this week's version [15:38] Rex Cronon: there r race traks that r like that maestro [15:38] WolfPup Lowenhar: i seen that when i was rideing one of my horses [15:39] Maestro Linden: vehicles with non-convex prims acting as contact points tend to suffer more [15:39] TheBlack Box: that might be a problem for planes starting and landing as well ... jumping on the airfield is problematic ... [15:39] WolfPup Lowenhar: i was at a full gallop and went to go across a bridge and nearly jumped it [15:39] Rex Cronon: and trains [15:39] Maestro Linden: (for some of the horses, for some reason they have a path cut and dimple which makes the physics shape behave poorly) [15:39] Peta Lytton: hi all [15:39] Rex Cronon: hi [15:39] Maestro Linden: I could see that too, TheBlack [15:40] Rex Cronon: btw. where/how can we buy land here? [15:40] Oskar Linden: what is the need? [15:40] Maestro Linden: Aditi lacks the infrastructure to buy land properly [15:40] Peta Lytton: i was wondering that as well [15:41] Maestro Linden: so, right now there really is no way [15:41] Rex Cronon: want to test how some scripts perform on land i own [15:41] Peta Lytton: how do you get a region/sim on the beta grid [15:41] Oskar Linden: what's the need Peta? [15:41] Maestro Linden: we can import whole regions to Aditi for testing (bug oskar) [15:41] Oskar Linden: it's possible, but ADITI is super scarce for resources [15:41] Homeless: Donate large sums of money to Oskar [15:41] Peta Lytton: working with MESH [15:41] Oskar Linden: we can't give regions to everyone [15:42] Oskar Linden: Peta, email me and describe your need in a proposal and I'll see what I can do [15:42] Rex Cronon: can u set a sim where everybody can buy land/parcels [15:42] Oskar Linden: oskar@lindenlab.com [15:42] Oskar Linden: why do you need to own it? [15:42] Peta Lytton: thanks, Oskar [15:42] Ann Otoole: you could carve up some sandboxes into parcels and set them to group only, access list, pay wall and let people ram into them to see what happens. :P [15:42] Oskar Linden: land buying here is not an easy thing to set up [15:43] appletin: the nned may be the person wish to test his sims timing with a number of mesh builds to see if the load will make to much lag [15:43] Peta Lytton: autoreturn is a pain in the butt [15:43] Oskar Linden: ADITI is a shared resource [15:43] Peta Lytton: i know this [15:43] Rex Cronon: i have a script that is supposed to die if over land that i don't own, but the land owner can tell the script to die even if he/she doesn't own it [15:43] appletin: what autoreturn ? [15:43] Oskar Linden: autoreturn is annoying but necessary to let everyone share the limited resources [15:43] TriloByte Zanzibar: shame you guys hadn't been more active in the mesh project, they've been working on those issues pretty steadily since last fall [15:44] Oskar Linden: ADITI is much smaller than most of you realize [15:44] Oskar Linden: resources here are very tight [15:44] TriloByte Zanzibar: I think they even had a couple regions that were parceled out for participants to use for testing at one point as well [15:44] Peta Lytton: i rather have my own small piece of the beta grid where i can do my own thing without worrying about things like that [15:44] Oskar Linden: email me if you are a region owner and you think you have a need for a region on ADITI and I will consider it [15:44] appletin: havok and mesh works great with no problems at all [15:44] Oskar Linden: but it comes without support and regions go up and down all the time [15:45] Peta Lytton: that is fine [15:45] WolfPup Lowenhar: i might have been working more on mesh if it was not for the stub [15:45] Oskar Linden: so if we have a free slot next week we'll put in a maint-server that maestro has been working on [15:45] Oskar Linden: we talked about those changes last week [15:46] Rex Cronon: u know is kind of dangerous to test replicators over someones land, especially if things go wrong:) [15:46] Oskar Linden: how many of you gave the windlight vwr a try? [15:46] Oskar Linden: http://tinyurl.com/Windlight-Region [15:46] Oskar Linden: I forgot to use it today [15:46] WolfPup Lowenhar: it is nice [15:46] Oskar Linden: I have been haivng fun with it though [15:46] TriloByte Zanzibar: it's been my primary viewer for a couple weeks now [15:46] Kallista Destiny: I did, it was rather nice wandering around Claedon. [15:46] Oskar Linden: nice [15:46] WolfPup Lowenhar: i should have loged here with it [15:47] Maestro Linden: Does the day cycle stuff work correctly in your experience, trilobyte? [15:47] WolfPup Lowenhar: but i decided to use this test viewer instead [15:47] TriloByte Zanzibar: yeah, works extremely well [15:47] Maestro Linden: I don't understand why the sky here in Morris isn't crazier [15:47] Maestro Linden: ok, maybe it's just slow [15:47] Peta Lytton: how do i join the beta group? [15:47] Maestro Linden: but I thought I set like 20 different presets throughout the day cycle, whcih should be 4 hours... [15:47] Sigma Avro: Just join [15:47] Maestro Linden: oh well [15:47] Jacky ScharfJacky Scharf .oO( "Harmonie" on Agni will be rebooted now? ) Ö.ö I think there's no RR this week on "Second Life Server"? [15:47] Eddi Decosta: Yik, an UFO [15:47] TriloByte Zanzibar: I wish there was a scrubber in the region/estate -> environment tab to preview settings, but other than that its been a lot of fun [15:48] Oskar Linden: that'd be nice [15:48] Oskar Linden: TheBlack... what are you doing? [15:48] appletin: be funny to see some one to make a mesh blender that will use havok and explodes 2000 prim ping pong balls every 5 min with a temp rezzer [15:48] TriloByte Zanzibar: the WL viewer was crashing on login to aditi for me earlier today, but otherwise no stability issues [15:48] Oskar Linden: weird [15:49] Oskar Linden: 12 minutes left. does anyone have any thing to talk about? [15:49] Peta Lytton: brb [15:49] TriloByte Zanzibar: does the main-server stuff include a possible fix for SVC-6905? [15:49] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-6905] Immortal prims: Objects resisting take, delete, return, and autoreturn https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6905 [15:49] Maestro Linden: it does [15:49] TriloByte Zanzibar: that one seems to be occurring more regularly [15:49] Oskar Linden: immortal prims aren't so tough now are they? [15:49] WolfPup Lowenhar: i was wanting to ask maestro some thing but privately after the meeting [15:49] Sigma Avro: true [15:49] Maestro Linden: the maint-server would've gone out this week, but it got bumped by group chat stuff [15:49] TriloByte Zanzibar: good to hear [15:50] Rex Cronon: i have something that is weird. u can't get the owner key if u have the key of an object that died. is it normal? [15:50] TheBlack Box: Anjin keeps telling me i should use any opportunity i find to make sure the sim "Skyhighatry Designs" gets into the first batch of mesh-beta sims on the main grid .... so here i go again :) [15:50] Kallista Destiny: SVC-5927 is a year old [15:50] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-5927] Temp on Rezzed objects get queued https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5927 [15:50] Maestro Linden: yes, the sim forgets about objects after they've derezzed [15:50] appletin: lol immortal prims just need a better wold to live in [15:50] TriloByte Zanzibar: yeah, were you ever able to confirm what the rollout's going to be? [15:51] TriloByte Zanzibar: the current RC's and then 90% in one go doesn't sound like a very phased rollout [15:51] Oskar Linden: we talked about this [15:51] Liisa Runo: got any more info about performance decreases for vehicles? should we be worried? [15:51] TriloByte Zanzibar: plus it would likely tie up all the good work you guys do for a good 8 weeks [15:51] Kallista Destiny: the current RC are 30% of the grid [15:51] Oskar Linden: the rollout plan for mesh has not been announced [15:51] TriloByte Zanzibar: sorry if it was mentioned at the start of the meeting, I was a few mins late [15:52] Oskar Linden: I do not believe that mesh will be shipped enabled [15:52] Peta Lytton: i am using currently [15:52] Peta Lytton: Second Life 2.7.4 (232901) Jun 14 2011 16:35:59 (Project Viewer - Mesh) [15:52] Oskar Linden: more than likely it will be shipped disabled [15:52] Oskar Linden: serverside peta [15:52] Rex Cronon: will u ship the ability to make/edit 68m prims before the mesh? [15:52] Oskar Linden: then we will enable it all at once [15:52] appletin: bet phantom prims will have problems and objects will become broken [15:52] Oskar Linden: but the mesh team has not announced a release process yet [15:52] TheBlack Box: will sim-owners then be able to switch mesh on ... or will we need to file a request for that ? [15:53] Oskar Linden: when it's on for one it is on for all [15:53] TankMaster Teichmann: 64* [15:53] Oskar Linden: we're still a ways out [15:53] Oskar Linden: patience young padawans :-) [15:53] TankMaster Teichmann: :) [15:53] appletin: lol [15:53] TheBlack Box: oh ... alright ..:) [15:53] TriloByte Zanzibar: other than all that stuff about phased rollouts and July/August and RC's and stuff :) [15:53] Peta Lytton: i have the latest Project MESH viewer [15:53] Oskar Linden: yes [15:54] Oskar Linden: that is different than being on a mesh server on agni [15:54] appletin: ya all think mesh is a blackbox hack ya can turn off and on [15:54] Peta Lytton: i like the new features [15:54] Liisa Runo: oh, did LL fix the hole that allows people to change the owner and creator of the object to any agent? [15:54] appletin: lol when it on sculptys will be gone [15:54] Oskar Linden: what hole? [15:54] Rex Cronon: what lisa? [15:54] Liisa Runo: the hole been demonstrated to LL in some OH, idk much about it [15:55] appletin: hello mesh good bye sculpt [15:55] WolfPup Lowenhar: one thin that needs to be done befor then is get it so that Open Source devs have a functional section of the viewer [15:55] Oskar Linden: I've not heard of it specifically [15:55] Liisa Runo: okie, ill ask Oz [15:55] Sigma Avro: frightening nlack hole this one ! [15:55] Oskar Linden: but then I also don't comment on open SEC issues [15:55] Sigma Avro: *black [15:55] Oskar Linden: most lindens won't [15:55] appletin: and good bye blackbox sculpty tools [15:55] Oskar Linden: or shouldn't [15:55] Liisa Runo: yes, very spooky hole, and last night it seemed someoen was griefing with it again [15:55] Peta Lytton: i don't like viewer 2 but i like the features of this viewer [15:55] Rex Cronon: unliely that sculpties will every die:) [15:56] Oskar Linden: "hey is this hole fixed yet?" "nope" "haha daddy needs a new pair of boots" [15:56] Rex Cronon: unlikely* [15:56] appletin: lol black hole whats next timewarp lol [15:56] Oskar Linden: :-) [15:56] Oskar Linden: already have the timewarp [15:57] Peta Lytton: gravity and friction are very good additions [15:57] appletin: next people will get stuck in sims and have timing problems [15:57] Rex Cronon: can we gravity=-10:) [15:57] Oskar Linden: :-) [15:57] Peta Lytton: -1 [15:57] Oskar Linden: space flaot [15:58] Sigma Avro: could this be set on region wide property Oskar ? [15:58] Kallista Destiny: Hey just line the days of 2007 when people went flyig up into the air [15:58] Oskar Linden: if you ask nicely [15:58] Oskar Linden: I'll think about it [15:58] Sigma Avro: (it is on stand alone) [15:59] Oskar Linden: well thank you all for coming today [15:59] Kallista Destiny: good night Oskar [15:59] Jacky Scharf: Tjhank ya very much Oskar. ㋡ [15:59] Sigma Avro: Well, then please Oskar [15:59] TheBlack Box: thanks for the OH ! [15:59] Oskar LindenOskar Linden is exhausted now [15:59] WolfPup Lowenhar: tc oskar [15:59] TriloByte Zanzibar: thanks for the meeting! [15:59] Eddi Decosta: your welcome Oskar, do you have the 25 first min of log? [15:59] Sigma Avro: Tks Oskar [15:59] appletin: you made them come to this meeting by making bugs for them [15:59] Oskar Linden: you all have a good weekend [15:59] Lares Carter: thanks for the meeting, Lindens [15:59] Jacky Scharf: Ladies and gentlemen, now have a good night. ㋡ [15:59] Oskar Linden: you too Latif [15:59] Jacky Scharf: •*•.♥ Bye Bye ♥.•*• [15:59] TankMaster Teichmann: tc oskar [15:59] TheBlack Box: you too , sleep well [15:59] Sigma Avro: And M%aestro, Coyot [16:00] Eddi Decosta: tc Oskar ㋡