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Revision as of 22:23, 1 November 2011

SL group bot can do the various jobs with your group:

  • Send group invitations
  • Kick group chat spammers out of the group
  • Send notices

You can install a bot software on your PC, and keep it running 24 hours a day. This is quite annoying especially if you have no dedicated PC available.

Alternatively, you can find a company which will host the bot on its own server.


  • You don't care about PC consuming power around the clock.
  • You don't have to choose (and possibly buy) the bot software.
  • Bot does not depends on your internet connection.


  • You have to pay a subscription (usually weekly)
  • The number of available functions may be limited (see comparison table below)


(In alphabetical order)

MyRoBoT Group.Invitor SmartBots Group Manager VAW iGroup
Group Inviter[1]
Group Inviter yes yes yes
Chat Manager[2]
Read the group chat in browser no yes no
Eject group spammers no yes n/a
Group Notices[3]
Manual notices (web or in-world) no yes n/a
Automatic periodic notices no yes no
Setup fee L$400 free free
Weekly subscription varies[4] L$79/week L$85/week
Free period no free week no
Custom LSL API[5] no AdminBot:
invite to group
group chat talk
group chat listen
eject group members
URL [1] [2] [3]
SLURL [4] [5] [6]
  1. See [Group inviters comparison] for more info
  2. Allows to control the group chat, and eject group chat spammers
  3. Allows to send the group notices
  4. Depends on usage
  5. The LSL library which allows to utilize bot's functionality from your LSL scripts

See also

For more info on bots, visit the following pages: