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|Valid options are: TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST, TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW, and TRAVERSAL_TYPE_NONE. Controls the speed at which characters move on partially walkable surfaces. To use _FAST or _SLOW, you must specify a CHARACTER_TYPE.   
|Valid options are: TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST, TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW, and TRAVERSAL_TYPE_NONE. Controls the speed at which characters move on <100% walkable surfaces. To use _FAST or _SLOW, you must specify a CHARACTER_TYPE.   

Revision as of 15:23, 4 April 2012

Option Value Default Description
CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED 1 6 Speed of pursuit in meters per second.
CHARACTER_RADIUS 2 Set collision capsule radius.
CHARACTER_LENGTH 3 Set collision capsule length - cannot be less than twice the radius plus 0.1m.
TRAVERSAL_TYPE 7 TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW Valid options are: TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST, TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW, and TRAVERSAL_TYPE_NONE. Controls the speed at which characters move on <100% walkable surfaces. To use _FAST or _SLOW, you must specify a CHARACTER_TYPE.
CHARACTER_TYPE CHARACTER_TYPE_NONE Specifies which walkability coefficient will be used by this character. Options are CHARACTER_TYPE_A, CHARACTER_TYPE_B, CHARACTER_TYPE_C, CHARACTER_TYPE_D, and CHARACTER_TYPE_NONE
CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE AVOID_CHARACTERS | AVOID_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES Allows you to specify that a character should not try to avoid other characters, should not try to avoid dynamic obstacles (relatively fast moving objects and avatars), or both. This is framed in the positive sense ([CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE, AVOID_CHARACTERS] would create a character that avoided other characters but not agents or moving vehicles).
CHARACTER_MAX_ACCEL 20 The character's maximum acceleration rate.
CHARACTER_MAX_DECEL 30 The character's maximum deceleration rate.
CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_SPEED 6 The character's maximum speed while turning--note that this is only loosely enforced (i.e., a character may turn at higher speeds under certain conditions)
CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_RADIUS 1.25 The character's turn radius when traveling at CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_SPEED
CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED 20 The character's maximum speed. Affects speed when avoiding dynamic obstacles and when traversing low-walkability objects in TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST mode.