Difference between revisions of "PartMatchStrInList"

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(Created page with "==Description== A way to find a partial match in a list with a string (because there wasn't another one on this wiki at the time of writing) ==Code== <lsl> //Made by Richardjrn …")
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A way to find a partial match in a list with a string (because there wasn't another one on this wiki at the time of writing)
A way to find the first partial match in a list with a string (because there wasn't another one on this wiki at the time of writing)


Revision as of 05:16, 21 November 2012


A way to find the first partial match in a list with a string (because there wasn't another one on this wiki at the time of writing)


<lsl> //Made by Richardjrn Weatherwax string PartMatchStrInList(string search, list src) {

   integer kill = FALSE;
   integer i;
       string match = llList2String(src,i);
       if(llSubStringIndex(match,search)!=-1)return match;
   return "NoThInG_FoUnD";

} </lsl>