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-Spend most of my time working on Mesh for 2142.[[newline]]
-Spend most of my time working on Mesh for 2142.

You can visit 2142 at: [http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Westminster/128/128/10/ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Westminster/128/128/10/]
You can visit 2142 at: [http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Westminster/128/128/10/ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Westminster/128/128/10/]

Latest revision as of 16:11, 8 January 2013

James Benedek's Profile Pic

Second Life profile - James Benedek

The Past:

-Joined Second Life on 10/19/2006.

-Became a Official Bug Hunter & Jira Bug Reporter in 2007 (later testing Havok 4 Beta and Open Grid Beta).

-Built the Red Cross Island region in 2007 for the real world Danish Red Cross.

-Founded the 2142 military combat group in 2007.

-Released many freebies: scripts, objects clothes since 2007 including the Capture the Flag system that is still widely used within the SL Combat Community.

-Became a Second Life Volunteer Mentor in 2007.

-Became a Second Life Volunteer Coach in 2008.

-Built all of the infustructure for the Secondlife 5th Birthday regions in 2008.

-Took a break from Second Life on 26/10/2008 till late 2009 leaving my good friend LordBob Boa to thankfully manage of the group 2142.

-Started learning to 3D model using Autodesk 3DS Max in 2009.

-Founded the shop Urban Scene in 2010.

-Switched to using Autodesk Maya to 3D model in 2010.


-Spend most of my time working on Mesh for 2142.

You can visit 2142 at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Westminster/128/128/10/


Join the 2142 group at: http://www.2142sl.info/join


See Urban Scene mesh items at: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/123798