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(Add Unix to Date+Time + Day-of-Week and GMT/BST flag)
Line 110: Line 110:
       llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(llGetUnixTime() ) );
       llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(llGetUnixTime() ) );
llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(975153600) );            // produces:  Sat 2000-11-25 12:00 GMT
llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(975153600) );            // produces:  Sat 2000-11-25 12:00 GMT
                 llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(2027678400) );            // produces:  Mon 2034-04-03 11:00 BST
                 llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(2027678400) );            // produces:  Mon 2034-04-03 13:00 BST

Latest revision as of 17:27, 11 January 2013

Compute a negative channel based on user id <lsl> // Global:- integer gChannel;

//state_entry etc. :-

   gChannel = 0x80000000 | (integer) ( "0x" + (string) llGetOwner() );


Compute a random integer

<lsl> // 16777216 is the largest positive integer that can be accurately represented in a float in LSL // Using llFrand with larger number will start producing even numbers only, then eventually numbers divisible by 4, then 8 ... etc.

integer iRand = (integer) llFrand(16777216); </lsl>

Detect a long mouse click+hold for accessing special functionality

<lsl> default {

   touch_start(integer num_detected)


   touch(integer num_detected)

if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() && llGetTime() > 1.0) { // The owner has touched this object for longer than 1 second // execute some special feature such as issuing a management dialog // ... }

   touch_end(integer num_detected)

if (llGetTime() < 1.0) { // The user did a normal quick click on the object // execute actions for normal clicks // ... }


} </lsl>

Convert a Unix Time (in Seconds) to a Date+Time string including Day-of-Week and GMT/BST indication

<lsl> list weekdays = ["Sun ", "Mon ", "Tue ", "Wed ", "Thu ", "Fri ", "Sat "];

// Convert a Unix time in seconds to Day-of-week + YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS + GMT or BST string Unix2GMT_BST(integer insecs) {

   string str = Convert(insecs);
   if (llGetSubString(str, -3, -1) == "BST")   // if the result indicates BST ...
       return Convert(insecs + 3600);            // ... Recompute at 1 hour later
   return str;


string Convert(integer insecs) {

   integer w; integer month; integer daysinyear;
   integer mins = insecs / 60;
   integer secs = insecs % 60;
   integer hours = mins / 60;
   mins = mins % 60;
   integer days = hours / 24;
   hours = hours % 24;
   integer DayOfWeek = (days + 4) % 7;    // 0=Sun thru 6=Sat
   integer years = 1970 +  4 * (days / 1461);
   days = days % 1461;                  // number of days into a 4-year cycle
   integer leap = !(years % 4);
   daysinyear = 365 + leap;
   if (days >= daysinyear)
       days -= daysinyear;
       jump loop;
   list DaysPerMonth = [31, (28 + leap ), 31, 30, 31,  30,  31,  31,  30,  31,  30,  31 ];
   for (w = month = 0; days > w; ++month)
       days -= w;
       w = llList2Integer (DaysPerMonth, month);
   string str =  ((string) years + "-" + llGetSubString ("0" + (string) month, -2, -1) + "-" + llGetSubString ("0" + (string) days, -2, -1) + " " +
       llGetSubString ("0" + (string) hours, -2, -1) + ":" + llGetSubString ("0" + (string) mins, -2, -1) );
   str = llList2String(weekdays, DayOfWeek) + str;
   string GMT_BST = " GMT";
   integer LastSunday = days - DayOfWeek;
   // BST is from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October 
   if (month == 3  && LastSunday > 24)     GMT_BST = " BST";
   if (month > 3)                          GMT_BST = " BST";
   if (month == 10 && LastSunday > 24)     GMT_BST = " GMT";
   if (month > 10)                         GMT_BST = " GMT";
   return (str + GMT_BST);


// Examples

      		llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(llGetUnixTime() ) );

llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(975153600) ); // produces: Sat 2000-11-25 12:00 GMT

               llSay(0, Unix2GMT_BST(2027678400) );            // produces:  Mon 2034-04-03 13:00 BST
