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===Admin menu - owner only buttons===
==Admin menu - owner only buttons==
The admin menu is only available to the owner of the nPose object. The ''''Admin'''' button will bring up a submenu with the following buttons:
The admin menu is only available to the owner of the nPose object. The ''''Admin'''' button will bring up a submenu with the following buttons:

Line 49: Line 49:
:Activates the Options submenu, with the following commands:
:Activates the Options submenu, with the following commands:
::Brings up a submenu to allow the option of having a menu pop up when an authorized avatar sits on the nPose object to be turned on or off.
::Clicking this button will bring up a submenu to turn on or turn off the option of having nPose return to the DEFAULT pose when all seated Avatars have stood.

Line 62: Line 68:
:::Permissions set so that anyone with their active group set to the same as the nPose object is allowed to use the nPose menus.
:::Permissions set so that anyone with their active group set to the same as the nPose object is allowed to use the nPose menus.

::Brings up a submenu to allow the option of having a menu pop up when an authorized avatar sits on the nPose object to be turned on or off.

::Clicking this button will bring up a submenu to turn on or turn off the option of having nPose return to the DEFAULT pose when all seated Avatars have stood.

Revision as of 05:32, 2 April 2013

nPose new documentation

KBwarning.png Warning: If you're reading this, it is unofficial. Testing and composition only!

nPose is a system for coordinating animations between several avatars seated on the same object (linkset), such as a couch or bed, as well as rezzable, coordinated props. Unlike previous systems, nPose does not use poseballs to accomplish this.

What's a 'posing system'?


Built-in menu buttons

When a multiple-pose animation set is active, this button shows the other positions available. Clicking an empty position will place your avatar in that position; when that position is occupied, avatar positions will be swapped.
Restarts the animations in a set, so that avatar animations will be in sync.
Activates the position adjustment menu for your avatar. These settings are saved in script memory for your avatar, until the scripts are reset or nPose is restarted.
-> or <-
'Next page' or 'Previous page' button, active when a menu has more than 12 buttons.
^ (up caret)
'Up' menu button, goes back to the previous menu from a submenu.

Admin menu - owner only buttons

The admin menu is only available to the owner of the nPose object. The 'Admin' button will bring up a submenu with the following buttons:

Rezzes the adjuster prim used to edit the position of the seat positions.
Removes the adjuster prim.
'Dumps' the positions of avatars and props in the current pose into local chat. This text can be copied into SET notecards.
Brings up a submenu with the names of all seated avatars. Click the name of the avatar and they will be unseated.
Activates the Options submenu, with the following commands:
Brings up a submenu to allow the option of having a menu pop up when an authorized avatar sits on the nPose object to be turned on or off.
Clicking this button will bring up a submenu to turn on or turn off the option of having nPose return to the DEFAULT pose when all seated Avatars have stood.
Brings up a submenu for restricting permissions for who can use the nPose object. The current setting will be displayed at the top of the Permit menu. The buttons on this submenu are:
Permissions set so that anyone is allowed to use the nPose menus.
Permissions set so that only the owner is allowed to use the nPose menus.
Permissions set so that anyone with their active group set to the same as the nPose object is allowed to use the nPose menus.

Notecard types

nPose uses different types of notecards to define its customized menu functions. Each of these notecards has its type spelled out in capitals at the beginning of its name, like so: style="text-size:75%;" style="background:#E8F1F8;"

Notecard Type Function ... Example name
DEFAULT Animations .. DEFAULT:Sitting
SET Animations .. SET:Lounging
BTN Script messaging .. BTN:Colors
SEQ Sequences of Sets .. SEQ:Line Dance
KBcaution.png Important: The type name must be in all caps, with no spaces, with a colon(':') before the rest of the name. Without this, the scripts won't be able to find the notecards, and the item will not appear in the menu.

Used as the default pose set when nPose is initialized, and there can be only one with this type. Otherwise, it's the same as SET below. If no DEFAULT notecard is included in the contents of the nPose object, nPose will use the first SET notecard in the contents (alphabetically) as the DEFAULT.
Used to define a group of animations which will appear in the nPose menu with the name after the colon in the notecard name. The notecard contains one line for each sitter, listing animation name and position. There can also be other lines, for functions that will be triggered along with the animation set. The -keywords- section defines the different function types available.
Used for internal functions, or to send messages to other scripts within the linkset or to rezzed props.
Used to setup sequences of pose sets. It communicates to the modified Rygel sequencer script. Details are provided later.

Notecard commands

Each line of a notecard begins with a command in all caps, similar to notecard type names. Supported commands are as follows:

Command Function Data format
ANIM Animation name, position and rotation ANIM|animation-name|<vector (x,y,z) position>|<vector (x,y,z) rotation>
LINKMSG Message to other scripts LINKMSG|msg-number|user-string|some-key
SATMSG Activated when an avatar sits (need code sample)
NOSATMSG Activated when an avatar stands (unsits) (need code sample)
PROP Rezzes a prop in the position specified (need code sample)

User-defined menus

Group the notecard names.

not used yet

where msg-number is some number set by convention (see the LINKMSG messages notecard) and the remaining (optional) fields are defined by the message number.

The most common thing to put in BTN notecard is LINKMSG lines. These have the general format (again without leading spaces):



where ANIM says that this line describes an animation, and "mediation" is the name of the animation (which must be included in the nPose object), and the rest is a position offset and rotation. There is one ANIM line for each avatar who can sit on the nPose object. You can put <0,0,0> for both position and rotation, and use the nPose adjustment tool to find the proper values. We'll describe how later. You can also include LINKMSG and other types of lines in the SET notecards, and those will be described later also.

<lsl> default {

       llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       llSay(0, "Touched.");

} </lsl>