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=={{TPVD-Icon|CoolVLViewer}} CoolVL==
=={{TPVD-Icon|CoolVL}} CoolVL==


Revision as of 08:00, 27 March 2023

CoolVL CoolVL

Links Contacts
Support Email: sldev at free dot fr
Second Life Contact:

Platforms: Windows,MacOS,Linux Windows,MacOS,Linux


This viewer was created and is maintained by User|Henri Beauchamp (this viewer was formerly known as the "Cool SL Viewer" and its first public release was v1.18.4.3, released on 2007-11-16).

It puts emphasis on high UI coherency from one version to the other (meaning no bad surprise for "old timers") while staying in sync with Linden Lab's official viewer features, high performances, high stability and reliability, and a high reactivity to new patches and bug fixes provided by the Open Source community.

While primarily designed for, and developed under Linux, the Cool VL Viewer is also available for Windows and macOS.

A "stable" branch is always available, fully maintained and updated, usually weekly, and when necessary, experimental and legacy branches may also be published and maintained for a while.

Extra features

In excess of most features present in other Third Party Viewers, the Cool VL Viewer provides the following extras:

Modernized v1 UI: it's all v1 but with many, many small and less small changes, when compared with the original v1 UI seen in old Linden Lab's viewers. The changes are geared towards usability and productivity, while preserving the 3D view screen estate. Exclusive: provides http://sldev.free.fr/CoolVLViewerLuaManual.pdf Lua scripting/automation support ! Implements the "RestrainedLove" API (switchable and disabled by default), forked from Marine Kelley's reference implementation (this is not RLVa). Still implements some old features that have been removed from all other SL viewers over time: optional low altitude "Classic Clouds" (their altitude was also made configurable), terrain-only map in the World Map in excess of the "normal" terrain+objects map, optional "animated trees" for Linden trees swaying with the wind. Legacy and web-based search. Kept fully OpenSim-compatible (viewer-side baking, var regions, Lightshare, etc). Implements MFA login support. NEW: implements LL's "performance viewer" changes (with bug fixes and improvements, such as multi-threaded GL shared profiles instead of a mono-threaded one). NEW: implements support for the new "Puppetry" feature. NEW: implements support for the new group IMs server log feature. Links

Website: http://sldev.free.fr/ The Cool VL Viewer homepage Message board: http://sldev.free.fr/forum/ Cool VL Viewer forum Linux viewer: see the http://sldev.free.fr/index.php?page=download download section on the Cool VL Viewer homepage for files and installation instructions. Windows viewer: see the http://sldev.free.fr/index.php?page=download download section on the Cool VL Viewer homepage for files and installation instructions. macOS viewer: see the http://sldev.free.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14 macOS Announcement forum for files and instructions. Sources: see the http://sldev.free.fr/index.php?page=repository Repository page .


Disclaimer: Linden Lab makes no representations or warranties regarding any of the listed viewers or developers. These third-party viewers are not affiliated with or overseen by Linden Lab. Please take reasonable precautions, including virus scanning, before installing and using any of the listed viewers.