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This is a friendship group so do please conduct yourself in a friendly, considerate way in the group chat. Negativity can make other group members unhappy.
This is a friendship group so do please interact in a friendly, considerate way in the group chat. Negativity can make other group members unhappy.

This is a General maturity rated group which means that it is accessible by all Residents, including those who are 16 years old and over. For more information about Maturity Ratings please see this Second Life Knowledge Base link - https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/maturity-ratings-r52/
This is a General maturity rated group which means that it is accessible by all Residents, including those who are 16 years old and over. For more information about Maturity Ratings please see this Second Life Knowledge Base link - https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/maturity-ratings-r52/

Revision as of 05:16, 9 August 2024


SFFL Together SL Logo256.png

About Second Friends For Life Group

This is the official friendship group for Newcomers arriving at The Welcome HUB, for Second Life and Bellisseria Mentors and for other kind, friendly Second Life citizens.

Group Details:

Group etiquette: No sexual talk, no arguing, no politics, no swearing, no spamming, no trolling, no begging, no commerce, no soliciting. Thank you! ❤

PLEASE DO invite members of the group to your social events, coffee & cake mornings, other gatherings and outings.

Bringing People Together.

Help Services


In the group we have volunteer Second Life Mentors who help newcomers with general Second Life questions or information and Bellisseria Mentors who help people if they have Linden Homes which are available if you have a Premium or Premium Plus membership. Please note it is not necessary to have a Premium or Premium Plus membership to fully enjoy all that Second Life has to offer.


Feel free to ask in the group if you have any questions about Second Life. If someone is online who can help you they will.


This is a friendship group so do please interact in a friendly, considerate way in the group chat. Negativity can make other group members unhappy.

This is a General maturity rated group which means that it is accessible by all Residents, including those who are 16 years old and over. For more information about Maturity Ratings please see this Second Life Knowledge Base link - https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/maturity-ratings-r52/

No spam or advertising is allowed in this group.

For help with anything regarding account issues, abuse situations, reports or anything support related, please use the Support Portal for that: Second Life Help


Group Join: secondlife:///app/group/1a641154-1de7-899f-717c-4dd440632ce1/about

(copy & paste in world to join our group)


1. Can I say hello in the group?

Yes you can! It is perfectly fine to say hello and greet each other. You can also ask about decorating tips in the chat, ask for landmarks to places on the Bellisseria Continent as well. Anything related to Linden Homes, the Bellisseria Continent, Premium membership, you can discuss in this group.

2. Can I post a landmark to a store sale for furnishing items and such?

We ask that you post content creator store landmarks in a private IM if you are sharing this with other residents. The same applies for Marketplace links.

3. Do I have to be a Bellisseria resident to be in this group?

No you do not. This group is open for all Second Life residents to join and share ideas, helpful resources, information about living in Bellisseria and the Linden Homes.

4. What is the most helpful knowledge base residents should know about living in Bellisseria?

The Bellisseria Covenant. It is helpful for residents to know what is and is not allowed through the Bellisseria Covenant. You can find this information when you click on your Linden Home parcel under World > About Land.

5. Can I ask a Mole or Linden from this group to come to my home for help?

Moles and Lindens are busy with their daily work schedules. Unless a ticket has been submitted, which requires a Linden or Mole to stop by a location in Bellisseria, they are not available to just stop in. However, our Bellisseria Mentors are available! If you need help and instructions on how to reset your Linden Home rezzer or how to use the control panel inside your house, our Bellisseria Mentors are on board to help. Just ask in the group!