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'''Transcript of CIG in world Brown Bag from Thursday, 7 May 2009'''

My apologies in getting this out late.  It seems there were some communications problems at our in world meeting on Wednesday, and the transcript from that day is incomplete.  All of the same topics were covered on Thursday, so I am posting the transcript from Thursday here for everyone to review.
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== Transcript ==
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*[2009/05/07 19:06]  Keira Linden shouts: First off, I want to thank everyone for attending today. I am happy to be able to meet with you all regarding the use of the Concierge
*Information Group.
*[2009/05/07 19:06]  halo Easterwood: utto simmight crash
*[2009/05/07 19:06]  Keira Linden shouts: If you could all bear with me at first, I do have a few things that I would like to say before we get the discussion going.
*[2009/05/07 19:07]  Keira Linden shouts: This groups' original purpose was to inform the concierge residents of events that might be of concern to them.
*[2009/05/07 19:07]  Keira Linden shouts: Over the years, the usage of the group has changed, and in some very positive directions. As members of the group, you all have been a
*tremendous support to new (as well as existing) land owners in all areas of land management, sales, building, scripting, etc.
*[2009/05/07 19:08]  Keira Linden shouts: It is wonderful to see the exchange of creative and technical ideas within the group, and I assure you that we do not want to see that
*go away.
*[2009/05/07 19:08]  Keira Linden shouts: We do, however, need to look at ways of making this exchange of ideas more effecient and accessible to all members of the group. In
*order to do this, we ask that you keep the following in mind when using the group IM (most of which can be found in the group charter) :
*[2009/05/07 19:09]  Keira Linden shouts: The group is flagged as 'Not Mature Content' (found on the bottom left of the General tab), and all conversations should be PG in
*nature to ensure that everyone has a positive and productive experience within the group. Please also remember to keep chat within the limits of the Community Standards.
*[2009/05/07 19:09]  Keira Linden shouts: Topics for group chat should mostly be in regards to concierge land related topics. These may include, but are not limited to: land
*ownership, land policies, and land management. Brief announcements of regions sought or available for sale will be allowed, but please do not spam the group IM with
*[2009/05/07 19:10]  Keira Linden shouts: Discussing the new AO changes or new rules concerning Bots would are great topics for chat here.
*[2009/05/07 19:10]  Keira Linden shouts: Discussing who should be the next American Idol or how many pairs of socks you have that currently have with no holes, would not be
*good topics for dicussion.
*[2009/05/07 19:11]  Chalennna Flasheart: Hello All
*[2009/05/07 19:11]  Keira Linden shouts: Basically, the chat here is not routinely monitored by us. When in world, we are usually investigating an issue on your islands, or
*helping a Concierge member with a service issue. If you have support questions which you need to bring to one of us, please visit http://secondlife.com/support and contact us
*in Live Chat or via phone.
*[2009/05/07 19:12]  Keira Linden shouts: If you have a grievance against another group member please file an appropriate Abuse Report so that the incident can be investigated
*as quickly as possible.
*[2009/05/07 19:12]  Jenn Hienrichs: Keira...will this be put into a notice for the members of the group as a whole, so those of the group who didn't attend tonight wil be able
*to read this discussion maybe via a notecard ?
*[2009/05/07 19:12]  Rose Springvale: sigh
*[2009/05/07 19:12]  Zagro Ferraris: is this going to be held in voice or chat
*[2009/05/07 19:12]  Candybabe Felisimo: welll hmm
*[2009/05/07 19:13]  Keira Linden: Yes, Jenn. After tonight, I will be posting the transcripts on a wiki page, and sending out a notice to hte group with the link.
*[2009/05/07 19:13]  Keira Linden shouts: We will be getting in the habit of notifying the group when a new blog post or grid status report goes up. We want to make sure you
*are aware of these situations as soon as we are.
*[2009/05/07 19:14]  Keira Linden shouts: The guidelines here are intentially flexible. You should feel free to discuss any Concierge related matters in the group chat.
*[2009/05/07 19:14]  Keira Linden shouts: I know that there are lots of concerns regarding the use of this group. I will try to address those as best I can, but please
*understand that questions regarding any one specific case will not be addressed due to our privacy policy.
*[2009/05/07 19:15]  Keira Linden shouts: I would like to open the floor for discussion at this point to address any concerns you might have. Please try to be patient with our
*answers, since there are quite a few people here tonight. :)
*[2009/05/07 19:15]  Sunrunner Homewood: i have a basic inquiry....
*[2009/05/07 19:16]  Keira Linden: Certinaly, Sunrunner
*[2009/05/07 19:16]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: We kind of like the group fine the way it was. the megoraty of conversation is tech/sim related be it trading troubleshooting or
*help the acashonal offtopic never botherd me
*[2009/05/07 19:16]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: it seems to me that the usage isn't only about land issues, as some - including myself had thought
*[2009/05/07 19:17]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: it's really used for estate specific issues in general - like if somone has a question about banning an avie from their estate
*or estates, which clearly isn't a land issue perse
*[2009/05/07 19:17]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: is that correct?
*[2009/05/07 19:18]  Keira Linden shouts: Absolutely, Sunrunner. Estate issues would certainly be something that you can discuss in the group IM.
*[2009/05/07 19:18]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: i should say, that is then focus now?
*[2009/05/07 19:18]  Keira Linden shouts: The topics discussed there can be any land or concierge related topics that you may encounter.
*[2009/05/07 19:18]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: *the
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  Illyria Illyar shouts: Having to have another Group just to keep on top of issues is a real problem - I don't know about the rest of you but the 25 group
*limit is a real problem for me
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  halo Easterwood shouts: Well i just want to say i had no problem with it before this either
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  pup Witherspoon: amen to that
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  Candybabe Felisimo: agreed
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  Keira Linden shouts: The difficulty comes when there is 'off-topic' chat going on, and other group members are forced to close the IM window.
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  Grace Loudon: I left the group for that reason
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  Keira Linden shouts: That essentially cuts them off from any further 'conceirge related' topics.
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  Zagro Ferraris: Thats part of any group period
*[2009/05/07 19:19]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: Thats part of any group period
*[2009/05/07 19:20]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: i can undestand that idle chichat as no longer going to be tolerated, but banter back and forth a little is really part of our
*community, imho. how is that going to be affected?
*[2009/05/07 19:20]  Hailie Callisto shouts: But they can always reopen it about 15 minutes later when that chat has died down. the off topic chatter was never for very long
*and never a constant
*[2009/05/07 19:20]  Illyria Illyar shouts: I don't get the big deal - just close the im window - it is easier than coming up with a group to get rid of so we can be in both
*[2009/05/07 19:20]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: i'd rather that monor inconveniounce than shutting chat off
*[2009/05/07 19:20]  Keira Linden shouts: Zargo, you are right. ANd we are not saying that you cannot be friendly in your discussions and maybe say 'Hi' to someon in there now
*and then.
*[2009/05/07 19:20]  halo Easterwood shouts: and to me thats a choice not being forced
*[2009/05/07 19:20]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: it's the social part of a social network
*[2009/05/07 19:21]  Keira Linden shouts: The issue for many group members is when the chat drifts so far off-topic that they are forced to close the window.
*[2009/05/07 19:21]  Candybabe Felisimo shouts: We need to have more than 25 groups allowed
*[2009/05/07 19:21]  Illyria Illyar shouts: BRAVO!!!
*[2009/05/07 19:21]  Keira Linden shouts: Candybabe, I do realize that the group number limitation is difficult to work with.
*[2009/05/07 19:22]  Illyria Illyar shouts: it is a nightmare!!!
*[2009/05/07 19:22]  Hailie Callisto shouts: but Kiera, in all fairness, the chat even when it DID go way off topic..never lasted for very long......Why cant those who dont
*like the chat, close the window nad reopen it about 15 minuteslater after the chat has died down?
*[2009/05/07 19:22]  Keira Linden shouts: However, that is an issue that is being dealt with at a different level. The best you can do is to vote on the public jira for that
*[2009/05/07 19:22]  Candybabe Felisimo: ok
*[2009/05/07 19:23]  Illyria Illyar shouts: How about getting more groups ??
*[2009/05/07 19:23]  Ewan Mureaux: lol @ jira
*[2009/05/07 19:23]  Keira Linden: Hallie, it really is not fair to ask members to close the window ona group that really shouldn't be having too much off-topic chat.
*[2009/05/07 19:23]  Sean Devin: here here....
*[2009/05/07 19:23]  Keira Linden shouts: (oops, forgot to shout that part)
*[2009/05/07 19:24]  Hailie Callisto shouts: But its not fair to the ones who do want to socialize for 15 minutes or so either
*[2009/05/07 19:24]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: the concearge information group is importent to us sim owners who want to stay conected it's centrel local that looks important is
*important and requiers a linden to let you in. wonce in it's perfict for trading sims helping others the offtopic s are fine
*[2009/05/07 19:24]  Melody Regent: and for the members that get off topic for a few minutes how is it fair to them as well. 15 minutes is not that long and it goes a long way
*to feel good and comminuty
*[2009/05/07 19:24]  Maggie Linden shouts: And if in that 15 minutes we send out a warning about the need to be careful with transactions? And they miss it because they don't
*want to hear about escapades with knitting and tequila? :) That isn't fair.
*[2009/05/07 19:25]  Illyria Illyar shouts: I don't have a problem with the offTopics !
*[2009/05/07 19:25]  Grace Loudon: Yes hello
*[2009/05/07 19:25]  Keira Linden shouts: Hailie, the group charter for the group has always stated that that noise on the group IM should be limited. There are other group
*available for socializing.
*[2009/05/07 19:25]  Rival Destiny shouts: i doubt there would ever be a concensus on what is & what isn't reasonable social chat..that will always be a problem IMO
*[2009/05/07 19:25]  Mystical Stardust: My issue as a role play sim owner is this. My IM’s are already lit up hotter than the fourth of july fireworks constantly. I <3 the
*group. But if I am in active role play. Or sorting out issues within my own sim in regards to such. It is really hard for me to concentrate on my business when my chat floods
*with off topic issues. When I was added to the group I was under the assumption it was for when issues rose or help was needed which was fine and great and awesome. And I am
*happy those in it have found a friendship/kinship with each other to chat. But just like going to a public library there are what’s known as politeness rules. You don’t go
*screaming around in search of a book, laughing and carrying on while people are trying to study.
*[2009/05/07 19:25]  Hailie Callisto shouts: maggie, N OFFENSE...but in the more then 2 years I have been a member in CIG..NOT ONCE have those kinds of notices been sent
*out.......Onnly Up until this last week have ANY notices every been sent
*[2009/05/07 19:25]  pup Witherspoon shouts: excuse me, but all warnings from Linden Labs of a critical nature should NOT be sent out via concierge chat... so that's a terrible
*[2009/05/07 19:26]  Robin Lobo shouts: hear hear Mystical
*[2009/05/07 19:26]  Hailie Callisto shouts: If theres a transaction failure...that should be address to the entire GRID so all residents can be aware...dont you think??
*[2009/05/07 19:26]  Keira Linden shouts: Hailie, we do realize that notices from the Concierge Team to the group have been missing. That is something that we are changing go
*[2009/05/07 19:27]  Maggie Linden shouts: The reason the group was founded was for that notice. It may have drifted, but its going back to that. Additional information to
*those of you who are in our Information Group seems like something that would be beneficial. :)
*[2009/05/07 19:27]  Keira Linden shouts: pup, the notices that we will be sedning out will also be found ont he blog and/or grid status report.
*[2009/05/07 19:28]  Jenn Hienrichs shouts: my problem is that by the time i've read it on the grid status, i've already experienced anything in world that's gone messy, so if
*they were to use the group for a way to notify us earlier, i say \\o/
*[2009/05/07 19:28]  Angela Talamasca shouts: If this group is just for sending out notices, then close the chat. end of problem. :shrugs:
*[2009/05/07 19:28]  Ewan Mureaux shouts: no they are found on twitter tehn three days later teh statur report - https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1027
*[2009/05/07 19:28]  Hailie Callisto shouts: I agree, I certainly applaud that effort........and I do hope it DOES continue forward and doesnt slack off....BUT I still think
*major notices like transaction failures....should be address by a blue screen across the grid.....so we as businesss owners are not swamped with IMs about not getting thier
*product they just purchased.
*[2009/05/07 19:28]  Baal Infinity shouts: There is this really neat feature in the Viewer.. simply click the local chat button to bring up the local chat history.. .then all
*the IMs from other groups will scroll by in the background in almost muted brown colours.. so you don't have to close any IM windows at all... just let it roll in the
*background and you won't even notice it, then if you think you may have missed something, you can go to the actual IM window and scroll up to check it, I don't find it hard at
*all to have several chatty groups in the background in low contrast text in the background of the chat history window and do everything else just fine.
*[2009/05/07 19:28]  Illyria Illyar shouts: But if they do this then we will be required to join more groups to keep on top of various topics which will cause more problems
*with the 25 Group limit
*[2009/05/07 19:29]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: that announcement argument is kind of lame. But if the concierge plan to use it for communicating with concierge members, that
*would be cool. what sorts of things will you talk to us about?
*[2009/05/07 19:29]  Keira Linden shouts: Jenn, that is true. However with some issues, not everyone has experienced it yet. We just want ot give the folks in the group who
*have not experienced it and have not seen the blog or grid status a heads up.
*[2009/05/07 19:29]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: Let's get the max number of groups increased? :} 25 is pretty limiting, ihmo
*[2009/05/07 19:29]  Brad Parker: now your talking sunrunner
*[2009/05/07 19:29]  Illyria Illyar shouts: Yes Increase the 25 limit !!!!! yea Sunrunner
*[2009/05/07 19:29]  Grace Loudon: It's not the end of problem though. In some cases even when you close it, it comes back. The group specifically says it's not to be used for
*chatter - I'm not willing to suffer the inconvenience so you can shoot the breeze anymore than you are willing to accommodate me. So it seems the solution is: follow the
*charter and start a concierge "shoot the breeze" group.
*[2009/05/07 19:29]  Candybabe Felisimo shouts: INCREASE GROUPS...YES!!
*[2009/05/07 19:30]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: This isnt about max groups
*[2009/05/07 19:30]  Keira Linden shouts: Angela, the issue of closing chat completely has been brought up. But as I said, the exchange of technical and creative ideas is a
*good thing to have in a group such as this.
*[2009/05/07 19:30]  Candybabe Felisimo: it can be
*[2009/05/07 19:30]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: this is about how useful the CIG is and if we need or dont need chat in it
*[2009/05/07 19:30]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: i say we need it any problems i've seen are livabul given its user interactiv usefulness
*[2009/05/07 19:30]  Beverly Montgomery: you click the small x under the big X and it usually closes till you relog
*[2009/05/07 19:30]  Hailie Callisto shouts: if you send out a notice of transaction failuers........why not send it AS a notice and not just post it int he chat forum? Many
*who are CIG members dont even open that group anyway so will miss that announcement regardless........send a group NOTICE will fix that
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: And it's about maintaining lines of communication Zagro
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Grace Loudon: Very aware of how it's done.
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Keira Linden shouts: I wish I could flip a switch and make more groups. Sadly, I don't have that power. So, right now, we need to work within the abilities
*we have.
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: and if one is group limited then that does become and issue
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Maggie Linden: Also, if we are making requests, I would like a waffle.
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: i've goten to many good ancers of (any one els having rez problems) or Hay any one getting TP blocks besids me? (yo i need a full
*prim sim full trans anyone dropping one./ Hay guys i neda sell a sim real quick to pay the carnote)
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Jenn Hienrichs: LOL lmaggie
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Illyria Illyar shouts: Well if you can't allow more groups then don't restrict them !
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Hailie Callisto: blueberry syrup please\\
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Baal Infinity heads to the kitchen to make waffles
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Candybabe Felisimo shouts: fair enough, Keira
*[2009/05/07 19:31]  Keira Linden: Hailie, we certainly can send out a group notice as well. That is a suggestion that was brought to me earlier today, and I think sending it
*out in a group notice is a great idea.
*[2009/05/07 19:32]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: That in itself is helpful enough to put up with (does my dress look good/ yo xxx take it to im/
*[2009/05/07 19:32]  Mystical Stardust: The other issue I have is that during these out of context chats going on in the group. When someone does really need help people have
*ignored the group or closed out the window as to not pay attention and then that leaves the person in need of assistance at a standstill cause Jenny’s dog got run over the
*night before and betty lou’s boyfriend broke up with her. There have been groups created for this chat among people and simply all I would ask is that people use them and
*leave the Linden group for just that. Help when we need it. And I don’t mean psychiatric help.
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  pup Witherspoon shouts: is Linden Lab honestly considering closing down concierge chat.. good grief.. that would double your support calls!!!! Talk about a
*bad management decision !!! Why not do something really off the wall.. let everyone in the concierge group vote on whether the minimal amount of "off topic" chat should be
*banned? Democracy in our virtual world
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Grace Loudon: Oh good lord
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Samantha Glume: What would be nice would be an option in the group to be able to select the auto opening of the group when chat appears. That way it would
*never harras thouse that didn't want it unless they opened it but they would still get the notices. Notices are the way to go for important linden announcements as they come
*to your EMAIL as well.
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Grace Loudon: This is silly - it's a friggin group...it's not the end of the world if you can't chat up your friends.
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: I like the idea of voting
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Grace Loudon: IM them
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Illyria Illyar shouts: ooo Deomocracy - now we are talking !!
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Angela Talamasca: how about making a group specifically for concierge chat that is run by lindens? such would provide a forum for general chatter between
*people while avoiding potential personal differences from preventing all concierge members from joining.
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Makena Kelley: I for one have really learned a lot from other concierge members it has been very useful and the chit chat has never bothered me.
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Maggie Linden shouts: Here's my feeling, and it's an analogy, so bear with me -- a lot of you are business owners, creators, or group administrators here,
*and you work as much as you play --for a lot of us, this is our office. We need to show each other some extra courtesy, and understand that while chat may not bother you
*personally, it might bother others quite a lot. We need to find a common ground where we can be helpful and understanding and friendly, but also courteous and respectful of
*others time and attention. :) Y'all are good people, and there's a common ground to be had. We're just reworking the guidelines to get us there.
*[2009/05/07 19:33]  Hailie Callisto shouts: Mystical............those who chat.........ALWAYS have helped those who asked questions...your statement is totally
*invalid......Sure A FEW things have gotten lost...but VERY FEW
*[2009/05/07 19:34]  Chalennna Flasheart: lol
*[2009/05/07 19:34]  halo Easterwood: would be rather Lame if it was shut down cause someone complained
*[2009/05/07 19:34]  Rayven Thorne: i really don't understand what the problem is.. Every group has rules.. and the CIG has them as well just because it's created by Lindens
*doesn't mean the rules should be ignored.. So if they ask for less out of context chat then done deal.. it's their group their rules.
*[2009/05/07 19:34]  Jenn Hienrichs: Thanks y'all...I'm off to work now...appreicate the chat--hope to "see" you soon! ㋡
*[2009/05/07 19:34]  Keira Linden: Thanks for coming, Jenn!
*[2009/05/07 19:34]  Robin Lobo: exactly Maggie
*[2009/05/07 19:34]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: I figured you were trying to make the channel a bit more professional, more worklike, is that right?
*[2009/05/07 19:35]  Angela Talamasca shouts: definitely, halo. Kiera, if you are going to keep CIG chat open, please stop closing it w/o warning. No need for that sort of
*[2009/05/07 19:35]  Keira Linden shouts: Poppet, yes. The group should be used as a business tool, of sorts.
*[2009/05/07 19:35]  Mystical Stardust: But the point is some things HAVE gotten lost. And to those who went ignored and felt their voice of distress unheard. Well tbh I find
*as rude as going to the Library asking the Librairian for help finding a book and she ignores me cause of the rowrdy kids behind me screaming over who bought the last Britney
*Spears ticket
*[2009/05/07 19:35]  Illyria Illyar shouts: yea ! Closing it down and not allowing it to be opened is a real pain !
*[2009/05/07 19:35]  Maggie Linden shouts: As much as any office that has Jedi, giant pink squirrels, and ninjas, yes - a bit more professional and courteous, that's all. :D It
*doesn't have to be boring. Just a little more focused.
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  halo Easterwood: No Drama its bad
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  pup Witherspoon shouts: and as long as we're being dreadfully honest.. what usually starts the chat off topic? The universal question... "Is SL acting
*weird for anyone else?"
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  Hailie Callisto shouts: maggie, but then we have to listen to those who think thier last name ends with Linden and tell the ones talking about something to
*stop it......JUST today this happened when a resident had problems with a transfer by someone....it was being discussed about that island trtansfer and fraud
*whatever.........those people were tolf this wasnt the forum for that and to stop. I find that rather rude
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  Keira Linden: Angela, you're right. And we are looking at ways to improve the instances when that happens.
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  Silken Wilder: I second that Hallie as I have MANY times IMed someone IF chatter is happening so they ARE answered...I've tp'ed to others to help them as
*well..ones I do not know but they asked for help in CIG
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: The no offtopic rule is fine (just dont shut down the group becos a few ignore it)
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  Ewan Mureaux: oh ffs their voice of distress, did we lose people in a boating accident on the blake sea?
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: and let US deside what OFF/TOPIC stands for
*[2009/05/07 19:36]  Ewan Mureaux: oh sorry wrong box that was meant to be a snarky IM
*[2009/05/07 19:37]  Poppet McGimsie: smirks at Ewan
*[2009/05/07 19:37]  Grace Loudon: Cuz it's working so well so far
*[2009/05/07 19:37]  Keira Linden shouts: Hailie, that would most definitely be a topic for the group.
*[2009/05/07 19:37]  Baal Infinity: Perhaps the problem is that there is almost never a way to make the ones who are all wanting everyone to be quiet till they need someone to
*help them happy and the ones who love to chat a bit and build a strong sense of community happy... Perhaps the way to fix it is simply to have a bit of Chat allowed in the CIG
*group and make a second group that has no chat allowed and is for Linden notices only and only the Lindens can talk in the chat to let people know about things.. and then let
*people be in both or just one as they prefer
*[2009/05/07 19:37]  Illyria Illyar: If people want to talk on off topic stuff let them join the other groups
*[2009/05/07 19:37]  Beverly Montgomery: or elect chat moderators
*[2009/05/07 19:37]  Candybabe Felisimo: Love that idea Baal
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: I like the idea of the chat free group for people who prefer silence
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  Beverly Montgomery: this is the same exact issue we've been haveing in nci help group
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  Angela Talamasca shouts: i agree, baal. give those who want a sterile group their own group.
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  Beverly Montgomery: we made a chatter group
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  halo Easterwood: then again another group whi has room lol
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  Illyria Illyar shouts: I have 5 group slots taken up with Island ownership stuff and concierge stuff because of restrictions
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  Silken Wilder: so have LL create another group for Concierge Information Group (NO CHAT)
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  Poppet McGimsie: I prefer a group for silent people than one for chatters
*[2009/05/07 19:38]  Sonya Haight: I like Baal's idea also, we keep the community thats already established and they get their announcements only chat
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Keira Linden shouts: I believe there are already groups of concierge members that are for chatting in any format.
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Hailie Callisto shouts: Yes, can the lindens make another group for the sterile non socialbles?
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Illyria Illyar shouts: Further restriction just makes it worse - like creating another group for NO CHAT
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: I agree with Silken -- create a NO CHAT group
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Sean Devin: Yeah but it's not "Official" so people wont wanna be in it...
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: let us vote
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Grace Loudon shouts: These are not further restrictions Illyria
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Illyria Illyar shouts: No !!! I don't have room for it
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  pup Witherspoon: then put up an RSS feed on your screen
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Hailie Callisto shouts: Illyria......if you dont want to listen to chat then drop the reg CIG and join the non chat one?
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: people who don't like chat can switch to the no chat group
*[2009/05/07 19:39]  Silken Wilder: Illyria you said you are in several groups now for CIG type..so if LL created one for NO CHAT you could quit all the rest!
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Angela Talamasca shouts: yes, keira. a couple of groups formed after this last debacle. however splitting the community is not the answer. my sarcastic
*sterile comment notwithstanding.
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Silken Wilder: YAY
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Rival Destiny: impossible to please everyone in CIG re chat IMO
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Illyria Illyar shouts: I hit the 25 group limit at least 2 times a day - adding another group will make it worse !!!
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Grace Loudon shouts: They are the same standards as always - they're just trying to get you to abide by them.
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Keira Linden shouts: Right, there is already an issue with the group number restrictions. I can explore this idea of 2 groups, but then we will be back at
*the group number limitation issue.
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Santo Kanto: There are already at least two groups for chatting off topic ....why not use those? Let the Lindens run their group the way they see fit.
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: no, Keira, because people will onluy be in one group
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Illyria Illyar shouts: The other ones will not go away because of a new one - you mighht miss something important !
*[2009/05/07 19:40]  Baal Infinity: You would only need to be a member of 1 group so the group limitation would not be an issue.. if you want to be in both groups then that
*would be up to you
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: It looks to me that with the current limit on group memberships that there isn't going to be a solution to this issue that's
*acceptable to all.
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: people who don't like chat will be in the no chat group, people who do will be int he chat group
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Sonya Haight: no Kiera that reduces our groups, we have 3 going now
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Angela Talamasca shouts: the problem is, the overall noice to on topic chatter ratio is very low. negligible, in fact. so, why the hoo-ha?
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: ok this is now going in a circle
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Hailie Callisto shouts: But why be in both? If they dont wish to see the chat, they can drop one and join the sterile one...so I see no issue with group
*limitations then..........Unless they really DO like the chat and need both groups
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: I say leave it as it is with say a keep the offtopic to a min. peace out
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Sera Lok: yes
*[2009/05/07 19:41]  Hailie Callisto shouts: either way it is still splitting the group and information will be split...regardless of chat or not
*[2009/05/07 19:42]  Santo Kanto shouts: How about using those groups where off topic chat is allowed...why must you chat in a group not meant for chatting? There are at least
*two already for off topic chatter.
*[2009/05/07 19:42]  halo Easterwood: group numbers are a problem
*[2009/05/07 19:42]  Silken Wilder: correct Hallie, Baal..I agree..that way both groups are LL groups and those who wish to only be in non chat can and those who do like the
*group as it has been can stay there
*[2009/05/07 19:42]  Sera Lok: and there are a lot of topics that CAN be discussed in CIG....
*[2009/05/07 19:42]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: the main issue, in having a second CIG, is it being an "official" group, unlike the Concierge Coffee group
*[2009/05/07 19:42]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: if people don't want to use the group for chat, then they don't need to be in it. it will be enough for them to be in the other
*group, if both groups get all the same notices
*[2009/05/07 19:42]  Kghia Gherardi: I would have dropped CIG ages months ago because of the steady increase in chat but for those times when it does have helpful information.
*Lately, I've missed those helpful bits because I *have* shut the window. Defeats the purpose of the group, imo.
*[2009/05/07 19:42]  Chalennna Flasheart shouts: I thought the groups were to communicate back and forth among one an other with out all the drama, and yes there is a few that
*like to over yak , and if it irritates you then shut it down or open up another group called Yakkers! LOL
*[2009/05/07 19:43]  Zagro Ferraris shouts: This chat has lost it's direction. byby
*[2009/05/07 19:43]  Ewan Mureaux shouts: is it reasonable to discuss never being given a straight answer regarding LL policies that severely impact our businesses and so on?
*[2009/05/07 19:43]  Keira Linden shouts: One problem with haveing 2 'Linden run' groups then is that we would be spending time updating both groups.
*[2009/05/07 19:43]  Grace Loudon: Okay so in summary...pay attention to the group charter, stop yapping excessively and find some other place to tell Fred about your strange
*blotch. I'm good - is there more we need to know?
*[2009/05/07 19:43]  Mystical Stardust: There is already a Cafe group made for this chat everyone is saying they want. If you want it bad enough and dont have teh group then
*make one. And at the end of teh day leave the CIG group for whats its purpose was meant for it is really that simnple and I don't understand why its such a gard concept.
*[2009/05/07 19:43]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: make a proposal: offer the choice of an opfficial chat and an official no chat group, along with the other choices you want to
*offer, and let us vote
*[2009/05/07 19:43]  Hailie Callisto shouts: Cant we come ot a compromise here? Allow chat within moderation...if it gets too much then warn the group and let it die down? I
*dont agree with splitting the group in ANY form...........you lose information that way
*[2009/05/07 19:44]  Keira Linden shouts: Ewan, yes, that is soemthign that you could discuss in the group chat.
*[2009/05/07 19:44]  Santo Kanto shouts: So no off topic chat in CIG?? Good! Everyone get it? :)
*[2009/05/07 19:44]  Angela Talamasca shouts: bc, santo, those groups were created by members, and if those running the groups don't like someone they don't have to let someone
*in them. whereas linden run groups cannot do that. furthermore there seems to be competition btwn the groups to see who can get the most members. sophmoric as it is, that type
*of competition hurts community.
*[2009/05/07 19:44]  Kghia Gherardi: Why can't those who go into an off topic chat take it into a private IM?
*[2009/05/07 19:44]  Keira Linden shouts: As I said, you should feel free to discuss any Concierge related matters, from land, to ticket response, scripting, etc.
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  Rival Destiny shouts: why not poll?
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  Silken Wilder wonders if Santo is another CIG cop
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  Santo Kanto shouts: Angela: But why have constant off topic chatter about whatever in CIG ...the group charter specifically staes what the group is for? :)
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  Mystical Stardust kicks her heavily medicated typist for not using Word for her typo's then looks at the Lindens and wonders when they will install and
*typomatic thingy mahjiggy so we DONT have typo's no morez.. ok enough off topics
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  pup Witherspoon shouts: can we go back to the two good suggestions - either a group vote.... or create a no chat notice group for those who don't want to
*hear the chatter and make a decision between those please ?
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  Angela Talamasca shouts: and all this started bc concierge mods, apparently all of a sudden decided there was too much off-topic chatter, and started
*engaging in knee-jerk banning.
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: round and round we go...what about the idea of resident moderators?
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  Keira Linden adds Mysticals suggestin to her 'SL improvement' wish list.
*[2009/05/07 19:45]  Makena Kelley: lol
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  Mystical Stardust woots!
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  Santo Kanto: How many of you guys allow off topic chatter in your estate groups? Be honest :)
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  Sera Lok: sigh. yall need a conch or somethin
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  pup Witherspoon: omg... talk about lagging the system.. spell checking in SL ?
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  Beverly Montgomery: heh ours is too quiet
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  halo Easterwood: doesnt matter to me as long as thaey dont spam it
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  Samantha Glume: Just make sure it allows for UK and Canadian words... I hate sounding like an american. :D
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  Keira Linden shouts: Angela, I admit that the moderation in this grop has been lacking in the past.
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  Hailie Callisto shouts: Santos, I would hate to work in the real world or be a part of a community that banned socialization
*[2009/05/07 19:46]  Sonya Haight: bet if someone started talking about scripting they would get their hand slapped in less than 2 secs by someone who dont' want to hear about
*that particular topic
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Isla Dubrovna: Agreeing with Hailie - there's a little OT chat around the office too but you keep it to a minimum...generally
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: so what about group moderators then Keira?
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Keira Linden shouts: We are currently implementing better methods to deal with issue within the group when the arise.
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Angela Talamasca shouts: as long as people engage in communication, chatter will always stray off topic to some degree. the tolerance (or lack there of)
*wrt what degree that should be is what appears to be the primary problem.
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Silken Wilder: resident moderators on LL group??
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Santo Kanto shouts: Hallie: But there are alternatives ...its not like there aren't other viable groups for off topic chatter ..if there were no
*alternatives ..I'd be for a free for all :)
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Keira Linden: Sunrunner, do you mean non-Linden group moderators?
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Silken Wilder: hahaha
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Silken Wilder: NOT
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Ewan Mureaux shouts: would it be possible to deal with the issue that I have three various concierge related groups and can't actually open a caht in any
*of them and perhaps to discuss teh issue of why the tech people said they wouldnt use the tools available as it would only fix group chat for two years?
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Grace Loudon: I don't see any intolerance. I see a request to keep it to a minimum and follow the charter
*[2009/05/07 19:47]  Beverly Montgomery shouts: lindens can be moderators in the group
*[2009/05/07 19:48]  Maggie Linden shouts: This is a Linden-run group. In no way shape or form is a committee decision of over 1000 people going to create anything even vaguely
*comprehensible. :P
*[2009/05/07 19:48]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: yes -- resident moderators
*[2009/05/07 19:48]  pup Witherspoon shouts: I've been in concierge chat for 3 years, I just don't see that much off topic conversation going on..
*[2009/05/07 19:48]  Beverly Montgomery shouts: we made officers moderators
*[2009/05/07 19:48]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: i didn't say residents Silken :)
*[2009/05/07 19:48]  Beverly Montgomery shouts: you make lindens moderators
*[2009/05/07 19:48]  Angela Talamasca shouts: but no one wants a free for all. we just do not want this group to become sterile... with people afraid to even talk. so they
*either want community, or they want a board room. their choice. :shrugs:
*[2009/05/07 19:49]  Keira Linden shouts: Beverly, concierge team members are currently moderators in the group.
*[2009/05/07 19:49]  Hailie Callisto shouts: I agree the chats should be on topic....but even on on topic chats, it will tend to go OFF toic...that is the nature of the
*beast........why nit pic about it...........If it goes WAY off toic and remains that way then step in and ask them to cool it..........end of story
*[2009/05/07 19:49]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: that wouldn't bother me Keira, but that would be up to LL to decide the where/what/how's of it all
*[2009/05/07 19:49]  Beverly Montgomery: there ya go then
*[2009/05/07 19:49]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: hm I think moderators should be a bit more visible than Lindens can afford to be -- just my opionion
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Hailie Callisto shouts: but to ban ANY and ALL off topic chat.....just kills the community that it has become. Your asking us to be cold and act like a
*walking wiki to other residents instead of being friendly
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Silken Wilder: oo there go the sims again LOL
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Angela Talamasca shouts: agreed, hallie. even we, as non-mods could caution people when they start going astray. its called group pressure and it works
*quite well.
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Sonya Haight: are they still poofing Silken?
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Beverly Montgomery: wow sim crash
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Angela Talamasca: yup, i notices.
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Grace Loudon: Where the heck did you get that from?
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Silken Wilder: lol 3 went yesterday
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Silken Wilder: LOL
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Angela Talamasca: oh no, we've lost some avies!
*[2009/05/07 19:50]  Keira Linden: Hailie, topic drift is inevitable, we do realize that (since we are all frequent chatters ourselves). BUt we are asking for a bit more focus
*in bring discussion back on topic when drift does happen.
*[2009/05/07 19:51]  Maggie Linden: Not a crash. Net hiccup. :)
*[2009/05/07 19:51]  Silken Wilder: lol
*[2009/05/07 19:51]  Beverly Montgomery: seen alot of that lately
*[2009/05/07 19:51]  Angela Talamasca: the thing is keira, there really isn't a lot of OT chatter. that is, outside of the big deal that is being made of this.
*[2009/05/07 19:51]  Poppet McGimsie: I think the problem is maybe that the group purpose just isn't well enough defined. If you want it to be more professional and
*businesslike, then say that in the charter
*[2009/05/07 19:51]  Maggie Linden shouts: Chocolate deliveries can be made via IM, and are encouraged. I also like weapons, bears, and textures of Philip idling in weird
*places. Thank you.
*[2009/05/07 19:52]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: Poppet McGimsie: I think the problem is maybe that the group purpose just isn't well enough defined. If you want it to be more
*professional and businesslike, then say that in the charter
*[2009/05/07 19:52]  Hailie Callisto: lol maggie
*[2009/05/07 19:52]  halo Easterwood: lol
*[2009/05/07 19:52]  Melody Regent shouts: Keira, something that may be a fery simply thing to do. If chatters gets to far off topic or goes on to long, a Linden coming in and
*saying very simply "CHATTER CHECK" should be enough for the members of your group to get the idea. Its easy to do and makes those off topic need to tone it down
*[2009/05/07 19:52]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: i'm sorry Maggie, but that comment is off-topic ^.^
*[2009/05/07 19:52]  Kghia Gherardi: "not much" is subjective.
*[2009/05/07 19:52]  halo Easterwood: lol sunrunner
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  Keira Linden shouts: Poppet, we are currently revising the group charter to better reflect a more business like group. That should be coming very soon.
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  Maggie Linden: In-world chat is not equal to group chat. ^-^
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  Angela Talamasca: i agree with poppet, include in your charter that this group is for notices and some professional chat between concierge clients.
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: but you see my point :)
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  Sonya Haight: no it wasn't Sun, it was an answer to my question
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  Keira Linden shouts: Melody, that is a great idea. Quick and to the point. I really like that!
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  dascheigh Marquez: she forgot to shout that:((
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  Ewan Mureaux: if the group is more business like can we expect to start being treated like customers too?
*[2009/05/07 19:53]  Angela Talamasca: perception is 9/10ths of the law, and when people see that, they are more likely to put on their "business hats" so to speak.
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Angela Talamasca: oh shush, ewan. ^_~
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Angela Talamasca: lol
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Hailie Callisto shouts: What about the gestapos who want to pipe in and tell everyone what to do and go so far as to say *DONT DO IT*........OR TAKE IT TO
*IM...OR suddenly become a linden without title?
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  dascheigh Marquez: O.o
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: well I think the idea is, Ewan, that in the CIG we would be more like business oweners and less like customers, maybe?
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Keira Linden shouts: I totally agree, and there will be a new charter published very soon. :)
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Silken Wilder: tell em SHUSH YOU
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Silken Wilder: its PG o0
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Santo Kanto: Why is it so hard to stay on topic? I don't prefer to hear about what you are eating for dinner or who's taking a forced vacation OR where to
*buy eyebrows....its not relevant. And NO, I should not have to close out chat ...I'm not violating the group charter :)
*[2009/05/07 19:54]  Angela Talamasca: well, for one i really don't think calling people names (i.e., gestapos) solves anything at all.
*[2009/05/07 19:55]  Santo Kanto shouts: Why is it so hard to stay on topic? I don't prefer to hear about what you are eating for dinner or who's taking a forced vacation OR
*where to buy eyebrows....its not relevant. And NO, I should not have to close out chat ...I'm not violating the group charter :)
*[2009/05/07 19:55]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: we would be relating to each other and to the Lidnens more professionally and worklike?
*[2009/05/07 19:55]  pup Witherspoon shouts: I've NEVER heard that in Concierge Chat
*[2009/05/07 19:55]  Angela Talamasca: sure, poppet. why not?
*[2009/05/07 19:55]  Ewan Mureaux: eyebrow buying is the crux of the SL™ economy!
*[2009/05/07 19:55]  halo Easterwood shouts: me neither
*[2009/05/07 19:55]  Santo Kanto: LOL Ewan
*[2009/05/07 19:55]  Angela Talamasca: lolol @ ewan
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Angela Talamasca: besides, one question was asked and then it went to the back channel.
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Maggie Linden shouts: More courteously, Poppet. Not boring. Not staid. Not Yes, sir, that will be $29.95. Just be aware that if you're chatting with your
*friends, it's polite to highlight their calling cards in a folder and say, "You will NEVER believe what I bought last night..." over there instead.
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Silken Wilder: the eyebrow issue FYI WAS to do with the viewer so was FINE for CIG!
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Sera Lok's ears perks up.. new charter... Good :)
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Angela Talamasca: why is that such a problem.
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: people do seem to avoid mentioning where to buy stuff, they seem to have a sense most of the time that that would verge on spam and
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Grace Loudon: Amen
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Hailie Callisto shouts: Santos, Im not disagreeing with you....Im simply saying that IF the topic wanders OFF toic for a few minutes...what is the real
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Grace Loudon shouts: And what is the harm to keep it in check Hailie?
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Silken Wilder shouts: the eyebrow issue FYI WAS to do with the viewer so was FINE for CIG!
*[2009/05/07 19:56]  Angela Talamasca: i mean shoot, if we're just chattering up a storm about, gosh i like those eyebrows, my sister in law got some like those, and i know can
*you believe it?
*[2009/05/07 19:57]  Angela Talamasca: well, yeah, that is inappropriate but that did not occur
*[2009/05/07 19:57]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: I think the Lindens are trying to introduce ettiquette into the chaotic world of SL
*[2009/05/07 19:57]  Beverly Montgomery: when it convo goes long enough suggest it go to IM and be done with it
*[2009/05/07 19:57]  Hailie Callisto shouts: Grace, there is no harm.....if your a robot.......Humans tend to be polite and friendly......gong off topic a few minutes I dont
*think is a true harm to anyone. It builds a relationship between peers
*[2009/05/07 19:57]  dascheigh Marquez shouts: no individualism is my opinion only...linden way or no way/??
*[2009/05/07 19:57]  Keira Linden thinks Poppet is on to us.
*[2009/05/07 19:57]  Maggie Linden shouts: Poppet -- I strive daily to create a more kind and goofy world. I'm pretty much doomed to failure but I do my darnednest
*nevertheless. :P
*[2009/05/07 19:58]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: get us to have a sense of privacy and decorum and that kind of stuff
*[2009/05/07 19:58]  Beverly Montgomery shouts: and a bit of niceness goes along long way
*[2009/05/07 19:58]  Grace Loudon shouts: I am polite, friendly and courteous - and I am far from a robot. This isn't rocket science - it's called respect. Keep it to a minimum
*- if it's dire, take it to IM - why is that such an issue?
*[2009/05/07 19:58]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: me too, Maggie -- but there is still a difference between what you would do at work and what you would do at home
*[2009/05/07 19:58]  Angela Talamasca shouts: yeah, you could have had a problem like i did today when my bots were talking on the my group channel. o.O lolol
*[2009/05/07 19:58]  halo Easterwood shouts: Really I dont see the harm if you dont want to read it downsize it
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: That's fine Grace, we don't need a lot of idle banter in the group, the objection is making it a sterile venue
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Candybabe Felisimo: can w have bt?
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Keira Linden shouts: Just more courteous, as Maggie said. Some people are working when the IM window pops up. They are hoping that it's something
*important, to take their eyes away from what they are doing.
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Hailie Callisto shouts: Im not disagreeing with that Grace....Im disagreeing to banning ANY and ALL off topic chat.....its going to happen regardless....as
*ive said...its the nature of the beast
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Mystical Stardust raises her hands and goes “oh oh oh oh!’ her body bouncing around like a kid who’s bladder is about to explode “Another off topic and I
*will shut up. But as I sit here and look at myself (yes I had a conceded moment and needed to make sure my make up look okay and presentable for the Lindens :P. Anyway! Make
*AV forms physical so when I sit like this my hair stops going through mah tits and making me look like I should be in the carnival standing next to the bearded lady!”
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Candybabe Felisimo: can we have bots?
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Maggie Linden shouts: Hailie - I think that it needs to be clear that every person in this room and in the group has a different sense of what is too much
*and what isn't, and what's harmful and what's fine. That difference is the reason why we're drawing up the charter again, to find a common middle ground that lets professional
*worker folks get the info they need while at the same time letting friendly folk discuss their regions and their estates and what the heck bug they just encountered. That's
*the goal. That's what we're doing.
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Beverly Montgomery shouts: hehe i say 100 times a day to people, just click the small x under the big X in the upper corner of the communicate window
*[2009/05/07 19:59]  Mystical Stardust: Ok goes back to the conversation that never ends cause no one can seem to agree
*[2009/05/07 20:00]  Grace Loudon shouts: How do you get sterile out of it? I mean really....they are simply asking that you be reminded of the charter and abide by it as best
*you can. Sterile has not come into play accept by those who I suspect may be doing a lot of that chatter.
*[2009/05/07 20:00]  Keira Linden shouts: Sunrunner, we are not asking for a completely sterile environment. Just more awareness of the other group members in the chat.
*[2009/05/07 20:00]  dascheigh Marquez shouts: it is lindens TELLING you the rules...plain and SIMPLE
*[2009/05/07 20:00]  Santo Kanto shouts: Beverly: Why should someone do that? And miss out on vital information? NO one ever said "no chatting" ..just relevant and on topic
*chatting dealing with land issues :)
*[2009/05/07 20:00]  Silken Wilder: ok I gotta go..be well all..and *clears her throat*..I won't unjoin CIG again tonight..and I just KNOW ALL ya love that LOL
*[2009/05/07 20:00]  Candybabe Felisimo: Oo
*[2009/05/07 20:00]  Robin Lobo shouts: Why are we here today? offtopic has increased beyond tolerable levels! if you consided that hitting the enter key sends it to
*potentially 1000 people, make it relevent, also if Lindens are going to be active now and post Infos that in itself is a welcome change in direction -
* [2009/05/07 20:00]  Maggie Linden shouts: If we start coming at you with spraybottles of alcohol and Lysol, then you can worry. And possibly check which region you're in
*because that is a very weird mental image.
*[2009/05/07 20:00]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: lol goodnight Silken :)
*[2009/05/07 20:01]  Angela Talamasca: Kiera, one thing i would like you to add to the rules is, no ad hom (name calling) in group chat. thanks.
*[2009/05/07 20:01]  Poppet McGimsie: seomtimes people do blab a lot, sometimes I am one of those people, sometimes it is annoying and I close he window, usually it is quiet
*for hours at a time...c'est la vie : )
*[2009/05/07 20:01]  Beverly Montgomery: oh i totally agree
*[2009/05/07 20:01]  Maggie Linden: Angela - that falls under the "Don't violate community standards', as far as I'm concerned.
*[2009/05/07 20:01]  Keira Linden: Folks I really hate to cut this off, but our hour is up.
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: "ad hom"?
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Beverly Montgomery: but if someone gets totally bent they can take a break, and reopen it if they have a question
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Keira Linden: If you do have any further constructive ideas, please feel free to IM those to me.
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Poppet McGimsie shouts: thanks for doing this -- having a good charter will help a lot, people quote it all the time when this issue comes up
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: ah, nvm Angela
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Baal Infinity smiles and hopes you have a very good evening and a plesant rest
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Mystical Stardust: Ok. Seriously. I think this has just spun out of control. In my own personal aspect. Lindens have enough to do. They should not have to
*monitor and police the CIG group. We are all Adults and should show kind and curtious respect to others. Its really THAT simple.
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Makena Kelley: When do you expect the new charter to be released?
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Candybabe Felisimo: Thank you, Keira
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Keira Linden shouts: (sorry forgot to shout again)
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Santo Kanto shouts: Thanks Lindens (et. al)
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Keira Linden: [20:02] Keira Linden: If you do have any further constructive ideas, please feel free to IM those to me.
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  dascheigh Marquez: :)
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Keira Linden shouts: [20:02] Keira Linden: If you do have any further constructive ideas, please feel free to IM those to me.
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Angela Talamasca: i agree, maggie. but am not sure people actually understand that. i just think disrespectful discourse gets people nowhere.
*[2009/05/07 20:02]  Maggie Linden shouts: Goodnight, everyone! :)
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Keira Linden: Thank you all for coming!
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Beverly Montgomery: ty Keira
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Darwin Tomsen: nite keria
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Melody Regent shouts: if people get rude, do not close the group, follow the lines of CHATTER CHECK and do a "MANNERS CHECK" again, when a linden speaks
*people listen, no need to waiste your breath when two words will work
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Angela Talamasca: thank you keira! :-)
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Darwin Tomsen: and maggie
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Beverly Montgomery shouts: thank all of you
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Hailie Callisto: I am thrilled that you all are going to be taking an active role in getting notices to us.....and I agree..the chatter should remain
*quieter.......but you alll forget, that the lindens here have NEVER in the past sent any notices...hence why the group had become what it has. If the lindens plan to go foward
*and keep us informed, then by all means chat shold be kept minimal..Im NT disagreeing with that....WHAT I AM disagreeing with s...if and when a topic DOES wander off...and it
*WILL happen......I for one would prefer not to see a millionn residents shouting take it to IM....A linden should step in and say CHAT CHECK ..wahtever mel said
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Candybabe Felisimo: Thank you Maggie and Guy
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: Thanks Kiera, Maggie, goodnight all
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Samantha Glume: Goodnight
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  dascheigh Marquez shouts: **waves** bye bye
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Maggie Linden shouts: And thank you for coming and discussing it with us. :) If you guys weren't interesting, intelligent and passionate people you
*wouldn't be doing what you do, as far as I'm concerned. :)
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Sunrunner Homewood shouts: And Guy, sorry :}
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  halo Easterwood shouts: ty gooodnight
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Robin Lobo: thanks Kiera, Maggie Guy
*[2009/05/07 20:03]  Keira Linden: Have a good ngiht everyone!
*[2009/05/07 20:04]  Hailie Callisto shouts: g'night everyone
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Revision as of 14:40, 10 May 2009

Transcript of CIG in world Brown Bag from Thursday, 7 May 2009

My apologies in getting this out late. It seems there were some communications problems at our in world meeting on Wednesday, and the transcript from that day is incomplete. All of the same topics were covered on Thursday, so I am posting the transcript from Thursday here for everyone to review.


  • [2009/05/07 19:06] Keira Linden shouts: First off, I want to thank everyone for attending today. I am happy to be able to meet with you all regarding the use of the Concierge
  • Information Group.
  • [2009/05/07 19:06] halo Easterwood: utto simmight crash
  • [2009/05/07 19:06] Keira Linden shouts: If you could all bear with me at first, I do have a few things that I would like to say before we get the discussion going.
  • [2009/05/07 19:07] Keira Linden shouts: This groups' original purpose was to inform the concierge residents of events that might be of concern to them.
  • [2009/05/07 19:07] Keira Linden shouts: Over the years, the usage of the group has changed, and in some very positive directions. As members of the group, you all have been a
  • tremendous support to new (as well as existing) land owners in all areas of land management, sales, building, scripting, etc.
  • [2009/05/07 19:08] Keira Linden shouts: It is wonderful to see the exchange of creative and technical ideas within the group, and I assure you that we do not want to see that
  • go away.
  • [2009/05/07 19:08] Keira Linden shouts: We do, however, need to look at ways of making this exchange of ideas more effecient and accessible to all members of the group. In
  • order to do this, we ask that you keep the following in mind when using the group IM (most of which can be found in the group charter) :
  • [2009/05/07 19:09] Keira Linden shouts: The group is flagged as 'Not Mature Content' (found on the bottom left of the General tab), and all conversations should be PG in
  • nature to ensure that everyone has a positive and productive experience within the group. Please also remember to keep chat within the limits of the Community Standards.
  • [2009/05/07 19:09] Keira Linden shouts: Topics for group chat should mostly be in regards to concierge land related topics. These may include, but are not limited to: land
  • ownership, land policies, and land management. Brief announcements of regions sought or available for sale will be allowed, but please do not spam the group IM with
  • advertisments.
  • [2009/05/07 19:10] Keira Linden shouts: Discussing the new AO changes or new rules concerning Bots would are great topics for chat here.
  • [2009/05/07 19:10] Keira Linden shouts: Discussing who should be the next American Idol or how many pairs of socks you have that currently have with no holes, would not be
  • good topics for dicussion.
  • [2009/05/07 19:11] Chalennna Flasheart: Hello All
  • [2009/05/07 19:11] Keira Linden shouts: Basically, the chat here is not routinely monitored by us. When in world, we are usually investigating an issue on your islands, or
  • helping a Concierge member with a service issue. If you have support questions which you need to bring to one of us, please visit http://secondlife.com/support and contact us
  • in Live Chat or via phone.
  • [2009/05/07 19:12] Keira Linden shouts: If you have a grievance against another group member please file an appropriate Abuse Report so that the incident can be investigated
  • as quickly as possible.
  • [2009/05/07 19:12] Jenn Hienrichs: Keira...will this be put into a notice for the members of the group as a whole, so those of the group who didn't attend tonight wil be able
  • to read this discussion maybe via a notecard ?
  • [2009/05/07 19:12] Rose Springvale: sigh
  • [2009/05/07 19:12] Zagro Ferraris: is this going to be held in voice or chat
  • [2009/05/07 19:12] Candybabe Felisimo: welll hmm
  • [2009/05/07 19:13] Keira Linden: Yes, Jenn. After tonight, I will be posting the transcripts on a wiki page, and sending out a notice to hte group with the link.
  • [2009/05/07 19:13] Keira Linden shouts: We will be getting in the habit of notifying the group when a new blog post or grid status report goes up. We want to make sure you
  • are aware of these situations as soon as we are.
  • [2009/05/07 19:14] Keira Linden shouts: The guidelines here are intentially flexible. You should feel free to discuss any Concierge related matters in the group chat.
  • [2009/05/07 19:14] Keira Linden shouts: I know that there are lots of concerns regarding the use of this group. I will try to address those as best I can, but please
  • understand that questions regarding any one specific case will not be addressed due to our privacy policy.
  • [2009/05/07 19:15] Keira Linden shouts: I would like to open the floor for discussion at this point to address any concerns you might have. Please try to be patient with our
  • answers, since there are quite a few people here tonight. :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:15] Sunrunner Homewood: i have a basic inquiry....
  • [2009/05/07 19:16] Keira Linden: Certinaly, Sunrunner
  • [2009/05/07 19:16] Zagro Ferraris shouts: We kind of like the group fine the way it was. the megoraty of conversation is tech/sim related be it trading troubleshooting or
  • help the acashonal offtopic never botherd me
  • [2009/05/07 19:16] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: it seems to me that the usage isn't only about land issues, as some - including myself had thought
  • [2009/05/07 19:17] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: it's really used for estate specific issues in general - like if somone has a question about banning an avie from their estate
  • or estates, which clearly isn't a land issue perse
  • [2009/05/07 19:17] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: is that correct?
  • [2009/05/07 19:18] Keira Linden shouts: Absolutely, Sunrunner. Estate issues would certainly be something that you can discuss in the group IM.
  • [2009/05/07 19:18] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: i should say, that is then focus now?
  • [2009/05/07 19:18] Keira Linden shouts: The topics discussed there can be any land or concierge related topics that you may encounter.
  • [2009/05/07 19:18] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: *the
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] Illyria Illyar shouts: Having to have another Group just to keep on top of issues is a real problem - I don't know about the rest of you but the 25 group
  • limit is a real problem for me
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] halo Easterwood shouts: Well i just want to say i had no problem with it before this either
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] pup Witherspoon: amen to that
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] Candybabe Felisimo: agreed
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] Keira Linden shouts: The difficulty comes when there is 'off-topic' chat going on, and other group members are forced to close the IM window.
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] Grace Loudon: I left the group for that reason
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] Keira Linden shouts: That essentially cuts them off from any further 'conceirge related' topics.
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] Zagro Ferraris: Thats part of any group period
  • [2009/05/07 19:19] Zagro Ferraris shouts: Thats part of any group period
  • [2009/05/07 19:20] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: i can undestand that idle chichat as no longer going to be tolerated, but banter back and forth a little is really part of our
  • community, imho. how is that going to be affected?
  • [2009/05/07 19:20] Hailie Callisto shouts: But they can always reopen it about 15 minutes later when that chat has died down. the off topic chatter was never for very long
  • and never a constant
  • [2009/05/07 19:20] Illyria Illyar shouts: I don't get the big deal - just close the im window - it is easier than coming up with a group to get rid of so we can be in both
  • groups
  • [2009/05/07 19:20] Zagro Ferraris shouts: i'd rather that monor inconveniounce than shutting chat off
  • [2009/05/07 19:20] Keira Linden shouts: Zargo, you are right. ANd we are not saying that you cannot be friendly in your discussions and maybe say 'Hi' to someon in there now
  • and then.
  • [2009/05/07 19:20] halo Easterwood shouts: and to me thats a choice not being forced
  • [2009/05/07 19:20] Zagro Ferraris shouts: it's the social part of a social network
  • [2009/05/07 19:21] Keira Linden shouts: The issue for many group members is when the chat drifts so far off-topic that they are forced to close the window.
  • [2009/05/07 19:21] Candybabe Felisimo shouts: We need to have more than 25 groups allowed
  • [2009/05/07 19:21] Illyria Illyar shouts: BRAVO!!!
  • [2009/05/07 19:21] Keira Linden shouts: Candybabe, I do realize that the group number limitation is difficult to work with.
  • [2009/05/07 19:22] Illyria Illyar shouts: it is a nightmare!!!
  • [2009/05/07 19:22] Hailie Callisto shouts: but Kiera, in all fairness, the chat even when it DID go way off topic..never lasted for very long......Why cant those who dont
  • like the chat, close the window nad reopen it about 15 minuteslater after the chat has died down?
  • [2009/05/07 19:22] Keira Linden shouts: However, that is an issue that is being dealt with at a different level. The best you can do is to vote on the public jira for that
  • issue.
  • [2009/05/07 19:22] Candybabe Felisimo: ok
  • [2009/05/07 19:23] Illyria Illyar shouts: How about getting more groups ??
  • [2009/05/07 19:23] Ewan Mureaux: lol @ jira
  • [2009/05/07 19:23] Keira Linden: Hallie, it really is not fair to ask members to close the window ona group that really shouldn't be having too much off-topic chat.
  • [2009/05/07 19:23] Sean Devin: here here....
  • [2009/05/07 19:23] Keira Linden shouts: (oops, forgot to shout that part)
  • [2009/05/07 19:24] Hailie Callisto shouts: But its not fair to the ones who do want to socialize for 15 minutes or so either
  • [2009/05/07 19:24] Zagro Ferraris shouts: the concearge information group is importent to us sim owners who want to stay conected it's centrel local that looks important is
  • important and requiers a linden to let you in. wonce in it's perfict for trading sims helping others the offtopic s are fine
  • [2009/05/07 19:24] Melody Regent: and for the members that get off topic for a few minutes how is it fair to them as well. 15 minutes is not that long and it goes a long way
  • to feel good and comminuty
  • [2009/05/07 19:24] Maggie Linden shouts: And if in that 15 minutes we send out a warning about the need to be careful with transactions? And they miss it because they don't
  • want to hear about escapades with knitting and tequila? :) That isn't fair.
  • [2009/05/07 19:25] Illyria Illyar shouts: I don't have a problem with the offTopics !
  • [2009/05/07 19:25] Grace Loudon: Yes hello
  • [2009/05/07 19:25] Keira Linden shouts: Hailie, the group charter for the group has always stated that that noise on the group IM should be limited. There are other group
  • available for socializing.
  • [2009/05/07 19:25] Rival Destiny shouts: i doubt there would ever be a concensus on what is & what isn't reasonable social chat..that will always be a problem IMO
  • [2009/05/07 19:25] Mystical Stardust: My issue as a role play sim owner is this. My IM’s are already lit up hotter than the fourth of july fireworks constantly. I <3 the
  • group. But if I am in active role play. Or sorting out issues within my own sim in regards to such. It is really hard for me to concentrate on my business when my chat floods
  • with off topic issues. When I was added to the group I was under the assumption it was for when issues rose or help was needed which was fine and great and awesome. And I am
  • happy those in it have found a friendship/kinship with each other to chat. But just like going to a public library there are what’s known as politeness rules. You don’t go
  • screaming around in search of a book, laughing and carrying on while people are trying to study.
  • [2009/05/07 19:25] Hailie Callisto shouts: maggie, N OFFENSE...but in the more then 2 years I have been a member in CIG..NOT ONCE have those kinds of notices been sent
  • out.......Onnly Up until this last week have ANY notices every been sent
  • [2009/05/07 19:25] pup Witherspoon shouts: excuse me, but all warnings from Linden Labs of a critical nature should NOT be sent out via concierge chat... so that's a terrible
  • example
  • [2009/05/07 19:26] Robin Lobo shouts: hear hear Mystical
  • [2009/05/07 19:26] Hailie Callisto shouts: If theres a transaction failure...that should be address to the entire GRID so all residents can be aware...dont you think??
  • [2009/05/07 19:26] Keira Linden shouts: Hailie, we do realize that notices from the Concierge Team to the group have been missing. That is something that we are changing go
  • forward.
  • [2009/05/07 19:27] Maggie Linden shouts: The reason the group was founded was for that notice. It may have drifted, but its going back to that. Additional information to
  • those of you who are in our Information Group seems like something that would be beneficial. :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:27] Keira Linden shouts: pup, the notices that we will be sedning out will also be found ont he blog and/or grid status report.
  • [2009/05/07 19:28] Jenn Hienrichs shouts: my problem is that by the time i've read it on the grid status, i've already experienced anything in world that's gone messy, so if
  • they were to use the group for a way to notify us earlier, i say \\o/
  • [2009/05/07 19:28] Angela Talamasca shouts: If this group is just for sending out notices, then close the chat. end of problem. :shrugs:
  • [2009/05/07 19:28] Ewan Mureaux shouts: no they are found on twitter tehn three days later teh statur report - https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1027
  • [2009/05/07 19:28] Hailie Callisto shouts: I agree, I certainly applaud that effort........and I do hope it DOES continue forward and doesnt slack off....BUT I still think
  • major notices like transaction failures....should be address by a blue screen across the grid.....so we as businesss owners are not swamped with IMs about not getting thier
  • product they just purchased.
  • [2009/05/07 19:28] Baal Infinity shouts: There is this really neat feature in the Viewer.. simply click the local chat button to bring up the local chat history.. .then all
  • the IMs from other groups will scroll by in the background in almost muted brown colours.. so you don't have to close any IM windows at all... just let it roll in the
  • background and you won't even notice it, then if you think you may have missed something, you can go to the actual IM window and scroll up to check it, I don't find it hard at
  • all to have several chatty groups in the background in low contrast text in the background of the chat history window and do everything else just fine.
  • [2009/05/07 19:28] Illyria Illyar shouts: But if they do this then we will be required to join more groups to keep on top of various topics which will cause more problems
  • with the 25 Group limit
  • [2009/05/07 19:29] Poppet McGimsie shouts: that announcement argument is kind of lame. But if the concierge plan to use it for communicating with concierge members, that
  • would be cool. what sorts of things will you talk to us about?
  • [2009/05/07 19:29] Keira Linden shouts: Jenn, that is true. However with some issues, not everyone has experienced it yet. We just want ot give the folks in the group who
  • have not experienced it and have not seen the blog or grid status a heads up.
  • [2009/05/07 19:29] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: Let's get the max number of groups increased? :} 25 is pretty limiting, ihmo
  • [2009/05/07 19:29] Brad Parker: now your talking sunrunner
  • [2009/05/07 19:29] Illyria Illyar shouts: Yes Increase the 25 limit !!!!! yea Sunrunner
  • [2009/05/07 19:29] Grace Loudon: It's not the end of problem though. In some cases even when you close it, it comes back. The group specifically says it's not to be used for
  • chatter - I'm not willing to suffer the inconvenience so you can shoot the breeze anymore than you are willing to accommodate me. So it seems the solution is: follow the
  • charter and start a concierge "shoot the breeze" group.
  • [2009/05/07 19:29] Candybabe Felisimo shouts: INCREASE GROUPS...YES!!
  • [2009/05/07 19:30] Zagro Ferraris shouts: This isnt about max groups
  • [2009/05/07 19:30] Keira Linden shouts: Angela, the issue of closing chat completely has been brought up. But as I said, the exchange of technical and creative ideas is a
  • good thing to have in a group such as this.
  • [2009/05/07 19:30] Candybabe Felisimo: it can be
  • [2009/05/07 19:30] Zagro Ferraris shouts: this is about how useful the CIG is and if we need or dont need chat in it
  • [2009/05/07 19:30] Zagro Ferraris shouts: i say we need it any problems i've seen are livabul given its user interactiv usefulness
  • [2009/05/07 19:30] Beverly Montgomery: you click the small x under the big X and it usually closes till you relog
  • [2009/05/07 19:30] Hailie Callisto shouts: if you send out a notice of transaction failuers........why not send it AS a notice and not just post it int he chat forum? Many
  • who are CIG members dont even open that group anyway so will miss that announcement regardless........send a group NOTICE will fix that
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: And it's about maintaining lines of communication Zagro
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Grace Loudon: Very aware of how it's done.
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Keira Linden shouts: I wish I could flip a switch and make more groups. Sadly, I don't have that power. So, right now, we need to work within the abilities
  • we have.
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: and if one is group limited then that does become and issue
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Maggie Linden: Also, if we are making requests, I would like a waffle.
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Zagro Ferraris shouts: i've goten to many good ancers of (any one els having rez problems) or Hay any one getting TP blocks besids me? (yo i need a full
  • prim sim full trans anyone dropping one./ Hay guys i neda sell a sim real quick to pay the carnote)
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Jenn Hienrichs: LOL lmaggie
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Illyria Illyar shouts: Well if you can't allow more groups then don't restrict them !
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Hailie Callisto: blueberry syrup please\\
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Baal Infinity heads to the kitchen to make waffles
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Candybabe Felisimo shouts: fair enough, Keira
  • [2009/05/07 19:31] Keira Linden: Hailie, we certainly can send out a group notice as well. That is a suggestion that was brought to me earlier today, and I think sending it
  • out in a group notice is a great idea.
  • [2009/05/07 19:32] Zagro Ferraris shouts: That in itself is helpful enough to put up with (does my dress look good/ yo xxx take it to im/
  • [2009/05/07 19:32] Mystical Stardust: The other issue I have is that during these out of context chats going on in the group. When someone does really need help people have
  • ignored the group or closed out the window as to not pay attention and then that leaves the person in need of assistance at a standstill cause Jenny’s dog got run over the
  • night before and betty lou’s boyfriend broke up with her. There have been groups created for this chat among people and simply all I would ask is that people use them and
  • leave the Linden group for just that. Help when we need it. And I don’t mean psychiatric help.
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] pup Witherspoon shouts: is Linden Lab honestly considering closing down concierge chat.. good grief.. that would double your support calls!!!! Talk about a
  • bad management decision !!! Why not do something really off the wall.. let everyone in the concierge group vote on whether the minimal amount of "off topic" chat should be
  • banned? Democracy in our virtual world
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Grace Loudon: Oh good lord
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Samantha Glume: What would be nice would be an option in the group to be able to select the auto opening of the group when chat appears. That way it would
  • never harras thouse that didn't want it unless they opened it but they would still get the notices. Notices are the way to go for important linden announcements as they come
  • to your EMAIL as well.
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Grace Loudon: This is silly - it's a friggin group...it's not the end of the world if you can't chat up your friends.
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Poppet McGimsie shouts: I like the idea of voting
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Grace Loudon: IM them
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Illyria Illyar shouts: ooo Deomocracy - now we are talking !!
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Angela Talamasca: how about making a group specifically for concierge chat that is run by lindens? such would provide a forum for general chatter between
  • people while avoiding potential personal differences from preventing all concierge members from joining.
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Makena Kelley: I for one have really learned a lot from other concierge members it has been very useful and the chit chat has never bothered me.
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Maggie Linden shouts: Here's my feeling, and it's an analogy, so bear with me -- a lot of you are business owners, creators, or group administrators here,
  • and you work as much as you play --for a lot of us, this is our office. We need to show each other some extra courtesy, and understand that while chat may not bother you
  • personally, it might bother others quite a lot. We need to find a common ground where we can be helpful and understanding and friendly, but also courteous and respectful of
  • others time and attention. :) Y'all are good people, and there's a common ground to be had. We're just reworking the guidelines to get us there.
  • [2009/05/07 19:33] Hailie Callisto shouts: Mystical............those who chat.........ALWAYS have helped those who asked questions...your statement is totally
  • invalid......Sure A FEW things have gotten lost...but VERY FEW
  • [2009/05/07 19:34] Chalennna Flasheart: lol
  • [2009/05/07 19:34] halo Easterwood: would be rather Lame if it was shut down cause someone complained
  • [2009/05/07 19:34] Rayven Thorne: i really don't understand what the problem is.. Every group has rules.. and the CIG has them as well just because it's created by Lindens
  • doesn't mean the rules should be ignored.. So if they ask for less out of context chat then done deal.. it's their group their rules.
  • [2009/05/07 19:34] Jenn Hienrichs: Thanks y'all...I'm off to work now...appreicate the chat--hope to "see" you soon! ㋡
  • [2009/05/07 19:34] Keira Linden: Thanks for coming, Jenn!
  • [2009/05/07 19:34] Robin Lobo: exactly Maggie
  • [2009/05/07 19:34] Poppet McGimsie shouts: I figured you were trying to make the channel a bit more professional, more worklike, is that right?
  • [2009/05/07 19:35] Angela Talamasca shouts: definitely, halo. Kiera, if you are going to keep CIG chat open, please stop closing it w/o warning. No need for that sort of
  • drama.
  • [2009/05/07 19:35] Keira Linden shouts: Poppet, yes. The group should be used as a business tool, of sorts.
  • [2009/05/07 19:35] Mystical Stardust: But the point is some things HAVE gotten lost. And to those who went ignored and felt their voice of distress unheard. Well tbh I find
  • as rude as going to the Library asking the Librairian for help finding a book and she ignores me cause of the rowrdy kids behind me screaming over who bought the last Britney
  • Spears ticket
  • [2009/05/07 19:35] Illyria Illyar shouts: yea ! Closing it down and not allowing it to be opened is a real pain !
  • [2009/05/07 19:35] Maggie Linden shouts: As much as any office that has Jedi, giant pink squirrels, and ninjas, yes - a bit more professional and courteous, that's all. :D It
  • doesn't have to be boring. Just a little more focused.
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] halo Easterwood: No Drama its bad
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] pup Witherspoon shouts: and as long as we're being dreadfully honest.. what usually starts the chat off topic? The universal question... "Is SL acting
  • weird for anyone else?"
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] Hailie Callisto shouts: maggie, but then we have to listen to those who think thier last name ends with Linden and tell the ones talking about something to
  • stop it......JUST today this happened when a resident had problems with a transfer by someone....it was being discussed about that island trtansfer and fraud
  • whatever.........those people were tolf this wasnt the forum for that and to stop. I find that rather rude
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] Keira Linden: Angela, you're right. And we are looking at ways to improve the instances when that happens.
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] Silken Wilder: I second that Hallie as I have MANY times IMed someone IF chatter is happening so they ARE answered...I've tp'ed to others to help them as
  • well..ones I do not know but they asked for help in CIG
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] Zagro Ferraris shouts: The no offtopic rule is fine (just dont shut down the group becos a few ignore it)
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] Ewan Mureaux: oh ffs their voice of distress, did we lose people in a boating accident on the blake sea?
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] Zagro Ferraris shouts: and let US deside what OFF/TOPIC stands for
  • [2009/05/07 19:36] Ewan Mureaux: oh sorry wrong box that was meant to be a snarky IM
  • [2009/05/07 19:37] Poppet McGimsie: smirks at Ewan
  • [2009/05/07 19:37] Grace Loudon: Cuz it's working so well so far
  • [2009/05/07 19:37] Keira Linden shouts: Hailie, that would most definitely be a topic for the group.
  • [2009/05/07 19:37] Baal Infinity: Perhaps the problem is that there is almost never a way to make the ones who are all wanting everyone to be quiet till they need someone to
  • help them happy and the ones who love to chat a bit and build a strong sense of community happy... Perhaps the way to fix it is simply to have a bit of Chat allowed in the CIG
  • group and make a second group that has no chat allowed and is for Linden notices only and only the Lindens can talk in the chat to let people know about things.. and then let
  • people be in both or just one as they prefer
  • [2009/05/07 19:37] Illyria Illyar: If people want to talk on off topic stuff let them join the other groups
  • [2009/05/07 19:37] Beverly Montgomery: or elect chat moderators
  • [2009/05/07 19:37] Candybabe Felisimo: Love that idea Baal
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] Poppet McGimsie shouts: I like the idea of the chat free group for people who prefer silence
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] Beverly Montgomery: this is the same exact issue we've been haveing in nci help group
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] Angela Talamasca shouts: i agree, baal. give those who want a sterile group their own group.
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] Beverly Montgomery: we made a chatter group
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] halo Easterwood: then again another group whi has room lol
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] Illyria Illyar shouts: I have 5 group slots taken up with Island ownership stuff and concierge stuff because of restrictions
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] Silken Wilder: so have LL create another group for Concierge Information Group (NO CHAT)
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] Poppet McGimsie: I prefer a group for silent people than one for chatters
  • [2009/05/07 19:38] Sonya Haight: I like Baal's idea also, we keep the community thats already established and they get their announcements only chat
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Keira Linden shouts: I believe there are already groups of concierge members that are for chatting in any format.
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Hailie Callisto shouts: Yes, can the lindens make another group for the sterile non socialbles?
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Illyria Illyar shouts: Further restriction just makes it worse - like creating another group for NO CHAT
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Poppet McGimsie shouts: I agree with Silken -- create a NO CHAT group
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Sean Devin: Yeah but it's not "Official" so people wont wanna be in it...
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Poppet McGimsie shouts: let us vote
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Grace Loudon shouts: These are not further restrictions Illyria
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Illyria Illyar shouts: No !!! I don't have room for it
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] pup Witherspoon: then put up an RSS feed on your screen
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Hailie Callisto shouts: Illyria......if you dont want to listen to chat then drop the reg CIG and join the non chat one?
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Poppet McGimsie shouts: people who don't like chat can switch to the no chat group
  • [2009/05/07 19:39] Silken Wilder: Illyria you said you are in several groups now for CIG type..so if LL created one for NO CHAT you could quit all the rest!
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Angela Talamasca shouts: yes, keira. a couple of groups formed after this last debacle. however splitting the community is not the answer. my sarcastic
  • sterile comment notwithstanding.
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Silken Wilder: YAY
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Rival Destiny: impossible to please everyone in CIG re chat IMO
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Illyria Illyar shouts: I hit the 25 group limit at least 2 times a day - adding another group will make it worse !!!
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Grace Loudon shouts: They are the same standards as always - they're just trying to get you to abide by them.
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Keira Linden shouts: Right, there is already an issue with the group number restrictions. I can explore this idea of 2 groups, but then we will be back at
  • the group number limitation issue.
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Santo Kanto: There are already at least two groups for chatting off topic ....why not use those? Let the Lindens run their group the way they see fit.
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Poppet McGimsie shouts: no, Keira, because people will onluy be in one group
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Illyria Illyar shouts: The other ones will not go away because of a new one - you mighht miss something important !
  • [2009/05/07 19:40] Baal Infinity: You would only need to be a member of 1 group so the group limitation would not be an issue.. if you want to be in both groups then that
  • would be up to you
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: It looks to me that with the current limit on group memberships that there isn't going to be a solution to this issue that's
  • acceptable to all.
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Poppet McGimsie shouts: people who don't like chat will be in the no chat group, people who do will be int he chat group
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Sonya Haight: no Kiera that reduces our groups, we have 3 going now
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Angela Talamasca shouts: the problem is, the overall noice to on topic chatter ratio is very low. negligible, in fact. so, why the hoo-ha?
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Zagro Ferraris shouts: ok this is now going in a circle
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Hailie Callisto shouts: But why be in both? If they dont wish to see the chat, they can drop one and join the sterile one...so I see no issue with group
  • limitations then..........Unless they really DO like the chat and need both groups
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Zagro Ferraris shouts: I say leave it as it is with say a keep the offtopic to a min. peace out
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Sera Lok: yes
  • [2009/05/07 19:41] Hailie Callisto shouts: either way it is still splitting the group and information will be split...regardless of chat or not
  • [2009/05/07 19:42] Santo Kanto shouts: How about using those groups where off topic chat is allowed...why must you chat in a group not meant for chatting? There are at least
  • two already for off topic chatter.
  • [2009/05/07 19:42] halo Easterwood: group numbers are a problem
  • [2009/05/07 19:42] Silken Wilder: correct Hallie, Baal..I agree..that way both groups are LL groups and those who wish to only be in non chat can and those who do like the
  • group as it has been can stay there
  • [2009/05/07 19:42] Sera Lok: and there are a lot of topics that CAN be discussed in CIG....
  • [2009/05/07 19:42] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: the main issue, in having a second CIG, is it being an "official" group, unlike the Concierge Coffee group
  • [2009/05/07 19:42] Poppet McGimsie shouts: if people don't want to use the group for chat, then they don't need to be in it. it will be enough for them to be in the other
  • group, if both groups get all the same notices
  • [2009/05/07 19:42] Kghia Gherardi: I would have dropped CIG ages months ago because of the steady increase in chat but for those times when it does have helpful information.
  • Lately, I've missed those helpful bits because I *have* shut the window. Defeats the purpose of the group, imo.
  • [2009/05/07 19:42] Chalennna Flasheart shouts: I thought the groups were to communicate back and forth among one an other with out all the drama, and yes there is a few that
  • like to over yak , and if it irritates you then shut it down or open up another group called Yakkers! LOL
  • [2009/05/07 19:43] Zagro Ferraris shouts: This chat has lost it's direction. byby
  • [2009/05/07 19:43] Ewan Mureaux shouts: is it reasonable to discuss never being given a straight answer regarding LL policies that severely impact our businesses and so on?
  • [2009/05/07 19:43] Keira Linden shouts: One problem with haveing 2 'Linden run' groups then is that we would be spending time updating both groups.
  • [2009/05/07 19:43] Grace Loudon: Okay so in summary...pay attention to the group charter, stop yapping excessively and find some other place to tell Fred about your strange
  • blotch. I'm good - is there more we need to know?
  • [2009/05/07 19:43] Mystical Stardust: There is already a Cafe group made for this chat everyone is saying they want. If you want it bad enough and dont have teh group then
  • make one. And at the end of teh day leave the CIG group for whats its purpose was meant for it is really that simnple and I don't understand why its such a gard concept.
  • [2009/05/07 19:43] Poppet McGimsie shouts: make a proposal: offer the choice of an opfficial chat and an official no chat group, along with the other choices you want to
  • offer, and let us vote
  • [2009/05/07 19:43] Hailie Callisto shouts: Cant we come ot a compromise here? Allow chat within moderation...if it gets too much then warn the group and let it die down? I
  • dont agree with splitting the group in ANY form...........you lose information that way
  • [2009/05/07 19:44] Keira Linden shouts: Ewan, yes, that is soemthign that you could discuss in the group chat.
  • [2009/05/07 19:44] Santo Kanto shouts: So no off topic chat in CIG?? Good! Everyone get it? :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:44] Angela Talamasca shouts: bc, santo, those groups were created by members, and if those running the groups don't like someone they don't have to let someone
  • in them. whereas linden run groups cannot do that. furthermore there seems to be competition btwn the groups to see who can get the most members. sophmoric as it is, that type
  • of competition hurts community.
  • [2009/05/07 19:44] Kghia Gherardi: Why can't those who go into an off topic chat take it into a private IM?
  • [2009/05/07 19:44] Keira Linden shouts: As I said, you should feel free to discuss any Concierge related matters, from land, to ticket response, scripting, etc.
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] Rival Destiny shouts: why not poll?
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] Silken Wilder wonders if Santo is another CIG cop
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] Santo Kanto shouts: Angela: But why have constant off topic chatter about whatever in CIG ...the group charter specifically staes what the group is for? :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] Mystical Stardust kicks her heavily medicated typist for not using Word for her typo's then looks at the Lindens and wonders when they will install and
  • typomatic thingy mahjiggy so we DONT have typo's no morez.. ok enough off topics
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] pup Witherspoon shouts: can we go back to the two good suggestions - either a group vote.... or create a no chat notice group for those who don't want to
  • hear the chatter and make a decision between those please ?
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] Angela Talamasca shouts: and all this started bc concierge mods, apparently all of a sudden decided there was too much off-topic chatter, and started
  • engaging in knee-jerk banning.
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] Poppet McGimsie shouts: round and round we go...what about the idea of resident moderators?
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] Keira Linden adds Mysticals suggestin to her 'SL improvement' wish list.
  • [2009/05/07 19:45] Makena Kelley: lol
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] Mystical Stardust woots!
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] Santo Kanto: How many of you guys allow off topic chatter in your estate groups? Be honest :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] Sera Lok: sigh. yall need a conch or somethin
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] pup Witherspoon: omg... talk about lagging the system.. spell checking in SL ?
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] Beverly Montgomery: heh ours is too quiet
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] halo Easterwood: doesnt matter to me as long as thaey dont spam it
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] Samantha Glume: Just make sure it allows for UK and Canadian words... I hate sounding like an american. :D
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] Keira Linden shouts: Angela, I admit that the moderation in this grop has been lacking in the past.
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] Hailie Callisto shouts: Santos, I would hate to work in the real world or be a part of a community that banned socialization
  • [2009/05/07 19:46] Sonya Haight: bet if someone started talking about scripting they would get their hand slapped in less than 2 secs by someone who dont' want to hear about
  • that particular topic
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Isla Dubrovna: Agreeing with Hailie - there's a little OT chat around the office too but you keep it to a minimum...generally
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: so what about group moderators then Keira?
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Keira Linden shouts: We are currently implementing better methods to deal with issue within the group when the arise.
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Angela Talamasca shouts: as long as people engage in communication, chatter will always stray off topic to some degree. the tolerance (or lack there of)
  • wrt what degree that should be is what appears to be the primary problem.
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Silken Wilder: resident moderators on LL group??
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Santo Kanto shouts: Hallie: But there are alternatives ...its not like there aren't other viable groups for off topic chatter ..if there were no
  • alternatives ..I'd be for a free for all :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Keira Linden: Sunrunner, do you mean non-Linden group moderators?
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Silken Wilder: hahaha
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Silken Wilder: NOT
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Ewan Mureaux shouts: would it be possible to deal with the issue that I have three various concierge related groups and can't actually open a caht in any
  • of them and perhaps to discuss teh issue of why the tech people said they wouldnt use the tools available as it would only fix group chat for two years?
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Grace Loudon: I don't see any intolerance. I see a request to keep it to a minimum and follow the charter
  • [2009/05/07 19:47] Beverly Montgomery shouts: lindens can be moderators in the group
  • [2009/05/07 19:48] Maggie Linden shouts: This is a Linden-run group. In no way shape or form is a committee decision of over 1000 people going to create anything even vaguely
  • comprehensible. :P
  • [2009/05/07 19:48] Poppet McGimsie shouts: yes -- resident moderators
  • [2009/05/07 19:48] pup Witherspoon shouts: I've been in concierge chat for 3 years, I just don't see that much off topic conversation going on..
  • [2009/05/07 19:48] Beverly Montgomery shouts: we made officers moderators
  • [2009/05/07 19:48] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: i didn't say residents Silken :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:48] Beverly Montgomery shouts: you make lindens moderators
  • [2009/05/07 19:48] Angela Talamasca shouts: but no one wants a free for all. we just do not want this group to become sterile... with people afraid to even talk. so they
  • either want community, or they want a board room. their choice. :shrugs:
  • [2009/05/07 19:49] Keira Linden shouts: Beverly, concierge team members are currently moderators in the group.
  • [2009/05/07 19:49] Hailie Callisto shouts: I agree the chats should be on topic....but even on on topic chats, it will tend to go OFF toic...that is the nature of the
  • beast........why nit pic about it...........If it goes WAY off toic and remains that way then step in and ask them to cool it..........end of story
  • [2009/05/07 19:49] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: that wouldn't bother me Keira, but that would be up to LL to decide the where/what/how's of it all
  • [2009/05/07 19:49] Beverly Montgomery: there ya go then
  • [2009/05/07 19:49] Poppet McGimsie shouts: hm I think moderators should be a bit more visible than Lindens can afford to be -- just my opionion
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Hailie Callisto shouts: but to ban ANY and ALL off topic chat.....just kills the community that it has become. Your asking us to be cold and act like a
  • walking wiki to other residents instead of being friendly
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Silken Wilder: oo there go the sims again LOL
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Angela Talamasca shouts: agreed, hallie. even we, as non-mods could caution people when they start going astray. its called group pressure and it works
  • quite well.
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Sonya Haight: are they still poofing Silken?
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Beverly Montgomery: wow sim crash
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Angela Talamasca: yup, i notices.
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Grace Loudon: Where the heck did you get that from?
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Silken Wilder: lol 3 went yesterday
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Silken Wilder: LOL
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Angela Talamasca: oh no, we've lost some avies!
  • [2009/05/07 19:50] Keira Linden: Hailie, topic drift is inevitable, we do realize that (since we are all frequent chatters ourselves). BUt we are asking for a bit more focus
  • in bring discussion back on topic when drift does happen.
  • [2009/05/07 19:51] Maggie Linden: Not a crash. Net hiccup. :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:51] Silken Wilder: lol
  • [2009/05/07 19:51] Beverly Montgomery: seen alot of that lately
  • [2009/05/07 19:51] Angela Talamasca: the thing is keira, there really isn't a lot of OT chatter. that is, outside of the big deal that is being made of this.
  • [2009/05/07 19:51] Poppet McGimsie: I think the problem is maybe that the group purpose just isn't well enough defined. If you want it to be more professional and
  • businesslike, then say that in the charter
  • [2009/05/07 19:51] Maggie Linden shouts: Chocolate deliveries can be made via IM, and are encouraged. I also like weapons, bears, and textures of Philip idling in weird
  • places. Thank you.
  • [2009/05/07 19:52] Poppet McGimsie shouts: Poppet McGimsie: I think the problem is maybe that the group purpose just isn't well enough defined. If you want it to be more
  • professional and businesslike, then say that in the charter
  • [2009/05/07 19:52] Hailie Callisto: lol maggie
  • [2009/05/07 19:52] halo Easterwood: lol
  • [2009/05/07 19:52] Melody Regent shouts: Keira, something that may be a fery simply thing to do. If chatters gets to far off topic or goes on to long, a Linden coming in and
  • saying very simply "CHATTER CHECK" should be enough for the members of your group to get the idea. Its easy to do and makes those off topic need to tone it down
  • [2009/05/07 19:52] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: i'm sorry Maggie, but that comment is off-topic ^.^
  • [2009/05/07 19:52] Kghia Gherardi: "not much" is subjective.
  • [2009/05/07 19:52] halo Easterwood: lol sunrunner
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] Keira Linden shouts: Poppet, we are currently revising the group charter to better reflect a more business like group. That should be coming very soon.
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] Maggie Linden: In-world chat is not equal to group chat. ^-^
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] Angela Talamasca: i agree with poppet, include in your charter that this group is for notices and some professional chat between concierge clients.
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: but you see my point :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] Sonya Haight: no it wasn't Sun, it was an answer to my question
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] Keira Linden shouts: Melody, that is a great idea. Quick and to the point. I really like that!
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] dascheigh Marquez: she forgot to shout that:((
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] Ewan Mureaux: if the group is more business like can we expect to start being treated like customers too?
  • [2009/05/07 19:53] Angela Talamasca: perception is 9/10ths of the law, and when people see that, they are more likely to put on their "business hats" so to speak.
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Angela Talamasca: oh shush, ewan. ^_~
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Angela Talamasca: lol
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Hailie Callisto shouts: What about the gestapos who want to pipe in and tell everyone what to do and go so far as to say *DONT DO IT*........OR TAKE IT TO
  • IM...OR suddenly become a linden without title?
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] dascheigh Marquez: O.o
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Poppet McGimsie shouts: well I think the idea is, Ewan, that in the CIG we would be more like business oweners and less like customers, maybe?
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Keira Linden shouts: I totally agree, and there will be a new charter published very soon. :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Silken Wilder: tell em SHUSH YOU
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Silken Wilder: its PG o0
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Santo Kanto: Why is it so hard to stay on topic? I don't prefer to hear about what you are eating for dinner or who's taking a forced vacation OR where to
  • buy eyebrows....its not relevant. And NO, I should not have to close out chat ...I'm not violating the group charter :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:54] Angela Talamasca: well, for one i really don't think calling people names (i.e., gestapos) solves anything at all.
  • [2009/05/07 19:55] Santo Kanto shouts: Why is it so hard to stay on topic? I don't prefer to hear about what you are eating for dinner or who's taking a forced vacation OR
  • where to buy eyebrows....its not relevant. And NO, I should not have to close out chat ...I'm not violating the group charter :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:55] Poppet McGimsie shouts: we would be relating to each other and to the Lidnens more professionally and worklike?
  • [2009/05/07 19:55] pup Witherspoon shouts: I've NEVER heard that in Concierge Chat
  • [2009/05/07 19:55] Angela Talamasca: sure, poppet. why not?
  • [2009/05/07 19:55] Ewan Mureaux: eyebrow buying is the crux of the SL™ economy!
  • [2009/05/07 19:55] halo Easterwood shouts: me neither
  • [2009/05/07 19:55] Santo Kanto: LOL Ewan
  • [2009/05/07 19:55] Angela Talamasca: lolol @ ewan
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Angela Talamasca: besides, one question was asked and then it went to the back channel.
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Maggie Linden shouts: More courteously, Poppet. Not boring. Not staid. Not Yes, sir, that will be $29.95. Just be aware that if you're chatting with your
  • friends, it's polite to highlight their calling cards in a folder and say, "You will NEVER believe what I bought last night..." over there instead.
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Silken Wilder: the eyebrow issue FYI WAS to do with the viewer so was FINE for CIG!
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Sera Lok's ears perks up.. new charter... Good :)
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Angela Talamasca: why is that such a problem.
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Poppet McGimsie shouts: people do seem to avoid mentioning where to buy stuff, they seem to have a sense most of the time that that would verge on spam and
  • advertizing
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Grace Loudon: Amen
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Hailie Callisto shouts: Santos, Im not disagreeing with you....Im simply saying that IF the topic wanders OFF toic for a few minutes...what is the real
  • harm??
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Grace Loudon shouts: And what is the harm to keep it in check Hailie?
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Silken Wilder shouts: the eyebrow issue FYI WAS to do with the viewer so was FINE for CIG!
  • [2009/05/07 19:56] Angela Talamasca: i mean shoot, if we're just chattering up a storm about, gosh i like those eyebrows, my sister in law got some like those, and i know can
  • you believe it?
  • [2009/05/07 19:57] Angela Talamasca: well, yeah, that is inappropriate but that did not occur
  • [2009/05/07 19:57] Poppet McGimsie shouts: I think the Lindens are trying to introduce ettiquette into the chaotic world of SL
  • [2009/05/07 19:57] Beverly Montgomery: when it convo goes long enough suggest it go to IM and be done with it
  • [2009/05/07 19:57] Hailie Callisto shouts: Grace, there is no harm.....if your a robot.......Humans tend to be polite and friendly......gong off topic a few minutes I dont
  • think is a true harm to anyone. It builds a relationship between peers
  • [2009/05/07 19:57] dascheigh Marquez shouts: no individualism is my opinion only...linden way or no way/??
  • [2009/05/07 19:57] Keira Linden thinks Poppet is on to us.
  • [2009/05/07 19:57] Maggie Linden shouts: Poppet -- I strive daily to create a more kind and goofy world. I'm pretty much doomed to failure but I do my darnednest
  • nevertheless. :P
  • [2009/05/07 19:58] Poppet McGimsie shouts: get us to have a sense of privacy and decorum and that kind of stuff
  • [2009/05/07 19:58] Beverly Montgomery shouts: and a bit of niceness goes along long way
  • [2009/05/07 19:58] Grace Loudon shouts: I am polite, friendly and courteous - and I am far from a robot. This isn't rocket science - it's called respect. Keep it to a minimum
  • - if it's dire, take it to IM - why is that such an issue?
  • [2009/05/07 19:58] Poppet McGimsie shouts: me too, Maggie -- but there is still a difference between what you would do at work and what you would do at home
  • [2009/05/07 19:58] Angela Talamasca shouts: yeah, you could have had a problem like i did today when my bots were talking on the my group channel. o.O lolol
  • [2009/05/07 19:58] halo Easterwood shouts: Really I dont see the harm if you dont want to read it downsize it
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: That's fine Grace, we don't need a lot of idle banter in the group, the objection is making it a sterile venue
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Candybabe Felisimo: can w have bt?
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Keira Linden shouts: Just more courteous, as Maggie said. Some people are working when the IM window pops up. They are hoping that it's something
  • important, to take their eyes away from what they are doing.
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Hailie Callisto shouts: Im not disagreeing with that Grace....Im disagreeing to banning ANY and ALL off topic chat.....its going to happen regardless....as
  • ive said...its the nature of the beast
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Mystical Stardust raises her hands and goes “oh oh oh oh!’ her body bouncing around like a kid who’s bladder is about to explode “Another off topic and I
  • will shut up. But as I sit here and look at myself (yes I had a conceded moment and needed to make sure my make up look okay and presentable for the Lindens :P. Anyway! Make
  • AV forms physical so when I sit like this my hair stops going through mah tits and making me look like I should be in the carnival standing next to the bearded lady!”
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Candybabe Felisimo: can we have bots?
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Maggie Linden shouts: Hailie - I think that it needs to be clear that every person in this room and in the group has a different sense of what is too much
  • and what isn't, and what's harmful and what's fine. That difference is the reason why we're drawing up the charter again, to find a common middle ground that lets professional
  • worker folks get the info they need while at the same time letting friendly folk discuss their regions and their estates and what the heck bug they just encountered. That's
  • the goal. That's what we're doing.
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Beverly Montgomery shouts: hehe i say 100 times a day to people, just click the small x under the big X in the upper corner of the communicate window
  • [2009/05/07 19:59] Mystical Stardust: Ok goes back to the conversation that never ends cause no one can seem to agree
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] Grace Loudon shouts: How do you get sterile out of it? I mean really....they are simply asking that you be reminded of the charter and abide by it as best
  • you can. Sterile has not come into play accept by those who I suspect may be doing a lot of that chatter.
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] Keira Linden shouts: Sunrunner, we are not asking for a completely sterile environment. Just more awareness of the other group members in the chat.
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] dascheigh Marquez shouts: it is lindens TELLING you the rules...plain and SIMPLE
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] Santo Kanto shouts: Beverly: Why should someone do that? And miss out on vital information? NO one ever said "no chatting" ..just relevant and on topic
  • chatting dealing with land issues :)
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] Silken Wilder: ok I gotta go..be well all..and *clears her throat*..I won't unjoin CIG again tonight..and I just KNOW ALL ya love that LOL
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] Candybabe Felisimo: Oo
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] Robin Lobo shouts: Why are we here today? offtopic has increased beyond tolerable levels! if you consided that hitting the enter key sends it to
  • potentially 1000 people, make it relevent, also if Lindens are going to be active now and post Infos that in itself is a welcome change in direction -
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] Maggie Linden shouts: If we start coming at you with spraybottles of alcohol and Lysol, then you can worry. And possibly check which region you're in
  • because that is a very weird mental image.
  • [2009/05/07 20:00] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: lol goodnight Silken :)
  • [2009/05/07 20:01] Angela Talamasca: Kiera, one thing i would like you to add to the rules is, no ad hom (name calling) in group chat. thanks.
  • [2009/05/07 20:01] Poppet McGimsie: seomtimes people do blab a lot, sometimes I am one of those people, sometimes it is annoying and I close he window, usually it is quiet
  • for hours at a time...c'est la vie : )
  • [2009/05/07 20:01] Beverly Montgomery: oh i totally agree
  • [2009/05/07 20:01] Maggie Linden: Angela - that falls under the "Don't violate community standards', as far as I'm concerned.
  • [2009/05/07 20:01] Keira Linden: Folks I really hate to cut this off, but our hour is up.
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: "ad hom"?
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Beverly Montgomery: but if someone gets totally bent they can take a break, and reopen it if they have a question
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Keira Linden: If you do have any further constructive ideas, please feel free to IM those to me.
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Poppet McGimsie shouts: thanks for doing this -- having a good charter will help a lot, people quote it all the time when this issue comes up
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: ah, nvm Angela
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Baal Infinity smiles and hopes you have a very good evening and a plesant rest
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Mystical Stardust: Ok. Seriously. I think this has just spun out of control. In my own personal aspect. Lindens have enough to do. They should not have to
  • monitor and police the CIG group. We are all Adults and should show kind and curtious respect to others. Its really THAT simple.
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Makena Kelley: When do you expect the new charter to be released?
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Candybabe Felisimo: Thank you, Keira
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Keira Linden shouts: (sorry forgot to shout again)
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Santo Kanto shouts: Thanks Lindens (et. al)
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Keira Linden: [20:02] Keira Linden: If you do have any further constructive ideas, please feel free to IM those to me.
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] dascheigh Marquez: :)
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Keira Linden shouts: [20:02] Keira Linden: If you do have any further constructive ideas, please feel free to IM those to me.
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Angela Talamasca: i agree, maggie. but am not sure people actually understand that. i just think disrespectful discourse gets people nowhere.
  • [2009/05/07 20:02] Maggie Linden shouts: Goodnight, everyone! :)
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Keira Linden: Thank you all for coming!
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Beverly Montgomery: ty Keira
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Darwin Tomsen: nite keria
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Melody Regent shouts: if people get rude, do not close the group, follow the lines of CHATTER CHECK and do a "MANNERS CHECK" again, when a linden speaks
  • people listen, no need to waiste your breath when two words will work
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Angela Talamasca: thank you keira! :-)
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Darwin Tomsen: and maggie
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Beverly Montgomery shouts: thank all of you
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Hailie Callisto: I am thrilled that you all are going to be taking an active role in getting notices to us.....and I agree..the chatter should remain
  • quieter.......but you alll forget, that the lindens here have NEVER in the past sent any notices...hence why the group had become what it has. If the lindens plan to go foward
  • and keep us informed, then by all means chat shold be kept minimal..Im NT disagreeing with that....WHAT I AM disagreeing with s...if and when a topic DOES wander off...and it
  • WILL happen......I for one would prefer not to see a millionn residents shouting take it to IM....A linden should step in and say CHAT CHECK ..wahtever mel said
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Candybabe Felisimo: Thank you Maggie and Guy
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: Thanks Kiera, Maggie, goodnight all
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Samantha Glume: Goodnight
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] dascheigh Marquez shouts: **waves** bye bye
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Maggie Linden shouts: And thank you for coming and discussing it with us. :) If you guys weren't interesting, intelligent and passionate people you
  • wouldn't be doing what you do, as far as I'm concerned. :)
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Sunrunner Homewood shouts: And Guy, sorry :}
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] halo Easterwood shouts: ty gooodnight
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Robin Lobo: thanks Kiera, Maggie Guy
  • [2009/05/07 20:03] Keira Linden: Have a good ngiht everyone!
  • [2009/05/07 20:04] Hailie Callisto shouts: g'night everyone

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