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'''Joker Opus'''
{{visl|name=Joker Opus|Helpers=*|Mentors=*|}}
== Joker Opus ==
Hello there, my name is Joker Opus, I do a variety of things in [http://www.secondlife.com SecondLife]that occupy most of my time in Real Life aswell as SecondLife...
* '''Mentoring''': This is an activity that I have had a passion for, for a very long time. I visit Help Island and Orientation Island often to help out new users to the game - this is a very rewarding passtime and responsibility I have, and every day I try to find new ways to help out other members of [http://www.secondlife.com SecondLife]and the company that runs it!
* '''Live Helping''': Before the program got depreciated, I used to love patroling the Live Help channel, helping out whoever I could, It was a very rewarding responcibility!
* '''Scripting''': Since the very beginning I have loved to script random objects, tinker with freebies, and create new inovations that have profited me and the consumer. Ever since I started LSL, I began to learn external programming - LSL was a great jumping off point for me.
{| border="1"
|+ Qualifications
! Titles: !! Mentoring !! Wiki
! Skills
| Quick, cool headed, and patient with all residents. A lot of knowledge of the game || Great with English and grammar, can format very well, and I always get the job done.
! Experience
|I have been in SecondLife since May 2006, and Mentoring since Feb 2007
|Editing the Wikipedia since the dawn of time, and I have great knowledge of WikiCode and WikiFormating


Joker has been in [[Second Life|http://secondlife.com]] for nearly a year now, and has been very proactive durring that time. He has learned LSL aswell as many other languages, and started his own company after his facinisation with scripting. He started managing 3 sandboxes ontop of than and after the business took off Joker started appling for Live Help, and Mentor.  
== Mentor Scribe ==
I hope to become a Mentor Scribe - Every day when I am mentoring I always hope to do more for SecondLife and it's users. Mentor Scribe would be very important to me because I could give back in another way, aswell as in-world mentoring. I am very used to editing and writing wiki pages, I do this all the time on the [http://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia], and I am also great with English (aswell as French).
Please consider me in for the Mentor Scribe position, I will not let you down!

Ask me for coding tips
--[[User:Joker Opus|Joker Opus]] 15:29, 16 October 2007 (PDT)

Revision as of 15:33, 16 October 2007

Joker Opus


Hello there, my name is Joker Opus, I do a variety of things in SecondLifethat occupy most of my time in Real Life aswell as SecondLife...

  • Mentoring: This is an activity that I have had a passion for, for a very long time. I visit Help Island and Orientation Island often to help out new users to the game - this is a very rewarding passtime and responsibility I have, and every day I try to find new ways to help out other members of SecondLifeand the company that runs it!
  • Live Helping: Before the program got depreciated, I used to love patroling the Live Help channel, helping out whoever I could, It was a very rewarding responcibility!
Sl logo.jpg
  • Scripting: Since the very beginning I have loved to script random objects, tinker with freebies, and create new inovations that have profited me and the consumer. Ever since I started LSL, I began to learn external programming - LSL was a great jumping off point for me.
Titles: Mentoring Wiki
Skills Quick, cool headed, and patient with all residents. A lot of knowledge of the game Great with English and grammar, can format very well, and I always get the job done.
Experience I have been in SecondLife since May 2006, and Mentoring since Feb 2007 Editing the Wikipedia since the dawn of time, and I have great knowledge of WikiCode and WikiFormating

Mentor Scribe

I hope to become a Mentor Scribe - Every day when I am mentoring I always hope to do more for SecondLife and it's users. Mentor Scribe would be very important to me because I could give back in another way, aswell as in-world mentoring. I am very used to editing and writing wiki pages, I do this all the time on the Wikipedia, and I am also great with English (aswell as French).

Please consider me in for the Mentor Scribe position, I will not let you down! Jokerlogo.jpg

--Joker Opus 15:29, 16 October 2007 (PDT)