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* [14:06] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  well, let's get started
< [[Open Source Meeting]]
* [14:06] [[User:Prospero Linden|Prospero Linden]]:  The *root* cause, of course, is the ellipticity of the Earth's orbit. Perhaps we could do something about that.
* [14:06] [[User:Q Linden|Q Linden]]:  esp annoying when people futz with it without thinking of the consequences
* [14:06] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Even when my kids were small it wasn't that great.
Open source meeting - Thursday, 2pm PT.
* [14:07] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  first topic: llmozlib
* [14:07] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  If we fix earth's orbit we'll all fall off
[http://slurl.com/secondlife/Hippotropolis/190/65/38/ Teleport] to the Linden Open Source Project headquarters.
* [14:07] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  I'm surprised more aren't here for that
* [14:07] [[User:Prospero Linden|Prospero Linden]]:  Wyn : fix-unbreak, not fix-put in one position :)
* [14:08] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  LOL
== Agenda ==
* [14:08] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Who says it's broken?
* [14:08] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  I'm hoping to finish up early so I can get back to publishing latest llmozlib source :)
* Next Item?
* [14:08] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  Soft is not here, should we go with t.... all cool *wink*
* [14:08] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  So, I mean if the Earth wasn't what it was all loopsided and weird with weather, where would we be?
* [14:08] [[User:Q Linden|Q Linden]]:  doesn't want to give up seasons and eclipses
* [14:09] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  we are looking at abstracting things so that alternate html implementations would be possible
* [14:09] [[User:Prospero Linden|Prospero Linden]]:  Q : seasons aren't from ellipticity!
* [14:09] [[User:Prospero Linden|Prospero Linden]]:  realizes he's not on topic :)
* [14:09] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  Callum may weigh in on the list with more....there's not much to say without him
* [14:09] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  idles so everyone else can get on topic.
* [14:09] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  use the is a way to move forward on llmozlib
* [14:10] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  he actually did a little bit of investigation of webkit a while back
* [14:10] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  *that is a way
* [14:10] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  (super preliminary investigation)
* [14:10] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  [http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2007-July/002198.html]
* [14:10] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  The main issue is the screen refresh, correct?
* [14:10] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  I believe so
* [14:11] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  That with the current model of mozlib itself that demands control of plug-ins and html apps and objects
* [14:12] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  link to agenda, btw: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Open_Source_Meeting/Agenda
* [14:12] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  *That's
* [14:12] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  so, i would have a question if the abstraction would allow the the model with the refresh still within llmozlib context to allow an interface to components outside of the screen refresh context.
* [14:13] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  (in general)
* [14:14] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  I don't have an answer to that, and probably don't have much more to say on this topic. anyone else?
* [14:15] [[User:Liana Linden|Liana Linden]]:  Sorry, not my area.
* [14:16] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  so, when we have a little more work done in this area, I'll see if I can't gather the right devs to come talk about this
* [14:16] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  cool!
* [14:17] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  next?
* [14:17] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  OpenAjax.
* [14:17] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  hmmm...did this get any discussion on sldev?
* [14:18] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  It's more in vwinterop right now. I had come up in several discussions and direct and indirect ways. It looks best to consider this more directly.
* [14:18] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Incoming.
* [14:19] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  *It has
* [14:19] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  has lazy fingers today
* [14:19] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  Consider the llmozlib example, it would allow features wanted by llmozlib in a easier fashion.
* [14:20] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  I'd imagine it would be hard for Katherine herself to be here to speak about the details
* [14:21] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  this looks like a legal agreement
* [14:21] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Katherine who?
* [14:21] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  Berry
* [14:21] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  I asked myself, can I sign that doc
* [14:22] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  Katharine unfortunately isn't old enough to log into the main grid
* [14:22] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  Too bad we couldn't pipe her in somehow.
* [14:22] [[User:Tillie Ariantho|Tillie Ariantho]]:  =)
* [14:23] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  I don't know enough about OpenAjax to speak to it.
* [14:24] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  was there a specific question for Linden lab here?
* [14:24] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  Is it possible to have a legal eagle to speak more directly about the details of the position, like maybe run over the terms with the an OpenAjax member
* [14:26] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  Personally, I ask if one signs a LL agreement and one signs an OpenAjax agreement, if there is any conflict of interest?
* [14:26] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  that's something you'd need to ask your lawyer
* [14:27] [[User:Rex Cronon|Rex Cronon]]:  hello everybody
* [14:27] [[User:Morgaine Dinova|Morgaine Dinova]]:  'Evening
* [14:27] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  mmhmm, yes, could you present that question to LL legal dept =)
* [14:28] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  i could send it to license@lindenlab
* [14:28] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  figured here was the best place to get a rough consensus
* [14:28] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  we can't act as your lawyer
* [14:28] [[User:Rex Cronon|Rex Cronon]]:  what question?
* [14:28] [[User:Liana Linden|Liana Linden]]:  You could send the question above to licensing@lindenlab.com, but the answer would be the same: ask your lawyer.
* [14:28] [[User:Liana Linden|Liana Linden]]:  We cannot give you legal advice or interpret other organization's icenses for you.
* [14:29] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  hmm... let me clarify... what if i'm not the one that actually signs it
* [14:29] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  could a Liden employee sign it
* [14:29] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  *Linden
* [14:29] [[User:Liana Linden|Liana Linden]]:  Sign what?
* [14:29] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  [http://www.openajax.org/process/OpenAjax%20Members%20Agreement%20Final%2020060816.pdf]
* [14:30] [[User:Morgaine Dinova|Morgaine Dinova]]:  Recourse to lawyers should be the last act of desperation. Only in the US is it seen as part of normal daily affairs.
* [14:31] [[User:Liana Linden|Liana Linden]]:  reads link...
* [14:31] [[User:Q Linden|Q Linden]]:  it's not here either, it's just that we all get in trouble if we try to give legal advice, so we have to tell you to check with YOUR lawyer.
* [14:32] [[User:Tillie Ariantho|Tillie Ariantho]]:  Did I already mention the US legal system sucks totally? .P
* [14:32] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  ok....I think I understand what the issue is.
* [14:32] [[User:Morgaine Dinova|Morgaine Dinova]]:  Even checking with your lawyers won't help. Along comes an SCO, and any preplanning with lawyers goes out the window.
* [14:32] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  My legal council suggest a entity signage, but that is just from my position.
* [14:32] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  the group spawned from IBM's original meeting is starting to have conversations on a separate wiki
* [14:33] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  part of that conversation was "hey, what agreement should we use to collaborate"
* [14:33] [[User:Liana Linden|Liana Linden]]:  Let me rephrase -- Dz, you want to know if Linden Lab has any intention of joining the OpenAjax Alliance?
* [14:33] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  the openajax license was proposed as a possible license for that group to use
* [14:33] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  since this is the first I've personally seen of this, I can't comment on it now
* [14:34] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  liana, as a proposal ... i'm not in the position to make any contractual position on it at the moment
* [14:35] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  anyway, I think there's not much more for this group to discuss. I may have something mroe to say on this front next week
* [14:35] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  I appreciate the consideration. =)
* [14:35] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  =)
* [14:35] [[User:Morgaine Dinova|Morgaine Dinova]]:  I suggest that topic gets moved to some legal group, Open source is not about keeping lawyers wallets well fed.
* [14:36] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  k....we're through the posted agenda
* [14:36] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  yep, done half hour early =)
* [14:36] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  anything else, or should I get back to working on the llmozlib stuff?
* [14:36] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  almost
* [14:36] [[User:Sabina Stenvaag|Sabina Stenvaag]]:  i just come here to look at all yer profiles--really--this is way over my head--but it gives me neat-o stuff to research on my own!
* [14:36] [[User:Sabina Stenvaag|Sabina Stenvaag]]:  thanks for lettin me eaves drop!
* [14:36] [[User:Sabina Stenvaag|Sabina Stenvaag]]:  .
* [14:37] [[User:Liana Linden|Liana Linden]]:  Nothing from me.
* [14:37] [[User:Morgaine Dinova|Morgaine Dinova]]:  Sabrina: factoid for your research: Everett Linden's oasis water is not swimmable :-)))
* [14:37] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  thank you for being here
* [14:37] [[User:Rob Linden|Rob Linden]]:  k.....thanks everyone for coming
* [14:37] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  ProfilePeerer!
* [14:37] [[User:Morgaine Dinova|Morgaine Dinova]]:  We just tried after his meeting about groups :-)
* [14:38] [[User:Sabina Stenvaag|Sabina Stenvaag]]:  hee hee TP failed too---try 2
* [14:38] [[User:Liana Linden|Liana Linden]]:  Bye, all.
* [14:38] [[User:Dzonatas Sol|Dzonatas Sol]]:  woot, until next week... have a beautiful day everyone
* [14:38] [[User:Morgaine Dinova|Morgaine Dinova]]:  See you Liana
* [14:38] [[User:Wyn Galbraith|Wyn Galbraith]]:  thinks something is going down soon.
* [14:38] [[User:Rex Cronon|Rex Cronon]]:  bye lian
* [14:38] [[User:Q Linden|Q Linden]]:  see ya
* [14:38] [[User:Rex Cronon|Rex Cronon]]:  liana*

Revision as of 15:19, 1 November 2007

< Open Source Meeting

Open source meeting - Thursday, 2pm PT.

Teleport to the Linden Open Source Project headquarters.


  • Next Item?